
2021 A Year of Regenerative Thinking


Regen Notes

The most important question we should now be asking is are we degenerative or regenerative? Are our desicsions and actions healing or harming the future?

Aldo Leopold summed it up way back  “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

Regen Notes set out on its journey in January 2021 as a newsletter of regenerative news, stories and more. It is a companion to Zoom Regenerative events and podcasts where we explore spaces between regenerative dots, share themes and work that invigorates, inspires and feeds our curiosity. Rediscover highlights from the 2021 editions and Subscribe for 2022 editions.


Storms and Starlight: Rekindling our relationship with nature ... October 21

Before the Deluge: COP26 November 21

The Living Mountain at COP26 November 21

Restore Body of Knowledge April 21

Rethink Resonate Regenerate October 21

SlowWays - Where will you go? April 21

Ending the Climate Crisis in one Generation October 21

Mindful Spaces and Places with Sofie Lacey (Podcast) September 21

Somehow, whilst we had all been busy, while had been doing all the small things that add up to life … the future had slipped into the present. August 21

At Solstice December 21

View all here

By Martin Brown

Keywords: Sustainability, Climate Change

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