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Jude Jennison
Founder at Leaders by Nature Ltd
Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Jude Jennison is Founder of Leaders by Nature, a company developing leaders and teams through disruptive change with less stress. Jude is author of the book Leading through uncertainty, based on interviews with CEOs as well as her findings from working with over 5000 leaders.
Jude specialises in non-verbal communication and works with a herd of horses to transform leadership and team behaviour. Results include an SME who grew from 25 to 38 employees in 9 months, a large recruitment company who turned a loss-making division into a profit in 3 months and an entrepreneur who made a breakthrough with sales, doubling her business in 6 months.
Previously in IBM, Jude led a European budget of $1billion.
Jude hosts the podcast Leading through uncertainty.
Services include: Executive coaching, ‘Leadership with Horses’ programmes, 6 month executive team alignment, talent development programmes, keynote and conference speaker.
Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking Travels From: Warwick, UK
Speaking Topics: Leading through uncertainty, Aligning teams through disruptive change, How non-verbal behaviour makes or breaks your business
Jude Jennison
Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.
Lee Evans on working with fear and living your values
Rethinking Leadership
April 13, 2021
Lee Evans is the founder of Mind Power Solutions and coaches the British Army’s leadership as well as elite athletes and business owners. He talks about how fear is the biggest challenge that every leader faces and how we need to change our relationship with it, moving from avoiding it to working through and with it. We also talk about finding your flow and the importance of self-awareness, especially when you are out of your comfort zone.
Lee’s story of working in Afghanistan where he didn’t live his value around listening was such a powerful one and a reminder of how difficult it is to balance different values and be inclusive where others may have a different set of values. I echo his belief that living values is a courageous act and defining them without living and breathing them is worse than not defining them at all.
How well are you living your values? What happens when your values are at odds with those in your team?
Ask for help – don’t go it alone!
Jude Jennison
January 06, 2021
As the UK is back in lockdown for another 6 weeks, everyone deals with it differently. People often say it’s lonely at the top. I used to think that too running my own business. Now I am so well supported that I have a tribe of people to reach out to.
Ask for help
I’ve made asking for help one of my critical go to tools.
Asking for help and offering support to others in the team is vulnerable and requires courage. Often people don’t ask for help because they don’t want to be a burden to others in the team, especially when everyone is busy. You may not ask because you don’t want to be seen as weak.
Hold polarities with clarity, curiosity and understanding
HR Director Magazine
October 22, 2020
Uncertainty leads to differences of opinion because we don’t have all the information when something has not been done before. We’ve never led through a global pandemic before, so everyone has a different view on how to handle it.
This article explores the challenge of polarisation and the need to encourage exploration in teams using curiosity and seeking to understand difference points of view.
Why vitality trumps resilience
HR Director magazine
June 09, 2020
There is an insidious disease among us – resilience.
In the last few months, employees have had to upskill rapidly in practical terms – furloughing, new legislation, virtual working, new technology, revised health and safety policies, industry changes. Not to forget home-schooling.
Prioritisation has never been so critical and so difficult.
Resilience training, however well-meaning, often creates the expectation that employees should dig deeper whilst simultaneously being put under more pressure. This is not sustainable or reasonable.
I'm serious. They feel your energy and vibration of the world. If you think this is a bit crazy, just know that you pick up on energy too. You know when someone is angry on the end of a phone, not just from the tone of their voice. You know when you walk into a dodgy part of town or the mood of a meeting. This is the energy of emotion that impacts all of us but mostly we have not been trained to pay attention to it. So we ignore it.
3 positions of leadership - leading from behind
October 15, 2019
Business leaders can learn much from horses about teamwork and leadership. In our Leadership with Horses workshops, we take clients out of the office to work with horses. We share a leadership model that the horses use to create cohesive teamwork. It involves three positions of leadership and we will explore Leading from behind in more detail in this post, including the critical application of this role in business.
Leading through uncertainty - what horses can teach us about leadership and teamwork
December 12, 2018
What do horses have to do with developing leaders and teams? Quite a lot as it happens!
