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Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes

CEO at Softhread

Miami, United States

Is a healthcare executive, futurist and globalist who is highly dedicated to digital and ethics advocacy. She is a Forbes Business Council member, digital strategist, passionate educator and entrepreneurship ecosystem builder, known as an expert speaker, board advisor and consultant. Throughout her career she has received several awards for excellence in research, teaching or leadership. She is the recipient of numerous awards most notably: WBAF World Excellence Award-Social Entrepreneurship 2021, Top 20 Global Leaders in Digital Twins Technologies, Top 50 Global Leaders in Health Tech,Top 50 Global Ecosystem Leaders, Top 100 Visionary In Education Award 2021, Top 100 Global Women in Leadership Award 2021, Top 100 World Women Vision Award, 2021-Innovation & Tech, Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise 2021 (nominee), Top 50 Global Thinkers ( Nominee), Nations of Women Change Makers Award ( finalist), Top 100 Healthcare Leader 2020 Award, Top 100 Finance Leader 2020 Award, and Top 100 Women in Crypto 2020. Additionally, she serves as an Expert Advisor to the EU Blockchain Observatory Forum, and was appointed to the Board of UN Legal and Economic Empowerment Network.
Dr. Vasiliu-Feltes is CEO of Softhread Inc., the Founder and CEO of The Science, Entrepreneurship and Investments Institute, and currently serving as a Country Director for WBAF USA, Senator of WBAF, Faculty Member of the WBAF Business School- Division of Entrepreneurship, and teaching the Executive MBA Business Technology Course at the UM Business School. She is also acting as the Chief Innovation Officer for Government Blockchain Association. Most recently she served as President of Detect Genomix, Chief Quality and Safety Officer Chief and Innovation Officer for Mednax, Chief Quality and Safety Officer and Chief of Compliance for the University of Miami UHealth System
During her academic tenure she taught several courses within the Medical School, as well as the combined MD/PhD and MD/MPH programs. Throughout her career, Dr. Vasiliu-Feltes held several leadership positions and is a member of numerous prestigious professional organizations. She holds several certifications, such as Bioethics from Harvard, Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy from MIT Sloan, Blockchain Technology and Business Innovation from MIT Sloan, Finance from Harvard Business School, Negotiation from Harvard Law School, Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Stanford Graduate School of Business, Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management, Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, Patient Safety Officer by the International Board Federation of Safety Managers, Master Black Belt in Lean and Six Sigma Management, Professional in Healthcare Quality by the National Association of Healthcare Quality, Manager for Quality and Organizational Excellence, by the American Society for Quality, and Certified Risk Management Professional by the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management.
Additionally, Dr. Vasiliu-Feltes is an Honorary Advisory Board Member of several companies, as well as an Editorial Board Member for several international publications, an author and TV/Media partner.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Miami
Speaking Topics: Digital Tech, Ethics, Digital Transformation, Digital Twins, Innovation, Entrepreneurship

Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes Points
Academic 20
Author 148
Influencer 195
Speaker 13
Entrepreneur 0
Total 376

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Consulting
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Last Media Interview: 12/31/1969

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.27
Big Data 30.03
Blockchain 35.04
Business Strategy 33.21
Change Management
Cybersecurity 30.11
Design Thinking 30.39
Digital Disruption 32.91
Digital Transformation 31.73
Digital Twins 36.86
Ecosystems 30.24
EdTech 30.91
Emerging Technology 31.17
Entrepreneurship 30.21
FinTech 30.06
Generative AI
Health and Safety 30.53
Health and Wellness 30.08
HealthTech 33.64
Innovation 30.51
Leadership 30.09
Lean Startup
Metaverse 30.27
Open Innovation 30.11
Predictive Analytics
Privacy 36.59
Quantum Computing 31.81
Risk Management
Smart Cities

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services

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28 Article/Blogs
Forbes Business Council Series
March 06, 2023
Several Articles

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Business Strategy

Ethical Leadership
September 01, 2021

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Quantum Computing

Digital and Business Transformation
September 01, 2021

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy, Digital Twins

Quantum & Space
August 01, 2021
OpEd Series

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Quantum Computing

Quantum & Big Data
April 01, 2021
OpEd Series

See publication

Tags: Big Data, Digital Transformation, Quantum Computing

Design Thinking, Exponential Thinking and Abundance Mindset- A Trifecta For Smart City Ecosystems
January 30, 2021
We are currently witnessing what is called by some international experts “The Smart City Revolution”. The Covid-19 induced global crisis has only accentuated preexistent economic and social challenges. These unprecedented times call for innovative solutions and a revised approach to manage this volatile post-pandemic global business environment and for us to adapt to major emerging technology mega trends.

