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Kym Hamer
CEO at Artemis Futures International
London, United Kingdom
Helping you get more visibility, more opportunities, more clients & more revenue by unlocking your greatest asset - you
Interested in exploring how Building Brand YOU could help you unlock success for you and your business? Then get in touch at kymhamer@artemisfutures.co.uk.
Available For: Advising, Consulting, Speaking Travels From: London, UK
Speaking Topics: Building Brand You, Personal Branding, Communicating with Impact, Leadership & Visibility
Kym Hamer
Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.
The Time Capsule Project is a global, nonprofit venture aimed at connecting and inspiring generations by chronicling our shared human experiences - our lives, cultures, and moments - across a span of 100 years. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to add to the tapestry of our time and create a legacy of knowledge and stories - the good, the bad and the ugly! - for future generations to learn from.
"It’s about creating a lasting legacy that transcends time, inviting future generations to explore the mosaic of our collective human existence."
How work-life balance is undermining your personal brand…and what to do about it
April 01, 2024
I’ve always been an advocate of creating boundaries between my life at work and my life outside work. Separate mobile phones and laptops. No working from home. No emails sent or read between when I left ‘the office’ in the evening and when I arrived back the next day/week. Work was work and everything else was…life. That was how I worked best....or so I thought.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
Building the Kym-shaped box: How I unlocked my greatest asset
April 15, 2023
At a town hall meeting a few hours later, our CEO announced that a major global competitor had made an offer to the Board for a majority share of our £4 billion business. This had been accepted and we were to be sold.
Tags: Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding
The Authenticity Gap...and what to do about it
Kym Hamer
February 22, 2023
One of the most common challenges I hear from people about building their personal brand is about wanting to be authentic, not wanting to pretend to be something that they're not, or feeling like they have to put on different masks to suit different situations. So I thought I would share little about how I developed an impactful AND authentic personal brand for myself....
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
Regurgitating what you know will NOT grow your business!!!
Kym Hamer
January 23, 2023
I work with my clients on how to reframe their proposition and communicate this so that it resonates with the right people. Here's what one of my Building Brand You clients had to say when I helped her to nail her connectivity with HER (vs everyone else's) ideal clients...
"When I found [my ideal client] high performing women, it was so clear who I help, where I help, what that zone is, everything came full circle for me....All of that has changed my entire demeanor - how I voice things is different. A hell of a lot different than regurgitating the knowledge I had to learn. Didn't understand that 2 months ago..."
To find out more and join our upcoming Personal Brand Masterclass.....
Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Marketing
Four positive customer service trends to take away from 2020
December 07, 2020
Featured in Neil Davey's article published today on My Customer "pick[ing] out four positive customer service trends from 2020 that make us optimistic for the future."
Tags: Customer Experience, Change Management, Mental Health
Want to know how to boost your brand? Become a powerhouse connector!
Artemis Futures
November 12, 2020
Your network really is your nett worth and for that to be true, it’s got to be about more than collecting contacts. The value lies in how people remember us and that means making connections.
(Part of the Building Brand You series.)
4 simple ways you can increase your visibility
Artemis Futures / CXSA Group Ltd
October 27, 2020
If this year has taught us anything, it's that developing your visibility in line with your brand, reputation or profile is essential. It's not just because it's good to be remembered. It's also good to have people remember how/where to find you (particularly when you are no longer in the office!)
Here are 4 simple ways you can increase your visibility - the more you build these four visibility muscles, the greater the chance will be that opportunities will show up for you.
How to be a butterfly - thriving in a VUCA world
Artemis Futures
March 18, 2020
Our VUCA world has flexed its muscles & pressed hard against our ideas about how we live and the communities we are part of. We don’t know exactly how the world beyond this change will be but Just like a butterfly, we can prepare to take flight despite an uncertain future.
In this article I share my thoughts on how we can build resilience during challenging times to avoid having our wings clipped.
3 reasons why collaboration is the key to unlocking success
Artemis Futures
February 10, 2020
Michael Porter published his book Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance 35 years ago, but is competitive advantage still relevant in today’s fast-moving & fickle world?
