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Julie Hodges

Professor at Durham University Business School

Durham, United Kingdom

As a leading expert in organisational change I have worked extensively at a strategic level in academic and in the business world in the field of organisational change and transformation.

I am an experienced consultant, coach and a facilitator of individuals, groups and businesses facing and going through change. My particular area of interest and research is the impact of change on people and how to gain their committment and ownership to change. I have written several books on leading and managing change.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Durham
Speaking Topics: Leading and managing change; People-centric change

Julie Hodges Points
Academic 10
Author 549
Influencer 38
Speaker 94
Entrepreneur 0
Total 691

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Management
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 32.21
Change Management 52.05
HR 30.32
Leadership 36.98
Management 44.28

Industry Experience

Financial Services & Banking
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


6 Article/Blogs
Changing elements of your organization's culture
November 18, 2021
As the world of work emerges from the pandemic, organizations and their employees are facing the impact of the acceleration of the development of new business models, the swift adoption of digital technologies, and the implementation of new ways of working. The imperative to engage in these transformations is driving many business leaders to consider changing their cultures to ensure that the values, mindsets, and behaviours support the impact of these changes. Attempting to change an organization’s culture can be complex since culture not only shapes the way organizational members make decisions, do their work, and interact with internal and external stakeholders but it is also inextricable from the emotional and social dynamics of people in the organization. So, what can leaders do when the need arises to make cultural transformations? This article considers some options.

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Tags: Leadership, Change Management

Shifting to exponential HR
May 05, 2021
Shift in role of HR based on my book: Reshaping HR - the role of HR in organizational change

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Tags: Change Management, HR

Shifting HR from transaction to transformational
April 13, 2021
Article which focuses on future role of HR in organisational change.

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Tags: Change Management, HR

Involving others in change
January 17, 2021
Change is happening all around us, at a pace and level of complexity which is higher than we have ever experienced before. The challenge for businesses is to keep up and adapt, otherwise they may find themselves in a situation like that facing the retail sector, where stores are closing and entire organisations are going out of business.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Business Strategy

Capabilities for managing change in the age of Covid
December 23, 2020
Organizations are today being forced to adapt and change to an unprecedented degree. In a crisis like Covid-19, change gets very complex: leaders are faced with keeping the business running and building for the future while keeping their workforce engaged and productive; managers are having to react more rapidly to threats as well as opportunities; and employees are having to be more flexible and collaborative as well as wrestle with personal challenges – from chaotic home working to unplanned career transitions. The key to addressing these challenges and support a business through change is to build relevant capabilities for managing change.

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Tags: Leadership, Change Management

How to manage and support employee wellbeing through the global pandemic
December 03, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has placed extraordinary demands and pressure on everyone. Across the globe employees have had to resort to working from home, with not everyone having the luxury of a room of their own to work in, indeed some are working in their garden sheds, while others are using their ironing boards as desks. This is a time when the concern over the wellbeing of individuals has never been more apparent or acute. It demands recognition by managers of the difficulty faced by individuals and subsequent support to help manage employees through the transition into a new post-lockdown reality.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

9 Books
People-Centric Change: Engaging employees with business transformation
Kogan Page
February 03, 2024
The only way to achieve successful business change is by engaging employees and making the transformation people-centric. This book explains how to achieve this.

Written by a leading voice in the change management industry who has both academic and practitioner experience, People-centric Organizational Change is a practical guide for change professionals and postgraduate students. It covers everything from what people-centric change is and why it's essential to engage people with the change through to the importance of the communication of change and how to do this effectively with a distributed workforce in a hybrid working environment. Using evidence-based research, this book fully explores the human dynamic of change, explains how to promote collaboration between colleagues and shows how to involve line managers in the change process. There is also advice on how to encourage staff to see change as an opportunity rather than a threat.

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Tags: Change Management

Managing and Leading People through Organizational Change: The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change through People
Kogan Page
May 25, 2021
Providing an evidence-based analysis of change in organizations, Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change is written for practitioners responsible for change programmes and postgraduate students of organizational change.

