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Barbara Vercruysse

CEO & Founder at BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute

Avelgem, Belgium

Barbara Vercruysse is a Global Kindness Advocate, Thought Leader, Leadership Mentor, Business Consultant in Operational Excellence and Public Speaker.

After surviving a stage 4 skin cancer and an almost bankruptcy, she became passionate about leaving a positive legacy. Mostly by emphasising the power of kindness and the importance of bringing a powerful kindness into the world, into organisations and corporations as a necessary rebalance for the survival of humanity.

Barbara has recently been designated the role of President of Professional Women International, a Brussels based membership association, part of the PWN Global network with the aim to help women grow and succeed professionally and to accelerate the move to more gender balanced leadership in business and society. The values that guide PWI are those of respect, courage, collaboration, excellence, and inclusiveness.

She also took up the role as Head of Communication at the European-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUICCI) with the purpose of contributing with her expertise in Communications.

+25 professional years as an entrepreneur, business consultant, mentor and role model on how to become resilient with grace after overcoming multiple challenges, surviving a stage 4 cancer being one of them. Happily married for more than 20 years, mom of 3 wonderful young adults, she strongly believes in leading by example.

One of her clients is a group of BMW-dealerships where she operates as a Quality Officer and Operational Excellence Lead, she is responsible for screening all business processes and guiding people to perform optimally in their job, as well as creating a nurturing work environment. She has been part of the management team for several years there.

Her personal mentoring clients are business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders who are dynamic, positive, open for change and always looking to grow and expand.

Barbara Vercruysse always looks for the best match in leadership, humanness and efficiency. She leads with a profound wisdom on human behavior and great care for her clients.

Her passions are reading, painting, enjoying arts, traveling, serving humanity, profound conversations, connecting from human to human. Being passionate about books, every year, one of her goals is to read at least 50 books.

She founded ‘Barbara Vercruysse Empowerment & Kindness Institute’. She was published in the Huffington Post and Thrive Global.

She reaches millions of people with her weekly Inspirational Talks on different social platforms.

Recently she has been giving the opening speech for the Girl Up – a United Nations Foundation talking about Leading with Powerful Kindness. She gave talks on the same topic for the Soft Skill Community of Microsoft (+1,600 managers) and talked about The Path of Powerful Kindness at Harvard University and the importance of human growth next to technological growth at the WYSS (World Young Scientist Summit).

Available For: Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Belgium
Speaking Topics: Powerful Kindness, Resilience, Overcoming Challenges, Personal Growth, Gender Balance

Speaking Fee $2,500 (In-Person)

Barbara Vercruysse Points
Academic 55
Author 309
Influencer 465
Speaker 70
Entrepreneur 130
Total 1029

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Featured Videos

The Path of Powerful Kindness - BLU Talks at Harvard
April 04, 2023

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The Path of Powerful Kindness

It is my mission to shift the current perspective on Kindness and teach that Kindness is the Ultimate Strength, kindness is only perceived as weakness by the weak, the imbalanced and the insecure.

It requires self-discipline and a very strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem to stay kind to a rude person, to stay outside the negativity of the unkind one, and to not be triggered by it.

Powerful Kindness is a sign of a person who has dealt with his inner demons, his insecurities and old wounds, who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom.

In living a life of excellence and integrity, kindness and compassion have a prominent place. Even in situations where we have to deal with a rude and unkind person, kindness and compassion are the best response.

Remember that the behaviour of someone towards you, has nothing to do with you; it is an expression of his/her inner state of mind. Once we see that, once we can look beyond the apparent aggressive words, all we can feel is compassion for their suffering, for their ignorance.

It is my true hope that we can all become role models of kindness and compassion for the next generations.

I bring a message of powerful kindness into organisations and corporations because I am convinced that the world is in desperate need of more kindness and compassion.

EVENT ORGANISERS, GROUPS, COMPANIES if you are looking for an expert keynote speaker in the fields of:
► Powerful Kindness as an Essential Part of the Culture in your Organisation
► How Powerful Kindness is the Path to a Better Future for Humanity
► Empowering through Kindness and Compassion

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 8 years
Last Media Interview: 08/29/2022

Areas of Expertise

Business Continuity
Coaching 31.95
COVID19 30.80
Culture 30.02
Customer Experience 30.27
Diversity and Inclusion 36.30
Entrepreneurship 30.43
Future of Work 30.18
Health and Safety 32.89
Health and Wellness 72.13
Leadership 39.40
Management 30.46
Marketing 31.10
Mental Health 100
Sustainability 30.16

Industry Experience

Consumer Products


5 Academic Certifications
Inspiring Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence
Case Western University
March 19, 2022

Credential ID EU8G7SRKS8P3

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See publication

Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Mental Health

Inclusive Leadership - The Power of Workplace Diversity
University of Colorado
August 31, 2021

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Mental Health

Building Your Leadership Skills
HEC. Paris
April 12, 2021

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Postgraduate Marketing
June 30, 1996

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Tags: Leadership, Management, Marketing

Master Degree French - Spanish
Provinciale Hogeschool voor Vertalers en Tolken
June 30, 1992

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Tags: Leadership

42 Article/Blogs
Setting Boundaries as a Form of Self-Kindness
Barbara Vercruysse
February 29, 2024
As a caring person, we want to make sure to refresh our empathy towards others, regardless of the fact that some people may not appreciate our conscious efforts.

Therefore it is very important to make sure that our batteries are always charged first before we dedicate our energy and time to the wellbeing of others.

A crucial step to not get mentally exhausted is setting boundaries for people who sap our positive energy.

Read the full article to find out six ways of setting boundaries which will empower you.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Embodying Leadership
Barbara Vercruysse
February 02, 2024
When we look up to inspirational leaders, they embody qualities that seem like they have been born with and we are not. Sometimes it might seem like we will never embody the confident, calm, and mature leader we aim to be.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

January 11, 2024
We've reached a moment where we must master agility to face the future, which is now and tomorrow. Too many of us have wallowed in struggles for far too long. It is about time we have a positive mindset about not missing out in the coming year.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Barbara Vercruysse
December 21, 2023
ccording to the Roman philosopher Cicero, gratitude is not only the greatest virtue but also the parent of all other virtues.

Walking the Path of Powerful Kindness includes walking with an attitude of reverence and gratitude for life.
Gratitude can be expressed in various forms. It does not cost much to show gratitude. This includes appreciating little things, devoting your time, smiling as much as you can, offering sincere compliments, and so on. Statements like “I couldn’t have made it without you” or “thank you for everything you have done for me” alone are enough for a person to feel appreciated.

Positive psychology holds that feeling thankful increases happiness and fulfilment.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Kindness as an evolved way of Being
August 10, 2023
It is my mission to shift the current perspective on Kindness and teach that Kindness is an evolved way of Being, that kindness is only perceived as weakness by the weak, the imbalanced and the insecure (and let’s never lose our compassion for them).
It requires self-discipline and a very strong sense of self-understanding, self-confidence and self-esteem to stay kind to a rude person, to stay outside the negativity of the unkind one, and to not be triggered by it.
Kindness is a sign of a person who has dealt with his inner demons, his insecurities and old wounds, who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding, a deep compassion and wisdom.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Don't Let Your Self-Worth Be Determined By Others
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
April 15, 2023
What do deeply fulfilled people have in common?

They feel good in their own skin, they have accepted themselves completely with their gifts and their flaws. They do NOT let depend their sense of self-worth on what other people say.

That makes them powerful since they do not give the power over their sense of wellbeing to others, they do not let their sense of self-worth be determined by others.