The following trailer video provides a brief insight into the world of Leadership with Horses that enables clients to align their leaders and teams and accelerate their business results in the process.
I never considered myself a writer before. I've dabbled in a few blogs and I wrote and published my first book Leadership beyond measure in May 2014. It was only recently when I completed my latest book Leading through uncertainty (published May 2018) that I realised I am actually a writer and it's improving my leadership as well as that of my readers.
Leading through uncertainty - podcast and book
December 06, 2017
What are the challenges we face in business as we lead through uncertainty?
My next book entitled Leading through uncertainty is due for publication in May 2018. As part of my research, I interviewed CEOs and leaders in organisations on their challenges and experiences of leading through uncertainty.
The interviews were so fascinating that I extended the research and have launched a Leading through uncertainty podcast showcasing the interviews.
In between interviews, I’ll share some of my own thoughts on uncertainty and the emotional
How do you respond to stress and overwhelm?
March 14, 2017
In Oct 2016, I ran a thought leadership round table with horses. The output was a 12 page report on Leading through uncertainty. One of the topics discussed was Stress and overwhelm. Here is an extract from the report:
People in organisations are operating under severe pressure, with a sense of “If I can just get to the end of the week, it’ll be ok.” This is an adrenaline-fuelled, high-alert state and people do not function effectively when placed under continual stress in this way.
Round table discussion: Leading through uncertainty
January 09, 2017
In 2016, we ran a thought leadership round table with a difference. We brought together 8 thought leaders from different companies and included 5 horses in the discussion.
Playing roles or being real?
November 30, 2016
As a business owner, my work is varied which requires me to be adaptable and flexible to respond to whatever is the focus for the day.
I can go from waterproofs and wellies in a muddy field to a dress and heels in a corporate environment to waterproofs and wellies again all in the space of one day.
When I ask clients that question, they usually don't know. Most people have never considered their impact. Some of my clients tell me they don't have one. I assure you that you do have an impact! When clients start to pay attention to the impact they have on different people in different situations, they are often surprised. You may have done intellectual forms of training that help you negotiate, manage projects and understand how people think. But how you show up, your presence and non-verbal communication also have a substantial impact on how you lead, inspire and influence others.
The Three Positions of Leadership
Jude Jennison
September 17, 2015
A high-performing team has 3 primary roles that enable the team to work cohesively together and is based on a shared leadership model.
This white paper covers:
How to lead from the front, middle and back of a team
How all three positions are crucial to team cohesion and success
When to switch to a different position and how to influence others in different ways
The importance of adaptability, agility and flexibility to enable leaders to switch from one style of leadership to another according to what is needed in the team
Heart of England
Heart of England
February 01, 1995
I began my career in IBM where I spent 16 years in a variety of leadership roles, including managing a budget of $1 billion and leading UK, European and global teams.
I now run my own business, Leaders By Nature, where I work with executive boards, senior leaders and entrepreneurs to develop their leadership skills.
I’m the author of two leadership books, an international speaker and pioneer of Leadership with Horses, a way of developing leadership skills and creating changes in behaviour by working experientially with horses.
I also host a podcast called ‘Leading through uncertainty’, here I get the opportunity to interview leaders on the challenges they face in business.
Originally from Nottingham I moved to Warwickshire after University. Married to Paul, I have five horses, 2 black labradors and a cat.
Leading Through Uncertainty: 2nd Edition: Making disruptive change work for humans
Practical Inspiration Publishing
May 10, 2022
In a world of disruptive change, uncertainty is the buzzword on everyone’s lips.
Disruptive change can throw everything into chaos unless leaders and teams have the skills to lead confidently through it. How do you lead complex change without burning out, disconnecting or losing your team?
Welcome to the age of Leading Through Uncertainty, where emotional responses to challenging situations are part of the human experience.
Opus: the hidden dynamics of team performance
Practical Inspiration Publishing
June 15, 2021
Is your senior leadership team fully aligned and ready for fast-paced change?
