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Mario Herger

San Jose, United States

I’ve been living in Silicon Valley since 2001. I am researching technology trends, write books and consult companies on topics such as Innovation, Silicon Valley Mindset, Foresight Mindset, Automotive, Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, Intrapreneurship. For many years I worked at SAP as development manager and innovation strategist.

Now I help companies how they can apply the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit from Silicon Valley in their organizations, to be more innovative and discover trends and tipping points earlier and influence them.

I give keynotes about these topics and conduct workshops on Foresight Mindset, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Silicon Valley-Mindset, Automotive, Creativity, and Intrapreneurship. I also look at signals of emerging technology trends and how they impact society, politics, or employment.

I also host and meet delegations from other countries and bring them contact with people and companies in Silicon Valley.


Some of my last books (since 2016) were

- Sorry not sorry: The Art of the Non-Apology (in German, August 2021
- Future Angst: How we went from innovation leaders to laggards and how we can overcome German Angst (in German, August 2021)
- Corona as Chance: What will be different after the crisis (in German, May 2020)
- When Monkeys Teach Monkeys: How Artificial Intelligence Will Make Us More Human (in German, February 2020)
- Foresight Mindset: The Art and Science to Design Your Future (in German, April 2019)
- The Last Driver’s License Holder … Has Already Been Born (in English, October 2019)
- The Silicon-Valley-Mindset: What we can learn from the innovation champions and combine that with our strengths (in German, March 2016).

Available For: Advising, Consulting, Speaking
Travels From: San Jose / San Francisco
Speaking Topics: Automotive Disruption, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation

Mario Herger Points
Academic 0
Author 376
Influencer 148
Speaker 28
Entrepreneur 0
Total 552

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

AI 31.79
Autonomous Vehicles 45.36
Business Strategy 34.45
COVID19 36.44
Culture 32.47
Design Thinking 30.24
Digital Disruption 35.83
Digital Transformation 31.68
Future of Work 30.34
Innovation 37.07
Leadership 30.90
Management 32.90
Mobility 30.78
Public Relations 37.39
Startups 34.09

Industry Experience

High Tech & Electronics


3 Article/Blogs
What Jobs Will Artificial Intelligence Not Be Able To Take Away From Us So Soon?
Enterprise Garage
June 26, 2020
One of the fears that people express about robots and artificial intelligence is that of jobs. What jobs will people do when machines take over? First of all, there are two ways in which physical and cognitive machines change the way we work. Firstly, in the way they replace entire professions, such as truck and taxi drivers, which are replaced by autonomous cars; and secondly, in the way they change professions by taking routine tasks off our hands, such as reading x-rays or filling out a tax return by a tax consultant.

A study by Oxford University, which caused a shock a few years ago because the authors of the study spoke of 47 percent of all occupational groups that will be affected by computerization, turned out on closer inspection to be less radical than initially thought. The authors wrote about some tasks within these occupational groups that will be taken over by computerization. The professions will not disappear, their tasks will change.

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Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, Future of Work

When The Natural Is More Dangerous Than The Artificial
Future Angst
March 15, 2020
Just this week I had a delegation of German entrepreneurs visiting Silicon Valley, with whom I toured innovative local companies, met interesting people, but also took them to places where we encountered new technologies. So we drove to areas where a number of companies are testing self-propelled cars. We saw the Waymos, Nuros, Kodiaks, Zoox and GM Cruise up close and with fascination.

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Tags: AI, COVID19, Culture

What Would It Take From Other Car Makers To Make Me Move From A Tesla?
The Last Driver's License Holder
October 10, 2019
In October 2019, I gave a talk about the ongoing disruptions in automotive industry to executives of a German premium car manufacturer. And I got a pretty interesting question, after telling them that I own a Tesla Model 3:

"What would our electric vehicle have to have that you would give up your Tesla?"

A great question, I think. One that is thought provoking and will be answered different by different people. But here is my response, which I as a Tesla-owner consider as relevant.

