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Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols
Chairman at Evolutionary Healer LLC
Asheville, United States
H.E. Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols is the author of Consortium WE ARE EVOLVING INTO A NEW PARADIGM WHERE PEOPLE-NOT-NOT SALES-COME FIRST and “PROFILING FOR PROFIT What crossed arms don’t tell you…Mastering the Art of Observation.” Terry is the Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company. UN Peace Ambassador at Large / United Refugee Green Council Ambassador for USA & Global. As a "Top 10" thought leader when he’s not consulting chief executives or training sales teams on the ‘art’ of observation, Terry can be found doing intriguing interviews, planning his next vacation, or having dinner at his favorite restaurant in a suit he designed himself. 2021/2022 Thinkers 50 Nominee...
Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking Travels From: Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Speaking Topics: Repetitive Behaviors in Science Today, Consortium - The New Business Model, Profiling for Profit
Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols
Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.
Post-Traumatic Stress and Suicide Can Be Stopped Consistently!
July 20, 2019
Like Dr. Freud, Mr. Nichols believes that a severe emotional event that occurred to a person in
early childhood can cause amnesia like symptoms. He views amnesia as a protection mechanism
and nothing more. There is evidence that when amnesia is treated, shortly after an event, success
is assured. However, when no-one knows the event occurred, the amnesia is set in place to
actively block all attempts to recover the event in short-term memory. Through his research, Mr.
Nichols found that when other “highly emotional” events occur in a person’s life, they are placed
in short-term memory.
First Responders and Repetitive Behavior
July 19, 2019
Dr. Sigmund Freud believed that what people suffered from in adult life stemmed from a traumatic event early in childhood. He was right, but he couldn’t find a consistent method to find an amnesic early childhood trauma using hypnosis. This was further complicated when science no longer subscribed to hypnosis as real science in the late 1800’s and ordered it stopped as a psychotherapeutic tool. Freud committed suicide in 1939, without proving his theory.
In 2009, after standing on the edge of a building contemplating his own suicide, retired U.S. Navy Veteran Terry Nichols thought he heard a voice saying, “I have something more for you to do.” a few months later Mr. Nichols had created Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression (RBCR).
White Paper on Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression Post-Traumatic Stress and Suicide Can Be Stopped Consistently!
July 18, 2019
In 2009, after standing on the edge of a building contemplating his own suicide, retired U.S. Navy Veteran Terry Nichols thought he heard a voice saying, “I have something more for you to do.” a few months later Mr. Nichols had created Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression (RBCR). In doing so, he found a consistent way to help his clients find and stop the emotions around an amnesic like, early childhood memory. This non-linear, Q & A sequencing model stops repetitive behaviors such as Post-Traumatic Stress, Suicide Ideation, multiple relationships/marriages, procrastination, self-sabotage, etc. It has also made a significant difference for those dealing with Military Sexual Trauma. RBCR is an online process that is done without meds, psycho-therapy, counselling, or office visits.
Tags: Future of Work, Health and Safety, Leadership
Veterans and Their Families
June 09, 2017
Mission: To reduce veteran suicides by 80%. Over twenty-two veterans per day take their own lives leaving grieving families and the perpetration of more suicides within the family unit.
Goal: To infuse each client with self-restructured patterns of behavior that affords them a holistic, fruitful, and prosperous life.
Forgiveness eliminates the feeling that the person I'm forgiving has some kind of a power over me. When I'm holding onto resentment and anger, the other person does have power over me. They have won in a way. They are giving me this negative energy and I am willing to carry it around. By treating it with love and forgiveness, I can let it go. I don't have to carry that suitcase full of negativity everywhere, and it's such a wonderful feeling.
The Brain’s Belief Guides You - Is Not Entirely True
April 14, 2024
This statement, “The brain’s belief guides you” is not entirely true. Below the brain is the body, which stores Cellular Memory. A walled off memory doesn’t guide you, it completely controls you. That’s what Repetitive Behavior is all about. The Active Block is the foundational memory that is driving all of the patterns in a person's life. It is protecting a memory that is amnesic in its makeup.
