We’ve searched the Thinkers360 Content Library to pick out 50 recent and upcoming books on business and technology from Thinkers360 member thought leaders. Here’s our picks (listed in date order by publication date) with direct links to the publications as well as to the author’s thought leadership profiles and portfolios on Thinkers360!
To search and browse amazing content – including articles/blogs, books, podcasts and videos, from our opt-in B2B thought leader and influencer community with over 15M followers on social media combined – join Thinkers360 today!
REMARKABLE RETAIL: How to Win & Keep Customers in the Age of Digital Disruption
Despite the clickbait headlines that warn of a “retail apocalypse,” many brick and mortar retail brands are enjoying strong growth and profits. Others, however, are destined to become obsolete because they offer merely convenience, decent prices, or an okay shopping experience. lifetreemedia.com | April 14, 2020 | Book | Steve Dennis |
Digital HR Strategy: How to Design and Implement a Digital Strategy to Drive Performance
We are living in an uncertain world that is rapidly changing with an overload of information and a continual rise of technologies. Automation, the gig economy, digital platforms and other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work and are having a significant impact on the workforce, workplace and the HR function. www.amazon.de | February 3, 2020 | Book | Soumyasanto Sen |
Cyber Minds
Cyber Minds brings together an unrivalled panel of international experts who offer their insights into current cybersecurity issues in the military, business, and government. www.packtpub.com | January 13, 2020 | Book | Shira Rubinoff |
Leveraging Digital Transformation
Leveraging Digital Transformation by M. Nadia Vincent is a practical guide for business executives, C-levels, digital transformation leaders, and IT managers alike as they implement digital transformation in their organizations or businesses. Thinkers360 | December 26, 2019 | M. Nadia Vincent, MBA |
Digital Twin – A Complete Guide For The Complete Beginner
Digital twins or digital twin, as a concept, has been around for a while. Dr. Michael Grieves at the University of Michigan in the USA wrote about it in a white paper in 2002. NASA’s been long using digital twins for its space mission, as they (obviously) don’t have physical access to the equipment once it leaves our planet. Simulation and visualisation technologies have been in use for decades. www.amazon.com | November 11, 2019 | Book | Vijay Raghunathan |
The Wicked Company
We live in an era of wicked problems. Can your company keep up? Technology and the evolution of the experience economy have created a reality that most companies can’t just buy or work their way into. These are wicked problems: issues that continue to evolve and morph beyond your solutions even as you form them. The days of tame problems—mass production, building bridges, solving for x—are behind us, but we’re still designing companies to solve those tame problems. Marcus Kirsch is here to change all that. www.thewickedcompany.com | December 15, 2019 | Book | Marcus Kirsch |
Revenue or Relationships? Win Both: A Customer Experience Primer to Shift Your Perspective of Business
To create engaging customer experiences, you need to shift your perspective of business. The basics of business hasn’t changed. You still need a vision, a mission, a brand, an operations and action plan, and a way to measure success. But how you view your customers and inspire them to make decisions has changed with automation. www.amazon.com | October 19, 2019 | Book | Mary Brodie |
Cyber Security: The Lost Decade – 2019 Edition
A Security Governance Handbook for the CISO and the CIOwww.blurb.co.uk | September 26, 2019 | Book | Jean-Christophe Gaillard |
The Mindset of a Sales Warrior
The Mindset of a Sales Warrior is your ticket to silence your inner critic and unleash the power within you now. Through 42 simple, easy-to-apply strategies, you’ll join with some of the top entrepreneurs in the world to free your mind so you can earn what you’re truly worth. go.fpg.com | October 01, 2019 | Book | Jason Forrest |
The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail
Many companies make disruption their goal. They believe that if they develop the right innovation, they will disrupt their markets forever and drive the kind of growth worthy of a magazine cover story. But as bestselling author Charlene Li explains, that’s not how disruption works. Disruption doesn’t create growth; instead, growth creates disruption. www.amazon.com | September 24, 2019 | Book | Charlene Li |
Customer Understanding: Three Ways to Put the “Customer” in Customer Experience (and at the Heart of Your Business)
Struggling to ensure that the customer is at the center of all your business does? This book is your guide to putting the “customer” in customer experience. Not sure what that means? Well, for starters, too many executives believe they are delighting their customers. Why wouldn’t they think that?! When they focus on growth, those customer acquisition numbers are pretty sweet, but they don’t tell the real story. www.amazon.com | September 03, 2019 | Book | Annette Franz, CCXP |
Practical Artificial Intelligence – An Enterprise Playbook
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring about radical improvements in the workplace and industry at large; the technology is sound, the math behind it robust. The market is enthusiastic and billions of dollars a year are being invested in AI; billions more will be spent over the coming years. Nevertheless, AI projects often never get off the ground, fail early, or disappoint in the long run.