They do not allow the negative voices of others, the negative voice in their head pull themselves down.

They do not let some bad choices, failures or mistakes determine their life. They learn from it and move on.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

What Does Your Fear Cost You?
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
April 01, 2023
“When I decided to step up almost a decade back as a voice of compassion and kindness, there was a huge fear of being judged and ridiculed. But the passion for bringing the message was stronger than the fear”

Fear can be paralyzing and can leave us feeling unable to move forward. It is often rooted in fear of failure or fear of success. When we give in to our fears, we can become overwhelmed with doubt and insecurity. We begin to think that our potential is limited and that we are unable to achieve our goals.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Being too nice is harmful and can perpetuate a toxic workplace culture.
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
March 16, 2023
We all like to be nice. It makes us feel good to help others, to be kind and to put a smile on someone’s face. But being too nice, especially in the workplace, can be harmful. It can perpetuate a toxic workplace culture, and it can be a sign that your boundaries are not being respected.

It’s important to remember that being kind and considerate to others is one thing, but enabling bad behaviour is another.
It can be difficult to know when you’ve crossed the line from being nice to being too nice. If you find yourself consistently putting other people's needs before your own, or feeling like you can’t say no to requests, it’s time to take a step back and assess the situation.

It’s important to remember that kindness is powerful. But when it comes to the workplace, it’s important to practice kindness in an appropriate way.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Future of Work, Mental Health

A Return to Humanness
March 09, 2023
Whatever it is that you are striving for, let it be a genuine striving to be a better human being, let it be a genuine striving to be a servant leader, let it be a genuine striving to leave the world a better place than you found it.

Read the full article in my weekly newsletter: Positivity and Kindness Insights.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Culture, Mental Health

The 3 most important lessons I Learned From Surviving Stage 4 Cancer
March 02, 2023
There was a growing urge to bring more love and compassion into this world after having almost lost my life.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

February 16, 2023
Achieving your short or long-term goals requires a great deal of dedication and responsibility. Many people keep failing even when there are clear opportunities available for them to succeed. Reaching your goals doesn’t come overnight. It comes with a lot of sacrifices; sacrifice of time, a sacrifice of money, a sacrifice of sleep, and sometimes sacrifice of family and friends who can discourage our sincere efforts in the pursuit of our goals.

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

Embodying Leadership
February 02, 2023
When we look up to inspirational leaders, they embody qualities which seem they have been born with and we are not. Sometimes it might seem like we will never embody that confident, calm and mature leader that we aim to be.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Self-Empowerment - A Gateway to Wealth Creation
January 26, 2023
Wealth creation is about adding value. Your skills and personality add something unique to an organisation, community, business, ... The more self-developed, self-aware and self-empowered you are, the more astutely you will observe where and how you can contribute most.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Most Valuable Lessons Learned in 2022
December 22, 2022
What can 2022 teach us? Which are the most valuable lessons we can learn from this past year? Here are some insights I gained during the past year:

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

4 Ways to Start Strong in 2023
December 15, 2022
As we are moving towards the end of the year, it can be helpful to pause for a moment and see if we are still expanding and growing in alignment with our gifts and our purpose.
As an (over)achiever, it has always been a challenge for me to not to get caught too much in the 'doing' and forgetting about: WHO AM I (BECOMING) WHILE I AM DOING MY THING IN THE WORLD?

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Understanding of Self will Lead to a More Fulfilled Life and a Better World
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
November 24, 2022
Many are chasing happiness and fulfillment based on the paradigms from their culture, peers, parents and have never really questioned those.

Is the college degree, the big corporate title, the big house, the big car, … the key to happiness? Is chasing some other worldly success or chasing some achievements the key to happiness?

That depends. If your goals are based on your insecurities or on others people’s expectations, you will not experience deep and lasting joy, fulfillment and peace.

Many of us have no clue of Who We Are, and what Our Purpose might be. Without a deeper understanding of Self, without a more profound insight in our Nature, we will never find long lasting fulfillment and peace.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

How to Rebuild Your Self-Confidence after a Failure
Positivity & Kindness Insights
November 10, 2022
What can we do if we disappointed ourselves? How can we build our confidence again when we failed in our own opinion?
In life, we live many situations where things turn out completely differently than expected. We might get upset, disappointed or even depressed because of people turning us down, a promotion missed, a business deal not won. Disappointment and failure can shake the core of our existence, can unsettle the foundation on which we built our personal and professional life.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

How to Train our Mind to Focus on the Positive
Positivity & Kindness Insights
November 03, 2022
The power of the mind cannot be underestimated. The human mind contains billions of nerve cells which coordinate our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, movements and sensations. However, there are times when our mind becomes compromised leading unproductive outcomes which makes life unbearable at times.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Self-Care Can Never Be Over-Estimated
October 12, 2022
More than nineteen years it has been now, that I was diagnosed with a stage 4 skin cancer, that I was told I had no more than 6 months to live. It was on a Monday morning in 2003, I was 32 at that time, that I got a call from the surgeon who cut away a little black spot on my knee the week before.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Can We Find Peace of Mind REGARDLESS of Our Circumstances?
Positivity & Kindness Insights
October 06, 2022
Can we only find happiness and fulfilment when our circumstances are as we want them to be, when everything is under control?

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness

Judging is the brain's lazy choice
September 15, 2022
We so easily judge, it has become our second nature, we judge our bossy manager, we judge an egoistic colleague, we judge almost every post or person on our social media feed. Judging and labeling, putting someone in a certain box has become one of the main features of our mind. It is just easier for our brain to process all the impulses we get to deal with on a daily basis through quickly putting into a category.
And yet, judging separates us from another human being. When we judge, we don’t see the fullness and depth of the other person and reduce him/her to his/her political, religious view, gender, social background, outward appearance ...

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Mental Health

Do We Give Our Mental Wellbeing the Attention it Needs?
Positivity & Kindness Insights
September 01, 2022
Many times we are so focused on the outside world, on what is expected from us, that we forget about our own (mental) wellbeing and forget to tune in inwardly.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health

4 Ways to Finish Strong in 2022
August 18, 2022
As we are moving into the second part of the year, it can be helpful to pause for a moment and see if we are still expanding and growing in alignment with our gifts and our purpose.
As an (over)achiever, it has always been a challenge for me to not to get caught too much in the 'doing' and forgetting about: WHO AM I (BECOMING) WHILE I AM DOING MY THING IN THE WORLD?

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

We Can Do Better
August 10, 2022
In previous articles, I shared that kindness is not the same as niceness, that kindness is a powerful choice in any situation, that kindness requires a certain level of maturity and understanding, that it builds bridges, breaks cycles of negativity, that it is non-judgemental and is its own reward.
That is the Path of Powerful Kindness.
Let this path of Powerful Kindness inspire us also to start making different choices which are beneficial for future generations. I am sure we can do better.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Sustainability

Kindness is its own Reward.
August 04, 2022
Kindness is its own reward. Kindness is most of all a gift to yourself. Each act of kindness makes you the giver, kinder, and lightens you up. So, not only do you create a ripple effect of goodness and kindness in the world, it not has only an outside effect but it has an equal inner effect, an extremely positive effect on yourself.
Even if there is massive scientific proof that kindness makes people happier, makes employees respect their managers more, makes the givers of kindness more fulfilled humans, raises productivity at work, makes you live longer, ...
We don't need that scientific proof, we know intuitively that we all prefer to spend time, to do business, to work for people who radiate that high-vibe natural kindness.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

