James Castle, Chairperson, Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), founded in April 2021, identified by LinkedIn Non-Profit Executive Team as the Worlds Fastest Growing Non-Profit in September 2023. CSGA is a global leader and major resource center for everything cybersecurity based in Waterloo Region, Canada with satellite locations in multiple cities globally.
CSGA has developed our key services through our domestic and international strategic partners through our collaborations and partnerships. CSGA has other locations being considered for our cybersecurity operations within NATO-friendly allied countries and is the service arm for CSR5 Global, which offers a new technology in helping create a preventable for cyber threat.
The services and products of Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) allow us to diversify and align a multitude of specialties, services, industries, certifications, education, and consultation, operating globally through our connections, partnerships, and networks. We engage lawmakers, lobbyists, and participate in certification, compliance, and legislation development, and provide the needed services to companies and governments globally through our combined digital services, products, and co-development solutions.
James Castle is the Co-Founder of CSR5 Global Incorporated. CSR5 GLOBAL offers a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that integrates advanced protection and rapid recovery to ensure your small to medium-sized business remains resilient and successful in the face of evolving cyber threats through proactive protection and rapid recovery.
James Castle is the CEO & Founder of Terranova Defense Solutions, a lead-management corporation located globally with our base of operations located in the United States, that is highly specialized in cyber defense systems, aerospace, and defense.
James Castle is the CEO & Founder of Terranova Aerospace Solutions an aerospace and drone provider of autonomous and drone-based vehicles for aerospace, space, defense, and land. Sea and air applications that use quantum technologies and artificial intelligence.
Terranova Defense and Terranova Aerospace along with other specialty corporations have developed the Terranova Defense Group. It is our Value Proposition to work with domestic and international companies that are at risk of physical and digital threats including autonomous and digital attacks and with his global team has enabled the global flow of commerce, with access to healthcare, fintech, and digital freedoms globally.
James Castle is a Canadian Ambassador for the EU Commission’s Think Tank "Drone Think Do" which is based in Belgium, representing over 30,000 high-profile technology and defense companies in 64 countries throughout Europe.
Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Speaking Topics: Cybersecurity, Cyber Product Manufacturing, Cyber Defense, Cyber Certification, Cyber Awareness, Post-Quantum technologies, Software Solutions, Aerosp
James Castle | Points |
Academic | 0 |
Author | 72 |
Influencer | 6 |
Speaker | 15 |
Entrepreneur | 20 |
Total | 113 |
Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security, Venture Capital
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Innovation, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security, Education
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Security
Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology
Tags: Cybersecurity, Education
Tags: Innovation, IoT, Autonomous Vehicles, Climate Change
Tags: Cybersecurity
Tags: Cybersecurity
Tags: Digital Disruption, Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Cities
Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership
Tags: Cybersecurity, Management, Leadership
Tags: Cybersecurity, Innovation
Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing
Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, Drones
Cybersecurity attacks will be at an all-time high by 2023. Organizations, Education Centers, Hospitals, Manufacturing Centers, will all fall to the ongoing onslaught of cyber-attacks by threat actors globally. These organizations that fall victim to threat actors will turn to these post-quantum technology solution providers that have been built and designed throughout North America today. This post-quantum technology will be released in the first quarter of 2023 by a small yet more strategic non-profit corporation and the impact will be massive. Cybersecurity product manufacturers will include Canadian and US companies that have worked closely with NATO and Western Allies and their agencies globally, who bring advancing technologies together through collaboration and partnerships.
Organizations and Companies will quickly realize that post-quantum technology does not require the standard procedure required by the United States as a Framework for advancing technologies. These new types of technologies will increase data protection and digital privacy through post-quantum encryption, post-quantum communications, post-quantum mirroring and post-quantum cryptography that are able to accomplish great tasks, when working together as one.
Western governments will attempt to secure this technology for themselves. These groups will state that only the military should have this technology for the protection of the West from being used as a weapon through electronic warfare or for controlling Western defense assets against themselves. Various defense brokers will attempt to control these products through industrial espionage if these technologies are not sold or are transferred to select defense organizations. The aim will be to secure these assets for themselves, while trying to secure ongoing cashflow and technology superiority among the West. It will be through this technology that our western defenses can withstand a direct cyber assault by our enemies. It will be through these pending threats of cyber warfare and major domestic and international cyber incidents where we will see the most damage to our assets and personal freedoms.
Our unfriendly neighbors and those who seek harm against the West, who seek the destruction of our technological defenses, will combat this technology through the creation of a new line of viruses and global attack programs to try to eliminate and terminate these technologies from advancement.
Cyber Security Global Alliance’s Executive Director and Chairperson, James Castle, believes that it will be through this product’s post-quantum superiority that will prevent cyber warfare from happening worldwide. This is why post-quantum technology is so important in protecting our digital footprint and personal privacy’s. This is a global want! A major need for people everywhere! A priority for all nations of the West! This select group of four post-quantum technologies and one single non-profit cybersecurity defense organization will be the only Answer that the world needs, allowing for our digital freedoms to move forward. The solution is ready! This solution will End Ransomware and Deathware globally, and for many years to come.
It’s about time!
Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, Security
Due to Covid-19; 88% of business organizations all over the world mandated or encouraged their employees to work from home as the virus started to spread at exponential rates. With our beautiful computers, and state-of-the-art technology that can do our bidding, as well as making us happy and rich. We are tied to our screens. Our reliance on technology has an obvious downside. The same technology that empowers, in the hands of wrong doers can be highly destructive. Crashed computer systems, data hacks, ransomware and phishing, identity theft, fraud and even indirect death are but a few of the results that can happen.
In a world of uncertainty, cybersecurity is one of the major concerns that we see in the world today. In business globally, (surrounded by the effects of COVID-19, the lockdowns and quarantines we have all have lived through, moving from personal input to digital world) the result has created tension, frustration and irritation all over the world.
Today, people are forced to attend events online, watching and listening to an endless sea of discussions, presentations and conferences, that show us a truly bleak and dark future in cybersecurity. People collectively feel the threat of cyber risk is one that can affect any one of us at any time.
Some people who are stuck in lockdown have the time to be evil, using the internet and dark web to attack people and companies alike knowing that they can make money through things like ransomware and feeding on people's anguish and loss. Phone scams, phishing attacks, online personal attacks, commercial brand attacks and more are a result leading to increased suicides and random violent attacks against people and targets. These victims are not aware of the trap that waits for them if they act against an online attack and all that they could lose in the process.
Cyber-attacks today are looked at something we would expect to hear about in films of the US Wild West with no laws, no controls and no protection from those that want to hurt the vulnerable. No matter who you are, rich, poor, or those who enforce laws; no one is safe. No-one is immune. These attackers who simply do not care who you are, you are an unaware pay cheque waiting to happen.
Our governments, military, cyber experts and global influencers have no real idea how to create sustainable solutions that will help people to protect themselves.
For example, we have heard on local news, and on occasion, stories found online of teenagers being harassed by someone or a group of kids at their school. These people are known as bullies. This kind of attack is abusive, insulting and demoralizing to everyone they stalk, harass and damage the reputations or their branding. People who use the internet to attack another person are labelled as smart kids, profiled as over achievers, loners and understand the deeper use of computers. In many cases, this can be done by cell phone and the attacks are equally as vicious.
These attackers, hiding behind a computer screen, create fake news, posts obscene pictures, have little or no empathy and are potentially psychotic, enjoying seeing others in pain and suffering mentally from their attacks. Today, these stalkers and attackers will never serve time in jail and never be punished or anything that will prevent them from doing it again.
These bullies do not stop at kids. Adults, governments, leaders, athletes, musicians, police officers and military personnel often go through cyber-attacks. There is no safety net and no self help book that teach us awareness and how to avoid these issues.
Companies are known to pay for ransomware, thinking that their data will be returned safely. Those that do, have no idea just how wrong that truly is. Most times, their returned data has been copied and sold to the highest bidder on the Dark Web.
Who defines success in the world of cyber security? Is it the cyber professional that works diligently at cyber threat intelligence and prevention from the cyber horrors we see daily; or is it the cyber student, who is learning about new pathways on how to develop new ideas that will one day lead to the potential preventions?
What will it take to create change and allow people to see a brighter future that will not threaten companies or individuals just trying to get by?
Over the last couple of years, we have heard about advancing technologies that have helped us in areas of space exploration, potential planetary expansion and the manufacturing and uses of unmanned and autonomous vehicles. Many fail to realize that when hacked, the same great technology can lead to war or an act of terrorism.
On the bright side, we have seen artificial intelligence and other technological advancements bring us together during this pandemic. Vaccines were researched and developed at warp speed. Scientists have been able to show how we can now change the human genome making us smarter, faster and stronger than ever, to weed out and suppress our imperfections allowing us to fix this world around us. Another bright side, there are companies working to find solutions to control cyber-attacks, creating attack prevention on the computers we all use. One such company is Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA).
Cyber Security Global Alliance (#CyberSecurityGlobalAlliance) is a federally incorporated membership-based not-for-profit operating under Terranova Defense NFP in Canada. This organization has brought together subject-matter experts from cyber security, government, defense, software development, law enforcement and legal representatives, to create its first board of directors. This board is made up of twenty directors with representatives from companies and organizations spanning throughout Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Israel and Spain. Cyber Security Global Alliances mandate is to work with members across the world to create global Cyber Security Defense In-depth programs for Governments, Military and Corporations to protect themselves from malicious threat actors no matter where they are in the world.
CSGA members are leaders in the Cyber Security industry who are focused on cross collaboration and global cyber security initiatives that are constantly evolving.
The CGSA’s goals are to:
The CSGA works with other not-for-profits like the UK Cyber Security Association (#USCSA) and the Cyber Security Valley UK (#CSVUK).
It is time to allow people to start living without fear or intimidation and building a legal system that works, that will bring cyber attackers and internet service providers before the worlds’ courts and to be held accountable for allowing these atrocities to happen against people globally.
For more information: https://www.csga-global.org or by email to info@csga-global.org
Tags: Cybersecurity, Business Strategy, COVID19
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Fees: 500+
Service Type: Service Offered