How to build trust and engagement by being social
Artemis Futures
January 17, 2020
People buy from people they know, like and trust. But in today's digital world having access to so much information on-line means that we can do a lot of our initial investigation and due diligence before we meet, let alone commit, to anybody. How can we build trust when we've never met people before?
5 lessons from climbing a mountain
Artemis Futures
September 27, 2019
Two weeks ago I climbed Mount Snowdon to raise funds for a local school. At 1,085m it's the highest mountain in England and Wales. It's also one of the hardest things I've ever done. Here are the 5 lessons for climbing any mountain - in business, or in life!
The original ideas man
Artemis Futures / The Next Ten Years
June 23, 2019
During his lifetime, Alfred Nobel was awarded 350 global patents and built a vast international empire. Upon his death in 1896, he bequeathed his wealth to the creation of the Nobel Prize. Here Kym Hamer explores what his legacy really means for our future.
A moving tribute
Artemis Futures / The Next Ten Years
June 04, 2019
We all love a good story - one that enlightens, educates, empowers and entertains us.
But it's making people part of your story – your customers, your employees, your partners, your community – that galvanises them to act. To spend their time, their energy and their money - on you, your brand, your business.
In 2014 888,246 hand-made ceramic poppies were planted in the moat surrounding the Tower of London to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Britain’s involvement in World War I.
Experience is in the little things
NextTen Innovation Solutions
April 28, 2019
Kym Hamer is a fervent believer that great experience is in the little things. Here she shares her first visit to Abu Dhabi a few years ago and how paying attention the details made all the difference.
Mastering the Game of Life: World Game-changers sharing their inspirational stories of transformation
World Game-changers
October 28, 2020
A big claim on the surface of it, but one that is absolutely true! It's a question of awareness, and embracing who we truly are. Isn't it also true that each and every one of us has the capacity to change lives - starting with our own - if we so choose? It's all about Mastering the Game of Life and making a difference in our own totally unique way - bringing love and hope to the world.
The Emotionally Resilient Expat
The Emotionally Resilient Expat - Engage, Adapt and Thrive Across Cultures
June 30, 2013
Linda A. Janssen combines candid personal stories from experienced expats and cross-culturals, with a wealth of practical tools, techniques and best practices from resilience, emotional, social and cultural intelligence, positive psychology, mindfulness, stress management, self-care and related areas. FACTORS offers a way to live a healthier, more positive, emotionally engaged, culturally connected global life.
Better yet, learn from fellow expats and cross-culturals how they have boosted - or depleted and ultimately refreshed - their own levels of emotional resilience. Learn how to handle adversity and become the emotionally resilient expat you've always wanted to be.
Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Personal Branding
Scale Your Sales Podcast with Janice B Gordon & Kym Hamer Pt 2
Scale Your Sales Podcast
April 24, 2023
Welcome back to Scale Your Sales podcast takeover; this is the second part with my good friend Kym Hamer, the CEO and Business Coach of Artemis Futures International Limited.
In this week’s episode, Janice B Gordon talks about the Scale Your Sales Framework and want it offers to her clients. We discuss the importance of moving away from the sales process to a buying customer-centric ecosystem that engages the buyer and the sales operation to focus on customer outcomes and more.
Tags: Customer Experience, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding
Scale Your Sales Podcast with Janice B Gordon & Kym Hamer Pt 1
Scale Your Sales Podcast
April 17, 2023
In this week's episode of Scale Your Sales podcast, my good friend Kym Hamer took over Scale Your Sales podcast. Kym is the CEO of Artemis Futures International Limited, Personal Branding Expert and the creator of Building Brand YOU.
Kym helps clients to get more visibility, opportunities, clients and revenue by unlocking their most significant asset, which is themselves,
In this episode, Kym started by asking Janice B Gordon for her story, followed by how she started in sales, and her background, sharing her unique perspective on modernising the sales industry.