A Walled Off Memory Doesn’t Guide You, It Completely Controls You
January 12, 2024
Many of our clients have told us they cannot recall memories from their childhood and that’s okay because we guide them to find the Active Block and uncover that hidden memory with consistent positive results. This is done without tapping into emotions, which keeps the client from triggering.
Action is a Very Small Word - Six Letters that Represent Massive Change
January 10, 2024
Action is quite interesting. The Chinese proverb, attributed to Lao Tzu and Confucius says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." The phrase is also translated as "A journey of a thousand miles begins from under the feet". You can't get to the top of the ladder until you step on the first rung. It only takes one step to start moving forward. That doesn't mean you all of a sudden put all of your time, energy, and resources into something.
My Contribution to World Book Day
April 23, 2023
the story of a fourth generation “Irish-American White Boy'' and his eye opening journey into the Native American Spiritual World as an Elder of the Peoples. The Medicine Man had told me that seeing people in a Vision Quest was unheard of amongst Native Americans. I realized I was not to be a hunter, gatherer, Medicine Man, or warrior. I was called to gather the peoples of the world together for World Peace and to save the planet for future generations.
As I sit here at my desk in my warm home with plenty of food and water while the beginning of another winter storm hits here and most of the Atlantic Coast of the USA, I am brought to presence with the fact that all over the world right now there are people who have none of what I have.
Tags: Climate Change, Culture, Health and Wellness
The Need for Innovation and Leadership is Now!
October 20, 2020
Well Q3 is in the books with 35% branch closings, not to mention all of those wonderful people gone. It’s time for innovation and leadership by example.
What happens when a factory closes a car model? They don’t close the factory –
THEY RETOOL for a new model.
Human or Person in the Workforce ~ Perhaps it's time for a change...
September 08, 2020
Both the Oxford English Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary agree that a "Human" is defined as relating to or a characteristic of the Human Species and two sub-categories are male and female.
Both dictionaries also agree that a "Person" is an individual.
The world has embraced that persons are not categories and sales are now “P2P” Person to Person.
First Half Financial Results: We're in The Sand Pit & it's Raining – Now What?
July 27, 2020
One Global Top 10 bank posted its first loss in all revenue categories in this scenario for the first time since the great recession, so what are ‘they’ thinking?
The 2020 Q1 and Q2 Financials Are Published and We’re in The Sand Pit… and It’s Raining– Now What!?
July 23, 2020
Before CORVID-19, the leaders of a corporation would be looking at where and who to cut to get back on track in Q3 and ultimately end the year with some sort of profit and “Hero” status with shareholders.
One Global Top 10 bank posted its first loss in all revenue categories in this scenario for the first time since the great recession, so what are ‘they’ thinking?
In the short term they can cut X number of bank branches laying off a few thousand loyal (until now) employees and write-off all of that accumulated talent.
All but shut down personal and small business loans due to the high risk those customers have become in this pandemic. Many banks are already doing this. Issuing of new credit cards will be next to be cut.
Tags: Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Continuity, COVID19
3 More Epidemics Are About to Begin
April 05, 2020
As I sit here at my desk in my comfy home office, I ponder what the pandemic is doing to my friends and neighbors. Most all of them are first responders and healthcare workers of some sort.
They are fighting an enemy far more dangerous than some invading army that can be seen and fired upon. They go to work every day with the very heightened awareness that not only an altercation with an individual can cause personal injury or even death, but that the inhale of a breath could cause hospitalization or worse…
I'm Tired of What To Do Lists - How About You?
March 27, 2020
During this time of global crisis, how many ads, stories, posts and commercials to we ‘need’ to see before we just turn off the TV and/or computer and go read a book. Reading a book isn't all bad for I read a lot of books per year when things are going great. BUT REALLY...
Monday Morning at 3:30!?
February 24, 2020
Up until the end of the last century - I love saying that - I would often wake up in the middle of the night thinking about everything to the sun and back. Do you do that?
Love * Empathy * Forgiveness
May 15, 2024
John Chappelear : “The Greeks had five different definitions for love. After what I call my Gift of Devastation, I started working on the friendship idea of love, and the mutual supporting idea of love. My new definition of love was about understanding the needs of others, and treating their needs as important as I treat my own. Not more important, and certainly not less important.
