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Tom Laine

Head of Marketing/CMO at Manna Insect

Oulu, Finland

Ranked #6 on Thinkers360 list of Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on #HR (2022)
Ranked #1 on Finnish supernetworker list by SuperLinked (2020)
Ranked #2 on Thinkers360 list of Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on #social (2020)
The 1st Finnish "Top Voices of Linkedin" Winner (2019)
"Alumni of the year" for Turku UAS (2019)
"Recruitment deed of the year" finalist (2018)
Best selling author (2017)
TEDx speaker (2017)
Rise Global's no. 4 on Top 100 HR Influencers List (December 2016)


Executed over 1.500 trainings / consultations for clients across Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia and the United States of America since 2011, c. 50.000 attendees. See references at

Social media specialist in:
- Social Media recruitment & employer branding
- Social Media job hunting & personal branding
- Social Selling and B2B Marketing
- LinkedIn expertise since 2004, the most networked person in Finland in LinkedIn

c. 80.000 followers across social media, incl. Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest.

Keywords: LinkedIn, social selling, social media job hunting, social media recruitment, employer branding, employee advocacy, personal branding, social sales, Linkedin marketing, B2B marketing, Future of Work

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Finland
Speaking Topics: Linkedin, Social Selling, Employer Branding, Social Media Recruitment, Future of Work

Tom Laine Points
Academic 0
Author 323
Influencer 495
Speaker 20
Entrepreneur 0
Total 838

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: N/A
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Customer Experience
Digital Disruption 30.05
Digital Transformation 30.01
Future of Work 34.02
HR 43.41
Innovation 30.35
Legal and IP
Marketing 34.65
Personal Branding 36.54
Sales 38.20
Social 70.70

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Metal Products
Professional Services


10 Article/Blogs
Verkostoitumisen ääretön tärkeys
March 05, 2020

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Top 31 Most Important Employer Branding Statistics
January 01, 2018

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

SPIN is dead, social selling more popular than ever
Marketing and Growth Hacking Blog
July 20, 2017
SPIN is one of the most used sales techniques around the world, but the world has changed significantly in the past few years, and the time has done major damage to SPIN.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Sales, Social

Työnhaussa on syytä käyttää järkeä!
May 02, 2017

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

Fit for purpose recruitment channels and out-of-the-box thinking!
March 22, 2017

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Digitalist Network
February 22, 2017

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Marketing, Social

Fuzzy Math: What Employer Brand Metrics Should You Be Measuring?
Recruiting Daily
December 22, 2016
Brand is one of those business concepts that is difficult to define, much less measure. Employer brand is no different. Even knowing what to measure remains something of a mystery: should it be more about the overall number of applicants for open positions, or should we focus on the quality of those applicants?

Should we measure brand on market sentiment or should we survey how our brand value stacks up against the competition?

There is no easy answer, I’m afraid. For me, it’s always been clear that if I’m personally taking action on something, those actions must be measured to have meaning.

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

The ABC of Social Selling with LinkedIn
Linkedin / Tom Laine
October 05, 2016
The social selling LinkedIn to-do list

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Sales, Social

Rekrytoija ei enää lue ansioluetteloasi
July 30, 2014

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

LinkedIn kasvattaa suosiotaan Suomessa
April 03, 2014

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

5 Books
Linkedin Megaopas / Linkedin MegaGuide 2020
April 02, 2020
Linkedin MegaGuide is a full Linkedin basics guide to setting up Linkedin starting from settings and all the way up to optimizing your profile, setting job ads, creating content, and more! All the necessary features explained with pictures and examples to help you get up and running with Linkedin.

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

Henkilöbrändi - Asiantuntijasta vaikuttajaksi
Alma Media
September 01, 2017
Personal branding guide (in Finnish)

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Personal Branding

Työnhakuopas - Mitä, miten, missä
Alma Media
October 01, 2014
Modern job hunting guide

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Suhteellinen rekrytointiteoria
Management Institute of Finland
August 01, 2012
"Relational recruitment theory"

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Sosiaalisen median työkalut osaamisyhteisön kehittämisessä
Oulun yliopisto, Thule Institute
December 01, 2011
Social media services in specialist community creation

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

1 eBook
Linkedin MegaOpas 2019
April 02, 2019
Linkedin MegaGuide

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

2 Influencer Awards
"Top Voices of Linkedin 2019" winner
Linkedin and Fonecta
December 01, 2019
The 1st Finnish "Top Voices of Linkedin" Award winner