Even the most cohesive teams can find themselves derailed by the uncertainty of change. High workloads increase stress, changing priorities cause confusion and the frustration of unresolved differences of opinion creates tension and division in teams. Join thousands of leaders and teams who have already benefitted from revealing the hidden dynamics of their non-verbal behaviour and discover how you too can use it to align your team, reduce stress, increase understanding and resolve differences of opinion with more trust and transparency so your team:
Is full of vitality and vigour, excited about possibilities
Has clear objectives, pulling seamlessly together in one direction
Knows exactly what to think, say and do to get the best from each other
Drawing on a decade of Equine Facilitated Leadership to fine-tune the skills of leaders and teams, Opus reveals the 12 hidden dynamics that every team needs to make visible to achieve optimal team performance
“Unambiguously brilliant.” Adrian Packer CBE, CEO, Core Education Trust
“Opus could seriously result in a significant improvement in both relationships and performance, for you and your teams.” Gina Lodge, CEO, The Academy of Executive Coaching
Leadership Beyond Measure
December 31, 1969
Jude Jennison shares her extraordinary story of bringing Leadership with Horses into business, only six months after overcoming her fear of horses. She explores seven leadership lessons that individuals and businesses learn from working with the horses and maps them back to real life situations.
If you want to end the struggle of leadership and find ways to live and work in harmony, pick up this book.
Expect to be challenged and provoked into exploring your impact at a greater depth.
Leading through uncertainty
Practical Inspiration Publishing
December 31, 1969
Published prior to the pandemic, this book provides insights and guidance to leaders leading disruptive change. It explores the context of uncertainty, the emotional challenges it creates and how to overcome them through 8 leadership skills that are critical in uncertainty.
It advocates a move towards emergent leadership and helps leaders explore how they let go of control and step into leading from a place of "not knowing".
Drawing on interviews with CEOs and executive leaders, this book explores the fundamental questions:
– What are the emotional challenges of leading through uncertainty?
– How do you create human connection in a performance-driven culture?
“Her stories inspire; her insights inform; and her tips encourage change.” - Dave Ulrich
“Her ideas are fresh - and they work.” Julia Hobsbawm OBE
Leaders by Nature help executive teams and senior leaders align their strategy through behavioural change.
Author of the books Leadership Beyond Measure and Leading through uncertainty, Jude Jennison is also a motivational speaker on Leading through uncertainty and 7 Leadership Skills you can't learn in Business School
Strategic leadership solutions including executive board alignment, leadership development, Talent Management modules, presence and impact, executive coaching
Gamechangers Women's Leadership Summit - House of Commons
Ginger Speaking
November 15, 2019
Jude Jennison joined a group of eight women leaders who spoke about disruptive change in business. The title of Jude's speech was "Every board needs a horse". Over 80 female leaders were in attendance from large global corporations and non-profit organisations.
Lessons in Leadership Episode 13 with Jude Jennison, Founder of Leaders By Nature, Author & Speaker,
Jude Jennison
February 16, 2021
I was recently interviewed by Mary Gregory as part of her Lessons in Leadership series. I talk about my career in IBM and how I started working with horses.
Leading through uncertainty
Practice plan
May 11, 2020
Les Jones talks to Jude Jennison about leading through uncertainty as lockdown continues.
Jude has been working with uncertainty all her life and understands the anxiety that this can cause. With numerous years’ experience she now explains some key tips on how to navigate our way through these challenging times as leaders.
What you’ll hear today:
Understanding the different experiences through lockdown and COVID-19 coping mechanisms – tackling social isolation, lack of freedom, grief and loss
Jude Jennison Speaks: Interview by Les Jones of Practice Plan
Jude Jennison
May 01, 2020
In this video, Jude is interviewed by Les Jones of Practice Plan during the COVID-19 crisis. They discuss what it is to lead through uncertainty. (25 mins)
The HERD Institute offers an inclusive environment, embraces an attitude of abundance, and honors the potential of all its members. We aim for Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning (EFPL) to be recognized as an empirically based treatment and educational modality. The HERD Institute provides exceptional training to the next generation of EFPL Practitioners, and inspires professional and personal transformations. The HERD Institute supports its members to develop the integrity of their personal philosophy, expand their knowledge and skills, and broaden their horizons through continuous learning and practice.
28: Phill Elston on inspiring teamwork, collaboration and radical change
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March 29, 2022
Phill Elston is Operations Director of Brompton Bicycle and is responsible for leading the manufacturing organisation in the production of the famous Brompton bicycles. Phill joined the company because his values were aligned, and he felt able to express himself. He talks about the importan
27: Sarah Foster on confidence and the environment
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March 08, 2022
Sarah Foster is the Managing Director of Comply Direct, an environmental consultancy and compliance business. She is also the author of Yabba Dabba Do It, a book on self-confidence. Sarah shares her three steps to self-confidence – Prepare, Do and Review. We also talk about the environmen
#26 Rich Horth on the great resignation and recruitment
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February 24, 2022
Rich Horth is Operations Director for Adecco, a large recruitment agency with 80 offices throughout the UK. Rich talks about the great resignation, how that creates a candidate led market and what that means for employers. With the highest number of vacancies ever seen, Rich talks about the
#25 Cathy Brown on purpose, connection and communication
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December 21, 2021
Cathy Brown is the Chief Executive of i-SE, a social enterprise that provides business support services for social enterprises in the West Midlands. Cathy brings a wealth of experience from both the commercial sector as well as social enterprises and social movements. We discuss the importa
#24 Bella Lewis-Smith on setting up an employee owned business
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December 07, 2021
Bella Lewis-Smith is the founder and MD of Salad, a design and digital agency based in Dorset in the UK. Bella talks about the process of selling her business to become a 100% employee-owned business and the challenges she faced along the way. She explains how selling the business into an e
#23 Jane Huntington on agile working and technological change
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November 23, 2021
Jane Huntington is the Head of Application Development for Guide Dogs. I’ve worked with Jane and her team and I have some understanding of the complexity and volume of technological change that they are leading. Jane talks about using an agile way of working to lead change, continually ta
#22: Sope Agbelusi on inclusivity, race conversations and authenticity
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November 16, 2021
Sope Agbelusi is a leadership consultant and coach and founder of the business Mindset Shift and the podcast host of Everyday Leadership. We discuss the need for courage and vulnerability in order to be authentic and have an inclusive workplace. Sope outlines the steps needed to create an i
19: Mansata Kurang on virtual reality in mental health
Innovating Humanity
March 16, 2021
Mansata Kurang is the founder of VR Revival, a company helping underrepresented Adults, particularly from the black and Caribbean communities, in mental health using Self-Compassion Virtual Reality technology, as well as Psychology and Story Telling. We discuss the stigma of mental health in black communities and how using technology can make it easier to start the conversation and educate people in self-compassion.
Tags: Management, Business Strategy, Mental Health
18: Paul McGillivray on automation software and purposeful work
Innovating Humanity
March 02, 2021
Paul McGillivray runs remote.online, an automation software business. I’m excited to bring this interview to you because Paul is an advocate of using technology as a means to enhance the human experience. We discuss how software can increase productivity, the difference between being efficient and effective and the importance of having purpose in work so we make a difference in the world.
Paul’s vision for the future is an exciting one – the rapid advancement of technology means we need to think differently about how we interact with it and use it to serve society. The more technology expands, the more I think we need to be purposeful in our use of it and purposeful in everything we do – in our personal and professional lives, as well as considering the legacy we want to leave in the world. Technology can help us enormously if we stop getting distracted by meaningless activities.
How can you use technology as a force for good in your own life, and create a sense of purpose in the wider world?
17: Weipoint on using technology to diversify cultural heritage
Innovating Humanity
February 16, 2021
Dr Wei Wu and his team Harriet and Lottie run Weipoint, a technology business based in Birmingham providing cultural heritage information for people interested in the city of Birmingham. The team recognise the importance of using technology to preserve cultural stories as well as to reach a wider audience and have translated much of their information into several languages to make it more accessible.
