At a Glance
Thought Leader Interview
Thinkers360 interviews profile prominent members of the Thinkers360 community who embody the power of ideas in their work. In this edition, we speak with Nadia Vincent, CEO, Nadia is an author, professional keynote speaker, leadership coach, Information technology manager and digital transformation leadership consultant. She earned a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from UBI with a specialization in Information Technology Management. Nadia also is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Certified Digital Transformation Executive Advisor. She was recently featured in the Thinkers360 article 100 Women B2B Thought Leaders You Should Follow In 2020.
Thinkers360: Tell us a bit about your background
NV: I have both business management and technology academic backgrounds and experiences. Over the last two decades, I have led or contributed to some critical transformation projects internationally and particularly in central Europe. Breakthrough programs and projects that include the adoption of the Euro Currency, the liberalization of the energy and utility market, banking and insurance transformation, electronic payments and security facilitation in different sectors, digitalization of many business administrations, retail market transformation, implementation of global security protocols in various industries and, several business’s reinvention and globalization.
My areas of expertise are digital transformation management and leadership, business and technology innovation, including artificial intelligence adoption. Lately, I’ve moved to an advisory, coaching, and educating role. I help business and technology executives lead digital transformation from creating a transformative vision, strategizing about digital innovation, engage their organization, and implement holistic transformation to achieve business goals and ROI successfully.
Thinkers360: What are your current responsibilities and what’s a typical day look like?
NV: I have two main roles, the CEO, Thought Leader of, and the Digital Transformation & AI Executive Advisor.
I am continuously developing Digital Transformation Learning and Coaching platform We provide coaching, training, and resources for leaders and their organizations to rapidly transform their organization to succeed in the new digital economy. We serve both online and offline, including our E-learning facilities.
For the 2nd role, I am serving a couple of organizations directly as an Executive Advisor for their successful transformation.
I am an early riser, and I start my day either with exercising or meditating. Right after, I do at least one hour of creative work before my household wakes up. Then comes caring for myself and my family as we prepare to start our day. I generally plan my days ahead the night before. I walk into my day either as the CEO of or the Digital transformation executive advisor, but some days my days are split on these two roles, and, some days, I play both roles, though the occupations may be very different. I can be creating content to facilitate others while managing and developing different aspects of my business.
I start the workday liaising with my team members for our daily alignment meeting, and the day flows according to our projects and priorities. I usually reserve some time to work on and support my network.
As an executive advisor, I focus solely on my client’s businesses or organizations, creating solutions for them, facilitating their enterprises, strategizing, or leveraging digital transformation for their business success.
Thinkers360: What’s the favorite part of your current role?
NV: My favorite part is to serve others directly and being in advising situations, live coaching, or acting as an evangelist. I love researching and creating solutions; however, I am a lady who’s been implementing and delivering, especially in stressful situations. As a leader with over two decades, delivering to clients, teamwork has been mostly the way I get things done. Therefore, I like best the live interactions with people, especially delivering solutions or helping leaders solve their business challenges. I enjoy working and interacting live with people more than delivering in front of a recording camera. The energy is different.
Thinkers360: How do you utilize Thinkers360?
NV: I use Thinkers360 to share my publications and regular insights for leaders and others. Though I registered a few years ago, I have been making proper use of it only recently, and I am very pleased.
I work a lot and deliver many solutions both online and on-site. I am a servant leader on a mission. I am always anticipating leaders’ challenges and making solutions available for them even before they know they need it. Thinkers360 algorithms saw right into that. I am glad to be ranked in the top 10 global leaders for digital transformation, as well as several other of my areas of expertise.
It has been great connecting with other influencers, sharing and, collaborating.
Furthermore, it is a smart and innovative approach to influencing, and I like intelligent solutions.
Editor’s Note: See Nadia’s Thinkers360 In-Depth Profile & Portfolio.
Thinkers360: How do you like to work with brands who wish to engage you as a thought leader?
NV: I am available to work with brands and organizations with shared interests, globally. I am available for speaking engagements and workshops, evangelizing about their solutions, training and engaging their people to transform their organization, coaching their leaders on self-transformation, organizational transformation leadership, digital innovation, and AI adoption.
They can reach out to me via Thinkers360 or on any of my social media accounts or from my platform I will then verify the relevancy and get on a call with them first to see how I can help them.
Thinkers360: What’s your main advice for upcoming thought leaders?
NV: If you want to become a thought leader on a subject, invest yourself entirely in learning, practicing, researching, experimenting, networking, and exploring. For example, I’ve been implementing digital transformation solutions for over two decades, starting around two years before the hypothetical Y2K bugs I worked on preventing. I chose to be a consultant because I had more experiences, intense and different situations to bring solutions to, therefore, richer expertise. Still, after a decade, I speed up my learning speed when I saw how fast things were changing. I also saw many challenging areas that did not have any concrete or effective solutions, so I invested deep in researching, experimenting, and learning from different professions to bring solutions in the world of digital transformation leadership, IT Project implementation success, and Change Management. Later on, I joined MIT Sloan Executive Education for continuous learning on digital transformation, business innovation, management and leadership, and more.
You are never too prepared or know too much, and you are never done learning. There is always something to learn, some innovation to explore, and different ways of learning. Fill your cup to overflow with knowledge, understanding, and experience, and in overflowing, you will stay relevant, serve, and help more people.
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