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Kelly Barner

Co-Founder, Head of Content and Operations

Art of Procurement

Jonathan H. Westover, PhD

Founder and CEO; Chief Academic and Learning Offic...

Human Capital Innovations

Ira Wolfe

Chief Googlization Officer, President

Poised for the Future Company

Jeff Kuhn

CEO, Owner, Founder

Blue Sky Lightning Foundation


Data & Digital Transformation Executive


Amii Barnard-Bahn

CEO and Founder

Barnard-Bahn Coaching & Consulting

Vivian Acquah CDE®

Certified Diversity Executive

Amplify DEI

Sylvia Lafair, PhD


Creative Energy Options Inc

Tommy Swanhaus

CEO & Founder

Tommy Swanhaus Co

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.


MSR Leadership Consultants India

Antonio Santos

Senior Business Intelligence and Innovation Evange...

Eviden - Atos Group Company

John Baldoni

Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker, Best-selling aut...

Baldoni Consulting LLC

Mitchell Levy

Global Credibility Expert , Executive Coach & CEO

Credibility Nation

Yuri Kruman

Managing Consultant / CEO

HR, Talent & Systems

Mindy Gibbins-Klein

International Speaker | Award-Winning Executive Co...

The Thoughtful Leader

Zen Benefiel

Possibilities Coagulator

Be The Dream LLC

Deborah Collier

Futurist Leader / President

Digital Skills Authority USA & UK (& CEO - Portman Collier / Future Knowledge)