For this year’s International Women’s Day, March 8th 2022, we asked a selection of Thinkers360 Thought Leaders and Influencers what advice they have for future women leaders in business, technology and sustainability.
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What advice do you have for future women leaders in business, technology and sustainability?
As we continue to be faced with the most impactful changes in our professional life due to the pandemic and the War in Ukraine, developing a strong, resilient, and calm mindset will be key to tackle the rapidly changing circumstances we have to deal with daily. In 2022 thanks to understanding the importance of developing emotional intelligence, of bringing more empathy, compassion, and kindness back in the work environment, we can stop the dehumanization that took place for decades, turning people into numbers, and in this way being the cause of a massive wave of burnouts and depressions. Women can use their voice to keep this movement going and play a crucial role in implementing more humane working environments.
Mental wellbeing has never been more important and finally gets the attention that it deserves. Being fully successful in 2022 will only be possible if we pay enough attention to restoring the balance in our lives between ‘doing’ and ‘being’, between the ambition to achieve something worthy in life and taking the time for self-care, which has always been a challenge particularly for women. The future of a balanced leadership will be inspired by women taking the lead in this evolution.
The world needs more powerful women to ban all institutionalised discrimination and lead the way to a more balanced leadership with an equal focus on cognitive, emotional and social intelligence.
– Barbara Vercruysse, CEO & Founder at Barbara Vercruysse Coaching Institute
Your success as a leader is dependent not only on your ambition and ideas, it requires an equal investment in your network. Don’t shrug-off or postpone making the investment in building professional connections, as that investment will compound as your career advances and carry your reputation further.
– J. Kelly Hoey, Author + Speaker, Build Your Dream Network
One of the most underrated leadership qualities is self-awareness. You have to be self-aware at every level and realize that you’re there to serve. Self-aware leaders carry a window and a mirror with them at all times. They hold themselves accountable for their own truth and life, but they are also hyper-aware of how they’re perceived by others. The goal of leadership is not to be liked. It’s to make an impact. People at any level can make an impact, be a leader, break a barrier. Not only can they, but they must.
The role of a leader isn’t to create followers, it’s to enable more leaders.
– Angela Maiers, Founder and CEO at Choose2Matter
My advice for future women leaders is to combine your personal strengths with some type of technical training that will open doors for you professionally. I never considered learning to code or pursuing what are now known as “STEM” areas of focus, but I wish I had. You still have to enjoy the work that you do, and you have to deserve any spotlight/promotions you receive, but if you can find an area where women are a minority of professionals, there may be more opportunities to join a team, secure prime assignments, and advance your career. Always keep an eye on the bigger opportunity and be open to things you wouldn’t have considered otherwise!
– Kelly Barner, Owner, Managing Director at Buyers Meeting Point, LLC
The future of work depends on the unique translation that female leaders bring. Highly skilled, world class expertise is needed to support organisations and their teams to continue transform with a balance of empathy, understanding, inclusivity and a sense of belonging. Female leaders need to embrace their uniqueness and elevate their influence to continue to have an impact and support people to evolve and adapt to change without fear and with a sense of contribution and courage.
Female leaders need to elevate their influence to have their unique perspective to be heard and included as organisations constantly transform.
– Jane Anderson, Business Coach to Female B2B Consultants and Thought Leaders at Jane Anderson Communications
I don’t like giving out advice, but if you ask me to share my experience — the things that helped me most on my business journey are: being unafraid, working on my psychology, doing things fast, being genuine and transparent and having fun along the way. Let’s go get them, ladies! 🙂
– Ashley Galina Dudarenok, Founder at ChoZan
Don’t let others define who you are. Believe in yourself. Whatever mountain you choose to climb, it is yours to conquer.
– Helen Yu, Author of the book Ascend Your Start-Up
Stay true to your passion and purpose, and don’t forget the human behind the tech.
– Theodora Lau, Founder at Unconventional Ventures
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