We’ve searched the Thinkers360 Content Library to pick out 50 recent and upcoming books (bonus picks) on business, technology and sustainability from Thinkers360 member thought leaders. Here’s our picks (listed by ranking on Amazon) with direct links to the publications as well as to the author’s thought leadership profiles and portfolios on Thinkers360!
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Python Data Visualization Essentials Guide
The book talks about statistically inclined data visualization libraries such as Seaborn. The book also teaches how we can leverage bokeh and Plotly for interactive data visualization. Each chapter is enriched and loaded with 30+ examples that will guide you in learning everything about data visualization and storytelling of mixed datasets. www.amazon.in | July 29, 2021 | Book | Kalilur Rahman
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Future Angst: How we went from innovation leaders to laggards and how we can overcome German Angst
What current fears are shaping us? What fears did people face in the past when today’s technologies did not exist? Why are we not at the forefront of the competition between cultures for new technologies today? www.amazon.de | August 19, 2021 | Book | Mario Herger
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Harvard Business Review Project Management Handbook: How to Launch, Lead, and Sponsor Successful Projects (HBR Handbooks)
We’re now living in the project economy. The number of projects initiated in all sectors has skyrocketed, and project management skills have become essential for every leader and manager. Still, project failure rates remain extremely high. Why? Leaders oversee too many projects and have too little visibility into them. Project managers struggle to translate their hands-on, technical knowledge up to senior management. The result? Worthy projects are starved of time and resources and fail to deliver benefits, while too much investment goes into the wrong projects. To compete in the project economy, you need to close this gap. The HBR Project Management Handbook shows you how. www.amazon.com | October 19, 2021 | Book | Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez
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1234 Wacky, Witty and Wonderful Words: A collection of curious, fascinating or funny words and their stories
A collection of our favourite fascinating words. It includes cunning curiosities, remarkable rarities, wonderful words and tremendous trivia. All the words are in use or have been in use in the English language. Most of the entries are serious and educational but occasionally we have sprinkled in something unexpected and facetious. www.amazon.co.uk | January 24, 2021 | Book | Paul Sloane
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Play the Game: How to Win in Today’s Changing Environment
ARE YOU WINNING THE GAME OF BUSINESS? Has your business plateaued, or are you feeling stuck? Play the Game outlines 18 strategies from game-changing leaders and disruptors on how to break the cycle that stunts your business growth. www.amazon.co.uk | October 20, 2021 | Book | Adam Strong
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Between the Spreadsheets: Classifying and Fixing Dirty Data
Between the Spreadsheets: Classifying and Fixing Dirty Data draws on classification expert Susan Walsh’s decade of experience in data classification to present a fool-proof method for cleaning and classifying your data. The book covers everything from the very basics of data classification to normalisation, taxonomies and presents the author’s proven COAT methodology, helping ensure an organisation’s data is Consistent, Organised, Accurate and Trustworthy. A series of data horror stories outlines what can go wrong in managing data, and if it does, how it can be fixed. www.amazon.co.uk | September 23, 2021 | Book | Susan Walsh
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Managing and Leading People through Organizational Change: The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change through People
Providing an evidence-based analysis of change in organizations, Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change is written for practitioners responsible for change programmes and postgraduate students of organizational change. www.amazon.com | May 25, 2021 | Book | Julie Hodges
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Insight-Led Selling: Adopt an Executive Mindset, Build Credibility, Communicate with Impact
You have a vital mission as a sales professional: to generate revenue for your company and ensure its continued success. But in today’s selling landscape, buyers are more educated than ever. You need a way to cut through the noise and navigate new complexities. In Insight-Led Selling, Stephen Timme and Melody Astley introduce you to a sales method that stands the test of time. www.amazon.com | June 25, 2021 | Book | Stephen Timme |
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Neurodiversity at Work: Drive Innovation, Performance and Productivity with a Neurodiverse Workforce
Neurodiversity at Work is a practical guide that explains what neurodiversity is, why it’s important and what the benefits are. It covers how to attract, recruit and engage neurodiverse talent and provides guidance on how to adapt HR policies, processes and workplaces to ensure that all employees, including the 2 in 10 employees in the UK who are neurodiverse, can reach their full potential. www.amazon.com | August 31, 2021 | Book | Theo Smith
