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Jack Maher

Digital Transformation Evangelist at Standing On Shoulders

Columbus, Ohio, United States

I am passionate about helping organizations, teams, and processes get from where they are, to where they need to be.
I lead teams and organizations leveraging Agile, Lean, and DevOps practices across the domains of business process improvement, project management and technology implementation founded on experience including business and technical team leadership, solution architecture, software development, complex systems and integrations deployment, infrastructure implementation, and operations.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Columbus, OH
Speaking Topics: Digital Transformation, Business Agility, DevOps & BizDevOps

Jack Maher Points
Academic 0
Author 69
Influencer 10
Speaker 13
Entrepreneur 10
Total 102

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Consulting
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 30
Last Media Training: 10/18/2019
Last Media Interview: 10/29/2020

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 30.36
Change Management
Culture 31.38
Cybersecurity 30.15
Design Thinking 30.41
DevOps 71.89
Digital Disruption 30.62
Digital Transformation 30.93
Ecosystems 30.18
Emerging Technology 30.61
Future of Work 30.03
Leadership 30.05
Lean Startup 30.64
Supply Chain 30.10

Industry Experience

Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


3 Article/Blogs
Today's Workplace
July 01, 2019
Anyone who can read this article likely has had a front-row seat to the disruption of the socio-economic fabric of today's society. No, I take that back, you're a participant. You have a hand in this! You are probably a driver of the disruption that changes everything about everything if you're reading this on a mobile device (phone, tablet, or laptop)!

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Future of Work

Strategy vs. Tactics vs. Operations
June 25, 2019
The distinction and differences between strategy, tactics, and operations are sometimes confusing, especially when we have tools or processes that blend across that spectrum. But having a clear understanding will enable us to plan better, and in our execution drive better performance as we encounter changes or evolving environments.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Business Strategy

What's In It For Me
May 16, 2019
If you're going to ask someone to do something, or change something, there is a question that you really want to help them answer. The question will be answered, the only question for you is what (if any) input you will have on their answer to:

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation

1 Book
Standing On Shoulders: A Leader's Guide to Digital Transformation
Archway Publishing
January 24, 2019
Decimate the cost and dramatically slash the time it takes to get a technology solution from an idea to reality!

Standing On Shoulders: A Leader's Guide to Digital Transformation provides leaders with practical, actionable information about the breadth of Agile, Lean, and DevOps topics that are generally dealt with individually; and explains how each of these are necessary but alone are not sufficient to avoid market disruption of your business. The focus of the guide is on how to build an employee AND customer obsessed culture with an organizational structure that drives speed and efficiency while leveraging technology to enable speed to market that is safer, better and cheaper.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Culture, DevOps

1 Courseware
Value Stream Mapping: The Secret to Successful Digital Transformation
June 01, 2021
Today’s Value Stream is not your grandfather’s linear pencil model. It is a multidimension model of your business pipeline using microservices architecture for complex and dynamic business modeling. This eLearning course walks through the basics of a contemporary Value Stream Mapping exercise with worksheets. Learning is reinforced with a quiz and a certificate of completion upon demonstrating concept and information acquisition.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, Digital Transformation

1 Media Interview
Innovation Offense - UNITING DevSecops
CXO Stories (part of CXO sync)
October 29, 2020
Innovation Offense - UNITING DevSecops

Fireside with Jack Maher - Digital Transformation Evangelist and DevOps Ambassador
Insights by Michelle Dufty - Senior Vice President of Marketing - Sonatype
Moderator: Alison McCauley - CEO of Unblocked, emerging technology futurist and Forbes contributing writer

This is NOT your typical security conversation. We won’t be talking about how to play better "perimeter defense" at the end of your digital supply chain. Instead, we will be talking about how to play better “innovation offense” at the beginning of your digital supply chain.

- How to continuously identify and remediate open source risk, without slowing down innovation
- Ways to integrate security guardrails directly within your DevOps pipeline
- The importance of uniting developers, security, and operations on the same team.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Supply Chain, DevOps

1 Panel
DevOps Live Virtual Summit - "Why Testing is a Devs Best Friend?"
DevOps Live Virtual Summit
October 20, 2020
Panel discussion with Q&A for "Why Testing is a Devs Best Friend?"

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Future of Work, DevOps

4 Speaking Engagements
A look at the new value streams
SD Times (Software Development)
March 10, 2021
We have many value streams in our organizations, and they intersect, diverge, and converge as they represent everything we do. Understanding these complex and complicated relationships and managing to outcomes today requires a microservices approach to value stream management. The ability to manage our value streams can address the specific and individualized views of the many ways value is created, flows through, and is delivered within an organization. We begin with the traditional view of value streams and value stream mapping and finish with contemporary opportunities to manage our value streams better with observability.

This session looks at examples of new value streams, such as regulatory compliance, information security and governance controls, as well as the next generation of platforms and what they will need to offer.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Culture, Leadership

How to achieve visibility in your DevOps environment, from Dev to Ops
Global Lynx & Service Now
January 28, 2021
I'll be presenting an Ignite session that looks at observability and what the means and should look like from an organizational perspective. We'll look at how value flows through organizations via value stream mapping and how that enables value stream management.

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Ecosystems, DevOps

Understanding When & Where Value is Created & Delivered
DevOps Institute
April 30, 2020
Value stream maps (VSMs) depict the when and where we create and deliver value as it flows through our organizations from the perspective of our stakeholders. Understanding and documenting these flows enables us to focus on reducing waste and improving effectiveness and efficiency.

This half-hour presentation covers not only what VSMs are but how to create your own in your organization.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Culture, DevOps

Value Stream Mapping - Understanding When & Where Value is Created & Delivered
DevOps Pro Europe 2020
March 24, 2020
Technology of today enables dynamic modeling and monitoring of processes and the flow of value through our organization giving new life to this old school lean tool.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Disruption, Lean Startup

1 Trademark
Deterministic Process Design
US Patent & Trademark Office
December 25, 2018
Deterministic Process Design is an activity design model in which business processes have no randomness, Randomness most frequently happens when teams have no framework or "guard rails" for work execution, and do what feels right, right now. The deterministic approach provides clarity and transparency, which does much more, but also enables automated provisioning, work flow measurements, and work in progress monitoring.

See publication

Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Disruption, Emerging Technology

1 Whitepaper
Observability and App Performance: How to achieve your business goals with code-level insights
Amazon Web Services & DevOps Institute
September 16, 2020
In today’s world your app performance is your business performance.

In this whitepaper and today's webinar we’ll look at how DevOps practices help address the people, process, and technology components of realizing observability in an increasingly fast paced and changing
environment, to help your business achieve full-stack visibility and deliver on business-driven goals.

-o- What is observability?
-o- What does observability require?
-o- What does this do for app performance?
-o- Getting to the next level on your journey.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Culture, DevOps

Thinkers360 Credentials

5 Badges



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