21 Author Newsletters
A Lasting Legacy of Love: How Small Acts of Kindness can Change the Course of History
July 25, 2024
As I am reading another biography of one of my biggest inspirations, Albert Schweitzer, I can only be in awe for his courage to follow his own course and live a life completely dedicated to serve Humanity and be a source of love, kindness and compassion towards all living creatures.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Don't Let Your Self-Worth Be Determined By Others
June 20, 2024
They feel good in their own skin, they have accepted themselves completely with their gifts and their flaws. They do NOT let depend their sense of self-worth on what other people say.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Reaction vs. Response
June 13, 2024
Let's say your manager gives you an unjustified comment on your work, or your spouse/husband starts criticising your spending patterns and you get very upset; you start defending yourself in both situations and add some harsh words to stress your anger.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Crucial Role of Human Connection in Attaining Professional Success
May 30, 2024
Human connection serves as a foundation in achieving professional success, influencing every aspect of career development and fulfillment. Only by recognizing the power of human connection, we will make fundamental impact and progress in life.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

What is Holding You Back on Your Path to Fulfillement?
May 09, 2024
There is a very popular quote saying 'Outside of Your Comfort Zone is Where the Magic Happens'. And indeed, our comfort zone can be the biggest trap for a life of deep fulfillment and expansion. How cliché all of this might sound, if I look around me, I still see a massive amount of people living a directionless life, not being aware of their own potential and purpose.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Cultivating Compassion as a Key Way for Positive Transformation
May 02, 2024
We might feel powerless many times when we witness the amount of wars and hatred in the world. I am convinced however that we can be the catalyst of change in our daily interactions. It starts with us.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Embodying Leadership
April 25, 2024
When we look up to inspirational leaders, they embody qualities which seem they have been born with and we are not. Sometimes it might seem like we will never embody that confident, calm and mature leader that we aim to be.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

You Can Never Outperform the Image You Hold about Yourself
Positivity & Kindness Insights
March 14, 2024
Never underestimate the power of your thoughts, what you think about yourself you become. Therefore only hold the highest possible vision of yourself.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Power of Humility and Kindness in Leadership
March 07, 2024
In the dynamic landscape of modern businesses, leadership qualities like decisiveness and charisma often take the spotlight. Humility and kindness often seem like rare gems in those environments.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Setting Bounderies as a Form of Self-Kindness
February 29, 2024
As a caring person, we want to make sure to refresh our empathy towards others, regardless of the fact that some people may not appreciate our conscious efforts.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Repurposing Your Broken Pieces for Fulfilment
February 22, 2024
The journey of life comes with setbacks, obstacles, and moments of doubt that can leave us feeling broken because we often get unprepared for the unexpected turns that it throws at us.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Self-Care Can Never Be Over-Estimated.
February 15, 2024
More than twenty years it has been now, that I was diagnosed with a stage 4 skin cancer, that I was told I had no more than 6 months to live. It was on a Monday morning in 2003, I was 32 at that time, that I got a call from the surgeon who cut away a little black spot on my knee the week before.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

January 04, 2024
Kindness can make a significant difference in our overall health, both psychologically and physically. Feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine are released in our brains when we act kindly towards others or with compassion.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

My Life Philosophy on How to Lead with Kindness
December 14, 2023
Have you ever been told you're "too kind" for this world? Or perhaps, you've adopted the mask of toughness, thinking it's the only way to conceal your vulnerabilities

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

Reaction vs. Response
September 28, 2023
How can we deal in a more mindful way with our triggers? How can we become aware that many times we operate from impulse, from a programmed reaction?
Let's say your manager gives you an unjustified comment on your work, or your spouse/husband starts criticising your spending patterns and you get very upset; you start defending yourself in both situations and add some harsh words to stress your anger.

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

The Impact of Kindness Based Choices in Life
September 21, 2023
Kindness forms an essential part of our very existence as humans, especially in these turbulent times. Today, more and more people come to understand that choosing kindness, is choosing for a better future for humanity and kindness has become the foundation of their choices. And I firmly believe that kindness is a choice, just like the adage "happiness is a choice". Being kind calls for a lot of love and action, which extends beyond just being nice.

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

Discovering Yourself Through Acts of Powerful Kindness
September 07, 2023
Self-discovery is a very important aspect of life that every human must pursue. There are several ways through which one can discover who he or she truly is. Self-discovery has to do with things that lead to fulfilment in life, from which acts of kindness cannot be taken out

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

Misconceptions about Powerful Acts of Kindness
August 31, 2023
Being kind is one of humanity's greatest callings. Being there for others requires love and dedication. However, there are some misconceptions regarding acts of kindness that have permeated the minds of many individuals. These erroneous impressions need to be shifted because the world needs kindness more than ever

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

Let Kindness Invite Us to Make More Conscious Choices for Our Future
June 01, 2023
In previous articles, I shared that kindness is not the same as niceness, that kindness is a powerful choice in any situation, that kindness requires a certain level of maturity and understanding, that it builds bridges, breaks cycles of negativity, that it is non-judgemental and is its own reward.

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Tags: Leadership, Mental Health

Turn Your Challenges into Growth
Positivity & Kindness Insights
May 04, 2023
Each situation in our life gives us the opportunity to complain, to whine about our situation, to look at it from the small perspective of our personal survival, from the perspective of fear. Yet, at the same time, each situation in our life gives us the same opportunity to rise about our little self, to become larger than life and develop a strength and wisdom through the horror.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

How To Manage Conflict Better With Kindness And Compassion
Positivity & Kindness Insights
April 27, 2023
Conflict is an inevitable part of our daily lives that can impact our personal growth and mental well-being. Whether it is internal or external, conflicts can be stressful events. As a manager, mentor, and coach, I have worked with people worldwide who are struggling with conflicts. Based on my experiences, I strongly believe that exhibiting kindness and compassion is one of the most powerful ways to respond to conflicts.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

2 Board Memberships
President Professional Women International
Professional Women International - Brussels
July 06, 2023
Barbara has been elected President at Professional Women International - Brussels. PWI (Professional Women International) is the premier English-speaking network of professional women in Belgium and focuses on helping professional women grow and succeed. Through corporate membership activities, they work towards advancing gender balanced leadership.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Mental Health

Head of Communications
January 24, 2022
She took up the role as Head of Communication at the European-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUICCI) with the purpose of contributing with her expertise in Communications.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Marketing, Mental Health

3 Books
The Path of Powerful Kindness - A Return to Humanness
Barbara Vercruysse
November 15, 2023
In The Path of Powerful Kindness, Barbara takes you on a quest on how Humanity ended up forgetting its Heart and shifted the essence of existence in the past centuries to a purely materialistic and individualistic experience leaving us humans exhausted, depressed and empty.

She offers insights on how we can restore the balance in reconnecting Power with Kindness and she provides us a pragmatic approach to becoming an agent of transformation on a micro and macro level through advocating Powerful Kindness.

In a world ruled by Greed, Arrogance and Fear, we are craving for leaders with great wisdom who can empower us through kindness and through helping reconnect us with our inner light and sense of union. This book helps us to become those changemakers and leaders.

Barbara explains how true success lies in awareness and the understanding that nothing is permanent and that bowing before life instead of boasting about successes brings real success and humility. She teaches some profound lessons on how challenges can be a catalyst for inner transformation and inspire us to fully integrate kindness and compassion in our lives.