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Customer Experience Management Field Manual: The Guide For Building Your Top Performing CX Program
This field manual is a CX leader’s practical guide for starting a new or improving an existing customer experience management program. Whether you are brand new to a customer experience management role, or a veteran, this book offers you valuable frameworks, ideas, and examples for building your CX program that improves operational efficiency and customer intimacy. www.amazon.com | July 13, 2021 | Book | Jeff Sheehan
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Remarkable Retail: How to Win and Keep Customers in the Age of Disruption
Digital technology has profoundly altered the competitive landscape for retailers. Although the shutdown of 2020 didn’t cause this trend, it has dramatically accelerated it, collapsing retailers’ transformation timeline into a matter of months, not years. In Remarkable Retail, industry thought leader Steve Dennis argues that it’s no longer enough merely to offer convenience, decent prices, or an okay shopping experience. Even very good is no longer good enough. To win and keep customers today, retailers must be nothing short of remarkable. www.amazon.com | April 13, 2021 | Book | Steve Dennis
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Digital Transformation using Emerging Technologies: A CxO’s guide to transform your organization
If you are in a CxO role (CIO, CTO. CDO, et. al) for an organization and are responsible for the Digital Transformation of your organization, then this book is for you. This book can be used as a reference guide by the CxO to understand the basic concepts of Digital Transformation along with the fundamentals of various key emerging technologies. The book provides examples of services and tools from Microsoft Azure Cloud to help you harness these technologies to enable your digital transformation scenarios. Throughout the book we have also included industry statistics, expert opinions, business use cases, and customer stories. www.amazon.com | July 14, 2021 | Book | Fawad Khan
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The PI Guidebook: How the Promotability Index Can Help You Get Ahead in Your Career
The Promotability Index (PI) is a free online assessment tool used by Fortune 500 companies and over one thousand professionals who want to advance in their careers. The PI Guidebook is the essential resource that can help you get the most out of the PI. www.amazon.com | May 21, 2021 | Book | Amii Barnard-Bahn
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Managing Indirect Spend: Enhancing Profitability through Strategic Sourcing
Managing Indirect Spend provides executives and procurement professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully reduce costs with a strong focus on the often-overlooked area of indirect spend. It also offers great value to those procurement and purchasing professionals aspiring to be leaders in the profession, regardless of the spend they manage. It includes an overview of the challenges faced when sourcing indirect spend categories, a detailed dive into the strategic sourcing process, tools that can help drive savings, technologies that drive efficiencies and compliance, and examples of success based on real-world experience. |
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India: A Billion Dreams Rise from the Dust: A Billion Entrepreneurs, A Billion Dreams
www.amazon.in | April 01, 2021 | Book | T.C. Dhoundiyal
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Indispensable: Build and Lead A Company Can’t Live Without
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Indispensable” as being absolutely necessary and not subject to being set aside or neglected. INDISPENSABLE: Build and Lead A Company Customers Can’t Live Without provides a framework that you can follow to transform your business and features dozens of examples from industry including those drawn from Amazon, Uber, Facebook and more. Each business example illustrates how the concepts offered in the book are already being used to make businesses indispensable in the marketplace. www.amazon.com | February 16, 2021 | Book | James Kerr
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The CEO’s Compass – Your Guide to Get Back On Track
Are you ready to lead your team with confidence, empathy, and peace of mind? www.amazon.com | August 10, 2021 | Book | Deborah Coviello
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Agile an Unexpected Journey: A Compendium of Agile Biographies: 2 (Polymaths)
This book is written by Matt Turner, Myles Hopkins, Mika Siitari, Grace Johnson, Gail Ferreira, Craig Cockburn, Sabrina C E Bruce, Evelyn Lekhtman, Mark Walsh and Karl Smith. And asks five basic questions about people Agile Journey. How exactly did people get involved in Agile, what did then learn that galvanised them and propelled them into a career in it? This compendium of Agile Biographies by practitioners expresses their experiences and their vision for the future. www.amazon.co.uk | April 27, 2021 | Book | Karl A L Smith
