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Kashyap Kompella

CEO and Chief Analyst at RPA2AI Research

Bangalore, India

Kashyap Kompella is the CEO of RPA2AI Research, a global industry analyst firm focused on Automation and Enterprise AI. Kashyap has 20 years of experience as an Industry Analyst, Hands-on Technologist, Management Consultant and M&A Advisor to leading companies and start-ups across sectors.

Kashyap is widely recognized as a thought leader on Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation, and other emerging technologies and his work has been featured in the media, including the BBC, Quartz, Economist, Mint, Hindu, Guardian, Forbes, Nikkei Asian Review, eMarketer, CMSWire, KMWorld, EContent and SearchCIO.

Kashyap is a CFA Charter holder and an alumnus of BITS, Pilani and Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. He also has a Master of Business Laws Degree and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Laws from National Law School, Bangalore.

Current Affiliations/Memberships:
- CEO and Chief Analyst, RPA2AI Research
- Contributing Industry Analyst, Real Story Group
- Venture Partner, Gemba Capital
- Contributor
- Columnist, Info Today Magazine ("AI Ethicist")
- Columnist, Speech Technology Magazine ("Interact")
- Co-Author, Practical Artificial Intelligence: An Enterprise Playbook
- Member, IEEE Ethically Aligned Design of AI systems for Business Committee

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Speaking
Travels From: Boston / Bangalore
Speaking Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation, AI Ethics, Digital Transformation,

Kashyap Kompella Points
Academic 255
Author 392
Influencer 212
Speaker 199
Entrepreneur 395
Total 1453

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, FinTech, Cloud, RPA, Customer Experience
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: 11-50
Company Founded Date: 2024
Media Experience: 20 Years
Last Media Interview: 01/05/2021

Areas of Expertise

AI 43.59
Business Strategy 45.43
Cloud 42.78
Cryptocurrency 30.13
Customer Experience 33.28
Digital Transformation 44.65
Emerging Technology 30.24
FinTech 36.81
IoT 32.89
Leadership 30.11
Marketing 36.53
RPA 77.91

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
Professional Services


4 Academic Awards
CFA Charter
CFA Institute
August 25, 2017
Kashyap has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation (CFA charter) by passing all three of the CFA exams and gaining relevant industry experience, demonstrating their mastery of the investment analysis and decision-making skills most needed in the global investment management profession.

The CFA Program is the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world globally. CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals whose mission is to lead the investment profession globally by promoting the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, FinTech, Risk Management

Graduate Certificate in Public Policy
Takshashila Institution
June 02, 2014
Top on the list of board / CEO agenda is the regulatory concerns around technology and successfully navigating the policy domain is a critical success factor as technology and public policy increasingly intersect with each other.

The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (GCPP) program covers courses such as

- Policy Analysis and Concepts
- Economic Reasoning for Public Policy
- Effective Communication and Media Engagement

and equips practitioners with a firm understanding of the fundamentals of public policy and governance.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Privacy

Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Law
National Law School
July 01, 2011
Awarded the post graduate diploma in IP rights law by National Law School, which is the top-ranked law school in India. My dissertation topic: Valuation of Patents - A Critical Analysis, synthesizes legal, financial and technology practitioner insights to arrive at a practical methodology to estimate value of patents.

See publication

Tags: AI, Innovation, Business Strategy, Legal and IP

Masters in Business Laws
National Law School
June 30, 2011
The National Law School of India University, Bengaluru (“NLSIU”), is the first national law university established in India. NLSIU has consistently been ranked No. 1 in India. The Chief Justice of India is the Chancellor of NLSIU, and provides unmatched stature and prestige to NLSIU.

The MBL is NLSIU’s flagship distance education degree. Graduates from this programme are managers and in-house lawyers in the biggest corporations. Tailored for lawyers and managers at all levels to acquire legal skills and the ability to assess legal risks for better decision making.

See publication

Tags: AI, Education

4 Academic Certifications
Yoga Teacher Training
A1000 Yoga Acadamey
April 17, 2016
Completed the 200 hour teacher training certificate in Hatha Yoga. Have combined Yoga precepts with corporate strategy, artificial intelligence and other business concepts to develop and deliver unique masterclasses. (for example at the Digital Leadership Conference in Denmark, 2019).

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Book Publishing Course
Institute of Book Publishing
November 27, 2013
Completed the condensed course for industry professionals on end-to-end aspects of the book publishing industry, conducted by the Institute of Book Publishing (26th edition of the course). 18th-27th Nov, 2013

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Course: Social Psychology
Wesleyan University / Coursera
July 30, 2013
Completed the course "Social Psychology" by Wesleyan University and the

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Venture Capital and Private Equity
March 25, 2007
A Certificate Course in Venture Capital and Private Equity Development offered by London School of Business Professors, in partnership with the executive education branch of the Indian School of Business.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, FinTech

1 Academic Whitepaper
Digital Experience Management for Publishers
Online Inc / EContent
November 09, 2016
A Guide to Digital Experience Management for Publishers

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

6 Advisory Board Memberships
Advisor - Digital Alpha
Digital Alpha
July 01, 2020
Digital Alpha is a leading technology and consulting services firm headquartered in New York. Backed by the best industry minds from wall street companies like Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, J.P Morgan, and Deloitte - Digital Alpha help enterprises take advantage of the data and digital paradigm to generate new levers that accelerate growth.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, FinTech

Ethically Aligned Design of AI for Business Committee
IEEE Global Initiative
July 01, 2019
The EAD for Business Committee represents the beginning of the next phase of work for The IEEE Global Initiative. This continuing series of work focused on highlighting Ethically Aligned Design focuses on specific topical areas such as health, artists and parenting along
with business related issues.