amzn.com | September 01, 2019 | Book | Kashyap Kompella
The Pizza Guide to Digital Marketing
This book is rich with simple to advanced strategies from an awarded digital-agency owner, with practical examples of campaigns from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Client list includes the likes of Armani, Bayer, Huawei, Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, Etisalat, to name a few. passionpreneurpublishing.com | September 28, 2019 | Book | Christian Farioli |
We stand on the brink of a great unknown. The Digital Era has clearly demonstrated that we can’t progress further without developing leadership capabilities on a global scale. Leaderology defines the beginning of the Renaissance period in modern management and leadership while helping leaders to reach a new level of success. www.amazon.com | October 22, 2019 | Book | Dr. Oleg Konovalov |
AI Concepts for Business Applications
In this book, Nelson E. (Nick) Brestoff, a former California litigation attorney, provides his readers with a no math explanation of the breakthrough form of AI known as deep learning. He teaches by way of example and uses his eight U.S. patents, awarded in 2017 and 2018, as a way for his readers to see the many applications of his new technology. He echoes the view that deep learning will change everything and challenges his readers to come up with business-relevant innovations of their own. www.businessexpertpress.com | August 12, 2019 | Book | Nick Brestoff, M.S., J.D. |
The New Era of Cybersecurity Breaches: A Case Study and Lessons Learned
Over the last decade, as companies have continued to march forward on the digitization of everything, the cybersecurity risk profile has continued to change. Since 2005, there have been over 9,000 publicly disclosed data breaches. In the last five years, the financial losses due to cyber-attacks have risen by over 62%. Identifying, mitigating and managing cybersecurity risks in today’s environment is a challenging task. amazon.com | August 09, 2019 | Book | Graeme Payne |
Change Management Pocket Guide – Leadership of Change Volume 2
Change Management Pocket Guide: This pocket guide contains over thirty concepts, models, figures, assessments, tools, templates, checklists, plans, a roadmap and glossary structured around the ten-step a2B Change Management Framework®. www.amazon.com | April 16, 2019 | Book | Peter F Gallagher |
The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together (2nd edition)
Collaboration in the legal field is essential, and constantly-evolving technology makes it easier and more efficient than ever. This is your go-to guide for mastering the collaboration process in all ways, from collaborating within and outside your firm to finding practical ways to manage cases. It includes tools to use with clients and colleagues as well as information on commonly used collaboration platforms and on how to develop a collaboration strategy for your firm. shop.americanbar.org | February 26, 2018 | Book | Dennis Kennedy |
The Organisation of Tomorrow: How AI, blockchain and analytics turn your business into a data organisation
The Organisation of Tomorrow presents a new model of doing business and explains how big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence force us to rethink existing business models and develop organisations that will be ready for human-machine interactions. It also asks us to consider the impacts of these emerging information technologies on people and society. amzn.to | July 19, 2019 | Book | Dr Mark van Rijmenam |
Driving Innovation From Within
Driving innovation from inside of an organization has become the central determinant of organizational success today. Employees are the number one source of innovative growth options and the only remaining source of sustainable competitive advantage. Arming them with the skills and tools necessary to innovate on a continual basis is of paramount importance to any organization with aspirations to remain relevant in the future. kaihan.net | August 01, 2019 | Book | Kaihan Krippendorff |
The Biggest City You’ve Never Heard of
EVER WANTED TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND EXPERIENCE LIFE IN A FOREIGN LAND? Andy Wynn, and his wife Julie, did just that when they spent over 6 years living in China. ‘The Biggest City You’ve Never Heard Of’ is their story. Eye opening and informative, it unlocks the real China, what life is really like on the streets of modern Asia. www.amazon.co.uk | July 23, 2019 | Book | Dr Andy Wynn |
How to think strategically
Competent strategic thinkers are exceptions to the rule and rare in the business world, writes executive coach Greg Githens. “Aiming to change that, his new, comprehensive playbook, How to Think Strategically, is excellent and insightful, coming with a healthy dose of authoritative advice and a multitude of examples,” says Barry Silverstein in Foreword Reviews. mavenhousepress.com | July 09, 2019 | Book | Greg Githens