I was struck by the power of stories to delight and entertain us and how they bring culture and history alive and shape our future. I like the idea that technology can make history more interesting as well as accessible and that we are missing out when we don’t know about the rich cultural diversity of our local cities.
How might you rethink the way you look at history and places based on a different cultural perspective?
Mary Gregory on leadership, the ego and self-awareness
Rethinking Leadership
February 09, 2021
Mary Gregory is a leadership consultant and coach and the author of the book Ego: Get over yourself and lead. We discuss the emotional side of change and the need to include the people side of change as a priority. Mary unpicks the ego in leadership and in relationships, exploring how it can be useful, as well as how it can get in the way. We discuss the shadow side of leaders, the importance of self-awareness and making conscious choices in service of the team and organisation.
16: Kim Leary on using technology to underpin business and culture
Innovating Humanity
February 02, 2021
Kim Leary is the owner of Squibble, a web design agency and Chair of Birmingham Tech week. We discuss the acceleration of technology to regenerate business growth after the pandemic, the way tech underpins every business, collaboration, the ecosystem needed to support tech businesses and maintain the presence in the West Midlands as well as the skills needed for the future as technology grows and the culture of businesses to ensure that we don’t lose sight of who we are as human beings in a virtual world.
I was surprised to think of Dominos as a tech company. It shows that technology is critical for all of us in how we live and work. I was also inspired by Kim being a fashion designer at heart and using those skills to set up a technology business. She is a great role model for other women and an inspiration to encourage us to see technology differently, at the heart and forefront of every business. Kim is clearly creating a legacy for women, for technology, for business and for Birmingham.
19: Rebecca Mander on overcoming personal setback
Rethinking Leadership
January 26, 2021
Rebecca Mander is the Founder of GuruYou coaching. As an executive coach, she specialises in supporting people in business who are undergoing personal setback. None of us are strangers to personal setbacks. We all experience challenges in life and work. Rebecca is an inspiring leader who has turned her own personal setback into a business supporting others.
I first met Rebecca two years ago and I invited her to share her personal story on this podcast. Her story is both heartbreaking and inspirational. She has applied what she knows and it works.
I’m always struck by what it takes to bounce back from personal setback and how we all do it in different ways. Rebecca is one of the most warm-hearted, generous and giving people I’ve ever met. Her warmth always lifts a room. She’s a testament to the incredible human spirit and what we can overcome. The key thing is reaching out for support – something she does wholeheartedly as well as giving generously. I encourage you to do the same.
What’s your biggest challenge and who might support you and give you a new perspective on it?
Rebecca Mander on overcoming personal setback
Import from wordpress feed
January 26, 2021
Rebecca Mander is the Founder of https://www.guruyoucoach.com/ (GuruYou coaching). As an executive coach, she specialises in supporting people in business who are undergoing personal setback. None of us are strangers to personal setbacks. We all experience challenges in life and work.
15: David Glenwright on using social media consciously
Innovating Humanity
January 19, 2021
David Glenwright is Head of Training and Special Projects at JC Social Media, a social media and digital marketing agency. We discuss how history repeats itself on social media, and how social media magnifies how we show up as human beings offline. We discuss polarisation, the fundamentals of human behaviour, the importance of authenticity, the vulnerability of posting and the ability to use social media to form valuable connections with likeminded people.
Rachel Fletcher from Ofwat on collaboration and problem solving
Rethinking Leadership
January 12, 2021
Rachel Fletcher is the CEO of Ofwat, the water regulator for England and Wales. Rachel shares the challenges for the water industry of the increased demand for water and the expectations on the environment. She talks about collaboration with different companies, as well as local environmental groups, communities and end users. Partnerships and collaboration are the key to everyone being part of the solution, a message that is very relevant to other businesses and industries too.
The subtlety of collaboration requires an ability to have humility, vulnerability and to relinquish control. In talking to Rachel, I’m struck by the delicate balance of problem solving in an emotionally intelligent way using the data and science to inform and guide. Our world is no longer binary, so we need to work in a more systemic and distributed way so that everyone becomes part of the solution. I think this applies to any business and industry.
