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Dr Andy Wynn

CEO at TTIP Global

Marbella, Spain

Dr Andy Wynn is a former CTO at a billion dollar FTSE 250 multinational manufacturing company, and has over 30 years’ experience of delivering business growth through new technologies, all over the world. The products that he and his teams developed for companies have sold hundreds of millions of dollars. He is the founder of TTIP Consulting, the International Innovation Company, that helps businesses grow by accelerating their delivery of better, more profitable new products and by internationalising their sales. They achieve this by building a culture and organisation that promotes innovation, by embedding the tools to deliver on it, and by giving them access to overseas markets. He is the author of a leading book on innovation, ‘Transforming Technology into Profit’.

Andy spent over 6 years living in China, where he was involved in building several factories and launching numerous joint venture businesses, so understands well the challenges and opportunities of doing business there for Westerners. His latest book, ‘The Biggest City You’ve Never Heard Of’, documents the challenges of life and business as an expat in China. He is a regular speaker at conferences and business schools on the subjects of ‘Unlocking Innovation in Business’ and ‘Doing Business in China’.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Marbella, Spain
Speaking Topics: How to Unlock Innovation in Business, Doing Business in China

Dr Andy Wynn Points
Academic 100
Author 245
Influencer 61
Speaker 37
Entrepreneur 180
Total 623

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Theatre: International
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 10 Years
Last Media Interview: 10/06/2020

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 35.15
Change Management
COVID19 30.80
Culture 31.68
Emerging Technology
Entrepreneurship 30.20
Innovation 47.11
Leadership 34.50
Legal and IP 31.05
Management 50.17
Open Innovation
Renewable Energy 34.13

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Building Materials, Clay & Glass
Engineering & Construction
High Tech & Electronics
Industrial Machinery & Components
Metal Products
Oil & Gas


1 Advisory Board Membership
Advanced Materials Show 2020 Conference
Event Partners
November 01, 2019

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Leadership

5 Article/Blogs
Simple Techniques for Managing Successful Team Meetings
January 30, 2020
How to manage meetings effectively is an important leadership skill, irrespective of business type and industry sector. In my latest article, I summarise the most effective and practical techniques that I have found work really well in face to face meetings.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Leadership in the Next Decade
July 02, 2019
As we move soon into the next decade, and I reflect on my 30 years in business thus far, I have seen many changes in leadership style over that time, and it makes me think, where is it all heading? What’s next? What will leadership look like in the coming decade? What traits and behaviours will successful leaders display in the next few years?

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

The Challenge of Managing Global Teams
June 11, 2019
One unique management challenge you have to learn to handle when working in an international business, is managing global teams over multiple time zones, particularly with respect to team meetings, which are usually held virtually. Having worked in multinational businesses for 30 years, I’ve picked up a few tips and techniques for working with and leading global teams and thought it might prove helpful to share some of the things I’ve learnt along the way and some of the stories behind how I learned these lessons.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Where Do New Product Ideas Come From?
April 23, 2019
So, you want to develop new products for your business. Where are you going to start? How do you generate ideas and identify potential new business opportunities, either with potential now and/or for the future? How do you generate a list of ideas and develop them into potential projects and assess which ones are worthwhile for the business to resource?

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Why do Businesses Struggle to Grow through New Products? It all Starts at the Top
March 05, 2019
I’ve worked for too many businesses that said they were entrepreneurial and weren’t, that said they were collaborative and weren’t, that said that they wanted to grow by developing new products but struggled to deliver. But why? I’m sure the leadership meant well, I’m sure they wanted these things, but why didn’t they happen?

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

2 Board Memberships
Chief Technology Officer – Thermal Products Division
Morgan Advanced Materials plc
January 01, 2016
Global responsibility for new product, process and new business development, with a global Exec of 6 Directors and a team of 200 across 30 sites, whilst based in China. A mixture of wholly owned businesses, joint ventures and recent acquisitions, producing a high complexity, high variety product output. Serving global industrial markets, including Automotive, Petrochemical, Iron & Steel, Aluminium and Fire Protection.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Technology Director Asia
Morgan Advanced Materials plc
January 01, 2013
Regional responsibility for new process and product development and new business development with a team of 80 across 20 sites, whilst based in China. A mixture of wholly owned businesses, joint ventures and recent acquisitions, producing a high complexity, high variety product output. Serving industrial markets in Asia, including Petrochemical, Aerospace, Iron & Steel, Rail, Mining, Semiconductor and Medical Devices.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