Managing Differently: Getting 100% from 100% of your people 100% of the time
Jim Rodgers, CMC, a confidential advisor to successful leaders in dozens of market leading companies, comes out of the shadows to reveal the secret to their success. Managing Differently™ implies that effective people management is the essential key to increasing performance for any organization. People are by nature diverse (different and similar) – and this increases the level of complexity in the workplace. However, getting 100% from 100% of people, 100% of the time is not only achievable – it is fundamental to world class performance. www.thediversitycoach.com | July 04, 2019 | Book | James Rodgers |
Chase One Rabbit: Strategic Marketing for Business Success 63 Tips, Techniques and Tales for Creative Entrepreneurs
Chase One Rabbit combines inspirational stories and practical techniques, inspiring entrepreneurs to make their businesses even more successful by using smart marketing that fits with their values and objectives. www.davidparrish.com | June 05, 2019 | Book | David Parrish |
Beyond Product
Most startups fail, even the ones with great products. It’s the Golden Age of the entrepreneur. Hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started in the US alone every year. A plethora of tools and platforms make it easy to bring new apps and services to life. But a great product is not enough. A great idea needs a smart strategy to reach the right market. In Beyond Product, marketers Todd Wilms and Jill Soley bring over 50 business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors together to help founders take their organization through each stage of growth, overcome obstacles and learn from common mistakes. www.amazon.com | May 07, 2019 | Book | Todd Wilms & Jill Soley |
STEP BOLDLY (special edition, Innovation Leadership Summit–Europe)
STEP BOLDLY is a 150-page paperback book of essays on digital transformation, innovation, strategy and leadership. It was produced as a custom book with a 100 copy limited edition print run and provided to attendees of Innovation Leadership Summit–Europe, which took place in May 2019 in Barcelona. gregverdino.com | May 02, 2019 | Book | Greg Verdino |
WTF Is Happening: Women Tech Founders on the Rise Kindle Edition
Technological innovation is exploding, and venture capitalists are continually looking to invest in the next big thing. But while female pioneers are making remarkable strides across a wide range of emerging tech fields—from robotics to virtual reality to drone technology and autonomous flight—they are receiving only a small fraction of the available funding, an inequity that harms both innovator and investor alike. www.amazon.com | April 16, 2019 | Book | Nisa Amoils |
Blockchain for Business
Blockchain enables enterprises to reinvent processes and business models and to pursue radically disruptive applications. Blockchain for Business is a concise, accessible, and pragmatic guide to both the technology and the opportunities it creates. www.amazon.com | April 01, 2019 | Book | Jai Singh Arun |
Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies
Corporate executives are struggling with a new trend: people using online social technologies (blogs, social networking sites, YouTube, podcasts) to discuss products and companies, write their own news, and find their own deals. This groundswell is global, it s unstoppable, it affects every industry and it s utterly foreign to the powerful companies running things now. www.amazon.com | March 25, 2008 | Book | Charlene Li |
Artificial Intelligence
“Everything we love about development and transformation is a product of human intelligence, thus amplifying innovation, invention intelligently with artificial intelligence that has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial to the society, environment, and mankind.“ www.amazon.com | March 24, 2019 | Book | Rajashree Rao |
Spark: The Power to Become Big is Within You
International acclaim for Professor M. S. Rao’s book. Acknowledgments foreword Preface 1. Introduction 2. Acquire self-awareness 3. Discover your biological clock 4. Be an early riser 5. Exercise every day 6. Acquire internal locus of control 7. Visualize effectively 8. Equip with affirmations 9. Use your internal dialogue effectively 10. Strengthen your subconscious mind 11. Journal regularly 12. Read avidly 13. Improve your memory 14. Improve your concentration 15. Practice yoga daily 16. Practice meditation 17. Cultivate mindfulness 18. Acquire emotional intelligence 19. Practice for 21 days 20. Take feedback 21. Be persistent 22. Learn, unlearn and relearn 23. Conclusion Epilogue list of books published by the author making a positive difference in the world about the author. www.amazon.com | March 14, 2019 | Book | Professor M.S. Rao, PhD |
The Social Organization
Facilitate collaboration – and therefore the sharing of knowledge and skills – with this guide to building social capital for improving business performance. koganpage.com | March 12, 2019 | Book | Jon Ingham |