In the second part of the book, she beautifully illustrates how kindness based choices can lead to the healing that our planet and humanity needs.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Journey
August 01, 2019
THE JOURNEY to Complete Fulfillment, Ultimate Self-Confidence and Pure Soul Living. The Journey takes you on a journey from being powerless in your life to becoming a master of your life. Let me hand you the tools to make a mind shift, I developed these tools after more than 20 years of research and studying with some of the greatest leaders and mentors.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The 7 most powerful techniques to release stress
February 13, 2015
This book is an introduction to some very powerful techniques to release stress and to create more harmony in your daily life. These are easy to apply and can be incorporated without any problem in your daily routine. Some of them are well known while other techniques may be new to you.

This book does not pretend to have all the techniques but these have been the most powerful for the author. She will introduce you to different tools so that you can choose which one resonates best with you. Have fun!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Executive
Quality Manager - HR Soft Skills Responsible
BMW Peter Daeninck
June 01, 2016
As a Quality Manager and HR/Soft Skills Responsible at BMW Peter Daeninck Group, Barbara combines her skills and experience as a business owner, manager, coach and leader to synchronize the high BMW standards with a welcoming work environment so that all employees perform at their highest level with great sense of well-being.

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Tags: Customer Experience, Future of Work, Health and Safety

3 Founders
Barbara's School of Wisdom
Barbara's School of Wisdom
August 01, 2019
It has always been Barbara's dream to empower others, to teach them to make conscious and powerful choices in life, that's why she created this Online School of Wisdom.
Here you can dive deeper into her teachings and experience the same transformation as her personal coaching clients. Re-connect with the with the joy, the passion and the inspiration within you to thrive and go through life fulfilled, alive and thriving!! Your outer circumstances in life can only fully change if you let your spirit unfold and let go of doubt, pain, guilt and any form of stress.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Barbara's Empire of Love
Barbara's Empire of Love
July 01, 2019
Barbara's online shop where you can find the finest selection of products, courses and services personally designed by Barbara to increase your wellbeing and fulfilment in life.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Barbara Vercruysse - Coaching Institute
Start The Life of Your Dreams
January 01, 2014

Helping individuals to find deeper meaning and purpose, gain deeper insights, overcome personal limitations, achieve new goals and create a fulfilled life with grace and ease

As a personal coach, I guide entrepreneurs and corporate leaders to find peace of mind, calm and inner strength in a busy life. I guide them through a deep transformation. I support leaders around the world in leading a fulfilled life, creating impact and success.

My biggest strength is to empower my clients and learn them to lead with grace and ease, to stay focused, calm and centred midst of the hectic of an extremely busy life and most of all find deep fulfilment in what they do.

I believe in leading by example only, having faced many challenges, I have built an extraordinary resilience and have grown through all my setbacks.

Working with a personal coach, a health coach, a career coach is often the first step for people to obtain more balance in life, to have support with a career move or to find fulfilment and peace midst of a hectic life.

Making big changes, facing unexpected challenges, dealing with setbacks can be very overwhelming, especially without any support.

Building resilience/Building self-confidence/Finding passion and purpose back in life

"One in a trillion understands the depth of the need for love and understanding in our world. Barbara has grasped, through experience and the pure joy in her heart and spirit, that giving out the love you recognise, changes lives, and uplifts others to their full peace and freedom. I learn a new lesson in humanity every time you speak. Proud to know you." - Susaye Greene - The last member of The Supremes, Motown Records.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Coaching

1 Influencer Award
#1 Top50 Global Thought Leaders on Mental Health
Thinkers 360
August 02, 2021
For several months #1 Top50 Global Thought Leaders on Mental Health

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Tags: Mental Health

6 Keynotes
Success isn't interesting - it is in the challenges that we grow.
World Young Scientist Summit
October 18, 2023
Barbara gave one of the Keynote Speeches at the prestigious World Young Scientist Summit in Brussels. In her speech, she highlighted how technological progress needs to be accompanied by human progress.
Unless we become more developed and evolved as human beings, no technological innovation will benefit the entire humanity. She pleaded to choose collaboration, reverence for life and humility as the core values for creating a better future for humanity.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Path of Powerful Kindness - BLU Talks at Harvard
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
April 04, 2023
It was a joy, pleasure and honor to bring this talk about Powerful Kindness at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

It is my mission to shift the current perspective on Kindness and teach that Kindness is the Ultimate Strength, kindness is only perceived as weakness by the weak, the imbalanced and the insecure.

It requires self-discipline and a very strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem to stay kind to a rude person, to stay outside the negativity of the unkind one, and to not be triggered by it.

Powerful Kindness is a sign of a person who has dealt with his inner demons, his insecurities and old wounds, who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom.

In living a life of excellence and integrity, kindness and compassion have a prominent place. Even in situations where we have to deal with a rude and unkind person, kindness and compassion are the best response.

Remember that the behaviour of someone towards you, has nothing to do with you; it is an expression of his/her inner state of mind. Once we see that, once we can look beyond the apparent aggressive words, all we can feel is compassion for their suffering, for their ignorance.

It is my true hope that we can all become role models of kindness and compassion for the next generations.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Path of Powerful Kindness
August 11, 2021
Sharing tools and insights on how to stay calm, centred and compassionate in a hectic world, how powerful kindness is a win-win situation for all those involved.
Often times, being kind is viewed as a weakness. Whether it is being kind to ourselves, or being kind to those around us. There is a misconception that we have push ourselves harder so that we can get more out of life. There is a misconception that we have to point out what others are doing incorrectly instead of saying well done. But what if it is actually the exact opposite? What if kindness is a strength, not a weakness? In this talk you will hear how kindness is a strength and negativity is the real weakness.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

July 28, 2021
This conference is produced by Mari-Lyn Harris, of who has produced it before along with the Kindness Hero Awards.
She believes Kindness is the foundation of being Socially Conscious, of having a strong economy of doing good. In view what is going in the world today, of Black Lives Matter, Police reform and our political environment, she firmly believes Kindness can and will make a difference. Peace. Harmony. Balance. Mari-Lyn says “Kindness is a catalyst for kinder workplaces.” Many of my clients have seen a huge impact when they create more opportunities for happiness for their employees within their organization.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Empowering with Kindness
Girl Up Foundation United Nations
March 24, 2021

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Building Resilience in Uncertain Times.
Online Coaching Congress
February 03, 2021

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

30 Media Interviews
Barbara Vercruysse: Powerful kindness
May 19, 2024
Powerful kindness is the solution to sustainable growth for humanity.
It comes with a warm, open heart, but does not let injustice and toxicity poison human relationships. And this is crucial both in home and business.
Get transformative insights into powerful kindness in under 60 seconds by watching the highlights from Ep.5 of the Dream Accelerator podcast with Barbara Vercruysse, the author of "The Path of Powerful Kindness".

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

How To Be Happy with Barbara Vercruysse
The Professional Rule Breaker
May 12, 2024
Welcome back to Part 2 of my conversation with Barbara Vercruysse on #TheProfessionalRuleBreaker podcast. In this episode, Barbara dives deeper into her transformative journey from shadows to light. She shares profound insights and shows us that happiness is not a distant dream but a present reality awaiting our embrace.

Here's what to expect in this powerful episode:

Kindness as a Strength:
Barbara discusses how true kindness, particularly in difficult situations, signifies maturity and power rather than weakness.

Deserving Happiness:
A powerful reminder from Barbara that no one is born unworthy and undeserving of happiness, love, and inherent worth.

Making Kind Choices for the Future:
Barbara encourages readers to make life choices based on kindness, advocating for collaboration over competition, reverence for life over domination, nurturing instead of exhaustion, and humility over arrogance.

Impactful Living:
Barbara inspires listeners to leave a positive legacy on the world.

