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Deborah Coviello

Founder at Illumination Partners LLC

Sharonville, United States

When hiring a consultant, Deborah Coviello knows that your primary goal will always be a resolution to a problem. As the Drop in CEO Deborah provides her clients with 20+ years worth of experience and strategy in Quality and Operational Excellence roles. She uses that knowledge in addition to her 15 years in the Flavors and Fragrance industry to identify, assess, and solve the issues that are preventing your business growth.   Deborah also understands that people are the heart of your business. In order to deliver on her promise of offering you “peace of mind,” she focuses on utilizing the talents of your team and elevating them to new levels of performance, setting them up to better serve your organization.

As the only female quality and continuous improvement consultant in the Flavors and Fragrances industry, Deborah has further demonstrated expertise, gaining recognition from the following:

·      American Society for Quality (ASQ)Certified Six Sigma Black Belt ·      Givaudan Lean Black Belt ·      Motorola University Six Sigma Green Belt Instructor   When she isn’t transforming businesses from within, Deborah is the host of the Drop in CEO podcast and avid curler. Deborah continues to give back to the ASQ community through mentorship, sharing practical application of the Human Development & Learning body of knowledge to everyday situations.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Cincinnati Ohio USA
Speaking Topics: Peace of Mind: The Next Tool in the Leadership Toolbox, Reflective Leadership, Powerful Messaging for Influence

Deborah Coviello Points
Academic 0
Author 181
Influencer 3
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 184

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Business Unit: Chemical industry / Flavor, Fragrance, Ingredients, Food
Theatre: United States
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: Host of The Drop in CEO podcast and regular guest
Last Media Interview: 12/14/2020

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.10
Business Continuity
Business Strategy 32.27
Change Management 32.01
Coaching 30.90
Culture 31.21
Customer Experience 30.05
Entrepreneurship 30.20
Leadership 32.63
Lean Startup
Management 33.50
Marketing 30.10
Mergers and Acquisitions
Risk Management

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Consumer Products
High Tech & Electronics
Professional Services


8 Article/Blogs
The Most Powerful Mindset Shift for Success
August 31, 2023
I’ve been working with a client to enhance their client experience, and the feedback I received was incredibly rewarding. It reminded me of my superpowers: deep listening and facilitating conversations. I believe these skills can be beneficial to you as well, as they can help you understand and connect with others on a deeper level. With that said, sometimes we don’t leverage our superpowers because our mindset is not in the right place.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Coaching

Are You Investing in the Right Habits as a CEO?
August 24, 2023
This past month made me realize that my technical capabilities are useless in the face of a crisis and my mindset about what is the purposeful work I need to do has completely changed. Thinking back to my book, the CEO’s Compass, I became the “Compass” for so many leaders to steer away from results and instead help them to achieve Peace of Mind. It’s an important concept I want to share with you so as you move forward in your pursuits, you’re focused on a different outcome than what you’ve been conditioned to do.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Coaching

Discover the Power of 20 Minutes: The Key to Increased Efficiency and Well-being
August 09, 2023
This month, we're focusing on providing additional tools to help you succeed in your roles. I recently survived three client engagements simultaneously in July, and I want to share my experiences and the lessons I learned. It was a challenging time, but it highlighted the importance of sustainable work practices.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Coaching

Managing the Mental Clutter
August 03, 2023
Whether it's spending time with family, friends, or engaging in activities we enjoy, our work shouldn't prevent us from living fulfilling lives. Failing to break the cycle of unhealthy habits can lead to burnout and ineffectiveness in achieving our goals. Trying to strike a balance can often lead to mental clutter that impacts how we view and interact with the world around us.

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Tags: Management, Leadership

How Setting Personal Boundaries can Lead to Success
June 08, 2023
I love working with CEO’s, C-Suite Leaders and leaders of tomorrow, because they’re so talented; but sometimes they hit a barrier and need my help. My heart hurts when I see them struggle and it validates the work I’m meant to do; to help them navigate challenges with confidence. One trend I have noticed is their inability to set personal boundaries to ensure their success.