This updated edition demonstrates the importance of understanding the effects of change on individuals and engaging them collaboratively through the transformation journey. Featuring new material on individual wellbeing and the impact of technological advances on the workplace, this book sets out frameworks, practical approaches and recommendations for communicating with and leading individuals, teams and organizations through change. Full of exercises, interviews and case studies from across the globe, this book is an essential resource for leaders and students enabling them to achieve sustainable benefits of change at work.

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Tags: Change Management

Reshaping HR: The role of HR in organizational change
December 17, 2020
The aim of this book is to explore the contribution HR can make to how organizations enact change within the context of an environment of increasing complexity driven by global forces for change. In particular the book focuses on the role of HR in creating value for organizations and engaging stakeholders during transformations.

This aim is achieved in several distinct ways. First, a critical perspective is provided of the role of HR in organizational change by examining evidence-based theories, models and frameworks. Second, the book is grounded in empirical evidence from a study conducted by the authors amongst managers and HR professionals across the globe. This provides unique data on the challenges and opportunities which the practice of HR faces within the context of organizational change. Third, consideration is given as to how HR can play an active and constructive role in co-creating sustainable change with managers, employees and other stakeholders. Fourth, the book identifies the capabilities required by HR professionals in order to engage effectively with organizational change. Finally, aware of the dangers of prescriptive lists, the HR practices offered in this book are provided as a basis for amendment, as necessary, by readers depending upon the context of individual organizations.

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Tags: Leadership, Change Management, Business Strategy

Organization Development: how organizations change and develop effectively
McMillan International/Red Globe
February 08, 2020
This engaging and accessible book shows the importance and role of organizational development around the world, within the context of organizational change. Fostering an analytic approach to organizational issues, it charts the evolution of the field and shows how today OD fosters organizational effectiveness and individual wellbeing. Firmly grounded in a global perspective, it provides a contemporary analysis of OD and highlights the key diagnostic and intervention techniques that can be used to build organizational effectiveness. With a range of critical perspectives, skills development exercises, and practitioner insight, this book blends theory and practice to show OD’s conceptualization and its application to contemporary issues faced by organizations.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

Employee Engagement for Organizational Change
August 28, 2018
The success of organizational change in a world of increasing volatility is highly dependent on the advocacy of stakeholders. It is the link between strategic decision-making and effective execution, between individual motivation and product innovation, and between delighted customers and growing revenues. Only by engaging stakeholders does change have a chance to be successful.

This book presents a coherent and practical view of how organizations might engender engagement with organizational change within their operational, tactical and strategic practices. It does this by providing a comprehensive review of the theoretical and empirical works on engagement and change from a variety of academic and practical perspectives. The academic research presented in this book is reinforced by research from consultancies as well as insights from practitioners that provide timely evidence. Ultimately the aim is to help raise awareness of the need to foster engagement with OC through a stakeholder perspective and how this can be done successfully within organizations across the globe.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change
Kogan Page
April 03, 2017
Organizations are increasingly investing in consulting capabilities to understand what changes they need to make to keep up the pace with the competition and future-proof their business. Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change is a guide for students and internal and external consultants needing to develop the necessary skills to consult in organizational settings where there is a great deal of complexity. It tackles the issues posing the greatest threat to the success of the change programme, including how to adapt to rapidly shifting needs, deal with the emotional and ethical issues that arise and ensure that the managers take full ownership for the change so that 'business as usual' is established.

Complete with case studies from the 'Big Four' consultancy groups as well as boutique firms, Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change shows how to identify and execute interventions in a variety of organizational settings to deliver value. It provides guidance on how to develop a value proposition; define, write and present the business case for the proposed interventions; establish credibility and report on the results.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
April 11, 2016
For those bold enough to lead in this age of austerity, the challenges are immense. Seismic shifts have taken place in the public and third sectors. Political, economic, technological, and social change are driving profound transformation of organizational models, making predictability and stability elusive. The combined effects of the economic downturn and cutbacks in spending are hitting leaders in the public and third sectors hard. Written by leaders in these sectors, this book provides an opportunity for the voices of those rarely considered in the literature on leadership to be heard. Each leader has contributed their personal reflections of what leadership means to them and their experience of it. They also consider the complex challenges they face as they grapple with changes in the economy, polity and society.Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks provides an analysis of the research in the public and third sectors and the reflections written by each leader, highlighting the key themes from each sector. This is a unique opportunity to hear from the men and women who have demanding leadership positions in the public and third sectors in the UK today.