(please note that we are a member of the Business Committee, not a board member of IEEE EAD/IEEE Global Initiative, but among the categories that the Thinkers360 provides, this is the closest category to enter this in.)

See publication

Tags: AI, FinTech, IoT

Strategic Advisor
Deep Analysis
January 01, 2019
Deep Analysis is an industry analyst and advisory firm that focuses on emerging trends and markets in information management and process automation management. Over the past two decades the Deep Analysis team has advised organizations ranging from technology firms such as Microsoft, IBM, and SAP to government departments in Europe, Asia, and the US. Deep Analysis also advised major public companies in insurance, media, supply chain, and healthcare.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Advisor - Altview
Altview Advisory
January 01, 2019
Altview Advisory was technology industry firm covering different digital technology marketplaces, vendors and products. Since Dec 2020, Altview has shifted focus to expert analysis and commentary.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Machine Learning Performance Benchmarks
ML Perf
August 31, 2018
MLPerf's mission is to build fair and useful benchmarks for measuring training and inference performance of ML hardware, software, and services.

MLPerf was founded in February, 2018 as a collaboration of companies and researchers from educational institutions. MLPerf is presently led by volunteer working group chairs.

rpa2ai Research has been a supporting organization of MLPerf since August 2018. (please note that we are not a board member or founding member of MLPerf, but among the categories that the Thinkers360 has, this is the closest category to enter this in.)

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, IoT

Technology Advisor to late-stage angel investment VC
Gemba Capital
May 28, 2018
Gemba Capital backs post-seed stage startups that are scalable and looking for angel investments. Kashyap Kompella is a technology advisor to Gemba Capital and advises on due diligence and market potential of investments being considered

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, FinTech

2 Analyst Advisorys
Contrasting the Major Marketing Clouds
Real Story Group
April 19, 2017
In this whitepaper, I do a deep-dive to examine their similarities and differences.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Marketing

Enterprise Mobile Technology Market Analysis
Real Story Group
February 05, 2015
The enterprise mobile platform marketplace consists of a plethora of vendors and tools, and many organizations struggle to identify the right set of vendors that are suitable for their scenarios. In our evaluations, we group vendors into three large categories.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Marketing

5 Analyst Reports
Enterprise Collaboration and Social Networking
Real Story Group
January 01, 2017
RSG's Enterprise Collaboration and Social Networking Research Report is a book-length report (400-500 pages) that is updated multiple times a year. Kashyap was the lead industry analyst and author responsible for this report, contributing several chapters and publishing 2-3 revised editions during 2012 to 2017.

See publication

Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Business Strategy

Marketing Automation and Social Technology Evaluation Report
Real Story Group
March 15, 2016
Comprehensive product reviews and evaluations. Lead Analyst on this book-length report (340 pages)

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Marketing Automation and Campaign Execution
Real Story Group
January 01, 2015
RSG's Marketing Automation is a book-length report (300+ pages) that describes the essentials of digital marketing technology, market trends, vendor reviews, technology selection and implementation guidance. During 2014 to 2017, Kashyap was the lead analyst responsible for the digital marketing technology research and keeping the report up-to-date with revised editions.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Enterprise Mobile Platforms
Real Story Group
September 26, 2013
RSG's Enterprise Mobile Platforms is a book-length report (225 pages) that contains the essentials of enterprise mobile technology, its applications, vendor reviews, market trends and implementation best practices. During 2013-2015, Kashyap was a co-author of this report.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, Marketing

Broadcast and Media Asset Management
Real Story Group
January 01, 2013
RSG's Broadcast and Media Asset Management Report is a book-length report (215 pages) that contains description of media asset management technology essentials, use cases, reviews of leading vendors, market trends and implementation best practices. This is updated multiple times during the year and during 2012-2015 Kashyap was the lead analyst responsible for authoring and revising this report.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

13 Article/Blogs
Can crypto help avoid sanctions?
March 11, 2022
Can a country escape economic sanctions using cryptocurrencies?
This question became important as US and other countries imposed economic and trade sanctions on Russia. Here is our analysis.

See publication

Tags: Cryptocurrency

No, China is not winning the AI race
The Hill
February 03, 2022
The global competition between the United States and China continues apace. Technology is rightly seen as providing unique leverage to win this geopolitical race. The U.S. long has been the global technology powerhouse, but not surprisingly, we have heard much about the Chinese government’s ambition to dominate high-tech industries such as 5G telecommunications, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, and semiconductor chips.

