
Four Tools for Coaching & Project Management Success - Part 1


Over the last few years, I have transitioned from working as a program/project manager to speaking to, writing for, and coaching project managers. And I have been paying a lot of attention to the tools that bring success. All too often we seek the “one thing” that will magically make us happy, successful, and effective. There are countless books and courses on the 5 steps to… or the 7 secrets of…

What I have found is that success and happiness come from an ever changing blend of qualities that we need to dial up and dial down. The four I am going to write about today are what seem to be the foundation of a fruitful life journey.

Understanding and cultivating hope

Understanding what resources, we already have – our character strengths.

Understanding and engaging strategies to ramp up bravery – and knowing that bravery often means accepting fear.

And appreciating the light and dark sides of curiosity as guiding mindset.

Harnessing Hope: The Triumph of Hope over Experience

Hope is often confused with faith, wishing, trusting that things will work out OK. Thankfully it is a more complex and more manageable state of mind. We can take control of hope and make hopeful outcomes more likely to happen.

Exploring the Nature of Hope

A couple of times in the last few months, I have facilitated live explorations of hope. It is one of my favorite topics. So much so, that there is a chapter dedicated to it in my upcoming book that will be published by @Wiley in the new year. One of the reasons I love this topic is because it reminds ME to really think about how the environment supports hope.

Hope as a Core Project Management Strength

Back in 2018-19 I asked more than 450 project managers to take the VIA Character Strengths Assessment and the early results showed that the strength of HOPE is one that shows up a lot as a top strength in project managers. Not such a surprise when you think about what project managers do – start with nothing and work with a team to build a vision of the future!

But what IS hope?

Researchers such as C. Rick Snyder and Shane Lopez have helped us to develop a greater understanding of hope and how to harness it.

Hope = Vision + Pathways + Agency


Hope = being able to describe your goals clearly through every sense + being able to identify ways to get to the goals and + believing that you can make the outcome more – or less – likely with the actions you take.

My Own Experience with Hope

In August 2023, I broke my leg. Two weeks later, I had surgery to repair it. It was particularly frustrating because we have just moved back to Raleigh-Durham and want to be out and about exploring AND is a golden opportunity – because I am using the opportunity to review and replan business strategy. But I was six weeks away from being up and mobile and three months away from driving. Yes, I broke my RIGHT ankle!

There is nothing like lying flat on your back for a couple of weeks to (a) make you bored and (b) help focus your attention on what matters most and what is DOABLE.

I am excited by the new ideas, and the revised goals. And I am energized to put the things in place that will support me in supporting you – with coaching, speaking and writing.

To do that I needed to look at my environment. I couldn’t sit easily at a desk, having a laptop perched on my knee is not healthy so we took a long hard look – and some advice – at what I need to be productive over the next few weeks.

Taking Steps to Make Hope Happen

Thanks to my endlessly patient husband, we have been able to come up with wheelchair + table on wheels.  It meets the requirement of keeping my leg raised (thankfully it no longer must be raised over my heart!), giving me a well-placed workspace to work on, a professional enough environment, my own space (we were in a rental and were fortunate to have a space like this for me to call my own!)

I felt more hopeful than I have in weeks! I have a vision (more on that to come), I see pathways forward and I feel like I can do things that are going to make this all doable!

What do you have in your environment that supports hope?

Who can help you?

What are you hopeful about?

Want to measure your own Hopeful tendencies. Use this link to access a Hope Assessment.

Beyond Superficial Labels: Exploring the Depth and Diversity of Character Strengths

In the intricate tapestry of human emotions and capabilities, character strengths stand as one of the most radiant and transformative threads. Our strengths, those inherent qualities that define our essence, are not monolithic. They're not rigid, fixed entities. Rather, they are as diverse and dynamic as the people who possess them, weaving a rich narrative of our individuality.

The Notion of Character Strengths

Character strengths, as explored in positive psychology, refer to those innate qualities and virtues that are integral to our personality. They represent the positive aspects of our psychological makeup, encompassing traits like courage, kindness, creativity, resilience, and many others. These strengths influence our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions with the world around us. They're the cornerstones of our identities, shaping the paths we choose and the lives we lead.