17: Jess Lonsdale from Virgin Media on being human in the workplace
Rethinking Leadership
January 05, 2021
Jess Lonsdale is Internal Communications Director for Virgin Media. We discuss the importance of engaging in dialogue in a crisis to stay connected to employees. We also discuss the vulnerability of emotional connection, bringing your whole self to work, being more human in the workplace, changing the world, pushing boundaries, empowering others, resilience, and so much more!
My head was buzzing after talking to Jess. We covered so much – from remote working to being human. Jess’s warmth shines through and it shows that when there is the desire to create emotional connection, we can drop the masks and just show up as human beings. I love Jess’s view that we should try to change the world. I think if we all do a piece of that, we genuinely can.
How does your work make a difference? In your team? Your business? And in the wider world?
And how can you create a more human conversation in your team?
14: Ria Blagburn on smart buildings, emotions and mental health
Innovating Humanity
January 05, 2021
Ria Blagburn from Vanti talks about using technology in smart buildings in a way that makes life easier and enhances the human experience of the workplace. We discuss how remote working has been possible due to the available technology, and how we’ve recognised the importance of the face-to-face human interaction in the absence of it. Ria is pragmatic about the future needing to be more in balance. Ria also talks about the importance of understanding the emotional state of everyone in the team to guide how you work together.
Vanti have created a culture of transparency around emotions and mental health. It so important to be honest about differences of opinion and I love the way Vanti provide an opportunity for people to share how they feel after a difficult meeting. I agree with Ria that it makes business sense to care for the people in the team but Vanti seem to have gone beyond the words and put it into action. The level of honesty and openness about how people feel is refreshing in a world of fast-paced technological change.
The business case for clarity and openness is clear, how can you create more clarity and openness in your team?
What might be different if you had a quick check in and check out of meetings?
Tags: Leadership, Change Management, Health and Wellness
Jess Lonsdale from Virgin Media on being human in the workplace
Import from wordpress feed
January 05, 2021
Jess Lonsdale is Internal Communications Director for Virgin Media. We discuss the importance of engaging in dialogue in a crisis to stay connected to employees. We also discuss the vulnerability of emotional connection, bringing your whole self to work, being more human in the workplace, c
Deb Leary of Forensic Pathways on innovation and trust
Rethinking Leadership
December 08, 2020
Deb Leary is the CEO of Forensic Pathways, a business she set up in 2001 after overhearing a chance conversation at a police conference. Deb has built her business on innovation, designing products and services that meet specific market needs in the security sector, despite having no prior experience in that market. She talks honestly about the need to know when to let go of products when they are not hitting the mark and to continually look forward, hone those products or develop something new. At a time when every business is having to adapt, it is crucial to consider what needs to be re-designed, dropped or created.
I loved Deb’s approach to building a team who are better than her, as well as the stories of the family rows they have had round the table. Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall for those? Seriously, I’m inspired by her ability to stay focused on pulling the team together despite their differences of opinion, and the ability to achieve a common goal whilst also providing space for the team to make mistakes. I particularly enjoyed her line: “You have to let your team breathe or you’ll stifle creativity.” With the current uncertainty, leaders and teams definitely need to find a more emergent and fluid way of working together, without the need to control.
12: Amardeep Gil from Trowers and Hamlins on the impact of technology on leadership and law
Innovating Humanity
December 03, 2020
Amardeep Gill is a Partner at Trowers & Hamlins law firm. He specialises in commercial law in the tech sector. He talks about the ethical issues of technology and law, the need to be forward-thinking and flexible in our approach to how we use technology to support our human experience. We discuss the ethical, moral and social issues of technology and how we apply it and what that means both for lawyers and for us as human beings in a world of technology.
I’m struck once again by the need for us as consumers and businesses to take responsibility for how we use technology. I’m not convinced we’ve realised that we have that responsibility. I have personally always assumed that the designers of technology have that responsibility but if you look at how we use many tech products and services, they have gone in different directions, often driven by the consumer. I think we need to start considering the moral, ethical and social issues of how we both individually and collectively use technology.