Tags: Customer Experience, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding
Power CEOs with Jen Gaudet: The truth behind the business
NOWMedia Television
January 14, 2022
Jen Gaudet - Human Performance Specialist, Master Transformation & Success Strategist -brings the best
way of becoming the CEO of your business and life. In this episode, we discuss branding, marketing and some of the lessons learned in moving from corporate to entrepreneur!
Founders & Mentors Podcast Ep 33 Kym Hamer: Building a Legendary Personal Brand
Founders & Mentors
September 15, 2021
Host Jared Orr speaks to business coach, brand expert and fellow podcast host Kym Hamer on what it takes to build a personal brand worth remembering. Kym also shares how young professionals can adopt her Building Brand You principles to position themselves for success.
Is constant re-invention the key to successful entrepreneurship?
FEM Magazine
March 19, 2021
As part of the Inspiring Interviews Series, I had the pleasure to speak to international business coach, serial entrepreneur and the creator of Building Brand You, Kym Hamer.
Focus on Why No. 194: Building Brand You with Kym Hamer
Focus on Why
March 08, 2021
“Listening is one of the best things you can do in actually building your brand because you can think all of these marvellous things about yourself, but your brand exists in the world of other people. It's about other people's perceptions of you and sometimes that can be quite a disjointed place to be at the start.”
With a clear purpose to live a vibrant, joyful and fulfilling life combined with the core values of joy, focus, decisiveness, growth and exploration, International Business Coach Kym Hamer helps you to unlock your greatest asset: you! ⠀
A visionary who for years favoured the security and environment that her corporate job had provided until an opportunity to focus on a ‘Kym-shaped box’ enticed her away into the entrepreneurial space. Now Kym offers you the same opportunity and shares what is actually involved in Building Brand You.⠀
Tune into Focus on WHY episode 194 Building Brand You with Kym Hamer to learn how to get the success you want and build your personal brand by unlocking your greatest asset!
Happy vs Flourishing Ep. 22: Building Brand You
Healthy Profits - Tony Winyard
January 19, 2021
Happy Vs Flourishing episode 22 with Kym Hamer an expert in branding and marketing.
"Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Kym moved to London 18 years ago and her life and business have thrived ever since."
Topics discussed in this episode:
30 day 30 video challenge
Meditation and gratitude
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellness, Marketing
Mastering the game of life: Visibility is more than being seen
Mastering the Game of Life
September 04, 2020
In this totally unique 20-episode special series, Paul talks to the co-authors of his amazing new book, ‘Mastering The Game Of Life’, in which twenty global co-writers have shared stories about how they have made inroads to master this ever-evolving game.
In this particular episode, Paul talks to Kym Hamer about her chapter, entitled ‘Visibility Is More Than Just Being Seen’, and how it may mean more than simply displaying our physical selves...
Connections for Change: Adapting & Pivoting your Business
Monash University
June 24, 2020
Kym Hamer, Entrepreneur, International Business Coach and Chief Customer & Strategy Officer at CXSA Middle East talks with Jessica Sullivan about all things small business including launching a new business as the COVID-19 crisis gained global momentum.
Kym's reflects on converting passion projects into a full-time business pursuit and self care throughout this process, as well as how she and her business partners have juggled the coronavirus crisis.
Let's Talk Small Business
May 26, 2020
I was absolutely delighted to join Simon Cox on the Let's Talk Small Business podcast chat about marketing and being visible during the lockdown period and why visibility should always be a non-negotiable for your business!
Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Marketing
Mastering the game of life: Coronavirus - A time for reinvention
Mastering the Game of Life
May 05, 2020
Human beings are much like butterflies, who grow and develop through life until they have taken an entirely different form through radically unique journeys. We should view the current lockdown crisis as a catalyst, not for retreat but for true development.
Has the darkest of moments for humanity actually provided us with a kickstart for our futures?
Here to discuss this fascinating topic is Paul’s special guest, Kym Hamer.
Speaking from our HEARTS - Is it time to look in the Mirror?
Speaking from our HEARTS
January 28, 2020
Throughout her experience as a business coach, a term that Kym Hamer heard quite often was “look in the mirror”. As Paul and Kym discuss this week, “looking in the mirror” is not just a metaphor for reflection, but for introspection.