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Tags: Leadership, Change Management

Managing and Leading People through Organizational Change
Kogan Page
February 03, 2016
Tremendous forces for change are radically reshaping the world of work. Disruptive innovations, radical thinking, new business models and resource scarcity are impacting every sector. Although the scale of expected change is not unprecedented, what is unique is the pervasive nature of the change and its accelerating pace which people in organizations have to cope with.

Structures, systems, processes and strategies are relatively simple to understand and even fix. People, however, are more complex. Change can have a different impact on each of them, all of which can cause different attitudes and reactions. Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change is written for leaders with the key responsibility of managing people through transitions.

Managing and Leading People through Organizational Change provides a critical analysis of change and transformation in organizations from a theoretical and practical perspective. It addresses the individual, team and organizational issues of leading and managing people before, during and after change, using case studies and interviews with people from organizations in different sectors across the globe.

This book demonstrates how theory can be applied in practice through practical examples and recommendations, focusing on the importance of understanding the impact of the nature of change on individuals and engaging them collaboratively throughout the transformation journey.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

Sustaining Change in organizations
December 11, 2014
Indispensable to understanding change, this unique book provides a comprehensive examination of how change can be sustained within organizations today.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

2 Journal Publications
Engaging Employees with Organizational Change
Journal of Financial Transformation
January 04, 2021
COVID-19 has created an unprecedented disruption in organizations worldwide. Financial uncertainty, unpredictable working conditions, and health concerns are building stress within the workforce, and impacting organizations’ futures.The impact of the pandemic is driving the need for change in organizations across the globe. One of the vital ways to help ensure the success of organizational transformations is to include key stakeholders, such as employees, in the change. This article explores the importance of engaging employees with organizational transformations, whenever feasible to do so. It considers the antecedents of engagement with organizational change and recommends some practical implications
for managers and leaders.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

Consulting Capabilities for Organisational Change
Management Consulting Journal
June 04, 2018
The aim of this article is to examine the capabilities needed for consultancy
for organisational change. Based on empirical evidence we provide insight
into the capabilities that consultants need in order to be effective in
organisational change. These include: building and maintaining relationships;
building and sustaining trust; managing emotions; being self-aware; gaining
commitment and engagement; being resilient; demonstrating a tolerance for
ambiguity and uncertainty; demonstrating political astuteness; managing the
power dynamics; and creating effective organisational change conversations.
The relative emphasis on each capability will depend upon the situation, but
all are vital in consultancy for change.

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Tags: Change Management

6 Keynotes
Engaging Opposing Voices with Organizational Change
February 05, 2024

See publication

Tags: Change Management

Creating a supportive environment for organisational change
Keynote speaker
September 08, 2022
Session on creating a supportive environment for organisational change for ENL Group - Malaysia.

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Tags: Change Management

Capabilities for leading change
Keynote speaker
October 06, 2021
This session was given to senior leaders at Universities across the globe as part of the Matariki Leadership Programme

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Tags: Change Management, Leadership

Engaging people with change
June 15, 2021
This session was for leaders and managers in the NHS and was given at the Summer conference of the HSCA. It looked at the key element for engaging people with change.

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Tags: Change Management, Leadership

Leading and managing change
Kogan Page
May 27, 2021

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Tags: Change Management

Change means Leadership
Swiss Cham Indonesia
March 24, 2021
Change means Leadership.
Change can be challenging but it can help your organization maximize success.

Join us for an interactive and engaging webinar, where Professor Julie Hodges, a leading expert in organizational change, will discuss everything about 'change'; from engaging people with change to co-creating change.