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Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Digital Health Twins - The Great Enablers Of New Healthcare Ecosystems?
October 04, 2020
As a Deloitte report highlighted recently digital twins are designed and deployed to enable virtual collaboration, absorb and process big data, as well as assist us with managing the physical world in a more efficient and safe manner.

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Tags: HealthTech, Ecosystems, Digital Twins

A Global Healthcare Futurist’s Computational Dream…
June 24, 2020
Healthcare is an industry fraught with many challenges as well as opportunities.

With the advent of the digital era which has been exponentially accelerated by this pandemic we have a unique opportunity to redefine, redesign and reconfigure global wellness, global health and global health-care delivery systems.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, HealthTech, Ecosystems

Applying Design Thinking To Gain Quantum Advantage
June 13, 2020
This article continues my design thinking for digital technology series.

Quantum Computing is already part of the digital portfolio for companies with a state of the art digital transformation strategy and that wish to be leaders in a future quantum computing global ecosystem. It should also be on the agenda for those that wish to remain competitive in the digital era.

Some of the major challenges for a faster adoption and implementation of quantum technology could be addressed by having a design thinking approach.

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Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing

Design Thinking for AI
June 07, 2020
Artificial Intelligence has been a dominant player within the top digital technology trends shaping our global economy and society. The enterprise AI market report published recently highlights a total valuation of $9880.4M by 2023 with an impressive CAGR of 51.1%. Digital giants spent billions of $ on R&D and acquisitions over the last 4 years with machine learning receiving the largest share.

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Tags: AI, Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Design Thinking - An Imperative for Digital Transformation During The Pandemic & Beyond
May 23, 2020
Prior to the onset of this global pandemic experts were already predicting an exponential adoption of digital technologies and were encouraging businesses across all industries to engage in the digital transformation journey.

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Tags: AI, Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Quantum Computing

Design Thinking For Blockchain-The Solution For Large Scale Adoption?
May 13, 2020
Blockchain Technology has witnessed an exponential growth over the past few years and an unprecedented adoption rate globally triggered by the current pandemic. It has the potential to be a conduit for economic development and have a long lasting impact from a societal and environmental perspective. The total market size is expected to reach a valuation of $176B by 2025 and $3.1T by 2030 with a CAGR at or above 70% with slight variations depending on the domain (finance, retail, supply chain etc).

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Design Thinking, Ecosystems

Why We Urgently Need A Global Healthcare Renaissance…
April 20, 2020
We are currently experiencing a state of global economic and public health crisis that many of us could have never imagined. Like history has proven, these type of events have always triggered a renaissance in the arts, humanities or medicine. This pandemic has already profoundly affected many lives globally and will certainly have a long lasting impact for our society. The future of education, work, travel and the way we conduct business have already changed; they will likely never be the same. Let’s hope that as a society we will learn from the vulnerabilities and weaknesses exposed and correct the mistakes made during this pandemic. This will facilitate us being better prepared to prevent the next one and potentially also redefine our approach to disease, health and wellness.

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Tags: HealthTech, Culture, COVID19, Ecosystems

Post-Covid19 Era...The 6th Industrial Revolution?!?
April 09, 2020
While some of us were still actively debating what will define the 5th industrial revolution, Covid19 took center stage by force causing a global pandemic and a massive economic impact.

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Tags: Innovation, HealthTech, COVID19

How Design Thinking Can REboot Your Life & Career Duringa Crisis
April 03, 2020
Design Thinking has been successfully deployed for years in numerous disciplines with excellent results. However, there are still some industries that have clearly lagged behind despite the potential benefits such as healthcare and human resources. Until now, design thinking was always viewed as an intriguing or perhaps esoteric innovation project and only very few highly motivated organizations were ready to take the leap into reinventing their business. With the current health and economic crisis we are facing as a society, many individuals and organizations are forced due to the pandemic crisis or they feel a higher intrinsic motivation to redefine and reinvent their life or career.

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Tags: Design Thinking, Innovation, Culture, HR

How a Pandemic removed Barriers to Innovation
March 29, 2020

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Health and Safety

Ethical Leadership
March 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: AI

March 08, 2020
Series on Global Health, Population Health, Genomics, Precision Medicine

See publication

Tags: Health and Safety, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Design Thinking
March 08, 2020
Series on Design Thinking for AI, Blockchain, DT, Quantum, Healthcare, Leadership

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Open Innovation

March 08, 2020
Series on Digital Ethics

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, FinTech

Quantum Group page
March 08, 2020
Series on Quantum

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Quantum Computing

Ethical Leadership In the Era of Digital Healthcare
February 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Healthcare
January 21, 2020

See publication

Tags: Leadership

The Art Of Blockchain
December 15, 2019
What can business leaders learn from classics such as The Art Of War and The Art Of Love?

