Influencer marketing is projected to be a $10B market by 2020 and is becoming a mainstream approach not only for consumer brands looking to tap into the power of social media influencers, but for companies in the B2B space as well.
In recent years, one of the key challenges with influencer marketing has been the fake follower crisis, which has been extensively covered by the media, and influencer marketing fraud is projected to cost brands $1.3 billion in 2019 (which equates to 15% of advertisers’ spending).
To help brands tap into the potential of B2B influencer marketing, while at the same time avoiding some of its common pitfalls, here’s 5 best practices to help you design and deploy your influencer marketing program and ongoing campaigns:
1 – Know your influencer marketing goals and objectives
2 – Look for innovative approaches for finding and working with influencers
3 – Know your influencer’s DNA in terms of their various roles
4 – Know your influencer’s thought leadership content portfolio
5 – Build a true two-way partnership with your top influencers
To read the full story, including an exclusive interview with influencer marketer,
Tom Augenthaler, Managing Principal, 551 Media, please visit:
5 Best Practices for working with B2B Influencers and Thought Leaders
By Yessenia Sembergman
Keywords: Social, Leadership, Marketing