Join us in this inspiring episode as Barbara Vercruysse guides us through the simple secret to happiness, showing that it's within reach, just waiting for us to grasp it.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Giving Your Power Away with Barbara Vercruysse
The Professional Rule Breaker
May 05, 2024
Have you ever been caught in life's whirlwind, seeking a beacon of hope or a glimmer of light?
In our chat, Barbara gracefully shares her transformation from facing trauma to celebrating triumph, emphasizing the magic of inner kindness. I was genuinely moved at moments. Her perspective on kindness, not just as an outward gesture but as an internal radiance, is profoundly inspiring.

If you're on a quest for inner peace, to rediscover your strength, or simply to embrace your worth, let this dialogue guide you. And if any fragment resonates or sparks a reflection, please share. After all, this podcast is more than just my voice; it's our collective journey toward enlightenment and, undeniably, kindness.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Path of Powerful Kindness: Barbara Vercruysse on The Catherine B. Roy Show
Catherine B. Roy
April 28, 2024
Welcome to The Catherine B. Roy Show! In this episode, we have a truly inspiring guest, Barbara Vercruysse. Barbara is a Global Kindness Advocate, Mentor, Personal Coach, Business Consultant, Thought Leader, and Public Speaker. She's the founder of the 'BV Empowerment and Kindness Institute,' dedicated to spreading kindness and compassion to individuals and organizations worldwide.

With over 25 years of entrepreneurial experience and a remarkable journey of surviving stage four cancer 20 years ago, Barbara is committed to leaving a positive legacy by emphasizing the need for more kindness and compassion in all layers of society. She's known for combining practicality with profound wisdom, making her a beacon of positivity and transformation.

But that's not all! Barbara's eagerly awaited book, "The Path of Powerful Kindness," is set to be released on November 15th, and she has a special 24-hour launch promotion you won't want to miss. You can grab the Kindle version at a 50% discount, just $4.99 instead of the regular $9.99. Plus, the first 50 early action takers will have the chance to receive a signed copy of the book. Don't miss out on this limited-time offer!

In this podcast episode, Barbara and Catherine B. Roy explore the transformative power of kindness, compassion, and the incredible journey that led to Barbara's mission. Get ready for an insightful and inspirational conversation.

Get Barbara's book:
️ Listen to the full podcast episode:

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Connect with your inner voice: Barbara Vercruysse
Dr. Gina Anderson
April 21, 2024
Barbara discusses the difference between being nice vs what it means to be kind. Setting healthy boundaries is critical with those that are in a difficult place. She suggests tapping into you mind to find out what brings you inner joy. Find your happy space by writing down your thinking. Self-reflection and positive self talk can help you move past dark times. Barbara speaks from experience given she survived stage 4 skin cancer and was told her life is short. She sure has taken her second change to make a difference. You can find her book:

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey but unsure what to expect?
Go Solo
November 22, 2022
Then read up on our interview with Barbara Vercruysse, Founder of BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute, located in Avelgem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Barbara Vercruysse Coaches Entrepreneurs and Organizations with Kindness & Wisdom
MPS News Global
August 29, 2022
Barbara Vercruysse guides entrepreneurs and corporate leaders to move through life with more fulfillment, ease, leadership, and kindness.

Kindness goes a long way. Although kindness has been perceived as a weakness in a business environment, many scientific studies have revealed the exact opposite for a long time. You are recognized as a leader when you demonstrate kindness, even when you could have chosen to lead with a hard heart, especially if you are an entrepreneur, a corporate leader, or an organization.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Crypto With English
Crypto with English
April 04, 2022
The transformative power of compassion - towards yourself and others. We deep dive into how kindness and compassion are both medicine for self-healing and suit of armor for these complex, chaotic times and explain the correlation of how the “lack of compassion” is a weakness in disguise - not a strength.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Kindness is Strength
The Rabbi and The Shrink
March 24, 2022
How do we stay focused and not slip back into old patterns?
What is the difference between kindness and niceness?
If it’s greater to give than to receive, what is the greatest gift you can give?
These and other deep, meaningful questions are addressed when powerful kindness advocate Barbara Vercruysse joins The Rabbi and the Shrink.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Leading with Powerful Kindness
Fabulous After 50
March 10, 2022
​Lucky us for having Barbara Vercruysse with us on the Podcast today! Barbara is a Kindness Advocate, Mentor, Personal Coach, Business Coach, Thought Leader and Public Speaker who has been published in the Huffington Post and Thrive Global. She reaches millions of people with her weekly Inspirational Talks on different social platforms around the subject of Powerful Kindness.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Expert Predictions For 2022 From World Class Impact Makers
MSP News Global
December 31, 2021
These predictions are to give hope and support to Entrepreneurs and individuals in business to channel your energy and create a positive 2022.

This year has had plenty of ups and downs with what feels like a new world and way of life, but in every negative situation, positives can be embraced if you are willing to search for them and have the support around you to help guide you.

Let’s close the year with strength and positivity, focusing on love, abundance, and the beauty in the world.

Cherish the time spent with loved ones and, even throughout the tough times, try and remain in a state of gratitude that you are still here, still pushing forward and still making progress.

I have put together this collection of Expert Predictions to share positivity and encourage you as we edge towards a promising 2022…

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Leadership and Kindness
Developing The Leader Within
December 25, 2021
About Leadership and Kindness. It may seem like there is a lack of kindness in our world but there are champions of kindness at every turn in our lives. Kindness is imperative in leadership and showing the way to kindness is our responsibility and mission.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Cancer U Thrivers Podcast
Andrea Wilson Woods
October 05, 2021
Welcome to the Cancer U Thrivers Podcast. Join me each week as I interview cancer patients, caregivers, survivors, and providers about their cancer journeys. In this episode Barbara Vercruysse shares her life lessons from surviving a stage 4 cancer at the age of 32

You’re listening to Cancer U Thrivers where real people share true stories.

Cancer U Thrivers is proud to be featured as one of the top 10 Cancer Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Leading with Powerful Kindness
Business Innovators Radio
August 29, 2021

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Reverence for Life
August 07, 2021

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Are you Happy with your Legacy? | Barbara Vercruysse | Stories that Inspire | WeTransform | Ep#32
Alok Verma
July 28, 2021
Barbara is a Kindness Advocate ║Coach ║Guide ║ Mendor | Public Speaker

She is on a mission to support individuals around the world in leading a fulfilled life, creating impact and success by living and leading with love. And to bring a message of powerful kindness into organisations and corporations.


This is a series of candid conversations with those who transformed. We bring inspiring first-person stories of those who faced the change and the challenges that come along with that.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Podcast | What's On Your Mind?
January 29, 2021
Podcast about personal development, mindset & selling

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

How Challenges Help Us Find The Right Direction / Words of Wisdom by a Life Coach
Excellence Talks
January 21, 2021
In this Excellence Talks edition, Dr. Christian Forstner and Murat Aydin welcomed Barbara Vercruysse, a successful Mentor and Personal Growth Coach with 25+ years of business experience, a role model on how to become resilient with grace after overcoming multiple
challenges, surviving a stage 4 cancer being one of them. Happily married for more than 20
years, mom of 3 wonderful young adults, she strongly believes in leading by example.

One of her clients is a group of BMW-dealerships where she operates as a Quality Officer
and Business Coach, she is responsible for screening all business processes and guiding
people to perform optimally in their job. She has been part of the management team for
several years there.

Her personal coaching clients are business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders
who are dynamic, positive, open for change and always looking to grow and expand.

Barbara answered the following questions:

As a Personal Coach she helps entrepreneurs and leaders to create a fulfilled life. How did she develop this unique Personality and Special Mission of her life?

Why does Love have a special role in her Leadership and Coaching life?

