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Rajashree Rao

Head of Organization at Techutzpah


Rajashree (Shree) is a globally acclaimed Industry Thought Leader, Visionary, Advisor, Principal Consultant, and Mentor in Emerging Technologies - Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Industry 5.0, IoT and Smart Cities across verticals. After working for 20+ years in the corporate world across the regions (India, US, and APAC), she is back to her roots to venture onto the next biggest growth market in the world. Shree brings with her the diverse industry experience of working with IBM, Intel, and SAP, leading and influencing the technology adoption within the Singapore Government and Public Sector for building the Smart City and Smart Nation initiatives in the APAC region. Shree has also played a key role in the strategy development of the 'Smart Mobility 2030' roadmap with the Land Transport Authority of Singapore and to realize the vision of 'Connected Vehicles.' Shree champions the 'Open Innovation' and has developed two futuristics strategies called the 'Partnership Innovation Model' for RR and the 'Hybrid Model' of Innovation Hub or the Centre of Excellence concept.

Shree is a passionate technologist who challenges the industry and technology providers to innovate and think outside the box. She believes that Technology's principal goal is to enable individuals, organizations, cities, or nations to retrofit their existing system/business. She is an enthusiastic and fervent Speaker and avid writer. Shree is a radical and is known for breaking the glass ceiling in her career. She enjoys international travel, cooking and is in constant pursuit of spirituality. She is passionate about women's empowerment and spends her free time working with women and women's organizations.

Shree has been recognized by Thinker's 360 as one of the Top 50 Global Thought leaders and Influencers in Emerging Technologies, AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Ecosystem, 5G, AR/VR, and IoT. Thinkers360 also recognized Shree as one of the Top 100 Women B2B Global Thought Leaders to follow in 2020 and 2021. Recognized by SheThePeople.TV 40 Over 40 Awards - A celebration of achievement and courage, grit and determination of Shree's career journey. Shree is recognized as one of the Top 100 'Global Women in Leadership' achievers by the Global Council for the Promotion of International Trade (GCPIT) 2021 as a Change Maker Shree holds the prestigious role of Global Director-General of Sustainable Development Goals part of the GCPIT. Shree is also featured as one of the 150 + Global Cloud Thought Leaders and Next Generation Leaders of 2021 by Whizlabs.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: India
Speaking Topics: Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Advisor, Sustainable Innovation Strategist, Partnerships & Ecosystem, Cloud computing,

Rajashree Rao Points
Academic 0
Author 201
Influencer 94
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 20
Total 315

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Business Unit: Technology and Consultant
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 20+ Years

Areas of Expertise

5G 31.62
AI 31.78
Analytics 30.04
AR/VR 30.66
Autonomous Vehicles 30.19
Big Data 30.09
Blockchain 31.78
Business Continuity
Cloud 31.24
COVID19 31.07
Cryptocurrency 30.25
Culture 30.02
Cybersecurity 30.15
Data Center 30.13
Digital Disruption 30.14
Digital Transformation 31.19
Diversity and Inclusion 30.11
Ecosystems 30.12
Emerging Technology 34.06
FinTech 30.11
Future of Work
Health and Safety
Innovation 30.20
IoT 33.30
Leadership 30.02
Management 30.14
Mental Health 30.11
Metaverse 30.27
Mobility 30.19
NFT 30.58
Open Innovation
Predictive Analytics
Privacy 30.08
Retail 30.07
RPA 31.06
Smart Cities
Social 30.33
Supply Chain 30.07
Sustainability 30.81

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Federal & Public Sector
Professional Services
Travel & Transportation


81 Article/Blogs
The Pandemic of Gender Orientation Disorder
March 29, 2023
The world is currently facing a pandemic that has affected millions of people. However, there is another pandemic that has been largely ignored - the Pandemic of Sexual Orientation Disorder. This disorder affects individuals who are not heterosexual, causing them to experience discrimination, prejudice, and stigma. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the stigma surrounding sexual orientation disorders, the effects it has on individuals, and what we can do to overcome it.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Mental Health

Memory Haze
May 20, 2022
We have started living in a memory haze today. Long-lasting memory loss has completely taken over our beings.

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Sustainability

Digital Banks - Reimagining Trust
May 11, 2022
Neobanks, sometimes called "digital banks," are fintech firms that offer apps, software and other technologies to streamline online and mobile banking. These fintechs specialize in particular financial products, like checking and savings accounts. As a result, they are more agile and transparent than their megabanks counterparts, even though many of them partner with such institutions to insure their financial products.