Lifescale: Take control of distractions to live a more creative, productive and happy life
Somewhere along the way, we got distracted. As much as we multitask, love our devices and feel like we’re in control, deep down we know that something is off. Shortened attention spans, declines in critical thinking, lack of sleep, self-doubt and decreased creativity are just some of the effects coming to light in an age of digital distraction. It’s time to reclaim our lives. It’s time to take control. www.amazon.com | March 06, 2019 | Book | Brian Solis |
The Thought Leader Formula: Strategically Leverage Your Expertise to Drive Business & Career Goals
PEOPLE DON’T PAY FOR CONTENT; THEY PAY FOR PACKAGING.But how do you package yourself in a way that is accessible, relatable, and that will beheard above the noise?You want to expand your career and take your business to the next level. You’re not sure exactly where to start, but you want to be known. You might have brilliant ideas, but you weren’t born knowing how to sell them. No one is; it takes study, practice, and years of grind.The truth is, there’s no difference between branding a company and branding a person.It takes a shift in mindset: you are the company. www.amazon.com | February 28, 2019 | Book | Robin Farmanfarmaian |
Fast PR
Paul Blanchard is a PR consigliere to CEOs, global thought leaders and billionaires, and has been running his media consultancy firm for nearly twenty miserable years. ‘Fast PR’ distils every painful lesson he’s learned along the way. It’s everything you should do – and everything you shouldn’t do. If it works – it’s in this book. If it doesn’t work – this book will tell you why. It’s packed with snippets of accessible and highly practical advice from some of the most able communicators in the world. There’s no waffle, and no messing about – just exactly what you need to know. www.fast-pr.online | March 04, 2019 | Book | Paul Blanchard |
Sustainability Restorative to Regenerative
Our RESTORE Cost Action publication that records the outputs of the sustainability working group (1). This publication, with contributions from over 20 EU countries is an exploration in progressing a paradigm shift in built environment thinking, from sustainability to restorative sustainability and on to regenerative sustainability. It presents a reference document for future work of the RESTORE Action, for other Cost Actions and for built environment academia and industry organisations. www,eurestore.eu | May, 2018 | Book | Martin Brown |
The CyberSecurity Intelligence Report – Bot Mitigation & Management
Cybersecurity is like fighting a never-ending battle against a relentless foe. It’s not about wiping out the threat for good; it’s about staying one step ahead. Bot Management is a crucial tactic in this ongoing battle. Right now, over 50% of internet traffic is bots. |
Future Strong
EIGHTH OF 8 BESTSELLERS. SEE http://www.simplerwork.com/books/ FOR ALL 8 BOOKS. Maps the five toughest choices each of us must make to create our best futures. It is based upon Bill’s breakthrough research, studying the future of work through the lens of deeply personal individual choices. www.simplerwork.com | October 15, 2015 | Book | Bill Jensen |
The Paytech Book
The only globally-crowdsourced book on the future of payments (“PayTech”), offering comprehensive understanding of a rapidly evolving industry at the centre of global commerce The movement of money between individuals, organisations and governments is crucial to the world economy. The payments industry has undergone immense transformation – new regulations, technologies and consumer demands have prompted significant changes to the tools, products and use cases in payments, as well as presented lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs and FinTech professionals. fintechcircle.com | December 26, 2019 | Book | Samiran Ghosh (Contributor) |
Transport-Logistical and Integrated Distributions Systems: Industrial and Industrial Logistics
A leading book in Transport-Logistical and Integrated Distributions Systems: Industrial and Industrial Logistics by Vladimer Botsvadze, Levan Botsvadze, Otar Gelashvili, Teimuraz Kochadze and David Sharabidze, which is taught at the leading universities and business schools in Georgia. www.goodreads.com | February 01, 2019 | Book | Vladimer Botsvadze |
The Self Determined Manager, A Manifesto for Exceptional People Managers
The Self Determined Manager shares with readers the attitudes, actions and agendas of the very best people managers. Covering both what they do, and the approach they take, the book details the ways in which Self Determined Managers make a difference to their teams and their companies. It’s not easy to be a great manager, but this book is the blueprint and the manifesto for everyone who wants to manage others well. With practical questions, checklists, and in depth explanations, it’s a powerful and practical guide that every manager will want to read. www.selfdeterminedmanager.com | January 29, 2019 | Book | David Deacon |