Consortium ~ Business Model for the 21st Century: We Are Evolving into A New Paradigm Where People ~ Not Sales ~ Come First
February 19, 2022
Consortium is the new people-centric, vision-based business model that is driven by achievement.
It is an evolutionary business model because it will take businesses across the globe successfully into the 21st century.
This is where timelines, sales goals, and quotas are no longer used. What is created is a vision for the future. A vision is where we… as business owners… want to be when we reach the top of the mountain.
When we look at the horizon, it is not easy to see the whole road that will get us there. This is why we follow a roadmap with various achievable stops along the way. In other words, we create a journey that will get us there.
Using the Vision Strategy Roadmap I created, you can throw-out goals and timelines. You are now able to implement achievement-based planning with quantifiable stops and instantly verifiable results.
In my experience I accomplished more faster by having a vision than I ever did having a time-based goal hanging over my head.
Humanity is now witnessing the next evolutionary stage of consciousness...
Transformation begins with YOU! When you release what does not serve you, you become the Evolutionary Leader you came here to be. We are born with an already established personality. As we age we become witness to various stimuli that changes the way we look at the world and how we will act and react in it. This time is full of fear and doubt. Give praise to the One who gives you comfort. Start with your Heart Light and seek only wisdom...
December 03, 2019
Terry & Linda show mindful entrepreneurs how to build a thriving, meaningful, and successful business around their family life. This book was written from a number of teachings and experiences the authors have received over the past 60+ years. Much of it comes from tracking what works, some of it comes from Universal Truth and the ways of Indigenous peoples. Humanity is now witnessing the next evolutionary stage of consciousness. What does that mean for you?
PROFILING POR PROFIT What crossed arms don't tell you...
November 28, 2019
Profiling is the art of observation and is one of the most valuable tools in a business conversation. In this book you will be looking at a number of elements of profiling so you will know how to apply them to leadership, the workplace, and even in the boardroom. Profiling unconscious muscle movements is not
about reading body language. Observing the nuances of these movements gives leaders instant feedback around the message they are communicating to their staff and/or audience.
The Earthwind Academy
June 17, 2013
The Earthwind Academy was created from CR clients desiring to help others with this unique
process. This online academy is set up to train and certify future practitioners from a unique,
global classroom.
RBCR Practitioner Certification
June 17, 2013
The Earthwind Academy was created from CR clients desiring to help others with this unique
-process. This online academy is set up to train and certify future practitioners from a unique,
global classroom.
The CR Process is a prerequisite for becoming a CR Practitioner. There is no better text book
than having your own CR Session to refer to while taking the CR Practitioner Certification Training.
Tags: Business Strategy, Health and Safety, Management
1 Founder
Who is Terry Earthwind Nichols?
January 14, 2020
Hello, I’m Terry. I am known as the Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression or RBCR for short. The CR Process is a 30 Day VIP Experience that includes a CR Session to decrease anxiety, fear, procrastination, self-sabotage, and overall stress while improving relationships, finances, confidence, health, clarity, processing, follow-through, and accountability.
Top 50m Marketing Influencers to Follow in 2022
The Awards Magazine
December 20, 2021
Days are gone where Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms were just used for communication. They are now powerful tools for doing business and improving profits. Fortunately, most companies have realised the importance of marketing (particularly digital marketing) and have begun to spend on it. This, however, is only half of the story.
Without great specialists, great marketing is impossible. There are, thankfully, some.
Three More Epidemics Are About to Begin...
June 07, 2020
As I sit here at my desk in my comfy home office, I ponder what the pandemic is doing to my friends and neighbors. Most all of them are first responders and healthcare workers of some sort.