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Guide pratique de l’exécution agile de la stratégie: Concevez, architectez, priorisez et livrez votre avenir d’entreprise avec succès
Si votre entreprise n’a pas besoin d’être transformée, vous avez beaucoup de chance, mais vous êtes probablement aussi une personne qui s’ennuie. Ce livre n’est pas pour vous, car il a pour but d’ouvrir les yeux des parties prenantes métiers et IT sur la complexité de l’écosystème d’une transformation d’entreprise, en leur permettant de trouver des moyens éprouvés pour travailler ensemble, et mieux communiquer entre eux pour augmenter les chances de réussite de leurs efforts. www.amazon.fr | April 15, 2021 | Book | DANIEL LAMBERT
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CLM Simplified: Efficient Contracting for Law Departments
CLM is a complicated, multi-disciplinary set of functions, and happens to be the lifeline of any commercial entity. It is no wonder that CLM is hard to “fix,” when so many departments are involved. Legal often takes the brunt of the complaints. CLM SIMPLIFIED offers a practical approach to improving the contracting experience. CLM is complicated, but improving it doesn’t need to be. Happy contracting! www.amazon.com | September 23, 2021 | Book | Lucy Bassli
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‘Bluer than Indigo’ Leadership: The Journey of Becoming a Truly Remarkable Leader
‘Bluer than Indigo’ Leadership will help you discover your own path and explore those ordinary, everyday actions that will help you respond to an uncertain future and produce extraordinary results for individuals, teams, and organizations. www.amazon.com | July 16, 2021 | Book | Jonathan H. Westover, PhD
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Digital Roadmap: A Transformational Journey From Analog To A Digital Business Model
www.amazon.com | October 06, 2021 | Book | Rahul Bansode
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The 4 Horsemen: Beyond COVID, Politics, Social Unrest, & Digital Transformation in the Early 2020s (Envisioning 2030)
The challenge in the early 2020s is to see past the intense disruption and confusion of the 4 Horsemen, to be able to imagine a time when these disruptors are tamed. That is where this book comes in. These 4 Horsemen on our stage now are not only each immensely impactful by themselves, but they have intense interrelationships with each of the other 3 Horsemen until the landscape is disorienting. This causes our horizons to close in. Every institution from education to how we work, to the technologies we use, and how we communicate, pray, date, and many other functions, are radically different since the 4 Horsemen came on stage. www.amazon.com | August 03, 2021 | Book | Bill McClain
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Wireshark – Standard-Tool zur Analyse von Netzwerken: Praxiswissen: Netzwerkprotokolle aufzeichnen, darstellen und analysieren
Wireshark ist seit geraumer Zeit das Standard-Werkzeug, um den Datenverkehr im Netzwerk zu protokollieren und zu analysieren. Die Open-Source-Software leistet für Netzwerk-Adinistratoren unschätzbare Dienste, um Netzwerkproblemen auf die Spur zu kommen. Das Software-Projekt ist frei zugänglich, und ermöglicht es Administratoren, Entwicklern oder Qualitätsverantwortlichen, den Datenverkehr auf ihren Netzen transparent zu machen. www.amazon.de | October 16, 2021 | Book | Ralf Ladner
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Transforming Your Business with AWS: Getting the Most Out of Using AWS to Modernize and Innovate Your Digital Services
In Transforming Your Business with AWS: Getting the Most Out of Using AWS to Modernize and Innovate Your Digital Services, renowned international consultant and sought-after speaker Philippe Abdoulaye delivers a practical and accessible guide to using Amazon Web Services to modernize your business and the digital services you offer. This book provides you with a concrete action plan to build a team capable of creating world-class digital services and long-term competitive advantages. www.amazon.com | October 22, 2021 | Book | Philippe Abdoulaye
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The Vision Code: How to Create and Execute a Compelling Vision for your Business
The Vision Code explores the concept of “vision” and leadership. The book reveals the secrets of building and executing a strong vision within any organization. Oleg Konovalov―an acclaimed global thought leader―draws together in one volume in-depth interviews with nineteen extraordinary global visionaries that represent a variety of industries and organizations. These leaders explain why a vision is needed, how to implement it, how to communicate a vision effectively, and how to live by it with integrity. www.amazon.com | January 19, 2021 | Book | Dr. Oleg Konovalov
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Beyond Good: How Technology is Leading a Purpose-driven Business Revolution (Kogan Page Inspire)
Business for good, which is the philosophy that you can pursue profits whilst delivering on sustainable and societal development goals, is already delivering big changes in the business world. In Beyond Good, top tech influencers Theodora Lau and Bradley Leimer, showcase how fintech is taking the lead and what we can all learn from it. The winners in these tech start-ups are utilizing a momentum that exists within a thriving eco-system of current incumbents facing up to revolutionizing start-ups. They unlock possibilities with new technologies and serve the often-forgotten demographics to make financial health and inclusion a reality. |