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Tags: Autonomous Vehicles, Culture, Digital Disruption

6 Books
Future Angst: How we went from innovation leaders to laggards and how we can overcome German Angst
Plassen Buchverlag
August 19, 2021
What current fears are shaping us? What fears did people face in the past when today's technologies did not exist? Why are we not at the forefront of the competition between cultures for new technologies today? What measures do we need to take in order to view new technologies not as something frightening and hostile, but as a means of solving humanity's major problems? In "Future Angst", innovation expert Dr. Mario Herger poses the crucial questions regarding technology and progress and presents professional and forward-looking solutions. With his appeal "Design the Future", Herger offers an unconventional and transformative approach for a new, human-centered mindset.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Sorry Not Sorry: The Art of the Non-Apology
Plassen Buchverlag
August 12, 2021
The art of how not to apologize is a noble one. Politicians, managers, church representatives and many other public figures have mastered this art to perfection. Corruption in the procurement of masks? Never happened. Not enough vaccine? Sorry, but can't be helped. Billions sunk with the planned highway toll? Not my fault. What's all the fuss about? With a twinkle in his eye and a lot of humor, Mario Herger compactly combines all the tricks and tactics of non-apology in "Sorry, not sorry! The result is 48 tricks to make yourself and your own failures appear in a better light. Learn from the best and become a master at not apologizing.

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Tags: Leadership, Management, Public Relations

When Monkeys Teach Monkeys: How Artificial Intelligence Will Make Us Even More Human
Plassen Buchverlag
February 27, 2020
What is intelligence in the artificial and human sense? Can machines develop consciousness and how would we recognize this? Are machines capable of showing and feeling empathy?

Innovation guru Dr. Mario Herger provides answers to these questions. He illustrates the manifold opportunities and positive effects of AI on all aspects of social and economic life. Exciting discussions with AI masterminds and AI practitioners from Silicon Valley provide the reader with valuable new insights and mindsets. An indispensable AI guide for present and future!

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Tags: AI, Culture, Digital Transformation

The Last Driver’s License Holder Has Already Been Born: How Rapid Advances in Automotive Technology will Disrupt Life As We Know It and Why This is a Good Thing
McGraw-Hill Education
October 23, 2019
How the radical disruption of the auto industry affects you―and how you can prepare for the soon-to-be “new normal”

The combined effect of autonomous driving, electric vehicles, and the sharing economy is on the verge of changing the auto industry―all within the next decade. And this tech/economics revolution will touch virtually every industry.

What exactly will change?

Jobs: Demand for commercial vehicle drivers, car dealers, mechanics, doctors, and many other professions will shrink
Laws: Manually driving cars will be forbidden―and car ownership will be almost nonexistent
Housing: Prices will drop and cities and towns will be planned differently
Healthcare: Infrastructure will shrink as traffic accidents dramatically decline
Global trade: China will become the world’s biggest automotive exporter

The Last Driver's License Holder Has Already Been Born provides the information and insight you need to position your company for these groundbreaking changes.

It reveals the disruptive technologies now taking shape and provides a timeline of when they will take hold. It examines the impact on the industry itself, as well as adjacent sectors, including jobs and professions, city and street design, hospitals, insurances, politics, security, hospitality industry, the oil industry, real estate, and society at large.

And it provides the knowledge and insight you need to keep yourself and your organization ahead of the curve―and in front of the competition.

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Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Digital Disruption

Foresight Mindset: The Art and Science To Design Your Future
Franz Vahlen Verlag
April 02, 2019
This book contains a strategic set of tools to help shape the future
Within a few hours in early 2002, 16 battleships of an aircraft carrier convoy of the USA were destroyed. Along with the aircraft carrier, dozens of fighter planes, landing craft and thousands of crew members sank to the bottom of the Persian Gulf. After Pearl Harbor it was the biggest debacle of a maritime fleet of the USA.

It is quite possible that you have never heard of it. This battle was actually a large-scale simulation. And the victorious Marine General was a retired United States officer.

This and other stories try to predict the future and at the same time show the difficulties of recognizing trends, planning and taking steps to prepare organizations for the future.

While the number of Elvis impersonators never reached the numbers projected for the year 2000 - and this seemed clear to us from the beginning - the United States experienced several attacks of the kind the victorious Marine General had carried out in the simulation.

Just as Nokia and Kodak are cited as prime examples of misjudgment and failure through disruptive innovation, the Millennium Challenge 2002 is considered the military example of the denial of new information, namely changing strategies instead of desperately clinging to them. Companies and organizations face the challenge of having to recognize the future and prepare for it. Digital transformation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, drones, self-propelled cars, block chain, precision farming, crypto-currencies, delivery robots, nanorobots and many other technologies are heralding changes in the behavior of people and societies that are overwhelming many companies. These changes seem to come from nowhere, from the shallows of Silicon Valley's innovation forges and elsewhere, and at a speed that leaves no time to react.