She shares very openly that she is a role model on how to become resilient with grace after overcoming multiple challenges, surviving a stage 4 cancer being one of them. How did this challenge impact her personal and business life?

Why Self-Care is so important?

What would be her general advice to all those who are not able to manage a life challenge and suffer?

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Expert Predictions For 2021 From World-Class Business Impact Makers
MSP News Global
December 29, 2020
We have put together this collection of Expert Predictions to share positivity and encourage you as we edge towards a promising 2021.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Stage 4 Skin Cancer And Financial Loss Barbara Become a Successful Entrepreneur
Adriyana Solutions
December 19, 2020
Today we have a very #special #guest from #Belgium Barbara Vercruysse after facing so many obstacle’s during stage 4 #skin #cancer at the age of 32. And #financial #breakdown, how Barbara become a #successful #Entrepreneur and positive #human. Today Barbara share her story with us.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

#86 - Creating the Life You Want with Barbara Vercruysse; Mindset Coach
Business Talk Library
August 27, 2020
Business Talk Library sits down with Barbara Vercruysse a mindset coach based in Belgium who brings over 25 years of business experience. After starting and building up a successful construction business by age 32 CEO Barbara Vercruysse did not expect to be diagnosed with cancer that doctors said would kill her within 6 months.

Even in this dark time of her life and her family's life Barbara figured out how to keep her mind focused on moving forward and leveraging resources to continue moving her business forward.

Now 13+ years later Barbara has launched a new coaching business that is helping others find the wisdom, strength, and support that they need to successfully navigate the unexpected that comes their way.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Barbara Vercruysse Episode #61
Mari-Lyn Harris
June 17, 2020
Barbara Vercruysse is a Certified Master Life Coach, Business Coach and recently founded her own online school ‘Barbara’s School of Wisdom’. She was published in the Huffington Post and Thrive Global.

My intention to bring together experts, Entrepreneurs together who will share their experiences in the space of creating a happier and healthier workplace culture. Kindness & Happiness. Workplace Wellness.

Topics are be about productivity, profits, leading with kindness, mental health concerns, & other challenges in the workplace culture. Audience is for Entrepreneurs and Non-Profit Leaders.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

OBL 011 - Forgiveness, Positivity, and Surviving Cancer with Barbara Vercruysse
On Becoming Legend
June 01, 2020
Barbara Vercruysse is a mentor, business coach, thought leader and public speaker.

After facing several challenges in life and surviving a stage 4 skin cancer at the age of 32, she decided to live her second life at the fullest.

After running a 6-figure construction business for 18 years, she NOW dedicates herself to her true passion: guiding people through a deep transformation.

She supports people around the world in leading a fulfilled life, creating impact and success by living and leading with love.

One of her clients is BMW where she operates as a Business Coach, AND is responsible for screening all business processes and guiding people to perform optimally in their job.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Choosing the Good During Difficulty
Do Good Work Podcast
April 28, 2020
Barbara Vercruysse is a mentor, business coach, thought leader and public speaker. After facing several challenges in life and surviving a stage 4 skin cancer at the age of 32, she decided to live her second life at the fullest.

After running a 6-figure construction business for 18 years, she dedicates herself to her true passion now: guiding people through a deep transformation so they are living up to their full potential. She supports people around the world in leading a fulfilled life, creating impact and success by living and leading with love.

One of her clients is BMW where she operates as a Quality Manager and Business Coach, she is responsible for screening all business processes and guiding people to perform optimally in their job.

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Tags: COVID19, Leadership

Blessing in Disguise II Podcast Interview Barbara Vercruysse II Bobby Dsouza II
Bobby Dsouza
April 14, 2020
It was such a joy interviewing the ever kind, Barbara Vercruysse


such a timely message from her to build the right mindset during times of lockdown & during uncertain economy situations & possibly extended lockdown

Hope you have fun watching & listening to the wonderful Barbara who is a top Linkedin & Facebook Value creator, One of her clients is BMW where she operates as a Quality Manager and Business Coach, she is a Certified Master Life coach & has been published in the Huffington Post and Thrive Global!

Barbara recommends looking at the whole thing from the perspective of Blessing in Disguise, At 32 barbara was diagnosed with Cancer & had a mid-life crisis, she shares her own journey & rich insights into this topic she has health with

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

4 Panels
Digital Educator Summit
June 29, 2022
A virtual convergence featuring a star-studded lineup of the brightest minds who have successfully built disruptive online businesses and scaled manifolds.
Witness information-rich keynote sessions, virtual panels, roll-up-your-sleeves brainstorming sessions, live demos of most recommended platforms, and engage in fun activities for a quality experience. Through this 4-hour-long event, we aim to bring you closer to the experts you admire so that you too can begin building your knowledge empires online.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Mental Health

Celebrating Growth and Allyship
Professional Women International - Brussels
December 15, 2021
At this event Growth and Allyship will be discussed in panel discussions with expert members from PWI Brussels and beyond.

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Tags: Leadership, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Feminineship: Women Impacting Women Impacting the World.
Women Impacting Women Impacting the World
June 16, 2021
This participatory global event is for women who desire to lead and make a positive impact in their circles and beyond.

Our aim is that the participating women will feel more connected to other impactful women, share resources, tap into their strength, and be better equipped to lead social change.

That’s where Barbara comes in - to share from her rich experience as women leading change in your respected fields!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Achievr Live 2019
Achievr Live
May 18, 2019
Part of the Marketing Panel at the Achievr Live Conference in Nashville in 2019.

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Marketing

4 Podcasts
TNT Podcast 2.0 - Reverence for life
TNT Podcast 2.0
August 08, 2021

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Leadership Lunchbreak with Joye
Speaking of Joye
April 15, 2021
Leadership is such a precious gift for those who have the privilege of leading others. The impression you leave can transform someone's life. One of the greatest legacies you can leave is that of kindness. Join me as I chat with Barbara Vercruysse this episode of the #leadershiplunchbreak as we chat about, "Leading with Powerful Kindness."

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Underdog Show
The Underdog Show
December 28, 2020
How to overcome life challenges through the Power of Positive Thinking

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Create the Ripple Effect - What is within your power to help yourself?
Create The Ripple Effect
September 15, 2019
Barbara is a woman with a wonderful voice to listen to, a story to tell and a life that has given her a lot of very tangible wisdom to share.
I didn't do a lot of talking in this episode, as can be more my candid conversational style of show... but rather was struck (as I think you will be) by the depth, grace and wisdom this woman shared with me.
“I promised myself two promises if I survived this, I would live each day as if it was my last. Second, I was dedicated to leave a positive legacy.” - Barbara Vercruysse
“Be kind when someone is rude to you. Stay outside those words, pause and let that negativity stay with that person.” - Barbara Vercruysse
“What somebody else expresses, it is an expression of them and of their state of mind. It has almost nothing to do with you.” - Barbara Vercruysse
“You are loved, you are worthy, and you are beautiful.” - Barbara Vercruysse

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Speaking Engagement
Your Uniqueness is Your Power
Professional Women International - Brussels
November 17, 2022
A talk about empowerment with:
- PWI Brussels President Anaida Dibra
- PWI Brussels Coach Sabine Maucci and
- the inspirational testimonial of Barbara Vercruysse, Global Kindness Advocate, Leadership Thinker and Coach
To truly value the resources, experiences and skills we possess and to express the uniqueness each one of us embodies.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

18 Videos
How to Feel Safe and Secure in Your Own Skin
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
November 22, 2022
In this Live Show we explore how important it is to remind ourselves of the greatness we are capable of, every moment self-doubt rises.