11: Bjoern Hirtenjohann from Microsoft on technology and culture
Innovating Humanity
November 26, 2020
Bjoern Hirtenjohann is the Public Sector CTO for Microsoft. He explains how Microsoft have accelerated the move to the cloud computing for clients as a result of Covid. He also puts to rest the nervousness that people have around technology taking over our lives or security issues with the cloud, and explains what Microsoft are doing to enhance the way we live and work. He explains how technology can improve workplace culture, giving more freedom to colleagues to change processes.
Bjoern has made me think more about how we use technology and specifically, how we make time to work out how we use it wisely. We hear so much scaremongering around AI and social media, yet Microsoft are pushing boundaries of how we can use it to enhance the way we live and work and solve social and business problems. I’m determined to put aside time each week to explore how I use technology to improve the way I work.
How do you make time to maximise the use of technology?
Rachel Repper on collaboration and COVID-19 response for NHS supply chain
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November 24, 2020
Rachel Repper led the COVID-19 response for the NHS Supply Chain. She was responsible for ensuring that hospitals had the right equipment to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. People’s lives literally depended on her decision-making. She talks about the challenges of leading in a crisis, the
10: Birmingham Enterprise Community on building communities and creating connection
Import from wordpress feed
November 19, 2020
Daniel Evans and Omran Aqbal from https://www.birminghamenterprisecommunity.co.uk/ (Birmingham Enterprise Community) talk about how technology can connect young entrepreneurs with support for starting and scaling up a business. They explain how every business is both technology-driven and
Leading through uncertainty
HRD Summit
February 01, 2017
Jude Jennison spoke for the second time at the HRD Summit in 2017 on leading through uncertainty, based on her findings from interviews with CEOs as well as working with over 3000 leaders and teams out of their comfort zone working with a herd of horses to explore non-verbal behaviour.
Leadership with Horses
HRD Summit
February 03, 2016
Jude Jennison gave a talk at the HRD Summit in 2016 on how horses can develop leaders and teams with non-verbal behaviour. She explored skill such as trust, mutual respect, courage and compassion.
Jude Jennison speaks: House of Commons interview and trailer
Jude Jennison
December 05, 2019
In November 2019, I was honoured to speak in front of a room full of women leaders at the House of Commons. The topic of my speech was “Every Board Needs A Horse”. This short video is an interview about the topic. The full speech will be published next week. Let me know your comments below.
Leading through uncertainty for HR Leaders
Birmingham City Business School
July 11, 2017
Jude Jennison provided a guest lecture on Leading through uncertainty for HR leaders and directors as part of the Birmingham City Business School postgraduate course on HR Management.
Human connection in a performance driven culture
Jude Jennison
March 15, 2018
This white paper documents the findings of a round table with horses, where thought leaders discussed how the rapid advancement of technology has fuelled fast-paced change in business and society, leading to a high-performance culture.
The report covers:
How technology has increased the pace of work and how to manage it
The tension of competing objectives and the need for greater trust and vulnerability
How to create human connection in fast-paced environment, through flexibility, clear boundaries and self-awareness
The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and increased uncertainty. Uncertainty creates emotional responses that cannot be ignored if you are to engage and lead a team through disruptive change.
Jude provides keynotes and masterclasses based on her book 'Leading through uncertainty'. She covers the context of uncertainty, how it comes about, the emotional challenges it creates and how to lead a team through it.
Understand what happens in uncertainty and why
Learn the different emotional responses to uncertainty and how they show up
Increase emotional resilience and communication in the team and support the wider team
Learn 8 leadership skills to communicate more effectively under pressure
Greater self-awareness and self-regulation
Awareness of default responses to uncertainty and what to do about them
Recognition of differences of opinion (including unspoken) and how to work through them
Awareness of how you disconnect in uncertainty and how to re-engage
Reduced stress and improved communication
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