But it doesn't have to be that way. The future can be predicted. To a certain extent, but with a certain degree of uncertainty. This discipline can be learned, and that is the good news. You don't have to wait for futurists and futurologists to explain the next trends. Organizations can prepare themselves and include a strategic set of tools in their canon. The toolbox in this book not only helps to react, but also allows you to help shape the future from the very beginning. Translated with (free version)

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Disruption, Innovation

The Silicon Valley Mindset
Plassen Buchverlag
March 10, 2016
"The Silicon Valley Mindset" describes why people and companies in Silicon Valley are so extremely innovative and currently appear to be entrepreneurially superior to the rest of the world.

Silicon Valley is an almost inexhaustible source of innovations that have an immense impact on the economy and society worldwide. Many Europeans view these developments with skepticism and are encouraged to do so by the media and their experts, who are practicing panic-mongering and mainly emphasize the dangers and risks. Dr. Mario Herger puts things in perspective and shows The innovation mentality from Silicon Valley can be learned. Using interviews and step-by-step instructions, this insider book shows how the Silicon Valley mentality can be combined with one's own strengths.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Startups

1 Courseware
Innovation Management - 02: Introduction
Mario Herger
September 03, 2020
A course on Innovation Management and Intrapreneurship in 28 lectures

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Tags: Business Strategy, Design Thinking, Innovation

1 eBook
Corona as Chance
Plassen Buchverlag
June 15, 2020
From field tests and digital crash courses

COVID-19 has stalled the world economy and killed hundreds of thousands of people in just a few weeks, and yet it has brought us further technologically and socially than years of talking about digital transformation and basic income could. If we don't want to "waste this good crisis", now is the chance to change our society to a fair system and our economy to a sustainable system.

Using signals from various industries, technologies and society, the author looks at what will change and where decision-makers and investors can take steps to seize this opportunity for a new normality.

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Tags: COVID19, Future of Work, Innovation

2 Keynotes
When Monkeys Teach Monkeys: How Artificial Intelligence Will Make Us More Human
Mario Herger
June 02, 2020
A talk given at the "Idea-to-IPO"-meetup group on June 2nd, 2020.

What is intelligence in the artificial and human sense? Can machines develop consciousness and how would we recognize this? Are machines capable of showing and feeling empathy? If a God created us humans, and we humans are perfect super-intelligence, has God failed? Are we then gods? Does AI help us become immortal? How did the Greeks imagine robots and AI and how does that differ from our ideas? What ethical questions arise with intelligent machines? And what does that make us?

In this talk, Mario Herger, technology trend researcher and author, will illustrate the many opportunities and positive effects of AI on all aspects of social and economic development.

00:41 - Of Monkeys ...
08:32 - ... and Humans ...
14:15 - ... and Machines ...
32:10 - Human - Machine | Machine - Human
47:48 - Human | Machine | Higher Being
52:39 - Mario's Books and Contact Information

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Innovation

After the Pandemic: The Future of Silicon Valley and High Tech
Mario Herger
May 05, 2020
A talk given at the "Idea-to-IPO"-meetup group on May 5th, 2020.

The Corona virus pandemic shutdown is an unprecedented crisis in recent times. Around the globe economic life suddenly came to a halt, with the majority of the populations sheltering in place, while millions got infected and hundreds of thousands died. While the pandemic is still going on, we already can see first signals of what the new normal after the crisis might look like, what behaviors will have changed, and what technologies and industries will see increased interest in the coming months and years.

In this talk, Mario Herger, technology trend researcher and author, will introduce potential scenarios for technologies and industries benefiting from the crisis.

00:00 - Introduction to the talk
04:15 - Introduction to Foresight Mindset techniques (signals, trends, scenario planning, futures, foresight mindset process…)
27:30 - Dive into scenarios for different industries and technology
27:40 - Robots & Autonomous Systems
33:38 - Infrastructure & Construction
37:00 - Home Office
39:43 - Office & Retail Space
43:00 - Sensors & Augmented Reality
47:50 - Retail & Contactless Payments & Controls
51:38 - Mario's books and contact information
53:18 - Questions & Answers

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Tags: Autonomous Vehicles, COVID19, Future of Work

2 Media Interviews
Söllner meets Dr. Herger: Robots, Tesla, Fuel Cell and the new Corona-Trends?
June 23, 2020
Die Corona-Krise hält weiter die Welt in Atem. Allerdings bietet die Krise auch Chancen. Meint Buchautor Dr. Mario Herger in seinem neuesten Werk. Florian Söllner, leitender Redakteur bei DER AKTIONÄR, im Gespräch mit Dr. Herger.