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Tags: Management, Leadership

How to Connect with Your Front Line People to Improve Performance
August 31, 2022
I wrote The CEO’s Compass: Your Guide to Get to Back on Track as a Self Help & Roadmap for C-Suite Leaders of Today and Tomorrow. What I did not expect was it was a self help guide for myself to distill my insights. My unique value is how I partner with C-Suite Leaders to assess their landscape from Quality, Operations, and Safety perspective with the help of a Compass to get back on track. The Compass was the missing link between talented C-Suite leaders having achieved great results, but have now lost their way. Much of it is about getting back to basics about human-centric leadership. However, I didn’t always have a clear message for you, so let me take you back a bit.

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Tags: Management, Leadership

3 Essential Skills for the Opportunistic Leader
July 27, 2022
Being the optimist that I am, I like to focus on the positive vs. the “pain” or “crisis” of the moment. And while sensationalism “sells” I always felt a pit in my stomach when having to market my capabilities to the crisis that leaders are feeling. What if we elevated the Opportunistic Leaders who embrace every challenge they are faced with as an opportunity to stand out and make a difference in their businesses and in the people they lead? I love partnering with these leaders and these are their stories:

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Is it Time to Empty Your Silos?
May 18, 2022
When President Reagan said in 1987 “Tear down this wall” it made all the sense in the world. Let communities interact with each other towards a cause greater than our own. And then there is John Knotts who wrote Overcoming Organizational Myopia who said, "Silos must exist for an organization to operate–we want them to exist." Given these two messages, I wonder if it is time to empty your silos… or not? And while I continue to ponder this question, my dog Reagan in the back is digging a hole to find the mole. While breaking down the dirt barrier, will the resolution be a good one or an untimely demise for the mole?

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Tags: Leadership

8 Author Newsletters
How to Craft Your Success Story
December 13, 2023
After you've taken inventory of your own self assessment, what stories can you tell others about the value you bring? This is the time to build up your arsenal of stories for your next role within the company or that next opportunity.

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Tags: Leadership, Coaching

What C-Suite Professionals Need To Know About Human Connection
November 30, 2023
Regardless of all the skills you’ve acquired over the years to elevate your impact, unless you’ve learned how to form solid relationships, the work you need to achieve will be an uphill battle. Investing in human connection is about building trust for which civilizations, villages and family units depend on this to survive. I often ponder why in the work environment we have lost the realization of how important this is and focus on transactions vs interactions.

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Tags: Leadership, Coaching

Are You Speaking Up at Work? Three Things Your Boss Needs to Hear from You
October 18, 2023
During my time under the corporate umbrella, my creativity was stifled. Although I had fresh ideas, I was often overlooked for recognition and merely appreciated as a dependable resource within the organization. This didn't work for me, and I started envisioning ways to revamp the organization and make it an attractive place to join, essentially launching a marketing campaign for my department

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Tags: Leadership, Coaching

How to Advocate for yourself and project the value you bring to the workplace
October 12, 2023
When I was 35, I had my sights set on a promotion that I felt would change the trajectory of my career. Asking for a promotion or advocating for oneself is not just about the desired outcome, but also about confidently stating the value we bring and providing specific examples of how we have made a difference. It's about being proactive, action-oriented, and not being afraid to ask for feedback or help when needed.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Coaching

How Can You Proactively Ask for Feedback in the Workplace?
October 05, 2023
I've been fortunate to receive some wonderful feedback from my clients. It's been a privilege to help them through crises, act as a listening partner and collaborator, and contribute to their organization's growth. I've seen firsthand how external resources can be a lifeline when facing challenges. I'm fortunate to have a vast network that I can connect you with, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need support.

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Tags: Leadership, Coaching

How Can Breaking Down Tasks Help You Finish the Year Strong?
September 27, 2023
As we approach the final 90 days of the year, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement. Yes, I'm behind on my website update, writing plan, and five-year strategy, but I believe in the importance of giving oneself grace and finishing the year strong. I encourage you all to approach the end of the year with anticipation rather than stress. It's an opportunity to accomplish goals and make a lasting impact

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Tags: Leadership, Coaching

Building Your Dream Team
September 21, 2023
As the year draws to a close, it's time to make that final push to achieve our goals and objectives. But remember, we can't do it alone. We all need a supportive inner circle to guide us, to cheer us on, and to help us navigate the challenges that inevitably arise. If this is you, I first want to share how I’m committed to helping you close those gaps and then stay tuned for some tips to help you!