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Ascend Your Start-Up: Conquer the 5 Disconnects to Accelerate Growth
Ascend Your Start-up: Conquer the 5 Disconnects to Accelerate Growth is an industry-defining panacea for start-ups who have stalled out on their journey to the top of the mountain. Dedicated to her late grandmother, author Helen Yu inhales multiple generations of wisdom and exhales a revolutionary framework for tech founders and CEOs that enables their businesses to scale faster and fearlessly. www.amazon.com | May 25, 2021 | Book | Helen Yu
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Influencer Marketing Strategy: How to Create Successful Influencer Marketing
www.amazon.com | March 30, 2021 | Book | Gordon Glenister
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Catch-42: A novel about our future
A glimpse of a future that may be right around the corner www.amazon.com | May 10, 2021 | Book | Felix Holzapfel
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Quotes and Contemplations from famous Physicists that will change your view of Life and the Nature of Things. Get Inspired! www.amazon.com | July 26, 2021 | Book | Murat Durmus
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F*ck the Bucket List for the Health Conscious: Trusting Your Heart
You are being invited to the biggest transformation on the planet today and it’s up to you to take the first steps. You may not know where you’re headed, but you’re becoming more courageous and curious to experience life and all it has to offer. F*ck the Bucket List for the Health Conscious serves as a wake-up call for anyone who is no longer satisfied with the way things are, and an inspiration to anyone who is trekking into the unknown. www.amazon.com | May 24, 2021 | Book | Ayelet Baron
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Sustainable Marketing – How to Drive Profits with Purpose
Sustainable Marketing represents the new benchmark for modern marketing. It emphasizes the importance of sustainability in modern marketing, before providing a comprehensive guide to implementing and driving sustainable practices in any organization. It draws upon both professional experiences and academic research, featuring in-depth case studies that are supported by facts, figures, commentary, interviews and analysis. www.amazon.com | March 23, 2021 | Book | Michelle Carvill
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Creating Value as a Senior Leader: Effective Strategies to Increase Engagement, Align with Your Employees, and Achieve Your Organization’s Goals
Creating Value as a Senior Leader helps leaders retain their best employees, create value, and keep talent on their team. Shona Elliott led her organization to become a Top 100 Employer and within Creating Value as a Senior Leader, she teaches leaders how to retain their employees, increase employee engagement, and create high-performing teams that achieve their organization’s goals. www.amazon.com | April 06, 2021 | Book | Shona Elliott
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Competing in a digital future: A simple method to survive and thrive in the 4th industrial revolution
Competing in a digital future describes an innovation-driven, digital transformation and business agility method for industrial age organizations. The intended audience for the book is business leaders who need to drive the transformation and managers and technical experts who will make transforming the business a reality. The book outlines a simple process that any organization can use to see rapid results, fully becoming a corporate citizen of the digital age and seeing a boost in revenue and profitability while building a long-term sustainable business. www.amazon.com | November 09, 2021 | Book | Johann Botha
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AI, Robotics and Coding (for Parents): A practical guide for analog parents with digital kids
A perfect book for parents who want to understand how they can prepare their kids for the future job market through ethical and conscious technology awareness. Covering the basics of AI, Robotics, and Coding, this unique guide gives parents an up-to-date overview of how these technologies impact their children’s skills development and how they can be prepared for the job market future. It examines educational, behavioral, and practical aspects of AI, Robotics and Coding, and how children interact with them. www.amazon.com | February 17, 2021 | Book | Jair Ribeiro
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THINK FUTURE: How to Reinvent Your Life or Business: Book 1 of 8 in a Series on an overall theme of “Quantum AI Future: Advanced Intelligence Reinventing Everything”
LOOKING to STAY AHEAD of the CURVE? LEARN HOW to “THINK FUTURE”. A lavishly-illustrated full-color book that connects the dots to enlighten your future. It is designed to help you be more successful in your LIFE, CAREER, PROFESSION, or BUSINESS in our fast-changing world. www.amazon.com | March 02, 2021 | Book | Frank Feather – Quantum AiFuturist