See publication

Tags: Social

Alumni of the Year 2019 - Turku UAS
Turku UAS
December 01, 2019

See publication

Tags: Social

2 Keynotes
Employer Branding Metrics for the future
November 09, 2017
Brand2Future - Belgian Employer Branding Seminar

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

Best workplace ever
TED Talks
October 17, 2017
TEDx Turku event

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

26 Media Interviews
Myynti on taitolaji
Markkinointi & Mainonta
May 15, 2020

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

May 05, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

LinkedIn on rekrytoijan ja työnhakijan aarreaitta
Turun Sanomat
April 10, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Asiantuntijan brändin on oltava aito
Akavan Erityisalat
February 14, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Sales, Social

Henkilöbrändäys ja työnhaku
February 09, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

LinkedIn Mestarit paljastavat kiertueella onnistuneen työnhaun salaisuudet
January 27, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Facebookissa huutelemalla saa töitä yhtä todennäköisesti kuin työkkärin haastatteluilla
January 19, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Hyvä someprofiili voi poikia töitä
January 09, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Merkitse ja menesty – Henkilöbrändäys kannattaa
January 08, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Olet brändi – opettele loistamaan!
January 03, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Yli 60-vuo­tiail­le­kin on löy­ty­nyt töitä somen kautta
December 16, 2017

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Markkinointi 2018, näkemyksiä Suomen huipulta
December 12, 2017

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

Persoonaa peliin vai titteli tiskiin?
November 07, 2017

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Teennäisyys ei sytytä ketään
September 28, 2017

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Someguru ohjeistaa: 3 vinkkiä itsensä markkinointiin työnhaussa
Markkinointi & Mainonta
September 28, 2017

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Adaptive Business Services
February 01, 2017

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

Tom Laine on LinkedInin verkostoitunein suomalainen
Helsingin Sanomat
January 24, 2016

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

Some-guru löysi markkinat maailmalta
December 23, 2015

See publication

Tags: HR, Sales, Social

Työpaikkailmoittelu siirtyy LinkedIniin
December 15, 2015

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

6 sosiaalista mediaa – näin käytät niitä työnhakuun
October 04, 2015

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Ou­lu­lais­yri­tys kerää ideoita van­hus­ten­hoi­toon jouk­kois­ta­mal­la
March 28, 2014

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Marketing, Social

Oululainen startup sai ison diilin järjestökentälle
January 31, 2014

See publication

Tags: Marketing, Sales, Social

Verkostoitumalla verkossa löydät työtä!
December 20, 2012

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

Laine kilistää pörssikelloa
October 04, 2012

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Marketing, Social

Hälytysjärjestelmä voitti Facebookissa käydyn liikeideakilpailun
November 15, 2011

See publication

Tags: Innovation, Marketing, Social

1 Presentation
Linkedin pikaopas / Linkedin quick guide
January 01, 2012
Linkedin quick guide covers all the basics for setting up your Linkedin profile and using it to get job offers and finding jobs.

See publication

Tags: HR, Marketing, Social

Rekrytointi siirtyy someen
Aino Hela
March 16, 2017

See publication

Tags: Social

Täällä somelaiset elävät
March 05, 2013

See publication

Tags: Social

Angry Birds mursi muurit - valloitus voi alkaa!
March 23, 2012

See publication

Tags: Social

Thinkers360 Credentials

7 Badges



1 Speaker
Linkedin, Future of Work, Social Selling, Employer Branding and Personal Branding related topics with insight

Location: Online    Fees: Negotiated

Service Type: Service Offered

For the past 10+ years I've traveled the world (and participated remotely) to various speaking engagements and training sessions across Europe, Middle East/North Africa, Asia and North America, and have presented 100+ trainings / keynotes per year. Now during Covid-19 just about all physical events have been either postponed, cancelled or been transformed to online events. The travel time now saved and somewhat less bookings in the calendar, I now have some room to join online events as a guest speaker, keynote and/or panelist in the before mentioned topics, which I believe to have great and unique insight into. If you're looking for an award winning author and keynote speaker, get in touch and let's talk! Also podcasts and video interviews possible.

Topics: Linkedin, Future of Work, Social Selling, Employer Branding, Social Media Recruitment, Personal Branding, B2B Marketing

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Tom Laine

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