See publication

Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, Leadership

AI and future of work
BusinessLine On Campus
October 15, 2021
Artificial Intelligence is a horizontal technology. It means that AI applications are nearly everywhere. For example, AI will make its way to different functions (such as marketing, finance, HR, supply chain, IT, and customer support) and will be used in different sectors (such as banking, insurance, retail, manufacturing, healthcare, government, defence, and media).

See publication

Tags: AI, IoT, Leadership

AI to the rescue, in a cookie less world
BusinessLine On Campus
March 21, 2021
Online advertising uses first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are stored on your computer by the website you are visiting while third-party cookies, as the name suggests, are placed by their partners. Third-party cookies can be read by not just the original website you visited, but also all sites using the third-party partner’s code. Third-party cookies have become the main mechanism to track users across the web and are the workhorses of the multi-billion-dollar global ad-tech business. Third-party cookies are the key connective tissue to maintain your entire activity history and not just drive targeted advertisements but also used in measuring the effectiveness of digital ads.

See publication

Tags: AI, Big Data, Privacy

Fighting against AI bias
BusinessLine On Campus
March 03, 2021
In my previous columns, I described how today’s Artificial Intelligence systems use deep learning execute tasks such as image recognition, speech processing, and text analysis. Such deep learning systems make use of advanced mathematical techniques and analyse vast amounts of data to make recommendations, and are even used to automate decisions. On the other hand, as humans we have (individual and collective, and conscious and unconscious) prejudices. Our cognitive capabilities are limited, and there are constraints on how much data we can reasonably process. So, AI can be expected to make objective and unbiased decisions compared to us, right? What then is AI bias or algorithmic bias?

See publication

Tags: AI

How AI and deep learning are helping marketing
Business Line
January 18, 2021
The possibilities are many but we should distinguish between tactics and strategy. AI gives marketers turbo-charged tactical tools. But it is marketers who have to think of the big picture, use AI and data to better understand customers, and add value in a mutually beneficial way.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Preparing successful HR leaders in the age of AI
BusinessLine On Campus
December 23, 2020
Let’s say you see a job advertisement. You click through and read the job description. The role seems interesting and you email your CV. A couple of days later, you are notified that you are shortlisted, and an interview is scheduled. You also take an assessment test. Then, you get interviewed. The following week you learn that alas, you are not selected. But you get a nice and polite email wishing you all the best.

See publication

Tags: AI, Leadership, HR

Diving into Deep Learning
BusinessLine On Campus
December 08, 2020
AI is certainly a hot area today, but it is by no means a new field. In fact, the term Artificial Intelligence was coined nearly 65 years ago in 1956. For nearly two decades after that, there was a wave of great hope around intelligent computers and the hard problems they’d be able to solve. But the first AI wave was followed by many years of disappointment because of the limitations of AI, and the funding for AI projects dried up. Later, a second wave of an AI boomed in the early 1980s, and again followed by an “AI winter” till the early 1990s.

See publication

Tags: AI, Leadership, Future of Work

How machine learning differs from traditional software
BusinessLine On Campus
November 25, 2020
In the last column, I discussed the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning, and referred to narrow intelligence, which is a machine’s ability to perform a single task very well. Now, let’s use a more formal definition. The below definition is from Professor Tom Mitchell of Carnegie Mellon University:

A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E. Among the several definitions of machine learning, this one stands out because of its practicality for managers. Leaving aside the underlying technical details and complexity for a moment, this helps managers make sense of an AI system in terms of:

What decisions the software needs to make (T)
What data to collect (E)
How they will evaluate its results (P)

See publication

Tags: AI, Management, Leadership

Getting the nitty-gritty of artificial intelligence right
BusinessLine On Campus
November 11, 2020
If you are a non-technical person learning a technical subject or trying to understand a technical field such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), let me share a simple tip that will help you a lot. Don’t let the complex-sounding technical terms confuse you. In due course, you will get comfortable with terminologies if you focus on first principles and try to get an intuitive understanding of the concepts.

See publication

Tags: AI, Management, Leadership

How young managers can adapt AI into the everyday
BusinessLine On Campus
October 27, 2020
Welcome to Future Tense. This column will answer the question of what aspects of AI a business manager should understand well to successfully apply it in their company.

So, I thought why not pose the same question to GPT-3, a state-of-the-art AI language model for text generation. I left out the irrelevant parts of the AI responses and strung together the good bits into this article. See for yourself whether AI gets it right or not.

The question posed to GPT-3 — What should a business manager understand to successfully apply AI?

See publication

Tags: AI, Management, Leadership

Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence – It’s Complicated
July 13, 2020
How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help improve cybersecurity practices in an environment of ever-increasing threats? But if we are not careful, AI can be a double-edged sword when it comes to cybersecurity.