4 Books
Cracking the Innovation Code
November 01, 2020
Author Dr Andy Wynn, along with contributions from leaders of some of the biggest companies on the planet (including DuPont, 3M, Johnson Matthey & Imerys), finally reveals the secret of how you can unlock the potential in your business to grow. In the follow up to his book ‘Transforming Technology into Profit’, Andy takes you on a journey that explains how the organisation and culture within your business impact your company’s ability to innovate.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Business Strategy

So You Want to Build a Culture of Innovation?
Due for publication 2021
May 08, 2020
How to unlock the true potential of your people and grow your business

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Leadership

The Biggest City You've Never Heard of
July 23, 2019
A story of personal growth through the challenges of life in modern day China

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Leadership, Management

Transforming Technology into Profit
January 04, 2019
A guide to leading new ideas through the complexities of the corporate world and transforming them into successful new products

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Management

5 Conference Publications
Improved Monolithic Materials for Lining Aluminium Holding and Melting Furnaces – Roof, Upper Walls and Flue
Aluminium Cast House Technology XII, International Conference and Exhibition, on Aluminium Cast House Technology, 12
September 11, 2011

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Insulating firebrick - maximizing energy savings in iron and steel applications through product selection
AISTech, Iron and Steel Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2011
May 02, 2011

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Renewable Energy

Monolithic material selection for the lining of aluminum holding & melting furnaces
TMS, TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2010
February 14, 2010

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Tags: Innovation, Management

A new cost effective alternative for the rotary degassing of aluminium alloys
World Foundry Congress
February 07, 2008
68th World Foundry Congress, 56th Indian Foundry Congress,

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Tags: Innovation

An improved method of measuring the oxidation resistance of carbon-containing refractories and composites
September 08, 2007
An improved method of measuring the oxidation resistance of carbon-containing refractories and composites

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Tags: Innovation, Management

1 Founder
TTIP Consulting Ltd
TTIP Consulting
December 20, 2018
Founder of an International Innovation Company with a global Exec of 7 Directors across Europe, North America and Asia. Helping industrial and high tech businesses grow by accelerating their delivery of better, more profitable new products and by internationalising their sales.
• Set up 5 formal business partnerships, extending our reach by over 100 staff
• Delivering tailored programs of structural realignment and behavioural training
• Helping businesses grow new revenue streams by diversifying into new markets, particularly China and Japan
• Regular speaker at conferences and business schools all over the world, recently invited to deliver the opening keynote speech at the 2019 international Ceramics UK conference

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Management

11 Journal Publications
Insulating firebrick - maximising energy savings in iron and steel applications through product selection
Foundry Trade Journal
July 01, 2014
Insulating firebrick - maximising energy savings in iron and steel applications through product selection

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Renewable Energy

Ceramics & Refractories/Insulation - Methods of Assessing Monolithic Refractories for Material Selection in Aluminum Melt-Hold Furnaces
Industrial Heating
October 01, 2013

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Maximize Energy Savings by Selecting the Right Insulating Firebricks
World Ceramics & Refractories
September 03, 2012
Maximize Energy Savings by Selecting the Right Insulating Firebricks

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Renewable Energy

Assessing monolithic refractories.
Ceramic Industry
August 01, 2011
Aluminum producers have developed a practical set of laboratory tests for furnace linings.

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Insulating firebrick - Maximizing energy savings through product selection
Industrial Heating
August 01, 2011
Insulating firebrick - Maximizing energy savings through product selection

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Management, Renewable Energy

Improved Monolithic Materials for Lining Aluminium Holding and Melting Furnaces – Roof, Upper Walls and Flue
Materials Science Forum
June 06, 2011

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Assessing Monolithic Refractories for Use in Aluminum Melt-Hold Furnaces
Advanced Materials & Processes
June 01, 2011
Refractories have to withstand increasingly harsh environments in aluminum melt-hold furnaces, so materials-assessment tests should reflect these changes in conditions.

