For procurement organizations that are driven by a clear cost efficiency mandate, spend is spend. No spend should be considered ‘other’, ‘different’, or ‘theirs’, whether the issue is oversight, technology, or value.
To help brands tap into the potential of B2B influencer marketing, while at the same time avoiding some of its common pitfalls, here’s 5 best practices to help you design and deploy your influencer marketing program and ongoing campaigns
AI in education will change teaching. In the school of tomorrow, teachers and machines collaborate to optimise the learning experience.
One of the issues with B2B influencer platforms and rankings is that they most often look solely at social media
Digital transformation presents a huge opportunity for procurement to increase value, efficiency and performance, but we must be aware of perceived value loss. Any transformation planning effort must address this risk and outline steps to mitigate it.
People are a competitive differentiator. Smart companies want to measure their productivity - but measurable actions may not be the right indicator of the factors that matter the most.
As CIOs embrace disruptive technologies, a counterintuitive approach to strategy and execution is key.
James looks at the Insight-to-Action lag, and why minimising this is critical to reaping the benefits from your Machine Learning initiatives, and avoiding the "Curse of Cassandra"
Everyone is looking to take paper out of their business. Even the latest version of Monopoly now has gone digital.
Being purpose-focused is essential to engaging customers and employees and being perceived as relevant, admired, and innovative by investors, partners, communities, and public entities.
In the era of Digital Transformation and Digital Disruption, is the very nature of leadership changing as well?
100 years ago, nearly 40% of all US jobs were in agriculture. Today, the figure is less than 2%. The same dynamic happened in manufacturing, which in the 1950s dominated the jobs, but since then has consistently dropped as a mass employer. Technology made both trends happen then, and new, disruptive
Many of today’s most powerful business models put the customer at the center and drive scale by offering an incredible value proposition that’s simply too good to resist. Amazon’s ecommerce model gives customers the ultimate in price, selection and availability...
Nearly 20 years ago I had a meeting with Jim Champy, to whom, in an act of self-adulation I had sent a copy of my first book with a note saying that we had a lot in common. Jim had just published Reengineering the Corporation, one of the best-selling business books of all time.
Protecting our digital assets is no longer a multinational organization’s problem, it is everyone’s problem, everyone with a digital device has the problem and has to be part of the solution.
By instrumenting the human and socializing the machine, we can redesign business processes to optimize the blend of human-machine participation and interaction — and complete tasks far more efficiently than either could individually.
As with most labels that we use liberally, “Digital Transformation” means many things to many people – and much of that depends on where an organization is to begin with when it comes to creating, capturing, and leveraging digital assets.