
How to Use Social Media to Fundraise for a Non-Profit


Social media has remained a powerful fundraising tool for years now, with many of the features that make it an excellent marketing tool making it great for fundraising, too. It is a cost-effective option that gives non-profits unprecedented reach while allowing them to meet potential donors where they spend a sizable amount of time. 

Getting the most out of social media for your fundraising campaigns requires you know how to use it well for this purpose. In this article, we look at some ways to use social media to meet your non-profit fundraising goals.

Choose Platforms That Align with Your Campaign and Goals

Non-profits can choose from numerous social media platforms when setting up their campaigns. The most popular options are Facebook, X, and YouTube. However, not every social media platform will be right for you depending on the target audience and campaign goals. 

For example, Facebook is arguably the biggest social media site, but it is more popular with older audiences. It offers numerous marketing options, including targeted ads, streaming video, and long-form text that you can leverage in your campaign.

X is known for its short-form text and is an excellent platform to start conversations, especially if you know how to use threads effectively. TikTok is popular with younger generations and can be the perfect platform for non-profits that deal with issues its users are concerned about. 

Use Social Media to Keep Donors Engaged

Many non-profits are concerned about turning one-time donors into recurring ones. Recurring donations are vital because they can budget depending on pledges and know they have a steady stream of donations to count on.

Social media gives non-profits numerous tools to engage one-time donors and turn them into long-term supporters. Some examples include videos, questionnaires, community polls, online games, and daily posts.

Non-profits can also use social media to funnel donors to their website, where they can use additional features to entice them to donate. For example, businesses can post videos with beneficiary stories so donors can see how their funds could help.

Non-profits can also add a fundraising tracker to their website to achieve fundraising goals. Donors are more likely to donate if they see others supporting your cause and how close you are to achieving your goals. Pair the tracker with a great story, testimonials, and other marketing material and you are more likely to hit your donation goals.

Leverage the Power of Social Media Influencers

Influencers hold tremendous power because they have followers who trust them and who they can influence to support your fundraising efforts. Always work with influencers who align with your messaging and goals because they likely have an audience that resonates with both. Instagram is an excellent platform for finding influencers, although TikTok is also worth looking into.

Non-profits do a lot of good in the world and deserve all the support they can get. Social media is a powerful tool for getting support and also reaching fundraising goals. Since every non-profit and campaign is different, there are numerous ways to get creative to get more people engaged and donors onboard.

By Adam Torkildson

Keywords: Social

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