Stopping once in a while to examine the life we’ve built, can often direct us towards clearer goals and visions for our futures. As today’s conversation proves, sometimes looking in the mirror can be the wisest step we can take.
Professional Speaking Association UK
Professional Speaking Association
October 30, 2020
The Professional Speaking Association (PSA) was launched in January 1999 as a professional body for those engaged in speaking professionally with two fundamental goals:
- to raise the standards of professional speaking;
- to promote speaking as a professional industry.
Ultimately we want speakers to Speak More and Speak Better
How B2B organisations must transform to meet changing customer expectations
My Customer
June 24, 2020
In a recent Hanover Research survey of over 700 B2B leaders, 99% reported that they had a digital transformation initiative planned, yet only 58% were already underway.
However, the recent coronavirus crisis is forcing many organisations to accelerate their transformation plans from years to months, even weeks. As a result, B2B buyers are demanding a new pace of delivery from prospective vendors, and a new buying journey is emerging.
In this session, we discussed:
- What the new normal is for the B2B buying journey.
- Why so many B2B buying experiences are expected to be more tailored and personalised to the buyer’s needs, and what businesses can do to deliver on this expectation.
- Why the lines between B2B and B2C are blurring, and what B2B vendors can learn from customer experience in the B2C sector.
- Why the coronavirus crisis has placed a new emphasis on more rigorous pricing strategies in B2B.
Tags: Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
158 Podcasts
BBY Show S9 Ep12: Writing YOUR story
Artemis Futures International Limited
December 11, 2024
Welcome to the final episode of season 9 of the Building Brand You Podcast - Reading by Design.
To end our season, I take you on a whistlestop tour through all 12 episodes including 4 fabulous first-time authors - Jen Martin, Amy Rowlinson, John Sills and Evelyn Forde - and 40 book recommendations.
It really is true that reading - no matter what the genre - is a powerful way for us to learn from the stories and experiences that exist beyond our own perspective.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Personal Branding
BBY Show S9 Ep11: Where do I belong with Evelyn Forde, MBE
Building Brand You
December 03, 2024
Creating an inclusive and supportive environment at school means ensuring that all students, regardless of their background or starting point, feel respected, valued, and have a sense of belonging.
BBY Show S9 Ep10: Using your platform
Artemis Futures International Limited
November 27, 2024
Welcome to episode 9, season 10 of the Building Brand You Podcast - Reading by Design.
In this episode, I discuss how individuals in positions of power have both the opportunity and the responsibility to use their platforms to drive social change, inspire movements, and amplify marginalised voices.
I also explore how leveraging your position to share personal experiences and actively listen to others fosters empathy and connection, perseverance and resilience, and collective purpose and action.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Personal Branding
BBY Show S9 Ep9: Exploring society through fiction
Artemis Futures International Limited
November 20, 2024
Welcome to episode 9, season 9 of the Building Brand You Podcast - Reading by Design.
In this episode, I talk about how our behaviour and mindset are shaped by the world we live in - by the communities we live in, by the schools we go to, by the things we choose to follow and engage in.
I also explore how fiction helps us see how inextricably linked we are and how we fit into the wider world.
BBY Show S9 Ep6: Small things matter
Artemis Futures International Limited
October 30, 2024
Welcome to episode 6 in season 9 of the Building Brand You Podcast - Reading by Design.
In this episode, I talk about finding fulfilment in the small, everyday moments, and seeking richness through less, rather than more.
I also share how taking care of yourself is essential for you to show up as your best self, both personally and professionally, and for building a strong personal brand.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Personal Branding
BBY Show S9 Ep5: Shining the light on purpose with Amy Rowlinson
Artemis Futures International Limited
October 23, 2024
Welcome to Season 9 of the Building Brand You Podcast, Reading by Design.
In her third visit to the podcast, I chat with Amy Rowlinson - life purpose coach, podcast strategist, and podcaster - about the difference between your finding your purpose and finding your Why.
We also celebrate the launch Amy's first book tomorrow – Focus on Why: Create a Purposeful Way of Life - why she wrote it and what she's learned in moving from aspiring to published author.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Personal Branding
BBY Show S9 Ep4: From expat to entrepreneur
Building Brand You
October 15, 2024
Navigating new pathways, learning to simply sit with discomfort, and making choices based on a broader vision for our lives leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.
BBY Show S9 Ep2: Making science accessible with Jen Martin
Artemis Futures International Limited
October 02, 2024
In today's episode, I chat with founder and leader of the University of Melbourne’s acclaimed Science Communication Teaching Program, Dr. Jen Martin. We discuss the presence of science in our everyday lives and how making science more inclusive and relevant helps people feel that it is part of their world, rather than something only for the intelligent or elite.
Jen also talks about writing her first book - Why Am I Like This? The science behind your weirdest thoughts and habits, and shares a few snippets - like why we procrastinate, and why we stick our tongue out when we concentrate - in our conversation.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S9 Ep1: How reading shapes us
Artemis Futures International Limited
September 25, 2024
Welcome to Season 9 of the Building Brand You Podcast where, for the next 12 weeks, it will be all about one of my favourite things - reading!
There'll be loads of recommendations across a range of genres from me to support your leadership and personal branding journey. And there'll be four inspiring conversations with first-time authors who'll share both their pathway to becoming a writer and their new book with us.
BBY Season 9 kicks off today with an episode from yours truly, How Reading Shapes Us. I'm sharing two very personal reads that have shaped me - two books that have profoundly influenced my life over the past 4 years and my past, present, and potential future.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show Taking the Leap SS24 Ep8: Trusting YOU with Kym Hamer
Artemis Futures International Limited
August 27, 2024
Kym Hamer is an international leadership, visibility and impact coach, a personal branding expert and serial entrepreneur, and the creator of Building Brand You, a methodology helping organisations, teams, and individuals to build visibility and reputational rigor as essential building blocks for delivering sustained value.
BBY Show S8 Ep15: Moving from me to we - supercharging social influence
Artemis Futures International Limited
May 29, 2024
Welcome to your whistle-stop tour of BBY Season 8 exploring how our theme for this season - How to Build a Movement - can help you build your brand and your business.
I also reflect on my 4 conversations with this season's fabulous guest experts – Lizzy Crotty, Elliot Kay, Alex Jennings, and Natacha Wilson - and what their stories mean for you.
And I share my own story and what inspired me to create this season - a life-changing voyage to Antarctica, a book by Daniel Pink and the power of community.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep14: Creating space for shared vision with Natacha Wilson
Artemis Futures International Limited
May 22, 2024
Join me, Kym Hamer, in this special feature-length episode of the Building Brand You podcast as I chat with Natacha Wilson – leadership coach, facilitator, and founder of Cambridge Insights, advisory board member of Form the Future and a coach for the Homeward Bound Leadership Initiative which aims to develop a globally diverse leadership network of 10,000 STEMM women working on the sustainability of the planet.
Natacha and I chat about the importance of creating spaces for constructive and collaborative conversation by investing in active learning strategies. We also explore the role humility plays in being willing to not only learn about each other but to learn from each other as well.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep13: Unlocking collective agency
Artemis Futures International Limited
May 15, 2024
Join me, Kym Hamer, as we unlock season 8 episode 13 of Building Brand You podcast.
In this episode, I talk about collective agency from being the first mover, to telling the right stories that galvanise, wide-spread action and impact.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep12: Building a culture of intention
Artemis Futures International Limited
May 08, 2024
I talked about why we should build a culture that is not based on control but instead, is created around intention.
I also shared that how we articulate these intentions is the key to transforming our vision from "I" to "We" and creating the conditions for greater collective impact.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep11: Moving to what's best for us with Alex Jennings
Artemis Futures International Limited
May 01, 2024
Join me, Kym Hamer, in this special feature-length episode of the Building Brand You podcast as I chat with Alex Jennings – a visionary leader with extensive experience in global procurement, supply chain, and sales.
