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Joseph Payne

Senior Vice President, Source to Pay at Corcentric

Audubon, United States

Helping to increase the value of procurement and finance utilizing an innovative set of tech/service solutions.

Joseph Payne Points
Academic 5
Author 141
Influencer 18
Speaker 26
Entrepreneur 5
Total 195

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Enterprise
Business Unit: Technology
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 33.35
Change Management 30.27
COVID19 31.61
Digital Transformation 30.12
Innovation 30.20
Procurement 36.93
Supply Chain 36.12

Industry Experience


9 Article/Blogs
Insights on the Evolving Role of Supply Management
Future of Sourcing
October 05, 2021
There are many factors at work behind these and other situations the world finds itself in right now, and will continue to find itself in the years ahead. But one thing is for sure, the role that supply management plays will have to adapt to meet a fast-changing future.

A recent article on the Institute for Supply Management explored the shifting and evolving discipline of supply management and the professionals in it, and what the future may/can/will/should hold for the function and job roles. Here we take a look at some of those roles more closely.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Change Management

A New Decade and a Fresh Start for Procurement
February 05, 2020
Like most procurement service providers and analysts, the consulting team at Corcentric decided to use the arrival of a new decade to perform both a look back and a look forward into the state of the procurement function. I had the opportunity to weigh in and provide the opening statement for our whitepaper on the topic, Procurement in 2020.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

A New Vision for Procurement
Strategic Sourceror
April 26, 2017
Discussion of the AI influence on procurement and tipping point.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

Stagnant Sourcing
Sourcing Innovation
April 07, 2014
The path of “take a strategic approach, see positive results” — why are so many procurement groups falling behind and failing to do this? The reality is the situation is different for every organization, but over time I have seen a few trends that weigh more heavily than others.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

The Evolution of Strategic Sourcing
Procurement Insights
June 01, 2012
A brief history and explanation of procurement and strategic sourcing from tactical to pro-active.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

MRO - An Industry Overview
Strategic Sourceror
April 27, 2011
Many sourcing and procurement professionals find MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operational Expenses) one of the most complex categories of spend to source. The reason for the difficulty in sourcing this category starts with simply defining what the category is. A plant manager will usually define MRO as anything that is not a raw material or labor cost. A finance person of procurement manager would surely take issue with that, segmenting out MRO as something different than administrative expenses or shared services.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

The Role of a Strategic Sourcing Professional – No Sacred Cows Allowed
Strategic Sourceror
June 08, 2009
In my last post, “Strategic Sourcing – A Reality Check”, I wrote about the limited role strategic sourcing plays in many organizations. Ultimately, an effective strategic sourcing professional will shift their organization in the right direction, but it’s not easy. The spend areas with the biggest savings opportunities also tend to be the least visible (think banking, legal, marketing). In addition, end users managing categories that did not traditionally fall under “procurement” control are normally reluctant to part with the responsibility of managing the supplier relationship.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

The Most Stupidest Contract Clauses, Part II
Strategic Sourceror
May 20, 2009
A few weeks ago, I wrote about one of the “Most Stupidest Contract Clauses” I have come across, the Most Favored Nations Clause. Today I am going to add to the list of clauses that probably don’t belong in a contract, with the “total cost of ownership” or “Continuous Improvement Clause”.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

The Most Stupidest Contract Clauses, Part I
Strategic Sourceror
April 28, 2009
I have the opportunity to review contract terms and conditions for many of our customers, across all types of industries, goods, and services. Some of these are for existing agreements, and some are new contracts/supplier partnerships. Once in awhile I will come across a clause that really makes me cringe. Over the next few weeks I will review some of the worst clauses I see that show up in contracts over and over again.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

2 Books
Managing Indirect Spend: Enhancing Profitability through Strategic Sourcing
June 09, 2021
Managing corporate spend is far more complex than conducting RFPs. Learn how the most efficient and effective procurement departments operate, control costs, enforce compliance, and manage indirect spend.

Managing Indirect Spend provides executives and procurement professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully reduce costs with a strong focus on the often-overlooked area of indirect spend. It also offers great value to those procurement and purchasing professionals aspiring to be leaders in the profession, regardless of the spend they manage. It includes an overview of the challenges faced when sourcing indirect spend categories, a detailed dive into the strategic sourcing process, tools that can help drive savings, technologies that drive efficiencies and compliance, and examples of success based on real-world experience. It is a how-to guide that clearly covers sourcing engagements of any complexity and provides the details needed to source effectively. The book is structured into sections covering the sourcing and procurement process, the tools and technologies, examples from the field, walkthroughs of specific sourcing engagements, guidance on building an effective sourcing team, and the information needed to become a best-in-class sourcing organization.