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Innovation

The World is in a Self-Destructive Mode
April 28, 2022
Humanity's broken risk perception reverses global progress in a 'spiral of self-destruction, finds new UN report. Human activity and behaviour contribute to an ever-growing number of disasters worldwide, putting millions of lives and every social and economic gain in danger, warns the UN. The GAR2022 blames these disasters on a broken perception of risk based on "optimism, underestimation and invincibility," which leads to policy, finance and development decisions that exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and put people in danger.

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Tags: Blockchain, Innovation, Sustainability

Why are People not returning to work?
April 27, 2022
Pandemic spurred on the 'Great Resignation' of 2021, during which a massive number of employees voluntarily quit their jobs. However, what we are living through is not short-term turbulence induced by the Covid-19. Instead, it is the continuation of a trend of rising quit rates which began more than a decade ago, according to a study by Harvard Business Review (HBR). The major five factors exacerbated by the Pandemic have been the cause of this trend and the changes that we live through in today's labour market: the Five Rs: Reluctance, Reshuffling, Reconsideration, Relocation, and Retirement. Unfortunately, all of these factors are here to stay.

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Sustainability

How do businesses build Strategic Resilience?
April 25, 2022
Throughout the Pandemic, the businesses consulted to stabilize, mobilize, and return to work. However, during the post-recovery, the organizations are working to find newer market opportunities and become stronger by building resilience to navigate future shocks. To address the challenges posed by the Pandemic, organizations of all sizes and scales globally had to respond in agile and decisive ways. As we enter the post-pandemic era where the world has been completely disrupted, it is time for businesses to pursue, and seize the market opportunities emerging in the recovery. Organizations that take steps now to build strategic resilience for tomorrow will capitalize effectively on the growth opportunities in post recovery and continue to win in their marketplace as greater stability and certainty return.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Sustainability

What is Metaverse?
April 12, 2022
Metaverse is a combination of multiple elements of technology, including augmented reality, virtual reality, and video, where users "live" within a digital universe.

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Tags: AR/VR, Digital Transformation, Metaverse

What is Web 3.0?
February 16, 2022
Imagine a next-gen internet that accurately interprets your inputs but actually understands everything you convey either through text, voice or any other media, where all the content that we consume is tailored and customized than ever before. We are at the tipping point of a new era in the Web's evolutions. In 2014 Gavin Wood, co-creator of the Ethereum blockchain, predicted the internet of the future to be centred on — unsurprisingly — blockchain technology.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation

Cryptos Asset Class Dilemma
January 22, 2022
Cryptocurrencies have caught attention as an asset class in the last few years with a $3-trillion market opportunity. They have gone mainstream on the back of their sharp rally despite being famed for their volatility and uncertainties around regulations in many countries, including India. The digital token went further into the mainstream in 2021 as institutions, and retail investors got involved with the crypto market.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Digital Transformation

Will the Emerging Technologies enable building a Resilient Supply Chain
December 15, 2021
The supply chain industry has witnessed a paradigm shift, especially in recent times due to the disruption caused by the Pandemic. The industry is now considering an intrinsic part of the overall business strategy, thanks to the Covid-19, which has made the adoption of Digital Transformation a need of the hour in every industry. Besides, supply chain networks face enormous pressure caused by rising and shifting customer expectations for various products and services. The pre-covid era faced challenges relating to additional customer service requirements or fulfilment needs. The businesses responded by ramping up hiring and also throwing more people to address the problems. However, this strategy was unsustainable, primarily due to the constant tightening of the labour market. By then, a growing number of leaders in the supply chain hit the tipping point and started adapting technology solutions and tech-based business practices to reduce the pressures.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain

What is a Neo Bank?
October 27, 2021
Traditional banking would bring to mind the monolithic brick-and-mortar, mountains of paperwork, and malfunctioning ATMs. But, according to Wikipedia, “the term ‘Neo Banking’ was first coined in 2016 to describe fintech based financial service providers that were challenging traditional banks.” However, a new breed of non-bank fintech (financial technology) startups, known as neobanks, are combating these stereotypes in the form of digital-first-often, digital-only banking platforms that promise seamless online experiences and low- or no-fee services.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, FinTech