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Tags: Change Management

1 Media Interview
Improving Employee Experience
September 05, 2022
Five ways to improve your employee experience.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Change Management

1 Miscellaneous
Impact of Organisational Change - podcast
September 05, 2022
The social and economic challenges are driving widespread change for many businesses.

The way organisations implement change can have an impact on their culture and the people who work within the culture. In this podcast with Karen Griffin MBA, MSc. I discuss some of the implications that organizational transformations can have on people.

Listen to the podcast here:

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Tags: Change Management

1 Panel
Excellence in Consulting
June 10, 2022
Objective of the Roundtable
To discuss factors impacting the delivery of service excellence by management consultants

The following topics will be dicussed:
• Consulting Value
• Role of client staff
• Performance Evaluation
• Methods, Standards and Accreditation

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Tags: Change Management

1 Presentation
People-Centric Change
Kogan Page
February 21, 2024
Book launch for my book on People-Centric Change

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Leadership

2 Speaking Engagements
Capabilities for leading change
June 28, 2022
I will be speaking at the annual conference of the American Association of Change Management Professionals next week. The aim of my session is to discuss:
- the key capabilities requiring for leading change in a post-pandemic world.
- techniques and approaches for applying each of the key capabilities.
- how the capabilities can be applied in practice.

See publication

Tags: Change Management

HR Under the Spotlight as Never Before – How Will You Respond?
March 24, 2021
The Oakridge Centre, experts in bespoke leadership development and team efficiency programmes, are delighted to host the launch of Transforming HR to Transform Organisations and look forward to welcoming you to a wonderful event on 25th March 2021.

Join fellow HR professionals for an interactive and thought provoking event addressing ‘the role of HR in creating value for the organisation and engaging its stakeholders during transformations’.

Every organisation is having to transform ‘within the context of an environment of accelerating and increasing complexity driven by global forces for change’.

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Tags: HR, Change Management

9 Webinars
Leading People-Centric Change
June 20, 2024
Masterclass on Leading People-Centric Change for staff at Leeds Beckett University

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Tags: Change Management

People-centric Organizational Change
Ex Space
February 21, 2024

See publication

Tags: Change Management

Building collaboration for change
Capability for change community
February 21, 2024

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Tags: Change Management

People-centric organisational change
Ex Space
February 21, 2024
In this session we'll focus on how change can be delivered with, rather than to, the people who are part of a transformation process.

By the end of this session you will:
appreciate the importance of the people dynamics of change;
be more effective in engaging others
and become more engaged yourself with change in hybrid and remote working contexts.

See publication

Tags: Change Management

People-centric change
Ex Space
February 21, 2024
In this session we'll focus on how change can be delivered with, rather than to, the people who are part of a transformation process.

By the end of this session you will:

appreciate the importance of the people dynamics of change;
be more effective in engaging others
and become more engaged yourself with change in hybrid and remote working contexts.

See publication

Tags: Change Management

Leading Change: a Leader's guide to successful transformation
November 17, 2022
As organizations face increasingly complex changes at faster rates, it is vital that leaders have key capabilities for leading and managing change effectively. Having the right skills, knowledge and experience are vital for engaging stakeholders with organizational transformations and ensuring that change achieves benefits and is sustainable.

Join Julie Hodges (Professor of Organisational Change at Durham University) as she explores the key capabilities for leading planned change effectively and considers how leaders can engage people in co-creating change so that they are committed and ensure that the change is sustainable.

You'll discover how to:

• Enhance your capabilities for leading digital transformations;
• Increase your engagement with stakeholders during digital transformations;
• Create a supportive environment for organizational change;
• Identify what you might do differently in leading digital transformations.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Change Management

Reshaping the role of HR: The role of HR in organizational change
March 25, 2021
Webinar of findings from global research project and latest book on 'Reshaping HR"

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Change Management

Reshaping HR: The role of HR in organizational change
Masterclass online
February 16, 2021
Masterclass on the role of HR in organizational change

See publication

Tags: HR, Change Management

Leading through Uncertainty
You Tube
December 01, 2020
This video provides practical advice for leading change

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Leadership

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1 Writing & Editing
People-centred change

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Articles which focus on engaging people with change.

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