Since the initial publication of this book, the procurement profession and the discipline of Strategic Sourcing have matured. Markets have changed, processes developed, trends have come and gone, and technology has experienced leaps and bounds, posing new and interesting challenges for procurement professionals. In addition to covering tried-and-true practices for strategic sourcing, this Second Edition discusses how strategic sourcing has evolved and provides an update on the techniques, tools, and resources available to purchasing groups. This book:

Includes updated coverage of everything you need to know to source more effectively
Covers the latest trends in procurement and sourcing, including technology, process improvements and organizational design
Presents guidance for reducing costs through strategic sourcing, no matter what the economic climate or level of maturity of the existing procurement organization
Shows how effectively managing indirect costs can provide a huge impact on bott
m line growth
Introduces Market Intelligence (MI), including techniques, tools, and resources available to procurement and supply chain management groups
With tools, real-world examples, and practical strategies, Managing Indirect Spend provides insider guidance for big bottom-line growth through effective management of indirect costs.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Strategy

Managing Indirect Spend: Enhancing Profitability Through Strategic Sourcing
Wiley and Sons
November 08, 2011
Unique guidance for cutting costs regardless of economic conditions—without reducing headcount.
Successfully reduce costs in the area of indirect spend and watch your bottom line grow. Managing Indirect Spend provides you with the knowledge and tools necessary to get it done with an overview of: the challenges faced when sourcing indirect spend categories; strategic sourcing process; tools that can help drive savings, and examples based on real world experience. This how-to guide clearly covers specific sourcing engagements and provides the details needed to source effectively.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

1 Conference Publication
Navigating Ahead in an On-Demand World – Procurement’s New Realm
Institute for Supply Management
May 18, 2016
Training on the future goals and objectives of procurement.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Strategy

1 Industry Award
Supply and Demand Chain Pro to Know
Supply and Demand Chain Executive
March 01, 2012
Thought leadership in advancing supply chain strategy

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

6 Media Interviews
A Conversation with the Authors of "Managing Indirect Spend"
Art of Procurement
July 21, 2021
Podcast interview with Art of Procurement

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Strategy

Fulfilling the Future Needs of Procurement
June 08, 2021
Interview discussing the skillsets the function will need in the future.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Strategy

Procurement Can Lead
June 02, 2020
Interview with SpendMatters on the long term impact COVID will have on Procurement

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement

Leading Procurement in an Economic Downturn
Art of Procurement
April 06, 2020
Given the fact that we spoke to Joe in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we obviously talked about risk and uncertainty, but we also asked his advice about managing procurement in times of recession. What have we learned in the past that we can apply to the economic conditions we will face as the economic shutdown comes to a close?

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, COVID19

Transforming Procurement to Bring Excellence into Focus
Buyers Meeting Point
May 23, 2013
Procurement transformation is a topic that generates a lot of interest, and for good reason: many procurement organizations have been around long enough that they are in need of a re-tooling. What transformation means for each organization is based on how they currently leverage the people, processes and technology under their control and how the executive vision for procurement has changed over time.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

Morning Scramble - AZTV
January 23, 2012
Interview with Joe Payne and Bill Dorn discussing procurement excellence.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

2 Panels
Future of Procurement
October 04, 2021
Discussion of challenges that are holding back procurement/supply chain.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Change Management

Medical Device Strategic Sourcing Conference - Day 1 Chairperson & Panel Lead
Medical Device Strategic Sourcing Conference
January 26, 2015
On Day One, Joe Payne will serve as the discussion moderator while industry expert panelists review the value of supplier relationship management. As medical device organizations establish partnerships with device component vendors, building relationships is key in addressing quality, cost and risk concerns. As this discussion unfolds, SRM will be established as a way to help firms get maximum value from existing supplier relationships, beyond the Strategic Sourcing/Procurement activity and contract signature.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

1 Podcast
Rethinking Vendors - Strategic Sourcing and Procurement with Joe Payne
Rethinking Vendors
April 12, 2018
A discussion of challenges around managing spend.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain

2 Speaking Engagements
Innovation Spotlight: Breaking the Procurement Outsourcing Mold
ProcureCon Pharma
April 10, 2017
In the pharmaceutical industry, the reasons to outsource strategic sourcing duties remain valid - getting access to a team of procurement subject matter experts with knowledge of the industry's best practices and regulations, the lack of ROI associated with adding resources to manage every spend category, and the need maintain if not decrease headcount, to name a few. But once the savings are achieved, the business case for traditional outsourced procurement can seemingly fade away – especially if the solution is not scalable. This talk will demonstrate how to stay ahead of the curve to maximize your ROI in both the short- and long-term and enable your organization to meet its current and future objectives.

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Tags: Procurement, Supply Chain, Innovation

Huge Savings Available with Collaborative Sourcing
Unimarket NOW
October 02, 2012
In the afternoon following the panel discussion, Dorn and Payne will present “Huge Savings Now Possible with Collaborative Sourcing” discussed various sourcing strategies for the education industry and how specific sourcing techniques can help education procurement professionals create collaborative relationships with suppliers and build lasting business partnerships.

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Tags: Innovation, Procurement, Supply Chain

6 Webinars
Roadmap to Savings: Partnering with the Business to Drive Progress
Art of Procurement
October 05, 2021
Many companies are currently going through the budgeting process for 2022, which means that conversations about where to find savings have already started or will begin very soon. Questions like ‘Where will the savings come from?’ and ‘What will we have to give up to get them?’ abound, but there is one question that rises above all the rest: ‘What will happen to the savings - will they be clawed back from our budget or we will get to reinvest them in strategic efforts?’ The answer to that particular question can make or break savings potential.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Change Management

Harmonize Supplier Risk Data for Source to Pay
Corcentric, LLC
June 15, 2021
Sharing best practices to build and maintain a supplier risk management model.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Strategy

The Era of Procurement Empowerment
October 22, 2020
In the past, procurement was labeled as the business enforcer. By pushing compliance and policy, business stakeholders were often told what and how to buy, rather than easily guiding them to what they really need.

Taking cue from customer-led technologies and the concept of Amazon-like search, the evolution of procurement as both a service and technology has changed its focus from enforcer to enabler by promoting the adoption of buying based on a customer-centric approach.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Supply Chain, Procurement

Managing Disruption Through Procurement Agility
May 27, 2020
Webinar with Hackett on what agility means for procurement.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement

Navigating Business During Disruption
April 03, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is presenting enormous challenges to business continuity for organizations of all sizes and industries. This latest, and in many ways severest, disruption to “business as usual” demands an immediate response in order to ensure continuity. But just as important, what that response is will have a direct impact on an organization’s long-term viability.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Procurement, Business Strategy, COVID19

Factors to Consider in Choosing and Implementing a Source-to-Contract Suite
March 12, 2020
To succeed in implementing source-to-contract (S2C) strategies, CPOs and their business partners need to identify solutions that can best meet their needs as a business.
This often means finding the right partner that can provide a combination of deep category expertise, industry knowledge and proven technology for delivering meaningful improvements across the processes that define upstream procurement.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Change Management

3 Whitepapers
Why The Best CFOs Don’t Ignore Spend Analysis
March 10, 2020
Spend analytics solutions are often overlooked by CFOs as they seek ways to better align procurement and finance. But why should finance leaders pay attention to spend analytics? Organizations
with better spend analysis strategies typically have more mature procurement processes.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

Procurement 2020
Source One Management
January 15, 2020
The first “Procurement 2020” report I came
across was a Spend Matters article - back in
2013. Back then, there was a lot of hope in
what we would accomplish by 2020. Key
themes in that report included talent,
technology and risk mitigation. Sound
familiar? Because those themes are still
present today – not much has changed in 7

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

Procurement Transformation: Industry Perspectives, Part 2 - The Right Mindset
Source One Management
May 01, 2018
Why do so many Procurement Transformations come up short? The Art of Procurement’s Phil Ideson has a few ideas. Kicking off the second installment of Procurement Transformation: Industry Perspectives, he suggests Procurement could afford to do some soul searching. Before the department can transform its operations, he argues, it needs to transform the way it thinks about its self, itsrelationships, and its essential role within an organization.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Supply Chain

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