What is Embedded Finance? (Contd)
October 12, 2021
Global giants like Amazon, Mercedes, IKEA, or Walmart are cutting out the traditional banks, the financial middleman, and plugging in software from start-ups to offer customers everything right from Credit, banking, and insurance. As a result, they have now cracked the code for Finance. Until recently, if an organization wanted to offer financial services, they were required to form a FinTech arm within their business. This included an enormous capital expenditure, which took years to develop and a long time to show profits. Embedded Finance Infrastructure reduces the barriers approximately 10x for digital platforms to natively offer financial services to their customers. Therefore, for the customer, Embedded Finance enables ‘native’ FinTech experiences inside the non-fintech digital platforms closest to the customer. Furthermore, embedded Finance brings together multiple stakeholders and enables them to play to their strengths where all the parties involved are benefitted mutually.

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech, Ecosystems

What is Defi (Decentralized Finance)?
September 13, 2021
According to a report by blockchain data platform Chainalysis., “Fifteen million Indians are believed to have made investments in private cryptocurrency holdings. Cryptocurrency investments in the nation increased from $923 million in April 2020 to approx $6.6 billion by May 2021, a growth of about 400% in one year.” More Indians started investing in cryptocurrencies from 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic led to a global economic crisis, resulting in higher volatility and depreciation in traditional assets like equities, currencies, and bonds. As a result, more people around the globe started investing in cryptocurrencies. The growing number of crypto adopters also suggests a shift in the investment paradigm, driven mainly by the country’s younger population. While investments in gold are considered as an ideal hedge in times of economic downturn, more young Indians seem to have changed their appetite. As the situation stands, digital coin investments form a faction of bullion market holdings, but younger Indians — between the age group of 18 and 35 years — find cryptocurrency a better option compared to gold.

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Tags: Blockchain, 5G, COVID19

How do we build a Supply Chain that is Resilient, Robust and Futuristic?
July 12, 2021
Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic Era: The United States-China Trade-war and the supply and demand shocks brought on by the Covid-19 crisis have forced manufacturers to reassess their supply chains. In the foreseeable future, the manufacturers will face pressure to increase domestic production, reduce dependencies on risky sourcing, rethink strategies of lean inventories, just-in-time replenishment, and grow employment in their home countries, which will impede when material shortages arise. The risk facing any particular industry value chain reflects its level of exposure to different types of shocks and the underlying vulnerabilities of a specific organization or in the entire value chain. This article shares my thought leadership on building a more resilient supply chain without sacrificing competitiveness.

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Tags: Blockchain, Supply Chain, 5G

What, How, and Why about NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
April 14, 2021
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is a massive buzzword in the world of cryptocurrency at the moment. In the Crypto world, any object that can be digitally transferred from one person to another is called a ‘Token.’ Tokens, unlike coins, do not have the privilege of residing on their own blockchain. They depend on an existing blockchain to function and can be assigned a programmable value that can be recorded and maintained using a private key. An example of a token could be the general coins themselves. Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, and many that you probably have heard of, have a value assigned to them that can be exchanged for goods or services. However, payment tokens are not the only kind of tokens. There are three more types – Non-Fungible Tokens, Utility Tokens, and Security Tokens. In this article, we will be focusing on NFTs alone.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cloud, Cryptocurrency, NFT

What is the Internet of Behaviour (IoB)?
March 18, 2021
The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a sci-fi flick. The technology that connects any electronic device to the Internet is underway and is already a reality in many fields. The collections of data and usage by the IoT devices provide valuable insights into the users' interests, preferences, and behaviours, coined as the Internet of Behaviors (IoB). The IoB extends from the IoT, the interconnection of devices that result in a wide variety of new data sources.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Innovation, IoT

What is Graph Neural Network (GNN)?
March 17, 2021

A graph is a data structure consisting of two components Nodes (vertices) and Edges in computer science. A graph G can be defined as G=(V, E), where V is the set of nodes, and E are the edges between them. If there are directional dependencies between the nodes, then edges are directed; if not, edges are undirected. Therefore, a graph can represent things like molecules or social media networks. Think of nodes as users and edges as connections.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, 5G

What is a Graph Database?
March 03, 2021
Why Graph Technology is the future? - Graph database explained! History of Graph Database: In the 1960s, navigational databases such as IBM's Information Management System (IMS) supported tree-like structures in its hierarchical model, but the strict tree structure could be circumvented with virtual records. Graph structures could be represented in network

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Tags: Management, Data Center

What is SolarWinds Hack?
February 26, 2021

The SolarWinds Hack - A massive cyber attack in the United States using a novel set of tools. A valuable lesson for Cybersecurity. In 2020, the United States witnessed the biggest ever 'Cyber' intrusion known to-date. The nature and number of affected US Government agencies, particularly the notable US Energy Department,

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Privacy

What is the Internet of Behaviour (IoB)?
February 17, 2021
What is the Internet of Behaviour (IoB) Explained; the benefits and risks of this technology. The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a sci-fi flick. The technology that connects any electronic device to the Internet is underway and is already a reality in many fields. The collections of data and

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT

What is Cybersecurity Mesh?
February 12, 2021
Cybersecurity Mesh: Security Perimeters around individuals. What is it, and how can it be used in IT Development? According to Gartner, "The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the multi-decade process of turning the digital enterprise inside out," We've passed a tipping point — most organisational cyber assets are outside the traditional physical

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Tags: Big Data, Cybersecurity, IoT

Future of Cloud Computing in 2021
December 04, 2020
Cloud Computing will take the centre-stage by powering the pandemic recovery in 2021. Cloud will power how the organizations will adapt to the “New Norma,” that is still unstable. The workplace impact due to the global Pandemic has reinforced the tremendous value and need for cloud computing to the workforce and the world’s economy. Without the cloud applications, tools and services, Businesses and Enterprises couldn’t have sent millions of workers home, maintained global supply-chain, or shifted entire industry business models in a matter of weeks.

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Tags: Cloud, Management, Data Center

What is GAN in Artificial Intelligence(AI)?
November 25, 2020

Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and how they evolved. The Generative Adversarial Networks could be one of the most powerful algorithms in AI. The emergence of GAN, the AI technique that makes computers creative has been called one of the most significant successes in the recent development of AI, which

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Tags: AI

Why is Digital Transformation a necessary disruption?
November 09, 2020
What is Digital Transformation and how it marks a radical rethinking of an organization to transform business performance fundamentally? Digital Transformation (DT) Defined: Digital Transformation is the adoption of 'digital technologies,' to create new or modify existing business processes, customer experience, and culture by replacing non-digital or manual processes with digital

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Tags: Digital Transformation, COVID19

What is Facebook Horizon or Oculus?
October 14, 2020
Facebook Horizon is an ever-expanding, thriving VR world where you can explore, play, and create. There’s no end in sight to the extraordinary adventures and unique experiences you can have. Discover engaging communities, paint a masterpiece, or form a team and compete in action-packed games. You can build a Horizon World of your own using a variety of intuitive tools. Or get to know other Horizon citizens and be inspired by their creations. In Horizon, you are not just discovering a new world; you are part of what makes it great.

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Tags: Social, Management

2 Books
Artificial Intelligence
March 24, 2019
“Everything we love about development and transformation is a product of human intelligence, thus amplifying innovation, invention intelligently with artificial intelligence that has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial to the society, environment, and mankind.“

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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, IoT

5G - The Fifth Generation Technology
February 08, 2019
The next-gen mobile standard called the 5G – The fifth generation technology is poised to disrupt and create a new platform that is faster.

The industry is set on a race to build the “Fiber in the Sky.” The next-gen mobile standard called the 5G – The fifth generation technology is poised to disrupt and create a new platform that is faster, agile than the 4G’s state-of-the-art also known as the LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT, 5G

1 Founder
January 01, 2018
Techuztpah befell when we were unable to get a holistic view regarding a significant news announcement about the next-gen technology and the transformations happening around the world.
With the number of Media and News Websites booming every single day we get inundated with the scattered pieces of news all over the web. Running the rate race and constraint for time, a challenge to be addressed, gave birth to “Techuztpah” known for its Technological Audacity.
Techuztpah will be a global Media, Technology, and Services Organization with an exclusive focus to provide the latest news about the Technology and everything that you need to know in one-short without having to browse through various other news websites.
Techuztpah’s vision is to give you a sneak peek into all the technological advancements and breakthroughs within the industries and verticals across the globe in one snapshot. Our mission is to help you save your time by influencing the right technological and critical decision-making for the growth of your business.

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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

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