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Improved Monolithic Materials for Lining Aluminum Holding & Melting Furnaces
Light Metals
May 02, 2011

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Management

Crucial to crucibles
Industrial Minerals
July 02, 2007
Crucial to crucibles - From Ancient Egypt to modern times, melting metals in crucibles is as important now as ever. Andy Wynn discusses mineral applications in this metal costing practice

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Tags: Innovation, Management

The crucible
Materials World
May 01, 2006
Crucible production has been developing over the past several thousand years

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Rammable conductive lining for induction heating systems
Industrial Heating
April 04, 2005

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Tags: Innovation, Management

1 Keynote
The State of the UK Advanced Ceramics Market
Ceramics UK Conference
July 10, 2019
It was a great honour to deliver the opening speech at the 2019 international Ceramics UK conference and to be able to present my views on the current state of the UK Advanced Ceramics market.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

3 Media Interviews
Experts Voice Optimism For Economic Recovery
China Daily
March 09, 2020
Interviewed by China Daily for my opinion on the effect of the Covid-19 crisis on innovation in the healthcare industry and on the economy of China. Article appeared in a variety of editions around the world.

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Management, Leadership, COVID19

The Biggest City You've Never Heard Of
The Authors Show
November 05, 2019
US Podcast interview about my new book

See publication

Tags: Culture, Management

The Biggest City You've Never Heard Of
Talk Radio Europe
September 20, 2019
Interview on Talk Radio Europe about my new book

See publication

Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

3 Panels
Focus on Materials
Advanced Engineering Show
October 31, 2019
A great privilege to chair the ‘FOCUS ON MATERIALS’ session. Enjoyed working with some excellent speakers;
1) Performance, Delivered: Nanomaterial Enhanced Elastomers for Automotive Applications - Thomas Greaves, Senior Project Manager, Haydale
2) Graphene in a UK commercial automotive paint primer - Nigel Blatherwick, Commercial Director, Applied Graphene Materials
3) The Metal Matrix - Richard Thompson, Commercial Director, Alvant

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Composites For Automotive
Advanced Engineering Show
October 30, 2019
Great to chair the Panel of speakers
1) Glass fibre composites for automotive - Mark Hudson, Sales Manager, Nippon Electric Glass
2) System V and Organic Design – Scaling up to High-Volume Automotive - Dr Nuno Lourenço, Senior Manager – Body CAE, Jaguar Land Rover
3) InterCOMP – Integrated Compression Moulding Process - Rachel Weare, Lead Engineer - Structural Composite Manufacturing, WMG
4) Sustainability and Recycling of CFRP within the Automotive Sector - John McQuilliam, Chief Engineer, Prodrive

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Plenary panel session on the state of the UK Advanced Ceramics market.
Ceramics UK Conference
July 10, 2019
It was a great honour to deliver the opening speech and to be able to present my views on the current state of the UK Advanced Ceramics market. And then to chair the first plenary panel session at the 2019 international Ceramics UK conference with such distinguished guests as Laura Cohen, Tony Kinsella and Alan McLelland.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

2 Patents
Patent Office
December 24, 2003
WO 03/106371 A1
US 2006/0061020 A1

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Tags: Innovation, Management

Methods of making inductively heatable articles, induction furnaces and components, and materials
Patent Office
January 29, 2003
EP1588386, GB2393500A, CN100418922C

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Tags: Innovation, Management

8 Speaking Engagements
How to Unlock the Innovation Potential of Your Business
Transfiere 2020
February 13, 2020
This presentation addresses how to successfully guide new products and technologies through the many layers of organisational structure and corporate hurdles that they have to deal with before they can become successful new products. Coming up with a great idea for an innovative product is just the start of a complex and lengthy process of making it into commercial reality and there are too many stumbling blocks along the way that can derail a great idea. The presentation is filled with examples from the speaker’s own career of advanced material products that he and his teams developed. It challenges businesses that ‘The Biggest Barrier to Innovation is your own Business’ by highlighting the Organisational, Process and Cultural barriers that businesses face. This is an important topic for industry because many people get wrapped up in the excitement of their new technology, but have little concept of the real world struggle they will face to manoeuvre it successfully through a business to make it a commercial reality.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership

IP Protection and Commercialisation
November 27, 2019
• Transforming Technology into Profit – how to make ideas real and successfully commercialise them into new products
• How IP fits into the Process of Innovation and New Product Development
• The barriers to Innovation and how to unlock the potential of your business to grow through innovation
• IP portfolios from a business point of view

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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Management