Standing On Shoulders: A Leader’s Guide to Digital Transformation
Decimate the cost and dramatically slash the time it takes to get a technology solution from an idea to reality! Standing On Shoulders: A Leader’s Guide to Digital Transformation provides leaders with practical, actionable information about the breadth of Agile, Lean, and DevOps topics that … StandingOnShoulders.us | January 24, 2019 | Book | Jack Maher |
The Human Firewall – Workshop Edition: Cybersecurity is not just an IT problem
Our behaviour and the behaviour of the people in our lives is both the biggest threat and the best line of defence when it comes to cybersecurity. Together we are the Human Firewall, and this was the subject of my TEDx Talk on which this is based. This little book is designed to be an easy to access primer on the vast subject of cybersecurity, it’s aimed at anyone who uses a phone, tablet or a computer who connects to Wi-Fi or has a social media account. It’s based on the successful TEDx Talk on the subject which is a 16-minute key point rundown of hugely important a topic. www.amazon.co.uk | January 18, 2019 | Book | Rob May |
The Bottomless Cloud: How AI, the Next Generation of the Cloud, and Abundance Thinking Will Radically Transform the Way You Do Business
Electric power and the evolution of utilities fueled the growth of industrialization and the incredible innovation of the 20th century by allowing companies to focus on what they where best at rather than the generation and management of power. www.amazon.com | January 15, 2019 | Book | Thomas Koulopoulos & David Friend |
Audiobook: Wargaming for M&A Integration Leaders
This special episode of M&A Science is an audiobook written by Nitin Kumar, a Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, on the strategy of wargaming. In an era of disruption and uncertainty, developing and executing successful M&A transactions require new strategic approaches. Business wargaming is one such approach, significantly increasing overall M&A effectiveness by providing valuable foresight, stress-testing strategy and maximizing the potential for successful integration. dealroom.mascience.libsynpro.com | January 03, 2019 | Book | Nitin Kumar, CMC, CMAA |
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram For Seniors For Dummies
Enjoy the top social media sites with ease and security Done correctly, social media is a way to connect friends, family, and the world while still maintaining security and privacy. Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram For Seniors For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers advice on how to enjoy the three most popular social media options while avoiding worry about who sees what you share. www.amazon.com | December 18, 2018 | Book | Marsha Collier |
Beyond Airline Disruptions – Thinking and Managing Anew
Flight disruptions continue to thrive unnoticed, invisibly eroding airline profitability and causing growing passenger dissatisfaction. This is especially critical at airports where traffic expansion outstrips airport capacities. Hampered by legacy information systems, management practices and organisational detachments, decision makers across the industry have little or no understanding of the multiple causes of disruptions and their implications. Consequently, their actions are focused on resolving local problems without being synchronised at system level. As problematic as they are, disruptions create opportunities for learning about system interactions, a solid and appropriate foundation for resolving complex industry issues. www.routledge.com | December 14, 2018 | Book | Jasenka Rapajic |
We are living through the first stages of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Workers of all stripes, at all levels, stand to be replaced by machines— by artificial intelligence, in most cases, which is only beginning to have its impact. In years to come, lives will be disrupted. Jobs will be lost. But the news is not altogether bad. www.collectivebrains.org | December 08, 2018 | Book | Cesar Keller |
Cryptography has proven to be one of the most contentious areas in modern society. For some it protects the rights of individuals to privacy and security, while for others it puts up barriers against the protection of our society. This book aims to develop a deep understanding of cryptography, and provide a way of understanding how privacy, identity provision and integrity can be enhanced with the usage of encryption. www.amazon.co.uk | August 23, 2017 | Book | Prof Bill Buchanan OBE, PhD, FBCS |
Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management
How do project managers achieve spectacular results when they have no direct authority over their team members? Here’s a foolproof process for engaging your team: one that begins with engaging yourself. www.amazon.com | November 27, 2018 | Book | Ruth Pearce |
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