Published in CISOMAG, the handbook for Chief Information Security Officers and CXOs

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Edge AI: The new frontier of digital transformation
Mint Newspaper (Business Daily)
July 03, 2018
At its core, digital transformation is about profitably using data from smart devices to pursue your business objectives such as increasing efficiency of operations, improving customer experience and even creating new products and services. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are, thus, jointly advancing digital transformation.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

1 Board Membership
Executive Committee Member
January 01, 2013
Part of the IEEE PES Society execom. The execom is responsible for conferences, outreach and other activities through the year in Bangalore. We organized a flagship conference on Equitable Access to Energy with industry-academia expert participation and coordinated the development of a position paper on smart grids.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

3 Books
Audio Book: Practical Artificial Intelligence
November 30, 2020
Data technology is moving fast and thanks to AI, organizations can now use machines to perform complex tasks. However, for a lot of companies, incorporating AI into operations can be very daunting. This practical guide breaks down the basics of how AI works in simple, non-technical terms as well as what it takes for businesses to start incorporating it into their projects in a step-by-step approach.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Practical Artificial Intelligence - An Enterprise Playbook
Deep Publishing
September 01, 2019
AI is transforming businesses big and small around the world, but few really know how build an effective strategy or run an AI project. AI projects are structured and run very differently from traditional IT projects, and when they go wrong, they go badly wrong. But a little practical knowledge can go a long way to ensuring you know when you should consider AI and when to avoid it at all costs. That’s what this book does, it provides you with the essentials to steer you in the right direction.

We share with you lessons and guidelines from the real world that can help your project and career to succeed. This book provides an understanding of the different forms of AI and how they work, how to build a strategy and run a project. Importantly, it also looks at the dark side of AI, to help you to manage algorithmic bias and avoid costly mistakes.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Digital and Marketing Asset Management
Real Story Group
August 01, 2014
RSG's Digital and Marketing Asset Management is a book-length report (500 pages) that describes the essentials of digital asset management technology, its use cases, reviews of vendors, market trends and implementation best practices. During 2012 to 2016, Kashyap was a co-author of this report and contributed and revised multiple chapters.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

3 Book Awards
Top Business and Technology Books for 2021
Deep Publishing
December 03, 2020
Thinkers360's 50 books on business and technology by member thought leaders

See publication

Tags: AI

Top 50 Business and Technology Books
Deep Publishing
January 19, 2020
Thinkers360 picks out 50 books on business and technology from Thinkers360 member thought leaders.

See publication

Tags: AI

#1 Best seller on Amazon
September 15, 2019
Practical Artificial Intelligence ranks as the number #1 best seller on Amazon for AI books

See publication

Tags: AI

1 Conference Publication
Governance and Risk Allocation in Public Private Partnerships
Strategic Management Society
December 13, 2008
In this study we examine the factors underlying the distribution of risk in multi-party projects. The context of this study is the formation and performance of public-private-partnerships (PPP) in infrastructure projects in India. PPP are becoming prominent as a means of providing infrastructure without directly impacting upon a country’s public sector’s finances, especially the Indian government’s capacity to borrow is hindered for large infrastructure projects that often run in the tune of one billion dollars or more each project. Hence, it is interesting to look at the risks involved in PPP and how they can be managed efficiently. In this paper, we examine the successful cases of risk allocation in Indian context and formulate a model of collaboration in multi-partner execution projects based on the different assumptions underlying risk allocation and risk management.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Procurement, Risk Management

5 Coursewares
Practical AI for the Information Professional
The Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)
January 11, 2019
Artificial Intelligence is no longer science fiction - it’s here, and information professionals are using it to improve the way they work. Our Practical AI for the Information Professional training course offers real-world use cases for this new technology in Information Management. You will learn how AI works, methods for implementing it, and how to select the right tools and vendors.

Our Practical AI for the Information Professional course explores:

- Key concepts, methods, and examples of AI in business
- How to interpret outputs for AI models
- How to identify AI opportunities for your organization
- How to develop an AI roadmap
- AI use cases in Information Management
- Ethical and regulatory concerns
- Overview of leading AI tools

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Emerging Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)
January 03, 2019
This introduction to Artificial Intelligence cuts through the hype and provides you with fact-based analysis, insight, and advice that you can take and use immediately in your workplace. You will learn real-world use cases for AI and gain an understanding of where it can fit into your information management strategy.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Emerging Technologies: Blockchain
Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)
January 02, 2019
This introduction to Blockchain cuts through the hype and provides you with fact-based analysis, insight, and advice that you can take and use immediately in your workplace. You will learn real-world use cases for Blockchain and gain an understanding of where it can fit into your information management strategy.

This course explores:
- The core concepts that underpin Blockchain
- How Blockchain actually works and what it does
- The strengths and weaknesses of Blockchain technology
- Why Blockchain is important to the future of information management

See publication

Tags: Blockchain, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Emerging Technologies: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)
January 01, 2019
This introduction to Robotic Process Automation cuts through the hype and provides you with fact-based analysis, insight, and advice that you can take and use immediately in your workplace. You will learn real-world use cases for RPA and gain an understanding of where it can fit into your information management strategy.