They are fighting an enemy far more dangerous than some invading army that can be seen and fired upon. They go to work every day with the very heightened awareness that not only an altercation with an individual can cause personal injury or even death, but that the inhale of a breath could cause hospitalization or worse…
Tags: Health and Safety, Health and Wellness, Mental Health
27 Media Interviews
Terry Earthwind Nichols: Life Is A Journey, Not A Guided Tour - E.9
June 26, 2023
In this episode of the Rewind Yourself podcast, I speak with Terry Earthwind Nichols, a recognized global thought leader, speaker, author, UN Peace Ambassador at Large, and Chairman of Evolutionary Healer. Terry is a retired U.S. Navy Profiler who has overcome a life of repeated success and then self-sabotaging failure.
Cultivating Business Success Traits SUCCESS | H.E. Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols | VezaTalks 006
February 03, 2023
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur or business owner looking for insights and guidance from a mentor to the ultra-wealthy? Join us for an enlightening conversation with H.E. Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols, a United Nations Peace Ambassador At Large, a veteran, and a top marketing influencer.
Better #Automation: H.E. Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols - United Nations Peace Ambassador At Large
July 05, 2022
Combining Automation With The Right People Strategy Is A Competitive Advantage. Choose Achievements For Your Company, Not Goals, And You Will Change The Energy Inside Your Workplace.
H.E. Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols is a Mentor to the World's Leaders, a United Nations Peace Ambassador At Large, a Veteran and an Ambassador of UNITED REFUGEE GREEN COUNCIL-Global. He is a 2021 "Thinkers 50" nominee as well as a Top 50 Marketing Influencers to Follow 2022 by The Awards Magazine.
His LinkedIn: /in/terryearthwind/
Is There a Better to Learn About Imposter Syndrome?
On The Brink Podcast
February 26, 2021
His Excellence Ambassador Terry Earthwind Nichols is an amazing individual for us to share with you. An accomplished author, speaker, master teacher, CEO World Opinion Columnist and a founding partner of the Global Institute for Thought Leadership, Terry talks to us today about a topic of great importance during and after this pandemic crisis: the Imposter Syndrome that far too many otherwise successful people are feeling right now. It is also being called the white-collar PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Are you dealing with this too? Listen and share.
Tags: Business Strategy, COVID19, Customer Loyalty
What Crossed Arms Don't Tell You with Terry Earthwind Nichols
Apple Podcasts
August 17, 2020
Terry Earthwind Nichols is the Chairman of the Evolutionary Healer. He is a thought leader and author of the book Profiling For Profit What Crossed Arms Don't Tell You, he’s also the grand master of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression - In this episode you can learn from Terry:How a chance helping conversation developed into Repetitive Behavior Cellular RegressionHow imposter syndrome and PTSD share similar traits and coping strategiesHow he turned people watching into profilingHow to hook into the non verbal clues when meeting with othersPlus lots more leadership hacks!Follow us and explore our social media tribe from our Website: https://leadership-hacker.comMusic: "
Episode 35 - Understanding Your Team Through Body Language with Deborah Corviello, The Drop In CEO
July 24, 2020
This week on the Drop In CEO, visionary strategist Terry Earthwind Nichols shares how understanding body language can help you effectively communicate with your team. Listen in as Deborah and Terry discuss cultural differences in body language, how humans mirror behavior, and how we are impacted by the feelings attached to achievement.
Tags: Business Strategy, Health and Wellness, Leadership
3 More Epidemics Are About to Begin
June 23, 2020
In the days and weeks to come, this pandemic will subside and the day to day lives of people everywhere will begin to go back to the way life was before. Back to work and into theaters and restaurants and more.
Tags: Health and Safety, Health and Wellness, Open Innovation
THE YOU Executive Master CLass
May 31, 2020
THE YOU Executive Masterclass 2.0 is a 120 minutes - 2 hours Webinar organized by Todoroki Afrika & Leaders Without Borders Development Centre, Our vision is to bring together thoughts leaders across the globe to deliver lectures that are idea-focused, inspiring and thought provoking on a wide range of subjects to foster learning whilst provoking conversations across border.
Boundless #Rebooted Mini-Series EP24: Terry Nichols, Visionary Strategist; Slow to hire, slower to fire
April 17, 2020
"There’s going to be a paradigm shift in how business is going to be conducted in the future and how we're going to take care of employees. People are going to be slow to hire, but even slower to fire, because the connection between the employer and employee is going to be so strong."
