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Jonathan H. Westover, PhD

Founder and CEO; Chief Academic and Learning Offic...

Human Capital Innovations

Michael Fauscette

CEO & Chief Analyst

Arion Research LLC

David Food

Supply Chain Strategist

Prophetic Technology

Gert Botha

Business Leader | Entrepreneur | Digital Transform...

Hiving Technology

Tommy Swanhaus

CEO & Founder

Tommy Swanhaus Co

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.


MSR Leadership Consultants India

Tom Raftery

Technology Evangelist, Podcast Host, Thought Leade...

Tom Raftery

Antonio Santos

Senior Business Intelligence and Innovation Evange...

Eviden - Atos Group Company

Nouamane Cherkaoui

Chief Transformation & Strategy

BPCE Solutions informatiques

Tony Moroney


The Digital Explorer

Dr Djamila Amimer

CEO and Founder

Mind Senses Global

Gaurav Agarwaal

Senior Vice President | Cybersecurity and Digital ...


Renee McDonald


Australian Online Therapy Training (AOTT) Pty Ltd

Art Stewart

Managing Partner

Strategic Impact Partners