This course explores:
- What RPA software is and where it fits in the broader spectrum of enterprise automation
- The contrast between RPA and AI and BPM
- The benefits and limitations of RPA
- Which business processes are best suited for RPA, including examples from select industries

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

Emerging Technologies: The Cloud
Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)
December 31, 2018
This introduction to The Cloud cuts through the hype and provides you with fact-based analysis, insight, and advice that you can take and use immediately in your workplace. You will learn real-world use cases for The Cloud and gain an understanding of where it can fit into your information management strategy.

This course explores:
- Different cloud models and how they are structured
- How the cloud works and why it matters
- The unlimited processing power of the cloud to drive intelligent information management
- A practical understanding of both the limitations and the advantages of moving to the cloud

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Cloud, Digital Transformation

1 Faculty Member
Executive Education Program - Guest Faculty
November 12, 2020
Guest Faculty at IIM-B for the executive education program Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics Based Business Strategy. Developed the curriculum, including case studies for class discussion, for two sessions and delivered the sessions on AI due diligence, Funding AI businesses.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, FinTech

4 Founders
AI Profs
AI Profs
October 01, 2020
AI Profs is a spin-off business incubated by RPA2AI Research.
Currently in the soft launch phase, AI Profs focuses on a lite-touch consulting model for using AI in business using next-gen methodologies and framework.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

rpa2ai Research
rpa2ai Research
January 01, 2018
Founder and CEO of the global industry analyst firm rpa2ai Research that focuses on automation and enterprise artificial intelligence.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

June 01, 2017
Co-founder of Pricology that, a firm that leverages data, analytics and proprietary machine learning methods / IP to provide research and advisory services for pricing strategy to B2B firms, with particular focus on SaaS, Enterprise software, API pricing, Cloud platforms and professional services.

Currently in hibernation as (we) founders promote another venture in AI/Automation.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

GreenVeda Edusights
GreenVeda Edusights
January 01, 2011
Kashyap was the co-founder of GreenVeda and over the course of 15 months, the start-up developed three prototypes/MVPs to identify market potential and product-market fit, including Social Styler, an AI-based image recognition app for hair salons. This was before the deep learning advances and we used the OpenCV (which is/was one of the leading computer vision libraries). Unfortunately, we did not taste success in this venture but helped us understand the actual nitty-gritty of developing AI-solutions/products, which has proved valuable in our consulting work on Enterprise AI (and helps us separate hype from reality :-))

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

1 Industry Award
Award: The 10 Most Innovative Global AI Executives
Analytics Insight Magazine
February 07, 2020
Analytics Insight Magazine has featured Kashyap Kompella among 'The 10 Most Innovative Global AI Executives'. The magazine issue features ten seasoned disruptors who have significantly contributed towards the AI-driven transformation of their respective organizations and industries. These foresighted innovators are driving the next-generation of intelligent offerings across current business landscapes globally.

See publication

Tags: AI

6 Influencer Awards
Top 50 Thought Leaders and Influences on Government Technology
December 12, 2020

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation

Top 50: FinTech
November 03, 2019
Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on FinTech (November 2019)

See publication

Tags: FinTech

Judge for EContent 100 Awards 2018
November 05, 2018
Each year, EContent magazine compiles a list of the 100 companies that matter most in the digital content industry and 2018 was the 18th consecutive year of these awards.

See publication

Tags: AI

Judge for EContent 100 Awards 2017
November 01, 2017
Each year, EContent magazine compiles a list of the 100 companies that matter most in the digital content industry. 2017 was the 17th year of these rankings.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Emerging Technology

Judge for EContent 100 Awards 2016
November 01, 2016
The EContent 100 list of companies that matter most in the digital content industry and 2016 was its 16th year.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Emerging Technology

Judge for EContent 100 Awards 2015
December 01, 2015
The EContent 100 list of companies that matter most in the digital content industry and 2015 was the 15th year of this annual recognition by EContent magazine.

See publication

Tags: AI, Big Data, Cloud

15 IP Assets
Enterprise Search 50 TM
February 20, 2020
A framework to analyze the enterprise search technology platforms and the the AI technology they use.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Capture50 TM
RPA2AI Research
October 15, 2018
Intelligent Capture Software Marketplace

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

RPA 50
RPA2AI Research
September 15, 2018
RPA50 is the industry's most comprehensive listing of RPA vendors to-date.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

Digital Marketing Reference Models
Real Story Group
August 20, 2018
Traditional IT-oriented architectural reference models only provide a layered inventory of digital marketing systems and provide a baseline for further analysis of functional, integration, and security/privacy needs.

However, a complementary approach to digital marketing as a strategy, practice, and technology examines the efficacy and usability of marketing systems from the perspective of the customer. A customer-centric reference model can more closely tie systems analysis to business value via the pursuit of brand awareness, customer engagement, and increased sales.