Russ Johns and The Pirate Broadcast
Pirate Broadcast
April 15, 2020
It's a great day for a great day, as I always say. Today on the pirate broadcast is no different. We want to bring interesting people doing interesting things. Today, right now more than any other time in history, we really have to have a little bit of connection, conversation, a little more patience, empathy. As I always say, kindness is cool. Today we have Terry earth when Nichols in and Terry has been Doing some amazing things. He's been a US Navy profiler, looking forward to writing a book. He's written the book. He's done some amazing things. We're gonna dive into that today and share a few stories and interesting facts. Also, just to let you know that we are here. I thank you so much if you're here as well, if you're watching the replay, just drop in hashtag replay so I can actually come back and follow up and have conversation with you. We're also on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
Sales Sounding Board Interview
Sales Sounding Board
March 26, 2020
In conversation with Terry Earthwind Nichols. Author of the book. Profiling for profit, retired U.S. Naval Profiler, business leader, coach mentor and creator of the Evolutionary Healer programme.
Evolutionary Healing with Terry Earthwind Nichols
Ethical Change Agency
March 21, 2020
I can't thank you enough for being a part of The Ethical Evolution and sharing your message with the world. Your time, insights, kindness and talents have helped to spread collective change in consciousness when it comes to how we work, live, make decisions and consume.
March 15, 2020
Author ~ Vision Strategist ~ Grand Master Cellular Regression Practitioner
These are the titles that follow Terry Eastwind Nichols name on his LinkedIn profile.
However, Terry is a fellow member of the HumansFirst Club with Rhys and myself, and brings, to our conversations, great insights and quotes and perspectives that often leaves the group with a pause or silence to consider.
This is the mark of life experience and wisdom.
Terry works with clients within a process called Grand Master Cellular Regression; a process that he developed after experiencing a traumatic life event. Through his work, he helps people unlock and unblock traumatic events that are keeping them stuck.
Sometimes the 'stuck' manifests itself as procrastination, and in this episode of TNT ESQ, we explore with Terry the cycle of trauma, self-sabotage, and procrastination.
EveryDay Leaders 50in50 Podcast Interview with Terry Earthwind Nichols
EveryDay Leaders 50in50 Podcast
January 18, 2020
Known as the Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression, (RBCR). Terry Earthwind Nichols works with people who are at their wits end. They know something is in the way of their success, and they just can’t put their finger on it. Terry is the Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company. When he’s not training his CR Practitioners online all over the world, Terry can be found doing intriguing interviews.
Dr. Diane Hamilton
January 15, 2020
Terry Earthwind Nichols is the Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression (RBCR). As a retired US Navy Profiler, Terry figured out how to disconnect the conscious and subconscious synchronization. Here, Terry talks about how he loved to people-watch which eventually led him to form his current practice. He then introduces his book, Profiling For Profit, and discusses what it means and how it can be useful to sales, especially its applications in business.
Throw Out Your Goals Vision Strategy Roadmap
Your Partner in Success Radio
January 10, 2020
Vision Strategist, Author X5, Speaker, Mentor, Profiling Expert, Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression, Terry Nichols shares why achievement-based versus goals-based strategies may be a better fit for your business.
Terry Nichols shows business owners how to look at sales/marketing from an achievement point of view resulting in increased sales while lowering employee absenteeism.
Your Partner in Success Radio
January 10, 2020
Vision Strategist, Author X5, Speaker, Mentor, Profiling Expert, Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression, Terry Nichols shares why achievement-based versus goals-based strategies may be a better fit for your business.
Terry Nichols shows business owners how to look at sales/marketing from an achievement point of view resulting in increased sales while lowering employee absenteeism.
Terry is a Service Connected U.S. Navy Veteran. H.E. Amb. Nichols is an Ambassador for refugees US and Global with the United Refugee Green Council. He is also the co-founder along with his wife Linda Vettrus-Nichols and Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company.