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Coaching

How to Lead with Heart and Impact
September 13, 2023
I recently learned the significance of listening to people's stories and understanding their emotions. When working with a client, I realized that spending time listening and empathizing with team members had a far greater impact on organizational success than simply trying to solve their problems one by one. This experience inspired me to make a course correction in my leadership style.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Coaching

2 Books
The CEO's Compass - Your Guide to Get Back On Track
SkillBites LLC
August 10, 2021
Are you ready to lead your team with confidence, empathy, and peace of mind?

The CEO’s Compass helps you systematically identify your team’s current blindspots and determine seven key areas you need to focus on to get back on track in days - not months.

A recent study showed nearly 60% of leaders feel depleted at the end of day. This feeling is a key indicator of burnout and makes it difficult to lead and inspire others. If you’ve ever experienced that restless exhaustion, you know why CEOs are among the most likely candidates for experiencing job frustration and burnout.

The CEO’s Compass is your guide to confronting these feelings and creating a plan that is sustainable for you and your organization.

Deborah A. Coviello has spent decades utilizing her skills as an engineer and STEM professional to assess and solve problems in the flavors and fragrance numerous manufacturing industries. Deborah climbed the ranks of several organizations, transforming people and production processes alike. It was in one of those leadership roles she realized that the same process used to master Quality and Operational Excellence Assurance on the production floor could be transferred into the boardroom, helping C-Suite leaders put the right people in the right roles for optimal performance. It was that same process that inspired The CEO’s Compass, and now she’s sharing it with you.

In this book you will find:
The real reason you’re feeling off track… and no, it has nothing to do with your expertise!
A seven-point assessment you can use to find the problem in days...not months!
Actionable steps to complete your assessment with worksheets, videos, and more
Real-world examples of how this process has transformed organizations from production lines to leadership teams
Why your peace of mind is critical for the success of you and your organization

It’s time to change the way you think about leadership, starting with the way you assess your team. Let’s get back on track together.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Culture

The CEO's Compass... Your Guide to Peace of Mind
August 01, 2021

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Tags: Leadership, Change Management, Business Strategy

1 Media Interview
Peace of Mind: The Next Tool in the Leadership Toolbox
American Society for Quality World Conference (WCQI)
May 06, 2020
Description: Through this interactive sessions, the presenter will share thought leader insights into a new way to view the leadership of quality professionals. We pride ourselves in being subject matter experts in our craft, but miss the mark when we can't influence people to action. It requires a shift in mindset, reflection and development of new skills to reach out to leaders and form relationships. Through these relationships we are trying to influence both on a functional level as well as an emotional level. When the quality professional ultimately learns they are trying to assure "Peace of Mind" for the business leader or business unit, the approach they take to leverage their technical skills to connect with people at an emotional level will drastically different. In this session, we share the stages & stories that I went through along with techniques that can raise the level of influence. The session is meant to be highly interactive so they can learn, ask questions, pose scenarios in a mini-mastermind enrichment session so all can benefit.

Session Outcomes: 1) Confidence - confidence that they have all the technical skills, but have renewed hope to increase their influence through new skills
2) An approach to assessing organizational needs in a holistic way that addresses functional & emotional aspects of an organization in terms of quality
3) Reflective time to thinking about their challenges, empathize and then come to the realization a new approach is needed and the courage to experiment
4) Learn about better messaging of information that will elicit action vs. simply discussion
5) Awareness that quality leader coaching & mentoring is a necessity to ongoing development in their craft.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, Customer Experience

15 Podcasts
How Connection and Vulnerability Make You a Better Leader with Alain Hunkins
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May 04, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, speaker, author, and leadership expert Alain Hunkins shares his passion for putting the humanity back into leadership and the best strategies for becoming a better leader. Join Deborah and Alain as they discuss why leaders are their own instrument, how to bring forward

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Tags: Leadership

How to Identify and Embrace Your Need for Transformation with Eathan Janney
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April 27, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, transformational coach and podcast host Eathan Janney shares the importance of embracing your desire to make a career or business change in order to make the greatest impact. Join Deborah and Eathan as they discuss the steps for transitioning from one venture to the nex