How to identify your strengths and talents, find something about yourself that makes you unique and special in those moments when you start feeling insecure.

Mostly about how to become aware of negative self-talk and start turning it around. Become your own biggest cheerleader instead of your own biggest critic.

Talking also about setting boundaries. It is a sign of a mature person to have learned to set healthy boundaries. Nobody is allowed to treat us in a disrespectful or harmful way. We can speak our truth in a kind and powerful way and make clear how it is we want to be treated.

Feeling safe and secure in your own skin requires setting those boundaries because some people are simply unaware that they are transgressing your safe space.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Gain Insight in Yourself before Chasing Happiness
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
November 15, 2022
Many are chasing happiness based on the paradigms from their culture, peers, parents and have never really questioned those.

Is the college degree, the big corporate title, the big house, the big car, … the key to happiness? Is chasing some other worldly success or chasing some achievements the key to happiness?

That depends. If your goals are based on your insecurities or on others people’s expectations, you will not experience deep and lasting joy, fulfillment and peace.

Listen in this Live Show how raising self-awareness is the first key to a happy and fulfilled live.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Peace in You = Peace in Your Life
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
November 08, 2022
Most people want more peace in their lives by trying to create more peaceful circumstances. They believe that changing jobs, changing partners, changing houses will add to more peace in their lives.
What if I told you that this will hardly work.
What if I told you it is the other way round.
Listen to this Live Show to find out how you can create more peace in your life without changing jobs, partners or houses.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Are You Going Through Life in a Powerful or in a Powerless Way?
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
September 10, 2022
If we want to be fulfilled and successful in life, our attitude towards our circumstances is crucial, especially when the going gets tough.

We can choose to go through life in a powerless way, through complaining and blaming our circumstances. OR we choose the powerful way, and use every difficult situation in our life as an opportunity to grow and develop new skills and strengths.

Complaining and blaming carries very low energy, exhausts you and empties your batteries.
Complaining and blaming is very common in our society. People meet and start complaining to each other.
Complaining and blaming doesn't get you anywhere.
Complaining and blaming is a bad habit and can be changed easily.

Remember that every word, every thought, every action carries a certain energy.

More than ever I have seen in my own life that outer success (a peaceful mind, loving relationships, abundance in finances, successful career) is ALWAYS tied to inner growth.

These are some of the key ingredients to turn your life around:
* Staying positive in difficult circumstances
* Having a deep faith that you are loved and supported
* Having the courage to take an honest look at yourself
* Realizing your own worth at a profound level

Remind yourself, in these uncertain times, that there is no challenge that you cannot overcome, you have within you an indestructible power to overcome whatever you are facing right now.

As Victor Hugo said: "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise."

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

You Become What You Fill Yourself With
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
August 17, 2022
An important step in awakening to your full potential is becoming aware of how your treat yourself:
- what do you fill your body with?
- what do you fill your mind with?
- who do you surround yourself with?
- what do your surround yourself with?

Become conscious about what you drink and eat. Treat your body as a holy temple.

Become mindful about what you read and watch. Your mind is a sponge, so the more you fill it with negativity and drama, the more restless, negative and fearful you will become.

Become very thoughtful of who you allow in your inner circle. Surround yourself with authentic, positive, courageous and supportive souls.

And remember that the space you work and live in, has also an impact on you. So make sure your space exhumes peace and harmony.

You become what your fill yourself with.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
July 02, 2022
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the gap between where we are now and where we want to be. It feels like we are never going to get there.

The biggest trap we can fall into, is the mindset of chasing something outside ourselves, running through life to reach some imagined destination. It keeps us from enjoying the present moment.

Whatever you want to become, whatever you want to want to achieve, whatever changes you want to make in your life, take one step at a time, keep moving. Small changes executed every single day will bring you closer to a more expanded, fulfilled and accomplished you. It's about consistency and patience.

And it all starts in the mind, it starts with embodiment. A healthier life, a more peaceful and balanced life, a more successful life, starts with a healthier mind, a more peaceful and balanced mindset.

A healed person within will make very different choices than a person whose choices are wound-based or fully conditioned thus not free. The changes and growth within are the most important ones.

And every single small step counts, start with small changes and execute every single day. I have seen clients' lives changes fundamentally through freeing themselves from the slavery of their beliefs and through consistently focusing on the person they want to become, the life they want to experience.

One single step, every single day, that's all it takes. And knowing that all is well, that wherever you are right now, you carry the seed of change within you.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

The Need to Feel Superior
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
June 11, 2022
Have you ever been treated by someone who felt superior than you? Who made clear that you were an inferior creature? Or do you feel superior than your fellow human being?

Then ask yourself: what is it within that person that feels the need to feel superior? Mostly it’s about insecurity and ignorance.

If we take a closer look at that behavior, we can see that the need for superiority is no more than a mechanism to cover insecurity, fear and unworthiness. Once we know that we can approach that behavior with more compassion and maturity.

So I would invite you to see through arrogant behavior, to not allow the superiority behavior, the covered insecurity of someone else to make you feel like a nobody, break that cycle and be compassionate both for yourself and the other person.

We are born equal and worthy, no title, degree or amount of money allows someone to treat another human being in a disrespectful way. It is merely a sign of fear. Let’s turn to a more love based behavior.

A person who feels deeply loved and worthy, feels good in his own skin, accepts himself with flaws and talents will not feel the need for arrogance and superiority. Remember that.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Don't Let the Fear of Failure Hold You Back
BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute
May 17, 2022
Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.

Once you understand that, you will develop a different attitude towards failure. You will see each difficulty as an opportunity to grow stronger.

What is failure anyway?
Failure is having a different outcome than you wanted.
It’s a label you put on an experience.

Most people fear failure because mostly they fear the judgements of other people. As long as other people’s judgements control the direction of your life, you are in a powerless position.

Never let the fear of what others might say, hold you back from shining your light.

Your biggest strength in life will always come in getting back up after a challenge and there is no challenge that you cannot overcome. You have everything within you to succeed in life.

As a child we were not afraid to fall and fail, it is a natural element in learning and growing, so resist the urge to have it all perfect before you start. Start anyway, even if it's not perfect yet or even if you risk to fail. That failure can become your biggest teacher.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Stay Positive, Calm and Centered as a Form of Self-Respect
Barbara Vercruysse
May 04, 2022
It is a hard training for all of us to stay outside the negative or triggering words from someone else, they point us to wounds within ourselves.

Staying calm and centered when someone is rude, is a form of self-respect. In staying calm, composed and centered you do not allow yourself to be dragged in a cycle of negativity and in this way creating more pain and wounds.

It is form of maturity to look through the provocative behavior of someone and stay outside it. To fight, you always need to be two. When the aggressiveness, provocation is not returned, it evaporates.

This doesn't mean that we are a doormat, we can reply with dignity and have the intelligence to see the situation in perspective.

Today I invite you to realise that you are more than your impulses. As Viktor Frankl worded so eloquently: "Between stimulus and response lies a space. In that space lie our freedom and power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness."

Wishing you a day where you are aware of your power to choose your response!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Are You a Balanced and Whole Human Being?
Barbara Vercruysse
April 02, 2022
In all our aspirations in life, the most important question is: 'Who Am I Becoming as a Human Being in the Process of Achieving my Life Goals?'

In our world today, in our educational system, very little attention is given to develop ourselves as 'whole' human beings, in balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We are taught that life is a ladder to be climbed where our tools to climb that ladder of so-called status are a college title, a large amount of money and material possessions. We have been told that this ladder leads to happiness and fulfilment.