Terry Earthwind Nichols Vision Strategist
Apple Podcasts
January 08, 2020
Known as the Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression, (RBCR). Terry Earthwind Nichols works with people who are at their wits end. They know something is in the way of their success, and they just can’t put their finger on it. Terry is the Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company. When he’s not training his CR Practitioners online all over the world, Terry can be found doing intriguing interviews.
032: Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales
Grow Strong for Performance
December 03, 2019
Ever wish you could read people so you know how open they are to what you have to say? My guest Terry Earthwind Nichols is an expert in profiling, the art of observing others and interpreting the signals they’re sending. Join me for a fascinating conversation about little things you can pay attention to in one-on-one or group settings to detect the unspoken signs right in front of you. Terry’s varied careers – from U.S. Navy Classifier to custom clothing salesman to private club manager – helped him refine his profiling skills and become a master of people-reading. Terry is the Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company.
Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales
Grow Strong Leaders Podcast
December 03, 2019
Ever wish you could read people so you know how open they are to what you have to say? My guest Terry Earthwind Nichols is an expert in profiling, the art of observing others and interpreting the signals they’re sending. Join me for a fascinating conversation about little things you can pay attention to in one-on-one or group settings to detect the unspoken signs right in front of you. Terry’s varied careers – from U.S. Navy Classifier to custom clothing salesman to private club manager – helped him refine his profiling skills and become a master of people-reading. Terry is the Chairman of Evolutionary Healer, a global transformational performance improvement company.
Ep - 54 Terry Earthwind Nichols
November 24, 2019
Ep - 54 Terry Earthwind Nichols
In this interview I speak with Terry Earthwind Nichols, Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression, on how he went from standing on ledge of a 28th story building to inventing a cure for PTS.
Consortium: a people centric strategy for the post-Covid economy
Association of MBAs
August 11, 2021
When leaders are keen on achievement and people centric principles, shareholders are going to be more tolerant of some adjustments in revenue, allowing leaders to retool corporations in order to bring in new revenue streams, says Terry Earthwind Nichols
Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales
January 14, 2016
Reading body language is one thing.
Mastering the 'nuances of muscle movement' is quite another.
Did you know that when a person tilts their to the left that they are subconsciously signalling a buy?
How about 'how' a person writes emails indicates their level of focus on giving a professional response versus a casual response that is more times than not - dis-respectful?
In 60-90 minutes over Zoom or similar platform, we can provide information that is enlightening and fun to learn.
Ep-451 Understanding the Art of Observation
February 20, 2020
Terry Earthwind Nichols is the Father of Repetitive Behavior Cellular Regression (RBCR). As a retired US Navy Profiler, Terry figured out how to disconnect the conscious and subconscious synchronization. Here, Terry talks about how he loved to people-watch which eventually led him to form his current practice. He then introduces his book, Profiling For Profit, and discusses what it means and how it can be useful to sales, especially its applications in business.
Master the Art of Observation and Make More Sales Interview
Strong for Performance
January 29, 2020
Ever wish you could read people so you know how open they are to what you have to say? My guest Terry Earthwind Nichols is an expert in profiling, the art of observing others and interpreting the signals they’re sending. Join me for a fascinating conversation about little things you can pay attention to in one-on-one or group settings to detect the unspoken signs right in front of you.
Modern civilization has reached the point of instability and global crises. The global financial, economic, environmental, anthropological, and climate crises are realities that every person is already facing. But this is only the beginning. Do people realize the full scope of the upcoming threats? Radical changes in all spheres of life in the near future are inevitable for every person on the planet. Yet, how aware is the world community of these changes, not to mention being prepared for them?
Tags: Climate Change, Health and Wellness, Ecosystems
Thinkers360 Credentials
19 Badges
3 Article/Blogs
Does your BoD, BoT, or BoA have at least one Thought Leader?
May 17, 2021
No!? Well then…
working with the Consortium Business model will ensure you have this business 'must have' in your board rooms.
Thought leadership isn’t a ‘buzz word’ used in the locker rooms of the club anymore – it is valuable and relevant. We’re not talking about listening to a guru on a mountain top. We’re talking real strategic thinking that encompasses a wide range of experience and unbridled thinking for the good of the company and not just profits.
The internet has produced real-time news around everything companies do with regards to governance. My company’s visions, strategies, marketing, sales, R&D, etc. are at my fingertips on my phone readily accessed 24/7 and nearly anywhere in the world.
The pandemic has opened our eyes that not only is WFH doable, it is everywhere opening up new markets for talent, goods and services. The bad news is a new and very connected web of “hackers”are hard at work trying to break into your systems to crash them and/or ransom them back to you. The good news is that talent can be recruited from across the globe to assist you to better govern your company into the future and set a vision to get there.
Thought leaders are generally specialists in their industries and carry a wide knowledge of other industries as well. The specialists provide insights from outside of the forest looking in and not inside the forest looking around like most boards do now. Consultants add to the mix, however don’t carry any ownership for the results, whereas thought leaders who a part of the company’s leadership carry ownership for the results.
Everyday larger corporations are embracing the thought leadership concept in such a way as to create a Thought Leader Division or Office. When the leadership of a corporation understands the real value of this new expense line and the fact it is really an investment line, the results are measurable.
How does thought leadership work?
Marketing will give your marketing input; sales will give you sales input, M&A will give you M&A input, etc. Thought leadership will give a prospective of all your departments input to assist in developing next steps and the creation of something new – possibly paradigm shifting at that.
How does it fit into my boards?
Your boards members focus on their assigned areas and thought leaders are charged with taking all areas of the board into account along with ethics, political and public, litigation issues, and puts them all together to give input on all matters of their board – be it BoD, BoT, or BoA.
Where do you find Thought Leaders?
There various groups and associations around as well as a new institute called Global Institute for Thought Leadership. An interesting group of specialists, of which I am a founding partner, having a very broad range of experience in authorship, speaking, health and wellness, negotiations, business ethics, strategy and visioning to name a few. Hiring one these specialists not only gain you’re their experience, it gains you a network of other specialists as well. Also, some of the best Thought Leaders in the world are right here in Thinkers360.
The internet and live video puts corporations in front of the world anytime anywhere and ethical responsibility is paramount to good governance, especially of a publicly traded company where shareholders want transparency as the norm.
When, not if, the next pandemic hits the world, thought leaders will be the ones to assist in setting new visions and strategies for new revenue streams versus helping with closings and the loss of great talent.
The business model has changed – not simply changing. Seeing the competition as collaborative partners and not as the enemy is the future of business. No one company can have all of the market and building a collaborative of partnerships is key to moving forward in the 21st century. The old way of doing business will not tolerated by the next generation of consumers. The next evolution of business is here and there is a way to embrace it – The Consortium Model.
The Consortium Model creates a vision for the corporation, each division, and can be used by individuals. It is people-centric, achievement-oriented, and encompasses rewards as the driver for success in every area of the company.
How does this work?
We know this to be true:
When people are achieving regularly, they:
1) Don’t get sick
2) Don’t burn-out
3) Don’t leave the company giving them the achievements they are so excited about.
On the revenue side – product sales and other new revenue streams are created. The stress of goals and timelines are removed and replaced with achievable stops on the way to achieving their vision.
One the expense side – people related expense is much lower along with the vernacular of the company – HR is now People Central, employees are now teammates, timelines are left for financial reporting, etc. Company insurance policies and OSHA related expense is lowered and the ultimately the EBIT line grows exponentially.
Visioning and a Famous General
August 17, 2020
Good Morning! “Today is the first day of the rest of your life – make something positive happen.” Earthwind
The first part of this affirmation is well-known. The second part of the affirmation is a call to action.
A famous “general” in the old west would go into a visioning ceremony for hours before a battle and become one with the cosmos and his ancestors.
Tags: Future of Work, Health and Wellness, Mental Health
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Tools for Better Business Communication
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Profiling is the art of observation and is one of the most valuable tools in a business conversation. In this book you will be looking at a number of elements of profiling so you will know how to apply them to leadership, the workplace, and even in the boardroom. Profiling unconscious muscle movements is not
about reading body language. Observing the nuances of these movements gives leaders instant feedback around the message they are communicating to their staff and/or audience.
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