Doing Business in China
Institute of Directors
November 20, 2019
To deliver the forecast growth potential of many industries, manufacturing companies need to look East, to where the big growth is happening. This is particularly relevant, as several European markets are forecast to lose some market share to the growing Asian regions in the coming years. China’s 14 trillion USD economy is still growing at 6% and is forecast to surpass the US by 2030 to become the world’s largest economy. Growth is fuelled by increasing demand across many sectors, both domestically and across the Asian region, especially for consumer electronics and advanced medical technologies. But many Western businesses struggle to know where to start or how to approach China, or are trying to build presence in the market but struggling to succeed.
Using real world examples from the many factory projects, joint venture negotiations and numerous business start-ups that Andy was involved with in China, this presentation highlights the many challenges that Western businessmen experience in trying to take their Western style of doing business to China and explains how to deal with them. Political involvement, a different approach to drawing up legal contracts, and Chinese style negotiation techniques are just some of the situations covered.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

Building a Manufacturing Business in China
Smart Factory Expo
November 14, 2019
To deliver the forecast growth potential of many industries, manufacturing companies need to look East, to where the big growth is happening. This is particularly relevant, as several European markets are forecast to lose some market share to the growing Asian regions in the coming years. China’s 14 trillion USD economy is still growing at 6% and is forecast to surpass the US by 2030 to become the world’s largest economy. Growth is fuelled by increasing demand across many sectors, both domestically and across the Asian region, especially for consumer electronics and advanced medical technologies. But many Western businesses struggle to know where to start or how to approach China, or are trying to build presence in the market but struggling to succeed.
Using real world examples from the many factory projects, joint venture negotiations and numerous business start-ups that Andy was involved with in China, this presentation highlights the many challenges that Western businessmen experience in trying to take their Western style of doing business to China and explains how to deal with them. Political involvement, a different approach to drawing up legal contracts, and Chinese style negotiation techniques are just some of the situations covered.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

Transforming Advanced Engineering Technologies into Profit
Advanced Engineering Show, NEC, UK
October 30, 2019
This presentation addresses how to guide new product and technology ideas through the many layers of organisational structure and corporate hurdles that they have to deal with before they can become successful new products. Coming up with a great idea for an innovative product is just the start of a complex and lengthy process of making it into commercial reality and there are too many stumbling blocks along the way that can derail a great idea. The presentation is filled with examples from the speaker’s own career of advanced engineering products that he and his teams developed. It challenges businesses that ‘The Biggest Barrier to Innovation is your own Business’ by highlighting the Organisational, Process and Cultural barriers that businesses face. This is an important topic for the Advanced Engineering industry because many people get wrapped up in the excitement of their new technology, but have little concept of the real world struggle they will face to manoeuvre it successfully through a business to make it a commercial reality.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Transforming Advanced Materials Technologies into Profit
Advanced Materials Show
July 11, 2019
'Transforming Advanced Materials Technologies into Profit' addresses how to guide new product and technology ideas through the many layers of organisational structure and corporate hurdles that they have to deal with before they can become successful new products. Coming up with a great idea for an innovative product is just the start of a complex and lengthy process of making it into commercial reality and there are too many stumbling blocks along the way that can derail a great idea. The presentation is filled with examples from the speaker’s own career of advanced ceramic, carbon and refractory products that he and his teams developed. It challenges businesses that ‘The Biggest Barrier to Innovation may be your own Business’ by highlighting the Organisational, Process and Cultural barriers that businesses face. This is an important topic for the Advanced Materials industry because many people get wrapped up in the excitement of their new technology, but have little concept of the real world struggle they will face to manoeuvre it successfully through a business to make it a commercial reality.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

A Career in Manufacturing
Wolverhampton Grammar School
July 09, 2019
Andy was a student at WGS from 1976 to 1983. He studied at Warwick University and gained BSc and PhD in Chemistry. He then went on to enjoy a successful 30 year career in industrial engineering and advanced materials manufacturing, living and working all over the world. After a string of technology, operations and business management positions, his career led him to become Chief Technology Officer of the largest global division of Morgan Advanced Materials plc, a FTSE 250 multinational manufacturer of advanced materials and industrial engineering solutions, where he led a billion pound portfolio of new technology, new product and new business development opportunities.
Andy’s career long passion has been creating new technologies and building new businesses from them. His work has taken him into multiple global industrial sectors, including Oil & Gas, Automotive, Aerospace, Iron & Steel, Energy & Renewables, Semiconductor and Medical Devices, developing and commercialising many new products across global markets, which have sold hundreds of millions of pounds around the world.
He is the author of a leading book on the subject of innovation and new product development, ‘Transforming Technology into Profit’, and the founder of TTIP Consulting, an International Innovation Company, which helps industrial and high tech businesses grow by building a culture and organisation that promotes innovation and embedding the tools to deliver on it.
A seasoned world traveller and global citizen, Andy’s career has taken him all over the world, working in North and South America, throughout Europe, the Middle East and right across Asia and Australia. He has a particular passion for China, having spent 20 years regularly travelling and doing business there, including over 6 years living there, an experience he recently captured in his latest book ‘The Biggest City You’ve Never Heard Of’.
He is a regular keynote speaker at conferences and business schools on the subjects of ‘Unlocking Innovation in Business’ and ‘Doing Business in China’.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

Building a Manufacturing Business in China
Department of International Trade
June 25, 2019
To deliver the forecast growth potential of many industries, manufacturing companies need to look East, to where the big growth is happening. This is particularly relevant, as several European markets are forecast to lose some market share to the growing Asian regions in the coming years. China’s 14 trillion USD economy is still growing at 6% and is forecast to surpass the US by 2030 to become the world’s largest economy. Growth is fuelled by increasing demand across many sectors, both domestically and across the Asian region, especially for consumer electronics and advanced medical technologies. But many Western businesses struggle to know where to start or how to approach China, or are trying to build presence in the market but struggling to succeed.
Using real world examples from the many factory projects, joint venture negotiations and numerous business start-ups that Andy was involved with in China, this presentation highlights the many challenges that Western businessmen experience in trying to take their Western style of doing business to China and explains how to deal with them. Political involvement, a different approach to drawing up legal contracts, and Chinese style negotiation techniques are just some of the situations covered.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

4 Visiting Lecturers
How to Unlock the Innovation Potential of Your Business
Warwick Business School
February 08, 2020
Speaking to Warwick Business School's Exec MBA students at ‘The Shard’ in London, Sat Feb 8th, to support the day's theme of Culture and Leadership in Innovative Organisations.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Leadership

Transforming Technology into Profit
Warwick University Business School
January 14, 2020
The Process of Innovation in B2B
Where Commercial Ideas come from – Ideation
The processes businesses use to transform ideas into real products
How new products are commercialised
The barriers to innovation
How to unlock innovation in a business

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Leadership, Management

Doing Business in China
March 27, 2019
Dr Andy Wynn, Managing Director of TTIP Consulting ( has spent 20 years doing business in China and across Asia, including over 6 years living there. Whilst based in China he was involved in building several factories and starting numerous joint venture businesses, so understands well the challenges and opportunities of doing business there for Westerners.
Andy came to MIUC on 27th March to talk to our students about ‘Doing Business in China’. His lecture started by covering the economic background of China, explaining the incredible growth experienced in the country over the last 30 years, and the recent slowdown, illustrating the economics with examples of how the growth is highly visible in the massive infrastructure projects across the country, the ceaseless building of skyscrapers in every major city, and the incredible digital transformation that has swept Chinese society in the last few years.
Andy lived in a city called Dalian, in the North East of China, which he often calls ‘The Biggest City You’ve Never Heard Of’, which is the title of his forthcoming book on life as an expat, due for publication later this year. His lecture explained the role of Dalian as host to the Summer Davos World Economic Forum and serves as a great example of how many major, ultra-modern cities in Asia are virtually unknown in the West.
Using real world examples from the factory projects, joint venture negotiations and numerous business start-ups that Andy was involved with in China, his lecture highlighted the many challenges that Western businessmen experience in trying to take their Western style of doing business to China and explained how to deal with them. Political involvement, a different approach to drawing up legal contracts, and Chinese style negotiation techniques were all covered in depth during the talk, which also explored some of the day-to-day cultural challenges that Westerners experience when living in China. Hopefully our students now better understand the importance of having a flexible approach, respecting other peoples’ points of view and building long term relationships in their future careers in international business.

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Tags: Culture, Innovation, Management

Transforming Technology into Profit
January 14, 2019
Lecture Title; ‘Transforming Technology into Profit’
This lecture explains the process of innovation in industrial manufacturing businesses. It describes how new product ideas are generated, the processes businesses use to turn them into real products, and how new products are commercialised. It also explains how Intellectual Property and other legal frameworks are important in maintaining the competitive advantage of new technologies.
About the lecturer; Dr Andy Wynn, MD of TTIP Consulting Ltd, is an international business leader with over 30 years’ experience in technology, new business development, innovation, strategy, operations, sales and product management, working all over the world in multi-national advanced materials and industrial engineering businesses.

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Tags: Innovation, Management, Legal and IP

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