This paper examines both types of reference models — enterprise-oriented as well as customer-centric — and offers advice to organizations seeking to systemically improve the effectiveness of their omni-channel marketing.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

AI Due Diligence Framework for Investors and M&A Teams
March 20, 2018
Tangential technologies are being bandied about as AI and in many instances these AI components are not core to the product. We developed this framework for due-diligence of AI products, which includes a 25-point analysis of AI products to look under the hood to assess how effective they might eventually turn out to be.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

IoT - Monetization and Pricing Models
RPA2AI Research
February 09, 2018
As physical products become smart products, new business models are emerging. A framework for traditional product companies to develop competencies in digital product management and how to layer AI, data and analytics, and new pricing models on top of IoT-enabled products and services.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, IoT

EmpEx 200
Real Story Group
June 15, 2017
The definitive stack of employee experience architecture and technologies.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Effectiveness Model - Digital Marketing Technology
January 31, 2017
Contributed to the development of RSG's Effectiveness Model , which provides a structured framework for benchmarking your digital environments and building strategic roadmaps. It enables you to audit, assess, and explain your current state But more importantly, it shows where you are over- and under-investing in one dimension or another, so you can re-balance your portfolio of capabilities.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Effectiveness Model - Enterprise Collaboration
January 02, 2017
Contributed to the development of RSG's Effectiveness Model , which provides a structured framework for benchmarking your digital environments and building strategic roadmaps. It enables you to audit, assess, and explain your current state But more importantly, it shows where you are over- and under-investing in one dimension or another, so you can re-balance your portfolio of capabilities.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Effectiveness Model - Digital Assets
December 01, 2016
Contributed to the development of RSG's Effectiveness Model , which provides a structured framework for benchmarking your digital environments and building strategic roadmaps. It enables you to audit, assess, and explain your current state But more importantly, it shows where you are over- and under-investing in one dimension or another, so you can re-balance your portfolio of capabilities.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation

Benchmarking Model: Marketing Automation
Real Story Group
May 12, 2016
A diagnostic and prescriptive model to chart your course for success with marketing technology.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Maturity Model
DAM Maturity Model Organization
January 01, 2016
Contributed to the development of one of the most popular and relevant maturity models for digital (content) maturity model.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Digital Asset Management Industry Maps
Real Story Group
August 13, 2015
Reliable estimates of the DAM market share are hard to come by and — as far as we can tell — have not been attempted. However, we have derived relative usage data from our survey of large enterprises. While this data does not represent formal market share figures, it highlights key trends of the marketplace, particularly when viewed together with customer satisfaction scores.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Marketing

Digital Workplace Reference Model
May 15, 2015
An employee-centered reference model that ties systems analysis more closely to business value via the pursuit of employee effectiveness, engagement, and satisfaction.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Web Content & Experience Management Industry Maps
Real Story Group
February 12, 2015
Reliable estimates of WCM market share are hard to find. However, we have derived relative usage data from a survey of large enterprises. While this data does not represent formal market-share figures, it highlights key trends about the marketplace, particularly when viewed together with customer satisfaction scores.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Marketing

31 Journal Publications
Digital Assistants and Privacy: Artificial Intelligence Weighs in
Speech Technology
November 30, 2020
AI has some thoughts about whether it knows too much about you

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Mitigating Bias in Speech Recognition Systems
Speech Technology
August 01, 2020
The fault, dear Siri, is not in our voices, but in our choices

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Ethical Dilemmas in AI
Information Today
July 01, 2020
The Trolley Problems and Ethical Dilemmas in AI

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Getting Started with AI Ethics 2
Information Today
May 01, 2020
Practical Tools for AI Ethics: Data Sheets and Model Cards

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Voice Interfaces and Contactless Interactions
Speech Technology
May 01, 2020
Covid-19 fuels the acceleration of contactless options for interacting with the physical world. Voice interfaces are convenient, inclusive, and well-suited for a wide range of applications and will find greater adoption in the days and years ahead.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

How to Succeed in Your Career in the Age of AI
EContent / Information Today
April 01, 2020
A playbook for mastering the ability to learn continually and adapt to change.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation

Getting Started With AI Ethics - 1
Information Today
March 01, 2020
What is AI Ethics and why do we need AI Ethics?

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Consumer Voice Apps and Smart Devices Lead the Way for Speech Tech
Speech Technology
February 07, 2020
Consumer Voice Apps and Smart Devices Lead the Way for Speech Tech. Interface and data security challenges remain, however.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, IoT

Smart Speakers Should Embrace Privacy by Design
Speech Technology
December 09, 2019
Privacy concerns are to be expected with always-on devices that are passively listening to your most intimate conversations. But media reports of employees and contractors of Amazon and Apple listening to such voice recordings have escalated such concerns.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

AI: The Good News and the Fake News
November 12, 2019
The fight against fake news that is fueled by deep-fake content is a rapidly evolving field with high stakes.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

A Guide to Emotional AI for Business
EContent Magazine
September 16, 2019
This article provides an overview of emotional AI and potential use cases/applications, as well as highlights key challenges and best practices to keep in mind as you consider implementing emotional AI technologies in your organization.