Moving Beyond Stereotypes

Society often tends to oversimplify these strengths. We're quick to label someone as "brave" or "kind" based on a single observable act. We pigeonhole individuals into predefined categories, reducing their complex tapestry of strengths to mere stereotypes. But when we embark on the journey of exploring character strengths, we recognize the fallacy of such superficial labels.

The Depth of Strengths

Character strengths run deep, far below the surface of what meets the eye. Take courage, for instance. It's not just about facing physical danger; it's also the quiet strength to persevere through emotional turmoil or to admit vulnerability. Kindness isn't merely a superficial act of charity; it's the profound capacity to empathize with others and offer genuine support.

The Dynamic Nature of Strengths

Furthermore, our strengths aren't static; they evolve over time and adapt to different contexts. A person might exhibit immense creativity in the realm of art and innovation, but that creativity can also manifest in problem-solving, relationship-building, or even parenting. It's the versatility of strengths that adds depth to our personalities.

The Interplay of Strengths

Another aspect that often goes unnoticed is the interconnectedness of strengths. They rarely exist in isolation. When we dive into character strengths, we find that they complement and amplify one another. Compassion can fuel bravery, while curiosity can enhance creativity. Understanding this interplay allows us to harness our strengths more effectively and cultivate a harmonious blend.

The Power of Awareness and Development

Exploring the depth and diversity of character strengths begins with self-awareness. It's about peeling back the layers of societal conditioning and superficial judgments to understand who we truly are. Once we're aware of our strengths, we can nurture and develop them intentionally. This process involves self-reflection, seeking feedback, and finding opportunities to apply our strengths in various aspects of life.

Embracing Diversity in Strengths

As a coach, I've had the privilege of witnessing the incredible diversity of strengths within individuals. I've seen introverts display remarkable leadership through their wisdom and humility, and I've watched seemingly reserved individuals express incredible courage when aligned with their values. Recognizing and celebrating this diversity is a testament to the richness of human potential.

In the grand symphony of life, our character strengths are the instruments through which we create our unique melodies. They are the shades on our canvas, the ingredients in our recipe, and the tools in our toolbox. But they are far more than mere labels or superficial descriptions. They are the essence of our humanity, waiting to be explored, celebrated, and cultivated.

So, I invite you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery. Look beyond the stereotypes and the surface. Dive deep into your character strengths, explore their diversity, and understand the intricate interplay that makes you who you are. Embrace the complexity of your strengths, for within that complexity lies the beauty of your authenticity.

In my upcoming book, "Be Hopeful, Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Curious," I delve deeper into the exploration of character strengths and how they can be harnessed to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life. It's a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. Stay tuned for more insights and guidance on this profound voyage of self-awareness and personal development.

Discover your strengths by taking the assessment here:

To find out more about these topics and more, order Ruth’s book (due for publication by Wiley Publishing, February 2024):

Be Hopeful; Be Strong; Be Brave; Be Curious – How Coaching Can Help You Get Out of Your Own Way and Create a Meaningful Life <LINK>


Want to connect with and learn more about Ruth Pearce? Connect with her on LinkedIn <LINK> and check out her LinkedIn Learning Courses for Project Managers: <LINK>




Snyder, C. R. (1994). The psychology of hope: You can get there from here. Free Press.

Lopez, S. J. (2013). Making hope happen: create the future you want for yourself and others. New York, Free Press.

Kashdan, T. B., Disabato, D. J., Goodman, F. R., & McKnight, P. E. (2020). The Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale Revised (5DCR): Briefer subscales while separating overt and covert social curiosity. Personality and Individual Differences, 157, Article 109836.

HBR Spotlight Series – Why Curiosity Matters:

Character Strengths VIA Website:

Biswas-Diener, R. (2012). The courage quotient: How science can make you braver. Jossey-Bass/Wiley.

Pury, C. L. S. (2009). Courage (S. J. Lopez, Ed.). In S. J. Lopez & C. R. Snyder (Eds.), Oxford handbook of positive ps

By Ruth Pearce

Keywords: Coaching, Future of Work, Project Management

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