See publication

Tags: Blockchain

Was Hippocrates a Healthcare Futurist?
November 05, 2019
Hippocrates is considered the Father of Medicine. Could he also be considered the first Healthcare Futurist? Would he be a critic or supporter of modern medicine and healthcare?

See publication

Tags: Innovation, HealthTech, Healthcare

2 Books
Applied Ethics in a Digital World
Information Science Reference
November 01, 2021
As advances in disruptive technologies transform politics and increase the velocity of information and policy flows worldwide, the public is being confronted with changes that move faster than they can comprehend. There is an urgent need to analyze and communicate the ethical issues of these advancements. In a perpetually updating digital world, data is becoming the dominant basis for reality. This new world demands a new approach because traditional methods are not fit for a non-physical space like the internet. Applied Ethics in a Digital World provides an analysis of the ethical questions raised by modern science, technological advancements, and the fourth industrial revolution and explores how to harness the speed, accuracy, and power of emerging technologies in policy research and public engagement to help leaders, policymakers, and the public understand the impact that these technologies will have on economies, legal and political systems, and the way of life. Covering topics such as artificial intelligence (AI) ethics, digital equity, and translational ethics, this book is a dynamic resource for policymakers, civil society, CEOs, ethicists, technologists, security advisors, sociologists, cyber behavior specialists, criminologists, data scientists, global governments, students, researchers, professors, academicians, and professionals.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, HealthTech

Applied Ethics in Digital World
August 01, 2021
In progress

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, HealthTech, Privacy, Business Strategy

1 Faculty Member
Assistant Professor
IGI Global
March 06, 2023
University of Miami, 20227-present

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Privacy, Business Strategy

1 Influencer Award
Recognized and featured by Primeview Magazine.
Primeview Magazine.
May 30, 2022
elping Organizations to Manage Confidential Data and Optimize their ROI: Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes
Softhread was founded with the intent to provide a unique technology platform that mitigates the operational, financial, ethical, and reputational risks organizations are facing due to the exponential growth of networks. It is an information technology company providing industry- agnostic, environment-agnostic, and platform-agnostic software that enables organizations to manage highly confidential data within their networks, environments, and devices more securely.

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Tags: Blockchain, HealthTech, Digital Twins

1 Keynote
June 21, 2021
INGRID VASILIU FELTES, on the topic of 'Hybrid Intelligences- Amplifying Human Potential' at GFEL held at MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV on 23rd - 25th June, 2021.

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Tags: AI, HealthTech, EdTech, Digital Twins

3 Media Interviews
Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes. Latest Innovation Trends in Healthcare
Glorium Technologies
January 09, 2022
Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes. Latest Innovation Trends in Healthcare

Speech bullet points:
1) Investment trends
2) Impact of converging technologies
3) Precision Medicine
4) Global Health Data Exchanges
5) Smart Health Cities

About speaker:
WBAF World Excellence Award-Social Entrepreneurship 2021
Top 20 Global Leaders in Digital Twins Technologies
Top 50 Global Leaders in Health Tech
Top 100 Visionary In Education Award 2021
Top 100 Global Women in Leadership Award 2021
Top 100 World Women Vision Award 2021-Innovation & Tech
Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise 2021 ( nominee)
Nations of Women Change Makers Award ( finalist)
Top 100 Healthcare Leader 2020

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Digital Twins

INGRID VASILIU FELTES- Top 100 Healthcare Leaders
July 28, 2021
INGRID VASILIU FELTES, Chief Quality & Innovation Officer | MEDNAX on receiving Top 100 Healthcare Leaders Award, conferred at IFAH held at MGM Grand, Las Vegas, NV on 23rd - 25th June, 2021.

See publication

Tags: Innovation, HealthTech, Healthcare

CODE Technology talking with Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, MD, MBA, FACHE at OVBC Conference 2020
CODE Technology
February 02, 2021
CODE Technology had a pleasure talking with Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, MD, MBA, FACHE at the OVBC conference 2020 hosted by Dr. Zeev N. Kain in Newport Beach, CA.

See publication

Tags: AI, Blockchain, Innovation, HealthTech, Digital Twins

1 Speaking Engagement
Herrington Publications
September 20, 2021
Join Hazel Herrington, International Speaker and 2021 Top 100 Most Successful Women of the year award winner, and Herrington Publications Worldwide Pty Ltd for a 1 hour Global Leadership Conference on Empowering Women in Politics, Decision Making & Peace Building.

See publication

Tags: AI, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Thinkers360 Credentials

12 Badges



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Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes