
A Business Model Innovation Fable


Once upon a time, two businesses thrived in a bustling jungle market: the Starfruit Stall, owned by Sly Starfruit, and the Palm Tree Products, run by Proud Palm. Both of them were hardworking and dedicated, and their businesses attracted a steady stream of animal customers every day. But while Sly Starfruit's business continued to grow, Proud Palm's business remained the same.

Sly Starfruit was always thinking of new ways to serve its customers. He sold starfruit, starfruit juice, dried starfruit, starfruit preserves, and even starfruit-infused beauty products. On the other hand, Proud Palm offered only one product – sweet and delicious palm nuts.

The jungle market was changing, however. New stalls were opening, offering various nut products. The fierce competition started to undermine Proud Palm's profits, while Sly Starfruit's stall continued to prosper. Puzzled, Proud Palm decided to visit Sly Starfruit to figure out his secret.

"Why is it that your business thrives while mine merely survives?" asked Proud Palm.

"The secret, my friend, lies in business model innovation," replied Sly Starfruit with a smile. "I consistently look for new ways to offer value to my customers, expanding on the products I can make from my starfruit. This creates new revenue streams and keeps my business fresh and interesting to our jungle consumers."

Curious, Proud Palm decided to take Sly Starfruit's advice to heart. He thought about the resources he had and what his customers needed. He realized that besides palm nuts, his trees also produced fronds that could be woven into baskets and mats and that the sap could be used to make palm syrup. He also recognized that his customers needed more than just food - variety, novelty, and value-added products.

Soon, Proud Palm introduced new products at his stall. He began selling beautifully woven baskets and mats, delicious palm syrup, and even skincare products made from palm tree sap. His customers were thrilled with the new offerings, and word quickly spread throughout the jungle about Proud Palm's new range of innovative products.

Proud Palm's business began to flourish. He was able to keep his existing customers, attract new ones, and even steal some from the competition. He learned the value of innovation and understood how it can help a business grow and remain competitive.

And so, the Starfruit and the Palm Tree fable teaches us the importance of business model innovation. Businesses can thrive even in the most competitive markets by consistently seeking new ways to create, deliver, and capture value. Ultimately, it's not just about selling a product or service - it's about meeting the customer's needs in creative and novel ways. After all, even in the bustling jungle market, there's always room for innovation.

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By Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

Keywords: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

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