Let me share with you, that the story is this ladder is a fata morgana. It puts your happiness and fulfilment 'out there' and when you come closer and have the title and the money, you realize that you don't feel more fulfilled in the long run.

To create a fulfilled life, to experience a deep sense of happiness, the key is to develop and grow on all levels in your life, to approach life in a very different way.

So today my question to you is: Who Are You as a Human Being? Are you a beneficial, balanced, uplifting and inspiring presence for those around you? Are you aligned to your core values? Can you look yourself in the mirror in the morning and look at yourself with genuine appreciation?

Let those questions sink in today and listen how I explain it in the video.

Wishing you a day where you experience profound harmony and balance!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

What Narrative is Running Your Life?
Barbara Vercruysse
March 05, 2022
What story is running your life? What is your narrative day in day out?

What is the story of your life?
Are you living a story where you tell yourself:
- You lack the right education to be successful
- You lack the right connections to grow in your career
- The pandemic is ruining your business
- You have had too much bad luck in life
- The world is a dark place

Are you repeating negative stories from the past and re-living those stories over and over again?

Be VERY aware about how you talk to yourself.
That self-talk is creating your reality.

So let go of all the disappointments, the failures, the hurt and the pain from the past, in letting go, you make space to re-write your story in a positive way this time.

We have the power of choice, in every moment, we choose how we respond. Train yourself to respond with detachment, calm, dignity and maturity.

Becoming aware of your self-talk is the first HUGE step to own your narrative and to create a new one.

Much love,

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

How to Be a Skilled Captain while Sailing through the Storms of Life
Barbara Vercruysse
December 12, 2021
How to sail smoothly through the storms of life?

We could say that the more storms we face, the more we become a skilled captain.

Every challenge in life is an invitation:

- an adversity is an invitation to reveal our creativity
- a challenge is an invitation to build our strength
- an unkind person is an invitation to develop our compassion

For how could we develop all these qualities without opportunities to build them?

The most skilled captains have dealt with
- stormy seas
- mutiny of their crew
- their own demons

Let’s keep that in mind during these stormy times.

As a stage 4 cancer survivor and having faced huge financial challenges 6 years ago, I can see now how those difficult times helped me build resilience, inner strength and a deeper understanding about the human condition.

Listen how stormy seas can teach you more than calm seas.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Don't Let the Fear of Failure Hold You Back
Start The Life Of Your Dreams
April 05, 2021
Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.

Once you understand that, you will develop a different attitude towards failure. You will see each difficulty as an opportunity to grow stronger.

What is failure anyway?
Failure is having a different outcome than you wanted.
It’s a label you put on an experience.

Most people fear failure because mostly they fear the judgements of other people. Let me say this, as long as other people’s judgements control the direction of your life, you are in a powerless position.

Never let the fear of what others might say, hold you back.

Your biggest strength in life will always come in getting back up after a challenge and there is no challenge that you cannot overcome. You have everything within you to succeed in life.

Remember, life is a series of experiences to let your soul grow through those experiences.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Indestructible Power Within You
Start The Life Of Your Dreams
October 13, 2020
Every challenge in life is an invitation:
an adversity is an invitation to reveal our creativity
a challenge is an invitation to build our strength
a difficulty is an invitation to build resilience
So welcome adversity, embrace it.

You have an indestructible power within you. There is nothing that you cannot overcome.

So stop focusing on the negativity, stop talking in a negative way to yourself.

You owe it to yourself to make the best of every single day.

You choose each day which energy you will bring into the day.

Let’s keep that in mind during these times.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Kindness is not weakness
Start The Life Of Your Dreams
September 27, 2020
What to do when people are rude to you, how to deal with unkind people. Try to see beyond their angry words. Aggression and rudeness are an expression of their hurt. Their words are a reflection of their inner state and has nothing to do with you.

So never lower yourself to the rude behaviour of others, stay calm and powerful in your kindness and calmness.

Many masters, Jesus, Buddha, ... taught us the power of kindness and calmness. Never forget that you are a divine being in form and that the world needs your light.

In living a life of excellence and integrity, kindness and compassion have a prominent place.

Even in situations where we have to deal with a rude and unkind person, kindness and compassion are the best response.

Remember that the behaviour of someone towards you, has nothing to do with you; it is an expression of his/her inner state of mind.

Listen in this video how we can choose for a powerful kindness always.

Let me end with this quote:
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Are You Letting Negativity Control Your Life?
Start The Life Of Your Dreams
August 16, 2020

Do you allow negativity to run your life?

Raising your awareness on what you allow in your life is crucial in finding peace of mind.

Do you allow negative thoughts run your mind and you are not even conscious that you are digging your own grave with it?
Do you allow negative people around you because you think you are not a good person if you take distance from those people?
Do you allow drama and gossip in your life adding to your stress and overwhelm?

You deserve better…

You deserve a healthy life.
You deserve a fulfilled life.
You deserve a joyful life.

But YOU are the guardian of your space, of your energy and what you allow in your life.

As a stage 4 cancer survivor I realise the preciousness of each breath, the sacredness of each human encounter and most of all of the power within us to live a life full of joy, warmth and fulfilment.

So today, I invite to be aware of who and what you allow in your life; to make sure you do not allow anything or anyone to dim your light.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Your Current Situation is Not Your Final Destination
Start The Life Of Your Dreams
September 15, 2019
If you’re in a difficult situation right now, always ask yourself these 2 questions:
What’s the lesson here?
What’s the gift?
Is it teaching you Strength, Setting Boundaries, Unconditional Love...
A video full of insights, motivation, encouragement and tips for self-improvement.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

How to be completely fulfilled in life
Start The Life Of Your Dreams
October 08, 2017
Finding your purpose and the happiness within you without being dependent on outer circumstances.
Learn to see how your mind works, how you can change your thoughts to change how you experience your life.
A video full of insights, motivation, encouragement and tips for self-improvement.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Visiting Lecturer
Leading with Empathy and Kindness
HEC Paris
February 28, 2023
Teaching about Leading with Kindness and Empathy last week at HEC Paris to MBA students and (future) leaders was a true honour and pleasure.

Making students reflect on our current success paradigm which is mostly based on competition, exploitation, exhaustion and teaching how we can shift this paradigm to create a better future for humanity and our planet, that was my intention.

At the same time, sharing how over the past years in all of my work leading with kindness and empathy has lead to better results with the companies and individuals I worked with. Creating teams where kindness, compassion and empathy rule have powerful effect on the wellbeing of all those concerned and ultimately on productivity, efficiency, ...

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Webinar
Key Elements For a Life filled with Peace of Mind, Fulfilment and Success.
Barbara Vercruysse
June 17, 2020
In this webinar, Barbara will be teaching the key principles to a fulfilled and successful life, based on her personal experiences of overcoming a stage 4 cancer, an almost bankruptcy and thriving now in all areas of my life.

She distilled the KEY principles which successful people have in common and which helped myself and my clients in incredible ways.

Be prepared for some inspirational stories!!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

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1 Keynote
The Path of Powerful Kindness

Location: Virtual or At Your Conference    Fees: 2500

Service Type: Service Offered

How come we came to see Kindness as a weakness?

In this talk, Barbara, who is a Kindness Advocate, shares her story about overcoming multiple challenges and how she was committed to leave a positive legacy. This legacy consists in teaching the world another way of being; more kind, more compassionate, more loving. Leaving the old paradigm of short-term based behaviour behind us and evolve to a more conscious and mindful way of being.

In a captivating speech, she talks about Powerful Kindness and how it is so much needed at all levels in our society as a necessary rebalance for humanity.

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