Alex is also the co-founder of The Alchemie Network and The Alchemie Foundation, two initiatives developed
> to support members in their personal and professional growth,
> to foster connections and opportunities within the global procurement community, and
> to build a culture of acknowledgement and 'paying forward' the experiences and learnings across the world
Alex and I talk about how important it is for us all to move away from 'what’s best for me' to 'what’s best for us', to include our teams, partners, customers and even our organisation and industries.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep8: Every contact leaves a trace
Artemis Futures International Limited
April 10, 2024
Join me, Kym Hamer, as we unlock season 8 episode 8 of Building Brand You podcast.
I talked about why being intentional about the impacts or traces you leave with others is the KEY to unlocking the momentum and accelerating the growth of a movement.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep6: Sharing your direction of travel
Artemis Futures International Limited
March 27, 2024
Join me, Kym Hamer, as we unlock season 8 episode 6 of Building Brand You podcast.
In this episode, I share WHY it's important to know where you are, and where you are going, and why creating some intentionality about the route from one to the other matters so much in building your personal brand.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep5: What keeps you moving? with Elliot Kay
Artemis Futures International Limited
March 20, 2024
Join me, Kym Hamer, in this special feature-length episode of the Building Brand You podcast as I chat with Elliot Kay, Managing Director of Speaker Express and Kay Enterprises, a speaker, mentor, and business strategist with a passion for empowering individuals in the art of influential communication.
In this conversation, Elliot and I talk about how to stand out and be heard in your industry, why your actions need to be consistent with your personal brand in order to build a following, and what we've learned about the power of staying focused on YOUR niche.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep4: Should you be the first mover?
Artemis Futures International Limited
March 13, 2024
In this episode, I talk about how making the first move might not necessarily be the goal of your business venture; instead, consider making the right first move for you by identifying areas for improving what is happening in your market, and seizing those opportunities.
Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal Branding
BBY Show S8 Ep3: Movements start with you
Artemis Futures International Limited
March 06, 2024
In this episode, I explore the importance of building a movement within ourselves first. Influencing ourselves to stand by our beliefs, promises, and aspirations is the first step in inspiring and persuading others to join our cause.
Every Contact Leaves A Trace
Kym Hamer
January 23, 2023
To share the same stage as multi millionaire JT Foxx , billionaire business builder Adam Coffey and brand identity influencer and ex VP Global Design at Coca Cola James Sommerville and to share my perspectives on leadership, visibility, and personal branding with over 1,000 business owners, entrepreneurs, millionaires, billionaires and celebrities from all over the world was an awesome opportunity...
Tags: Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding
Founders & Mentors Podcast Ep. 33 with Kym Hamer: Building a Legendary Personal Brand
Founders & Mentors
September 09, 2021
Kym is a podcast host, business coach, and brand expert. She and I do a deep dive into what it takes to build a personal brand worth remembering. She also talks about her coaching business and how young professionals can position themselves for success early.
Connect with Kym on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter
Kym’s Website and YouTube Channel
Founders & Mentors Podcast is available on iTunes
Tags: Leadership, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion
Power of Reinvention 2020 Summit
House of Hives
July 16, 2020
Have you ever wondered if the life you are living is really all there is? ⠀⠀
If you don’t feel like you are living your dream, if you don’t feel as though you are creating the life you truly deserve, you are not alone.⠀
At the inaugural Power of Reinvention 2020 Summit. I shared my own story of reinvention and talking about unlocking your greatest asset - YOU!⠀
Live from the X4 Experience Summit, London
NextTen Innovation Solutions
April 21, 2019
NextTen Managing Partners Nick Bush and Kym Hamer spent a day at the Qualtrics X4 Experience Summit in London last week. Here they spend 5 minutes discussing what impressed them about their X4 experience and why NextTen has forged a partnership with Qualtrics.
Kym is a master storyteller and speaks on communicating with power, developing communication strategies in line with your vision and using the right building blocks for developing your own brand story.
She is an experienced speaker and panelist on a variety of connected themes such as mastering uncertainty and navigating the future, customer-first innovation and marketing, and the power of collaboration.
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