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bLU Talks – Business, Life and The Universe – vol 4 (bLU Talks – Business, Life and the Universe – vol 1)
40 Authors have been invited by Corey to share their stories in volume 4 of the bLU Talks book series. Imagine, Chicken Soup for the Soul combined with TEDx – that’s what this book is all about. In this book these authors share their life stories relating to either their business, life or universe. These are true life stories of people who have lived through their journeys to make a difference to others. The 40 authors in this series each have a story to tell, lessons to teach the people in this universe. Their stories will impact and inspire you in ways you never thought possible. www.amazon.com | May 19, 2021 | Book | Corey Poirier
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Grace Notes: Leading in an Upside-Down World
Grace Notes: Leading in an Upside-Down World addresses the fear, isolation, resilience and endurance that faced leaders in an unprecedented time. The arc of the book, marked with ups and downs, begins in a place of darkness but ends in a place of light and hope. Grace Notes reveals how leaders can become more resilient and more capable of leading themselves and their teams. The author’s photography provides an added dimension that augments the tone and provides visual punctuation. This book will provide readers with insights into how to live more purposefully and with greater grace. www.amazon.com | June 01, 2021 | Book | John Baldoni
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The Mindset Journal: The Life Changing Journey – Black Edition
The Mindset Journal is a revolutionary and innovative journal that will help you to improve and enhance your mindset so you get positive outcomes in your life. Based on scientifically proven techniques from positive psychology the journal is not only a journal to capture what is happening in your life but also a development journey where you learn insightful lessons and techniques to develop your mindset. The concepts are based on the content from Paul Corke’s Reframe Your Mindset: Redefine Your Success and centre around the ‘Mindset Equation’ to define success. www.amazon.co.uk | April 07, 2021 | Book | Paul Corke
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Getting to the Partner Level: A practical guide for Management Consultants
www.amazon.com | March 30, 2021 | Book | Nitin Kumar, CMC, CMAA
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Scale for Success: Expert Insights into Growing Your Business
www.amazon.com | July 06, 2021 | Book | Jan Cavelle
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The Successful Woman’s Mindset: 21 Journeys To Success
www.amazon.com | February 04, 2021 | Book | Galit Ventura-Rozen
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The talking dog: Immersion in new technologies
This book illustrates, by using personal examples, an international journey with new technologies from the 1990s until today. Creator and developer of 24 companies, he is considered as an international expert in digital technologies and an opinion leader in fields such as E-health, gamification, 5G and Artificial Intelligence. www.amazon.com | July 13, 2021 | Book | Nicolas Babin
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Lean Scaleup: A proven framework for building new businesses from innovation.
The book provides a solution. It is the first one on this subject and guides corporate practitioners on how to build new businesses. The book covers the entire journey – from a “meaningful idea” to a sizable business – and it includes leadership and cultural/collaboration aspects needed for success. The book is the result of a multi-year co-creation process with more than 20 industry-leading com-panies and 2 business schools. It distills Best Practices and insights into one framework. www.amazon.com | May 10, 2021 | Book | Frank Mattes
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Can I TRUST You?: 55+1 Habits that will make you a trusted Consultant, Advisor, or Coach
If you are a trustworthy consultant, advisor, or coach, you have a 100% probability of getting business when competing with an untrustworthy competitor. There is even a 29.6% price premium for trustworthiness. But being trusted by your client is critical even more after the deal is inked, throughout the entire engagement. www.amazon.com | September 10, 2021 | Book | Yoram Solomon
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Workplace Jazz: How to IMPROVISE–9 Steps to Creating High-Performing Agile Project Teams
Workplace Jazz teaches the strategies and steps professionals need to connect and transform their agile project teams and execute for optimum results. According to McKinsey, Research shows that hurtful workplace behavior can depress performance, increase employee turnover, and even mar customer relationships. And that Workplace relationships may be fraying as fewer employees work in the office and feel more isolated and less respected. The gap between workforce engagement and workplace productivity is widening. www.amazon.com | January 20, 2021 | Book | Gerald J. Leonard PfMP PMP~Helping You Accomplish More
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NINE WELLNESS HACKS: A Practical Guide To Surf Through Waves Of Transformation!
www.amazon.com | February 20, 2021 | Book | Bhavana BP
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The Brand Named You: 100 practical steps to create and develop your personal brand
Brand Named You will show you how to achieve your goals. Yes, in the world there are hundreds, if not thousands of books written about personal branding. However, despite the increasing popularity of personal branding, this book is the first one to actually offer you a very clear, thorough and hands-on tools and a step-by-step process for creating your personal brand and developing it. It is people who do business with each other, not companies. So, this book is meant primarily for people who want to grow the sales, profit and value of their company with the help of personal branding of themselves, their employees and the company’s CEO. www.amazon.com | January 14, 2021 | Book | Olesija Saue
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Alexander’s Infinity
Beset with a deep sense of alienation, Alexander, a middle-aged Scandinavian mathematician with a bent for the metaphysical, begins to question everything, from his failed relationships to his declining career prospects and the attainability of happiness. On a cold winter night, a seemingly random encounter with a stranger obtrudes onto him an unsought responsibility over a dog and a series of bargains with eccentric individuals. Caught up in piquant musings on the crossings of poetry, mysticism, and mathematical paradoxes of infinity, he is unknowingly initiated into a unique esoteric group of seekers and newfangled anchorites. www.amazon.com | July 23, 2021 | Book | Lidija Stankovikj
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No-Nonsense Digital Transformation: A Step-by-Step Roadmap for Your Digital Journey
Did you know that 84% of all Digital Transformation (DX) projects fail? Are you a business leader contemplating DX projects and are concerned that they could become another statistic? The good news is that the new book, No-Nonsense Digital Transformation, can help ensure success. The authors of this book know this subject inside and out. Michael Cantu and Kathy Kent Toney have over 50 years of digital transformation and project management experience, with a track record of successful DX implementations across multiple Fortune 10 and 100 companies. www.amazon.com | November 17, 2021 | Book | Kathy Kent Toney
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Quantum Computing: Why you should care (in less than 30 minutes) – Kindle Edition
Quantum Computing is arriving but how much should you care? amzn.to | July 25, 2021 | Book | Paolo Cuomo
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Change Management Behaviour: Leadership of Change Volume 6 (Leadership of Change – Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) Volumes)
The Leadership of Change® Volume 6 focuses on how to achieve employee behaviour change in a major organisation change or transformation using the a2B5R® Employee Behaviour Change Model. The model outlines the five key life cycle steps of the change transition that change teams should take their organisation and employees through. www.amazon.com | September 30, 2021 | Book | Peter F Gallagher
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Navigating through the digitally-fluid landscape: A real-world guide for C-suiters on Enterprise Business Applications
As a technology veteran with 25+ years of experience, the author leads the go-to-market strategy, implementation, and support of critical business applications for major IT services and solutions providers. Prior to that, he held various managerial positions in ERP/CRM application consulting, software development, and maintenance. www.amazon.com | July 06, 2021 | Book | Chenthil Eswaran
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Disrupted: Leading the change through crisis, recovery, and growth
Did 2020 disrupt your life more than ever before? Have you spent more than enough time in Zoom rooms? Do you want clarity and confidence to lead your team and organisation in this time of massive change? In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, we got sick of hearing the phrase “unprecedented times”, but they were unprecedented because it affected everybody at the same time. Over the last few decades, other industries have also faced massive disruption and change, so leaders and teams had to learn how to navigate a fast-changing, volatile, uncertain world. www.amazon.com | June 11, 2021 | Book | Gihan Perera
Bonus Picks
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Real Procurement Transformation – Powerful, Sustaining
Real Procurement Transformation explains what is required to provide and embed real and strategic procurement transformation, as well as the how-to through a defined methodology and structure, supported by practical advice, illustrations, and the experience of the author. www.amazon.com | October 27, 2021 | Book | Alan Hustwick
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Applied Ethics in a Digital World |
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Put Yourself Out there: 10 Mind-Hacks to Elevate Your Presence and Increase Your Influence
There used to be a saying that “good things come to those who wait”, but times have changed. The pace of change, the rise of social media, video, podcasting and creating your own platforms have meant our access to information and ability to get in front of the right people has exploded. There is now a level playing field. It’s time to step up, stand out and put yourself out there. www.amazon.com | July 14, 2021 | Book | Jane Anderson CSP
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Renewal: Your Unexpected Role in Saving the Planet (2nd Edition)
Is the human race conclusively set for self-annihilation? As futurists prophesize, are we only decades away from extinguishing the planet? Or are we capable of changing this trajectory because of what YOU start today? Written to serve as a practical guide for everyone’s day-to-day ‘karma,’ Renewal is set in the lives of a modern-day family. It is strung together by the charismatic Guru Pranachandra, whose discourse drives home the vital message: that the world is a mere 30 habits away from Renewal. www.amazon.com | April 30, 2021 | Book | Sandeep Nath
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Managing risk and uncertainty in the innovation process: Analysing the implications of managerial decision making
www.amazon.com | April 28, 2021 | Book | Yahya Mohamed Mao
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The Power of Digital Affiliate Marketing: How Authors Can Write More And Earn Passive Income
www.amazon.com | May 14, 2021 | Book | Dr. Mehmet Yildiz
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Sobreviviendo a la IA: La promesa y el peligro de la Inteligencia Artificial (Spanish Edition)
Este es el siglo de las dos singularidades: la singularidad económica (desempleo tecnológico) y la singularidad tecnológica (la explosión de la inteligencia). Ambas presentan enormes oportunidades y enormes desafíos. Si las manejamos con éxito, nuestro futuro como especie será más que maravilloso. Si fallamos, podría ser miserable, y quizás breve. El impulsor es la inteligencia artificial (IA), la tecnología más poderosa de la humanidad. El software que resuelve problemas y convierte los datos en valiosa información ya ha revolucionado nuestras vidas, y la revolución se está acelerando. www.amazon.co.uk | August 15, 2021 | Book | Calum Chace
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Cyber Security: The Lost Decade – 2021 Edition
Why large organizations still struggle with decade-old security problems – and how to fix them: A selection of key articles from leading expert and consultant JC Gaillard published on the Corix Partners blog since 2015.
www.blurb.co.uk | August 31, 2021 | Book | Jean-Christophe Gaillard
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The hunt for digital Insight and increased innovation impact
9 out of 10 companies are nowhere near realizing their potential – this is Norway’s biggest challenge on the journey towards a digital future! Digital insight and increased innovation power are in demand like never before, but what does this mean for you and me – and for generation Y, like everyone. bokklubb.hegnar.no | August 01, 2021 | Book | Truls Berg
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Opus: the hidden dynamics of team performance
www.amazon.com | June 15, 2021 | Book | Jude Jennison
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The Beckoning Rooms: Deal with Them or They’ll Deal with You
Jenna, Jeremiah and Jacob all lead normal lives in separate parts of the world. They all wake up one morning in a strange bed, in a house they don’t know. They wonder why they’re here and how they got there. As they settle into the realisation that there is something that brought them here, a purpose, they all realise that there are rooms that seem to be calling them towards them. The beckoning rooms. They spend 4 nights in the place with the beckoning rooms. Alone. Somehow forced to face themselves and their deepest, darkest thoughts, feelings and lived experiences they’d rather leave behind. www.amazon.com | June 27, 2021 | Book | Karin Brauner
Upcoming Books
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Success From Anywhere: Create Your Own Future of Work from the Inside Out
Companies and individuals are looking for more freedom: personal freedom, creative freedom, and freedom to rethink what work really means. From dealing with COVID-19, facing diversity issues, battling burnout, zoom fatigue and more, organizations are stretched thin and must find a way to help their employees find balance and freedom in order to thrive in these unprecedented times. In Success From Anywhere: Create Your Own Future of Work from the Inside Out, bestselling author and veteran Salesforce executive Karen Mangia delivers an eyes-wide-open discussion on the future of work and what it means to find personal and professional success in the new workforce. www.amazon.com | December 02, 2021 | Book | Karen Mangia
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a short guide to Customer Experience
Following on from Karl Smith’s a short guide to Agile Transformation he plans to release another short guide book in 2022 called a short guide to Customer Experience. This new book will show Customer Experience in an end to end process to support strategy and planning for existing products. www.amazon.co.uk | January 28, 2022 | Book | Karl A L Smith
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Building Corporate Soul: Powering Culture & Success With the Soul System
Building Corporate Soul helps leaders at every level move beyond their current thinking and create an environment in which business goals are well understood and corporations walk their talk. Both this shared understanding and the subsequent shared behavior are critical to turn a company´s purpose into a real means to an end: superior success and a truly motivated workforce that is proud of its role inside the organization and of its impact on the local community and society overall. You’ll see how companies of all sizes (startups and legacy corporations) have made this happen. You’ll also learn how every leader, no matter the industry, can ignite (or re-ignite) the corporate soul in their firm. www.amazon.de | February 22, 2022 | Book | Ralf Specht
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Innovation Accounting: A Practical Guide For Measuring Your Innovation Ecosystem’s Performance
www.amazon.com | March 22, 2022 | Book | Dan Toma
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Group Dyna-Mix: Investigating team dynamics, from leaders to corporate gatekeepers
www.amazon.co.uk | May 05, 2022 | Book | Maria Katsarou-Makin Psy.D. CPsychol, HCPC Registered, PCC
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