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership

How Leaders Utilize Trust to Increase Efficiency and Productivity with Scott Chaplin
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April 20, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, executive commercial leader Scott Chaplin shares his experience building successful teams through listening and building relationships with his clients. Listen in as Deborah and Scott discuss positioning a client to ask the right questions through listening, looking at

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Tags: Leadership

How to Empower Your Team to Embrace Technology and New Systems with Germain St-Denis
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April 13, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, certified management consultant and professional services leader Germain St-Denis shares how his love for technology created an opportunity to empower organizations to embrace change. Listen in as Deborah and Germain discuss establishing trust with your team through ser

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Tags: Leadership

How to Positively Utilize Disruptive Leaders
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April 09, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, Deborah discusses three types of leaders that present themselves uniquely in the workplace. Listen in as she shares what the three most challenging types of leaders are, how to utilize disruption as a talent, and how embracing the gifts of your team can lead to greater

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Tags: Leadership

How to Close the Gap with Servant Leadership with Balaji Padmanabhan
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April 06, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, transformational leader Balaji Padmanabhan shares his servant-based approach to leadership and how it has helped him be an agent of change in a variety of industries. Listen in as Deborah and Balaji discuss identifying the gap, working toward the greater cause of the organi

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Tags: Leadership

How to Attract and Inspire Your Audience Authentically with Jeffrey Shaw
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March 29, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, professional speaker and branding expert Jeffery Shaw reveals how he built his business by connecting with his ideal audience and now teaches others to do the same. Listen in as Deb and Jeffrey discuss identifying what you’re good at, having the capacity to think differen

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Tags: Marketing

What to Consider When Making a Career Transition with Jennifer Spor
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March 23, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, transformational coach Jennifer Spor shares how she left a retail leadership role in pursuit of making a greater impact by helping others through career transitions. Listen in as Deborah and Jennifer discuss choosing the right mentor, shifting your mindset, and navigating s

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Tags: Leadership

How to Be a Bold Leader and Put Humans First with Jackie Lauer
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March 16, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, leadership and culture expert Jackie Lauer shares how she makes an impact in businesses through the science of positive psychology and neuroleadership. Listen in as Jackie and Deborah discuss change management and putting the human first, approaching a conflict by identifyi

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Tags: Leadership

Crafting Your Brand Story with Dan Bennett
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March 09, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, storytelling expert Dan Bennett shares his best advice for sustaining a personal brand through authentic storytelling. Listen in as Deborah and Dan discuss buying a product vs. buying a story, how businesses are poised to tell a story, and why storytelling strengthens the m

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How to Unify and Elevate your Leadership Team with Colin Christmas
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March 02, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, international growth expert Colin Christmas shares his best advice for developing engaged and productive leadership teams. Join Deborah and Colin as they discuss creating efficiency and effectiveness with processes, dealing with egos and pride when facing broken processes,

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Tags: Management, Leadership

How to Be Open to What the World is Teaching You with Jack Kahler
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February 24, 2020
Today on the Drop In CEO, customer experience and operating performance master Jack Kahler shares how he helps businesses serve clients better by instilling confidence, implementing proven systems, and being a forever learner. Join Deb and Jack as they discuss identifying and elevating the gifts of

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Tags: Leadership, Agile

How to Curate Skills to Make Your Business a Masterpiece with Peter Goral
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February 14, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, business transformation expert Peter Goral shares the importance of creating an experience to help customers understand your business. Listen in as Deb and Peter discuss the art of listening to your team, being a curator of your team by identifying the skills of others

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Tags: Marketing, Leadership

How to Make a Positive Impact as a New Leader with Dave Haase
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February 13, 2020
On today’s episode of the Drop In CEO, operations and human resources expert Dave Haase shares his story of transforming a newly acquired plant by utilizing the knowledge and talents of existing personnel. Listen in as Deb and Dave discuss leading your team by example, being aware of how you prese

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Why People Are the Greatest Tool in Your Organizational Toolbox
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February 13, 2020
On this introductory episode of the Drop In CEO, host Deb Coviello shares her journey to becoming a leadership consultant for organizations in the flavors, fragrance, and food industries. Join Deb as she shares her unique role in elevating business and leaders, the three things every leader needs to

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Tags: Leadership



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