See publication

Tags: AI, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation

Security Threats to Speech Apps in the Age of Deep Fakes
Speech Technology
September 16, 2019
As machine learning marches forward, we are becoming aware of the dangers of "deep fakes" generated by deep learning algorithms. Not surprisingly, machines can be both the problem and the solution.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Architecture of Ethical AI Applications
EContent Magazine
August 27, 2019
AI bias, or algorithmic bias, refers to repeated errors in machine learning models that create unfair (or even illegal) outcomes. Eliminating algorithmic biases is a core tenet of ethical AI. You use the outlined architectural principles to make your AI applications ethical by design.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Enterprise Voice Strategy
Speech Technology
June 01, 2019
Outlined an approach to navigate the rapidly evolving voice applications space and helps you arrive at a strategy that works best for your organization.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, IoT

Visual Search
December 11, 2018
AI-Enabled Visual Search

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

RPA Software Guide
October 18, 2018
A Guide to Robotic Process Automation Software

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

Global Content and AI
April 16, 2018
AI enables content globalization and fuels demand for global content. AI and GC are perfect partners getting ready together for prime time.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

AI Use Cases for Content Management
April 10, 2018
Top 25 Artificial Intelligence Use Cases for Content Management

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Enterprise Artificial Intelligence: 10 Commandments
November 10, 2017
Here are 10 recommendations to get you started on your enterprise AI strategy.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

How to Achieve Personalization on a Global Scale
October 23, 2017
Enterprises struggle to achieve personalization at scale because of trying to do too much all at once and the technical complexity involved. An agile and iterative approach that prioritizes personalization focus areas—based on business goals and implementing a best-of-breed technology stack that is well-integrated—can help you achieve personalization at scale.

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Can Machine Learning Help Fight Fake News?
October 17, 2017
Automated fact-checkers are useful as a first line of defense, identifying dubious content for further inspection by humans and increasing their efficiency. Thus, in the fact-checking domain, humans lead, and machine learning algorithms play the supporting role.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Machine Learning in Your Marketing Mix
June 03, 2017
How ML has implications for all the 4Ps of marketing

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Digital Experience Management for Higher Education
ONLINE INC / Econtent
September 16, 2016
A Guide to Digital Experience Management for Higher Education

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Digital Experience Management for Healthcare
August 15, 2016
A Guide to Digital Experience Management for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Companies

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Digital Experience Management for Nonprofits
Online Inc / EContent
June 15, 2016
A Guide to Digital Experience Management for Nonprofit Organizations

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Marketing

7 Keynotes
Ethics of AI: Current State, Challenges and Way Forward
January 30, 2021
We are right to be excited about AI but wrong to ignore AI Ethics. That's my call to action in a keynote for STEM professors at the "AI and Deep Learning" program by AICTE & MIET Jammu.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

TEDx Talk: Artificial Intelligence: Winners and Losers in the Brave New World | Kashyap Kompella
October 01, 2020
Are you ready for some unlearning? In this laughathon, learn what artificial intelligence is not and what can students, professionals, and countries do to prepare for an AI future.

In fact, the second half of this talk was actually written by AI.
So, can AI give a Ted talk? See for yourself.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

AI and the Future of Business
AIMA Ludhiana Management Association
July 25, 2020
Keynote for the Ludhiana Management Association Members

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

5th Computer Society of India Students Convention
February 28, 2020
Model Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) organized the 5th Computer Society of India (CSI) J&K Students Convention at its Kot Bhalwal campus.
Kashyap Kompella CEO of Technology Consulting firm rpa2ai Research and Dr Harshit Kumar, Senior Research Engineer at IBM, India Research were the key note speakers.
The theme of the convention was “Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning”.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

MarTech Mumbai 2019 conference
November 26, 2019
The concluding chapter of the MarTech Mumbai event was a session by Kashyap Kompella CFA, Co-author of ‘Practical Artificial Intelligence’ and CEO of rpa2ai Research.

CMOs are under pressure to find the right tools to achieve results based on three customer-centric trends: rising customer preferences for mobile engagements; elevated customer expectations for personalized interactions and leadership demands for marketing transparency and ROI. Kompella spoke about the three themes of mobile, personalisation and RoI

See publication

Tags: AI, Marketing, RPA

Overview of RPA and Intelligent Automation Market
AI World
October 25, 2019
Kashyap Kompella is the Track Chair for the RPA and Intelligent Automation at AI World. Kashyap will kick off this special event with a presentation on the state of the intelligent automation market. After that, industry executives and AI thought leaders will present intelligent automation use cases, case studies, RPA and AI technologies and enterprise AI best practices and roadmaps.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

How will AI / Automation impact your job?
October 19, 2019
Explored the impact of AI for core engineering jobs at an IEEE event (Women in Engineering Congress + Students and Young Professionals Summit).

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

48 Media Interviews
The employee-first culture | Kashyap Kompella | peopleHum
April 12, 2021
Kashyap Kompella talks to peopleHum about the importance of inculcating employee-first culture in organizations. Watch the entire episode to know more. If you like the video, please subscribe to the channel, so we could keep producing more content like this!

See publication

Tags: AI, Culture, HR

Media Mention: Collaboration and Productivity Software Suites
Business Line
January 31, 2021
Technology analyst Kashyap Kompella, CEO of RPA2AI, says that in B2B productivity tools, there is room for Google, Microsoft, Zoho and many other specialist players. There can be multiple winners – each catering to different customer segments.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Marketing, Business Strategy

AI: What it is, isn’t, and how to succeed at it
January 20, 2021
AI: It's time is now, but critical issues await effective solutions
Artificial intelligence is all the rage in nearly every sector, but many people still can’t adequately define it, especially vis-à-vis its complement, machine learning. There are also concerns about algorithm bias and failure rates with AI projects. In this episode, Mike Kavis sits down with rp2ai Research founder and CEO Kash Kompella to discuss his book, “Practical Artificial Intelligence Enterprise Playbook.” The pair discuss AI—what it is, what it isn’t, bias and ethics concerns, and how to get (and keep) AI projects on track. Kash’s take is that humans need to be constantly in the loop and that governance plays a critical role in preventing both bias and AI project failure.
Being able to identify [AI] use cases, having realistic expectations...becomes very important.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Rise of Phygital in the events industry
Economic Times
January 20, 2021
One of the key challenges as well as opportunity in virtual events is driving engagement. experiences and rewarding the audience for participation. Kompella highlighted how to make sure that the audience is excited equally for the online events, as they are for offline events

See publication

Tags: AI, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation

Media Interview: Looking Back at 2020 and Looking Ahead to 2021
CXO Today
January 05, 2021
Senior Technology Editor Leslie D'Monte (CXO Today) interviews Kashyap Kompella, Founder and Chief Analyst of analyst firm RPA2AI shared his insights on the bias in AI, digital transformation in general and a whole lot of other engaging topics such as digital payments.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, FinTech

Martech, AI and more: Industry Analyst Q&A
LinkedIn Live
November 05, 2020
Kashyap Kompella and Apoorv Durga discuss the state of marketing technologies, AI in marketing and other key topics in this LinkedIn Live broadcast.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

AI and the Future of Work
Business Line
October 28, 2020
Kashyap's section starts at 4:22

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Media Mention: Google enters mortgage space with new Document AI tool
October 21, 2020
Kashyap provides his insights on "AI in the mortgage industry" for this news article.

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Why did AI cross the road?
October 04, 2020
Why did AI cross the road? We asked GPT-3 and it got into quite the existential tangle
The language model’s writing capabilities are impressive. But take a look at what happened when industry analyst Kashyap Kompella asked AI a philosophical question.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

Media Mention: Google, Unilever partnership uses AI for sustainable sourcing
September 25, 2020
By 2023, Unilever, with the help of Google and other technology partners, plans to achieve a deforestation-free supply chain.

To detect changes in land usage over time, AI can compare current satellite imagery to baseline land area images. Existing models can distinguish different types of land use, such as agriculture, pasturing, planted forests, natural forests and coastal areas, said Kashyap Kompella, CEO of industry analyst firm RPA2AI.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Disruption, IoT

Media Mention: GPT-3
Mint Newspaper
September 06, 2020
A great story on how businesses can use GPT-3, the new AI language model from Open AI in Mint newspaper.

Senior technology editor and MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow Leslie D'Monte provides useful context, highlights potential use cases and some challenges, with quotes from business leaders and technologists.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Marketing

Media Mention: Marketing Automation Summit
Economic Times
August 21, 2020

See publication

Tags: AI, Cloud, Marketing

Avec sa dernière mise à jour, PyTorch s’aligne sur Tensorflow
Le Mag IT, French IT Publication
April 24, 2020
Featured in LeMagIT, a French tech portal for CIOs. For AI geeks only: my take on PyTorch updates (on which Facebook and Amazon AWS collaborated) and Google's TensorFlow.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Media Mention: PyTorch update from Facebook and AWS
April 23, 2020
Kashyap provides insights on PyTorch and deploying machine learning into production.

See publication

Tags: AI, Business Strategy, Digital Transformation

Kashyap Kompella, CFA: Delivering Innovative and Sustainable Business Growth Through Enterprise Automation and AI
Analytics Insight
February 10, 2020
An interview with Kashyap

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, RPA

Best marketing investments are people related: Kashyap Kompella, rpa2ai
November 27, 2019
Kashyap Kompella, CEO, rpa2ai Research, spoke about the right tools to achieve results based on three customer-centric trends

See publication

Tags: AI, Marketing, RPA

Why India needs deep tech startups?
Mint Newspaper
October 28, 2019
An in-depth story in @LiveMint with perspectives from startup founders, venture capitalists and industry experts.

See publication

Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT