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Bhavana BP

Founder & Chief Empowerment Officer at LET ME LISTEN

Bangalore, India

2*TEDx Speaker | 5*Author | Book Coach | Leadership & Strategy Coach | DEIB Consultant | Human-Centered Thought Leader | Multipod | Placement Officer | MBA Dept. Assistant Professor |

I empower purpose-driven leaders to authentically guide their teams through change and transition, fostering impactful transformations.

With over 11 years in corporate roles across telecom, GRC, banking, and supply chain, I bring expertise in organization and culture, leadership, strategies, and people skills. My journey as a solopreneur over the last 4 years has further honed my abilities in writing, speaking, coaching, and consulting, empowering individuals to achieve their best

????Strengths, Interests & Experience: Organization & Culture, Leadership, Strategies, People Skills.
????Industries: Telecom, GRC, Banking, Supply Chain.
????Domains: Business change & transformation, HR Operations (L&D, I&D, OD), wellness & engagement, strategy development, internal communications, process improvement, project management and Java development.

Driven by optimism and resilience, my mission is to Inspire, Influence, and Impact through meaningful Connections, Collaborations, and Creations.

????Books: Available globally in paperback & e-book formats.
????Author - Memoir titled 'A Daughter's First Love: Dad'
????Co-Author - Amazon best seller in 6 categories globally '9 Wellness Hacks'
????Contributing Author - 'HumansFirst Stories: You Belong Here', 'Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck' and one more that is in the process of getting published.
????Helped Others Publish (Book Coach) - 'My Journey to Love & Peace', 'No Plan to Stop' and 'Spectrums Of Life'
????Upcoming - A book on D&I, a book on HR, leadership & coaching, a book on career break, a book on 'Flow'
?Research Papers(2): In the midst of two - Human Centered org and Mental health & wellbeing at workplace.

?I believe we are all connected and together we grow.
?Everything is energy! My tribe grows with me.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Bangalore, Karnataka
Speaking Topics: Book writing, Gratitude, Self awareness, change, transition, transformation, Human centred leadership

Bhavana BP Points
Academic 60
Author 259
Influencer 51
Speaker 13
Entrepreneur 35
Total 418

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Business Unit: Coaching
Theatre: Asia
Minimum Project Size: <$1,000
Average Hourly Rate: $25-$49
Number of Employees: 1-10
Company Founded Date: 2019
Media Experience: 6
Last Media Interview: 12/26/2023

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 30.80
Careers 33.23
Change Management 32.46
Design Thinking
Digital Transformation 30.09
Diversity and Inclusion 36.20
Ecosystems 30.18
Entrepreneurship 31.93
Future of Work 32.12
Health and Wellness 37.80
HR 32.12
IT Leadership
Leadership 33.84
Lean Startup
Management 33.36
Mental Health 35.06
Personal Branding
Project Management
Risk Management 30.40
Social 30.33
Startups 31.36

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


8 Article/Blogs
It is OKAY to be NOT OKAY
June 23, 2021
Oftentimes we overlook the fact that #happiness is an inside job.

In our third episode of our three part Podcast series, Vidya Banjan and I discuss just that.

Here’s where we talk about having the right people in our circle, how negativity affects the mind, how we can create a positive outlook and what lessons await us in life.

This is where we stress upon having meaningful #connections who one can fall back on in times of need.

As the saying goes – Sometimes all it takes is a cup of coffee with a good friend.

The episode touches upon topics where we encourage people to talk it out, share and know that they are loved.

I like the way Vidya told me once, “It is perfectly ok to be NOT okay”.

It made a lot of sense then. It makes a lot more sense now.

Stay tuned to know more about ways of increasing positivity in our lives!

Can’t wait to listen to us talk?
Here’s the link

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Upwards it is!
June 23, 2021
When #life doesn’t seem to go our way, all we can do is #trust the process.

When I thought I hit the rock bottom, I sat with the feeling for a few days.

I understood that it was trying to teach me something. When I looked closely, it was about learning my lessons.

I quickly changed my #mindset and thanked what I had rather than weeping over what I could have had.

That was the magic!
That changed it all.

And the turnaround has been great!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

There’s always a way
June 23, 2021
Sometimes in life we see fog everywhere.
So thick that there’s almost zero visibility.

This could make us feel frightened, confused, anxious and uncertain to say the least.

The path may even appear as a dead-end.

More often than not, we start doubting ourselves at this point.

However, there is a way. There’s always a way.
The path does become clear.

Often, it is time that clears things up. But then, Time takes a long Time!!

Whereas, when we choose to look inside us and seek answers from within, the fog clears sooner.

Traveling that path is best when we shine our light from within.
That is when your view becomes unobstructed.


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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Mental Health

People & Business Transformations
June 23, 2021
Most times it is perceived that #businesstransformations are all about #technology.

Well, I would say, #transformation is all about #people!
Technology aides in the process, the end result and also in realisation of benefits.

#Business#change and transformation of any magnitude is possible only when technology and people come together to make it happen.

Changes and #transformations are a journey that involve the much needed work on the #mindset, perceptions, #awareness, understanding and acceptance before people learn to get into the new role and grow.

Technology, mainly #digital in today’s era does play a phenomenal role in making things work.

And yet, I believe it is the people that get into new roles, use new tools, techniques and processes which the technology has enabled so that their life becomes simpler.

Yes, technology does play a very important role in making the change accessible to people globally across domains and verticals so as to take into account the benefits thus realized.
And yet, I believe it is the people – #Leadership, #employees and the end users that actually make it a success.

#letmelisten #hrtransformation #humanresource #peopleleader #digitaltransformation #strategy


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Tags: Digital Transformation, HR, Leadership

Featured Contributor
October 15, 2020

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Featured Contributor
October 07, 2020
The best ideas can change who we are. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. We’re an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Leadership

Let Us Invigorate
November 03, 2019

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Featured Contributor
Thrive Global
August 22, 2019
Thrive Global is uniquely positioned to sustainably change behavior by reaching people at home, at work and through the technology they already use. Our multi-pronged offering yields a revolutionary approach to ending the epidemic of stress and burnout.

I am a featured contributor here.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellness, Leadership

3 Books
NINE WELLNESS HACKS: A Practical Guide To Surf Through Waves Of Transformation!
Independently published
February 20, 2021
With plenty of tools in place, this book is a ready reckoner which can immediately be put to use to move towards greater well-being.
Changes, Transitions & Transformations are a part of life and may cause turbulent waves. This book acts as a journal as well, containing detailed methods of overcoming the odds so that one can surf through these waves easily.
It showcases how ordinary people can also lead an extraordinary life when they start believing in themselves & awaken to the lessons the transformations teach them.
This book is for all those who seek answers to, the why, what and how of life's changes.

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Tags: Change Management, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

You Belong Here - HumansFirst Stories
December 20, 2020
HumansFirst is simply an elaborate invitation, an open invitation, to experience, explore, and discover. You are invited to go deeper into finding opportunities to activate your best ideas and thinking, your desires and dreams. Then, to expand this out to other groups, circles, and areas of impact. The idea is to change the norm and replace the status quo; not mimic and replicate something that already exists. We don't need more versions of what is not working. We will create something so unique that it can live within each of us. That is the mission of HumansFirst going forward. That is the great invitation. It is about you and many; together. Diversity, inclusion, global perspectives, relationships, and empowerment to take inspiration and move boldly forward. When groups of people collaborate and get into motion, they achieve the perceived impossible. We are united in our uniqueness, not divided in our differences. HumansFirst heals. HumansFirst opens hearts. HumansFirst invites all. It's for you. It's with you. It's because of you. YOU BELONG HERE.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Future of Work, Leadership

A daughter's first love: Dad
Notion Press
July 28, 2020
This is a memoir on the author’s father, BK Purushothama, a dynamic person, an educationist and a visionary. This book touches upon leadership lessons, life lessons and spiritual aspects of life. It showcases how ordinary people can also lead an extraordinary life if only they begin to believe in themselves. It narrates how one man could inspire, influence and impact hundreds of people in his lifetime by living his life of values and beliefs. The memoir is for all those who seek answers to, the why, what and how of life.

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Tags: Leadership, Management, Education

1 Book Award
Founder & CEO
February 23, 2021
Amazon best seller in 6 different categories Internationally.

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Tags: Mental Health

1 Book Chapter
Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck: Overcoming the Quagmires
Amazon KDP
May 10, 2022
At times we all get stuck. Maybe you feel stuck in a dead-end job; your job was a victim of COVID; you live in an area that you do not enjoy; your personal relationship is floundering; the life that you want is moving further and further from reality; you can’t catch a break, or maybe you never got the right opportunity. Does any of this sound familiar? Be honest! We have all been there.
Getting stuck is inevitable – staying stuck is a choice
Frank Zaccari served as a military medic in the U.S. Air Force before spending over 20 years in the hi-tech industry. His education includes UCLA Anderson School of Business and California State University at Sacramento. His experience includes senior positions with Fortune 50 organizations before turning around several small and midsize companies. His path has helped him learn a great deal about business and life. Frank is a best-selling author who has written and published five books based on life altering events. This book is a follow-up to the best-selling books Business Secrets for Walking on Water and Business & Personal Secrets for Avoiding Relationship Landmines.
Business & Personal Secrets for Getting Unstuck is the 3nd in a 4 book series and Frank’s 8th book.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

1 Courseware
Course Creator
February 08, 2021
Seekho is an exciting, new short video app for Indian learners and creators.
With Seekho one can learn just about anything they want to, in a minute.

I am a course creator and speaker at Seekho. I talk on topics such as leadership, decision making, management, entrepreneurship, wellness and more.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Faculty Member
Training & Placement Officer
BMS College for Women
January 01, 2024
For a group of 3000+ girls who study in various streams such as BCom, BBA, BCA, BSc, BA, BVoc, MCom and MSc, I train them for campus placement. As the Training and Placement Officer, I create a platform for 800+ final year students so that they are empowered.
I am also the Start-up Activity Coordinator for IIC under the aegis of AICTE
1. Developing Placement Strategies: Devise and implement effective strategies to enhance placement opportunities for students within relevant industries and sectors.
2. Industry Liaison: Build and maintain strong relationships with various companies, organizations, and industry professionals to facilitate learning opportunities, and campus placements.
3. Training Programs: Conduct and facilitate training programs, workshops, and seminars aimed at enhancing students' employability skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, leadership, resume building, group discussions, mock interviews and more.
4. Placement Drives: Plan and execute placement drives on-campus, inviting recruiters from diverse industries to interview and hire students for internship cum placements and full-time positions.
5. Documentation and Reporting: Maintain accurate records of student placements, student database, including placement statistics etc. for internal assessment and reporting purposes.
6. Collaboration with Faculty: Collaborate with faculty members to integrate career-related skills and experiences into the placement curriculum, ensuring students are adequately prepared to be a part of the workforce.

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Tags: Careers, Future of Work, Startups

1 Founder
November 03, 2019

At some point in everyone’s life there comes an energetic wave of…TRANSFORMATION.

Like everyone else, I have had my share of ups and downs and have overcome several hurdles in my life. These events shattered me and at the same time brought tremendous growth. Above all it taught me who I truly am and that no matter what…to never stop loving and to be grateful for all that I have.

With ample experience in various domains and at different capacities in the corporate world, I can get to the depths of understanding what people really want in this seemingly complicated life. This is why I empower my clients to live a holistic life by integrating their Mind, Body, and Soul.
We can’t control the world. We can control how we react to it.

For an ideal life – our Mind, Body, and Soul must be in sync – like one unit. It’s essential that we take care of and understand all three for the right balance. A holistic approach encompasses a positive mindset, sustainable lifestyle, and a healthy ‘being’ with a spiritual lean.

Your New World Awaits You.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Industry Council Chair
WICCI State President - Corporate Workplace
March 15, 2021
As the Karnataka State Corporate Workplace council President, at Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WICCI) I intend to empower women in the Corporate Workplace.

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Tags: Leadership

4 Media Interviews
Human Centered Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Transformation
February 17, 2021
PeopleHum is an end-to-end, one-view, integrated Human Capital Management automation platform, the winner of the 2019 global Codie Award for HCM that is specifically built for crafted employee experiences and the future of work. We are the next-generation people engagement platform.

Be future-ready with our predictive analytics. Get clear insights, boost productivity, create a culture of Innovation & fun.

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Tags: Change Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Humans Of LinkedIn
Think Academy
February 09, 2021
Think Academy was founded with a vision to improve access to resources pertaining to real-job and career skills to every student across India from the current situation of being accessible to only a selected few colleges and universities. Our mission is to improve the employability of students across India by means of highly relevant skill-based courses combined with gamified experiences.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Branding
January 04, 2021
Interview With Bhavana BP | Founder & CEO Of Let Me Listen | Author & Coach
StartoCure is the online entrepreneurial magazine platform, where the team brings you Interview & Stories of Entrepreneurs, Inspirations, Influencers, Startups eco-system & Change-makers.

Bhavana BP is the founder & chief empowerment officer (CEO) of Let Me Listen, an organization that empowering people to grow into their best. A Decade of corporate experience in various areas right from doing purely technical work to becoming an internal communications go-to person, with everything else in between.

Now as a Solopreneur, she empowers people to grow into their best! Her purpose in life is very clear which is“3 I” (Inspire, Influence, and Impact). As someone who believes communication is one of the biggest game-changers especially in the digital space, she has marched into personal branding, content creation, and the space of podcasts, video making, and social media marketing.

She is the author of her Memoir titled ‘A Daughter’s First Love: Dad’ which is available globally in paperback & e-book format. She also helps others find their voice through their books. Today we got a chance to interview her, let’s know more about her.

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Tags: Change Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Soft skills & entrepreneurship
October 28, 2020
AntWak is a revolutionary byte sized video platform with emphasis on expertise and domain of thought leaders & influencers.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

1 Panel
"WORTHY: Online Rally for Hope & Kindness".
Andrea Sanchez
November 28, 2020
The goal of WORTHY - Rally for Hope & Kindness is to bring people together into a comfortable space where they can share their voice. It is for us all to show up as humans wanting to help other humans.
This global online rally was organized & conducted by Andrea Sanchez and I was invited as one of the 5 speakers.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Mental Health

12 Podcasts
Podcast series with Ash - Part 1
April 30, 2021
Here's part 1 of our talk with Ash Rao.

She is working with Verizon as a Global Talent Acquisition.

Her specialities are Staffing, recruiting, managing sourcers/contractors/junior recruiters, creative sourcing, SAP, client/candidate negotiations, high impact sales presentations.

Her work has appeared in major publications like Thrive Global, Fast Company, and Powerhouse Global Magazine.

She runs her own podcast i.e "Passion to Profession."

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Tags: HR, Recruiting

Podcast series with Abhijit - Part 2
April 14, 2021
Abhijit Sanzgiri is currently a Founding Partner at A.P Sanzgiri & Co. Over the past 30 years, he was - running his family business - been into Consultancy - Held Head Internal Audit & CFO position in a listed Company - Spoken at over 500 seminars over last 20 years at professional forums, corporates & management schools.

Finished writing a book "Risk Derisk" Co-authored an E-Book - "Revive and Thrive" which is a bestseller on Amazon - Life's Lifeguard is another E-book featuring 101 of his articles on risks posted on LinkedIn which is also a best seller on Amazon. What gives him the greatest satisfaction & joy amongst all the activities done is mentoring young professionals by sharing experiences over 30+ years on Risks Controls Frauds Ethics Governance MIS & Decision making to enhance risk management capabilities & help derisk. He has mentored numerous professionals over the years to fast track their growth.

He follows a simple HURT philosophy Be Helpful - Useful & Relevant to all at all times with Trust to Make a Difference. Risk is all about not knowing it coming & what could go wrong but every risk can be derisked. It's all about being pro-active, anticipating problems well in advance & having solutions ready that are easily implementable to successfully mitigate the risk. Every risk can be derisked.

Connect to brainstorm about risks. "Have clarity on your life purpose. Discover the true you while enjoying the journey of life", It's what he firmly believes.

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Tags: Risk Management

Podcast series with Abhijit - Part 1
April 07, 2021
Abhijit Sanzgiri is currently a Founding Partner at A.P Sanzgiri & Co. Over the past 30 years, he was - running his family business - been into Consultancy - Held Head Internal Audit & CFO position in a listed Company - Spoken at over 500 seminars over last 20 years at professional forums, corporates & management schools.

Finished writing a book "Risk Derisk" Co-authored an E-Book - "Revive and Thrive" which is a bestseller on Amazon - Life's Lifeguard is another E-book featuring 101 of his articles on risks posted on LinkedIn which is also a best seller on Amazon. What gives him the greatest satisfaction & joy amongst all the activities done is mentoring young professionals by sharing experiences over 30+ years on Risks Controls Frauds Ethics Governance MIS & Decision making to enhance risk management capabilities & help derisk. He has mentored numerous professionals over the years to fast track their growth.

He follows a simple HURT philosophy Be Helpful - Useful & Relevant to all at all times with Trust to Make a Difference. Risk is all about not knowing it coming & what could go wrong but every risk can be derisked. It's all about being pro-active, anticipating problems well in advance & having solutions ready that are easily implementable to successfully mitigate the risk. Every risk can be derisked.

Connect to brainstorm about risks. "Have clarity on your life purpose. Discover the true you while enjoying the journey of life", It's what he firmly believes.

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Tags: Risk Management

Podcast series with Tim Part 2
March 09, 2021
This is the Part 2 of the Podcast.

He is currently a Recruiter at Growth by Design Talent. He has 15+ years of full lifecycle recruiting/sourcing experience. Along with this, He is a Certified Linkedin Recruiter Coach & Certified Linkedin Recruiter Expert. He worked with Apple for 15 yrs as a Recruiter/Sourcer.

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Tags: HR, Recruiting

Podcast series - Tim - Part 1
March 02, 2021
In this Podcast we have Tim Esse.

This is the Part 1 of the Podcast.

He is currently a Recruiter at Growth by Design Talent. He has 15+ years of full lifecycle recruiting/sourcing experience. Along with this, He is a Certified Linkedin Recruiter Coach & Certified Linkedin Recruiter Expert. He worked with Apple for 15 yrs as a Recruiter/Sourcer.

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Tags: HR, Recruiting

In conversation with Brian and Rishita - New Normal
July 30, 2020
WCDB Ep 17- Perfectly Abnormal- Our Invitation to Create Our Shared New Reality

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Tags: Change Management, Leadership

Passion meets Purpose conversation with Atamjeet
July 15, 2020
Meet Atamjeet Singh Bawa (Paper Model Guru) who has a hobby that is #DISTINCT and you can see the #PASSION in his eyes! His hobby/passion is creating paper models. These intricate darlings are a treat to watch!

Come, join us on this #Podcast where we discuss Atam's journey where his passion meets his purpose. He also talks about his story of finding opportunities - be it TEDx talk or creating his masterpiece.

Check out more on Instagram for his paper model projects @PaperModelGuru for a complete visual treat :)

And also follow #GuyWithAirplaneOnHisGlasses

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Tags: Leadership

A soul to soul discussion with Jennifer
May 06, 2020
Welcome to Let Me Listen. I have with me Jennifer Beitz, who is a coach, a mother, a person with amazing transformation stories herself, and is a beautiful soul. This is to say the very least. In this video we talk about limiting beliefs, fears and how they hold our power back and how they control our life unless we face them and shatter them into pieces. This is where our growth begins.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Interview with Shreya
March 29, 2020
This podcast is with Shreya Badonia. She's a coach with a difference - A Self Love coach. Her motto is to teach people to love themselves first. She is a two time author, an entrepreneur, a Podcast host apart from being an amazing human being. Her book, 'Silver lining journal' is already a best seller and her second book is almost on the stands waiting to be purchased by you! She is a Podcast host, called 'Silver Lining with Shreya' which talks to people who have overcome their struggles in life and have experiences to share. Her mission in life is to help people LOVE themselves better and not the hard way that she did.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellness

Interview with Somdutta
March 18, 2020
This podcast is with Somdutta Sarkar. She is an author, an entrepreneur, a Podcast host apart from being an amazing human being.

Her book, '7 steps from shame to being back in the game' is already a best seller and what stands out the most is the tagline - When life itself is temporary, how can problems be permanent?'

She is a Podcast host and it is called 'Intensify Humanity' which talks to people who have overcome their struggles in life and have experiences to share.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Mental Health

Digital marketing : In conversation with Gareth
February 10, 2020
Gareth has extensive knowledge on digital marketing, it's tools & techniques, various platforms and what makes a bigger impact on audience and how. This podcast includes candid talk on what drives him, what his business is all about, life lessons & his goals & plans.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work

Let Me Listen - Empowering people to grow into their best!
November 03, 2019
A range of topics from entrepreneurship to mental health, digital marketing and self improvement.

Available on 7 platforms - Anchor, Spotify, Overcasts, Pocketcast, Radio Public, Google Podcast & Breaker.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Professor
Assistant Professor
April 11, 2023
Assistance Professor in the MBA Department at CMRIT University. Where, apart from teaching HR subjects to both first and second year students, I:
1. Enable my students to gain in-depth knowledge on subjects related to Human Resources, leadership and gain a global perspective
2. Bridge the gap between Campus & Corporate through role plays, presentations, case studies, real life examples, workshops, talks and more.
3. Guide them on project work and internship
4. Empower my students to become better people who lead through values and ethics
5. As the Faculty Placement coordinator I have helped increase placement from 5% to 23% with a mean salary for the batch as 7Lpa
6. Alumni connect activities by facilitating talks
7. Head the HR club and overall club activities
8. Facilitating expert talks by industry veterans in each domain area
9. Research papers, guiding students to write papers, patent (pursuing)
10. Business consulting to MNCs and by conducting FDP, STTP as resource person as well.
11. Other University prescribed activities

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Tags: Future of Work, HR, Leadership

2 Speaking Engagements
TEDx speaker
TEDx Talks
February 14, 2022
Was invited to be one of the 6 women speakers at TEDx Bangalore on 11th Dec 2021. My topic was - Evolving in VUCA world.

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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management

TEDx speaker
December 11, 2021
Was among 6 women leaders to speak at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore on Dec 11th 2021. The theme was THRIVE and my topic was Evolving in VUCA World.

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Tags: COVID19, Ecosystems, Leadership

1 Video
LetMeListen - Empowering people to grow into their best
November 03, 2019
A range of topics from entrepreneurship to mental health, digital marketing, leadership and self improvement.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

3 Webinars
Resume & Cover Letter Webinar
August 09, 2020
I have designed, developed and conducted webinars on various topics that have helped numerous people gain knowledge and grow faster.
Resume & Cover Letter Webinar focussed on creation of resume, why is a cover letter essential, the different formats of resume and much more

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Tags: Future of Work, HR, Leadership

WordPress Blog Site Webinar
May 02, 2020
I have designed, developed and conducted webinars on various topics that have helped numerous people gain knowledge and grow faster.
WordPress Blog Site Webinar focussed on creation of a blog site, naming it, customization, creation of blogs, adding # & tags and much more.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Social

LinkedIn Content Strategy
May 23, 2019
I have designed, developed and conducted webinars on various topics that have helped numerous people gain knowledge and grow faster.
LinkedIn Content Strategy Webinar focussed on creation of posts, articles, polls, engagement, connections and more with a stress on why it is required in order to become an influencer.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Future of Work, Leadership

2 Webinars
URJA - Universe Radiates Joy & Abundance
April 23, 2021
URJA was a 5 day workshop I launched with the intention of:

1. Helping one uncover oneself
2. Declutter one's mind
3. Un-entangle from one's limiting beliefs

This 5 day campaign empowered people to step into their innate power and become more self aware in the process.

Day 1: pranayama-mudra-meditation
day 2: goal setting-visualization
day 3: taking actions
day 4: reflections
day 5: gratitude

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Tags: Health and Wellness

LinkedIn Profile Webinar
July 25, 2020
I have designed, developed and conducted webinars on various topics that have helped numerous people gain knowledge and grow faster.
LinkedIn Profile Webinar focussed on creation of LinkedIn profile, creating an All-Star profile, why LinkedIn is necessary, how to update sections in the profile and much more.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Future of Work

Thinkers360 Credentials

11 Badges



1 Book Coaching
Book Coaching - Non Fiction

Location: Virtual    Fees: 250

Service Type: Service Offered

I believe book writing is a spiritual process.
Most people don’t realise they have it in them to write a book. A book is nothing but a structured compilation of thoughts, ideas, stories, and experiences of life! Do you have a writer’s block or an issue in formulating what’s on your Mind & Heart? How fascinating would it be if I helped you with:
1. Gaining clarity and your niche - ‘Why’ a book is what you need and ‘Who’ is it for?
2. Structuring the flow – ‘What’ and ‘How’ of a book?
3. What works and what doesn’t while writing?
4. Publishing - Self publishing or Traditional publishing?
5 Steps to be followed right from ideation to post publishing and marketing
6 How to become an influencer through your book?

I could help you write, publish worldwide in ebook & paperback format and promote it as well.

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Bhavana BP

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