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James Kerr


Indispensable Consulting

Thomas Koulopoulos


Delphi Group

Dean Miles

President - Executive Leadership Coach

Bridgepoint Coaching & Strategy Group

Jeff Kuhn

CEO, Owner, Founder

Blue Sky Lightning Foundation

Mark Lynd

Head of Executive Advisory & Corporate Strategy


Alex Sharpe


Sharpe Management Consulting LLC

Jane Anderson CSP

Business Coach to Female B2B Consultants and Thoug...

Jane Anderson Consulting

David Food

Supply Chain Strategist

Prophetic Technology

Aarron Spinley

Fellow, Field Bell Institute (with an independent ...

Field Bell Institute

Seth Earley


Earley Information Science

Gijs van Wulfen

Keynote Speaker

FORTH Innovation Institute

Sam Gupta

Principal Consultant

ElevatIQ Inc

Tommy Swanhaus

CEO & Founder

Tommy Swanhaus Co

Peter F Gallagher

Change Management Global Thought Leader, Guru, Spe...

Leadership of Change

Zen Benefiel

Possibilities Coagulator

Be The Dream LLC

Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

Linking Strategy to Execution for Competitive Adva...

Visualise Solutions

Noelle Russell


AI Leadership Institute

Dr. Rebecca Wynn

Global Chief Security Strategist & CISO

Click Solutions Group