Das aktuelle Buch von Dr. Mario Herger mit dem Titel "Corona als Chance" finden Sie unter

In seinem wöchentlichen Hot Stock Report setzt Florian Söllner antizyklisch auf Geheimtipps, über die an anderen Stellen noch gar nicht berichtet wird. Es handelt sich dabei um Titel, die von Megatrends wie Fintech, Mobile, Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz, Internet der Dinge oder Auto 2.0 profitieren.

Den Hot Stock Report finden Sie hier:

Für Söllner zählt vor allem das persönliche Gespräch mit Vorständen, Großinvestoren und Experten zu seinen Stärken. Er informiert seine Leser detailliert und exklusiv über außergewöhnliche und zukunftsfähige Firmen und deren Aktien. Der Lohn: extrem hohe Gewinne für die Leser.

Testen Sie jetzt den exklusiven Börsendienst im Probe-Abo zum Vorteilspreis.

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Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, COVID19

Autonomous Driving, Artificial Intelligence – Big Progress In Silicon Valley
November 27, 2019
The last driver's license newcomer is already born - so the thesis and simultaneous book title of Dr. Mario Herger, trend researcher from Silicon Valley. What does this mean for German car manufacturers?

"If you are not ashamed of your first version, you have waited too long," is a saying from Silicon Valley. And indeed, many innovations from the high-tech forge appear somewhat immature or are perhaps simply ahead of their time. The malice with which Tesla's new Cybertruck is being covered is a recent example. Although much of Silicon Valley certainly belongs in the "gimmickry" category, it can probably no longer be denied that an enormous disruptive force emanates from the valley in California, which has already brought some seemingly unbreakable companies to their knees. Currently, the traditional car industry has good reason to fall into light to moderate panic. Even though German carmakers have taken up the issue, sometimes at great expense, it seems that they have simply waited too long. Trend researcher Mario Herger describes what we are currently experiencing, in other words the biggest revolution in the automotive industry. Electric mobility and sharing economy threaten hundreds of thousands of jobs and numerous other industries. What makes the lead of the US companies, why the German industry remains in apparent lethargy and which consequences this could have, he explains in the context of the AKTIONÄRSTAG 2019 with host Cornelia Eidloth.

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Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Mobility

2 Panels
Can Silicon Valley Crack the Auto Industry Code? | NXP Connects 2019
June 15, 2019
Silicon Valley’s disruption in the long-established automotive industry influenced a groundswell of innovative mobility startups. Trends toward electrification, autonomy and connectivity attracted many new entrants at the forefront of technologies such as artificial intelligence and the IoT.

Now the industry is becoming increasingly saturated and competitive. It is moving past the hype cycle, and realistic expectations are taking shape.

Why is the automotive industry still a viable market to succeed? How are startups raising money to sustain their operations? A collaborative network continues to expand across industry with startups, semiconductor companies, automotive suppliers and established carmakers. What types of partnerships will evolve?

Mario Herger, Author, Technology Trend Researcher
Ben Landen, Head of Product & Business Development, DeepScale
Sethu Gopal, Sr. Director, Connected Car & Digital Experience, Rivian
Anil Rachakonda, Vice President, copace, Continental
Helen Pan , Head of Autonomous Driving Hardware Baidu USA
Leland Key, SVP Global Automotive Sales & Marketing, NXP

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Tags: Autonomous Vehicles, Culture, Innovation

Autonomous Cars
Idea to IPO - Silicon Valley
May 30, 2017
Our distinguished panel will discuss the latest developments in autonomous cars and vehicles.

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Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Mobility

2 Speaking Engagements
The ethics of innovation | Mario Herger | TEDxSanFrancisco
TEDx San Francisco
December 13, 2015

Respect for somebody, for the status quo, or for yourself gets you no innovation. Respect for humanity does.

As an internationally recognized guru and the author behind “Enterprise Gamification”, Mario Herger is an expert on how to create truly engaging experiences for both customers and co-workers. His hands-on advice has bolstered both startups and big co-operations operating in various fields and cultures.Besides being a CEO, Mario works as a consultant. He is considered to be the go-to guy for European startups when wanting to expand internationally.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Tags: Culture, Design Thinking, Innovation

Evil creativity | Mario Herger | TEDxSalzburg
TEDx Salzburg
December 24, 2014
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Have you ever wondered why villains seem to have always the much cooler toys than the heroes? Why do companies fail with surviving and innovating, while criminal organizations such as the mafia or Yakuza have been around for centuries? In this talk Mario Herger explores what makes bad guys so innovative, and what we can learn from them to use the insights for good causes.

Mario Likes all odd, innovative, artful, inspirational things. Trades in gamification, intrapreneurship & innovation. From Vienna/Austria, now Silicon Valley.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

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