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James Castle

CEO & Founder at Cyber Security Global Alliance

Waterloo Region, Canada, Canada

James Castle, Chairperson, Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), founded in April 2021, identified by LinkedIn Non-Profit Executive Team as the Worlds Fastest Growing Non-Profit in September 2023. CSGA is a global leader and major resource center for everything cybersecurity based in Waterloo Region, Canada with satellite locations in multiple cities globally.

CSGA has developed our key services through our domestic and international strategic partners through our collaborations and partnerships. CSGA has other locations being considered for our cybersecurity operations within NATO-friendly allied countries and is the service arm for CSR5 Global, which offers a new technology in helping create a preventable for cyber threat.

The services and products of Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) allow us to diversify and align a multitude of specialties, services, industries, certifications, education, and consultation, operating globally through our connections, partnerships, and networks. We engage lawmakers, lobbyists, and participate in certification, compliance, and legislation development, and provide the needed services to companies and governments globally through our combined digital services, products, and co-development solutions.

James Castle is the Co-Founder of CSR5 Global Incorporated. CSR5 GLOBAL offers a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that integrates advanced protection and rapid recovery to ensure your small to medium-sized business remains resilient and successful in the face of evolving cyber threats through proactive protection and rapid recovery.

James Castle is the CEO & Founder of Terranova Defense Solutions, a lead-management corporation located globally with our base of operations located in the United States, that is highly specialized in cyber defense systems, aerospace, and defense.

James Castle is the CEO & Founder of Terranova Aerospace Solutions an aerospace and drone provider of autonomous and drone-based vehicles for aerospace, space, defense, and land. Sea and air applications that use quantum technologies and artificial intelligence.

Terranova Defense and Terranova Aerospace along with other specialty corporations have developed the Terranova Defense Group. It is our Value Proposition to work with domestic and international companies that are at risk of physical and digital threats including autonomous and digital attacks and with his global team has enabled the global flow of commerce, with access to healthcare, fintech, and digital freedoms globally.

James Castle is a Canadian Ambassador for the EU Commission’s Think Tank "Drone Think Do" which is based in Belgium, representing over 30,000 high-profile technology and defense companies in 64 countries throughout Europe.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Speaking Topics: Cybersecurity, Cyber Product Manufacturing, Cyber Defense, Cyber Certification, Cyber Awareness, Post-Quantum technologies, Software Solutions, Aerosp

James Castle Points
Academic 0
Author 72
Influencer 6
Speaker 15
Entrepreneur 20
Total 113

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Enterprise
Business Unit: Cybersecurity and Defense
Theatre: World
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: $150-$199
Number of Employees: 51-250
Company Founded Date: 2020
Media Experience: 22 years
Last Media Training: 09/14/2021
Last Media Interview: 11/18/2021

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.04
Autonomous Vehicles 36.42
Big Data
Business Continuity 31.12
Business Strategy 30.04
Change Management
Cloud 30.04
Cybersecurity 32.66
Data Center
Digital Disruption 30.19
Digital Transformation 30.01
Diversity and Inclusion
Ecosystems 30.06
Emerging Technology 30.90
Entrepreneurship 30.13
Future of Work
Generative AI
GovTech 30.09
HealthTech 30.11
Innovation 30.98
International Relations
IoT 30.37
IT Leadership
IT Operations
IT Strategy
Leadership 30.14
Lean Startup
Management 30.05
National Security
Open Innovation
Open Source
Privacy 30.16
Project Management
Public Relations
Quantum Computing 31.29
Risk Management 30.13
RPA 30.27
Security 31.71
Smart Cities 32.57
Supply Chain
Sustainability 30.90

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Agriculture & Mining
Federal & Public Sector
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


64 Article/Blogs
Cyber Security Global Alliance Announces Anna Cabrera as our New Chief Communications Officer
September 21, 2023
On behalf of Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) and our Global Partners, TechnoPlanet Productions and the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem, I would like to announce that Anna Cabrera has accepted the role as our new Senior Executive Board Member and Chief Communications Officer

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Strengthens Global Alliance through New Joint Venture Partnership with Mr. Julian Lee’s Techno Planet
August 28, 2023
Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), a prominent consortium of cyber and defense experts committed to advancing the cybersecurity landscape, proudly announce our intention to develop a Joint Venture Partnership with Techno Planet and Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem (CDE) with CEO, Mr. Julian Lee. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the advancement of cybersecurity services for CSGA and Techno Planet on a global scale

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security, Venture Capital

Cyber Security Global Alliance Welcomes Anna Cabrera to our CSGA Advisory Council
August 22, 2023
Anna Cabrera’s abilities in Communications is highly welcomed as our new Advisory Council Member. Her addition to our team’s contribution will allow CSGA to enter a new era and to aid in the strengthening of our global family in cybersecurity and in global digital defenses, including the research and development of new cybersecurity and defense globally

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Opens New Location Serving Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
March 22, 2023
Cyber Security Global Alliance is pleased to announce the opening of our new Sydney, New South Wales, Australia office located at:

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Welcomes Our Newest Global Board Members to our Board of Directors
February 23, 2023
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance, CSGA Cyber Accelerator and CSGA Cyber Defense Academy, I would like to welcome you all to our Board of Directors, and we all look forward to working with each of you and having you as a part of the CSGA Global family.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Security

James Castle, ED & Chairperson, Cyber Security Global Alliance, Announced An Official Judge for FFCON23 REGEN Hybrid Event
February 06, 2023
In its 8th year, the 2023 Fintech & Financing Conference and Expo (FFCON23) is an established ecosystem conference that brings markets to life, industry together and advances the growth of fintech in Canada. When you bring smart people together and facilitate engagement, debate and sharing of ideas, the opportunities flow. FFCON23 fosters crucial relationships between entrepreneurs, investors, financial institutions, government, and major financial stakeholders in the future. This is a must attend event that will help you build your venture and leave inspired, possibly with investment. Tap into growth strategies to help future-proof your business, and build long term partnerships to launch, and propel your company in 2023 and beyond.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Opens Toronto Training Centre
January 31, 2023
Cyber Security Global Alliance is pleased to announce the opening of our Toronto Training Centre located at:
Canadian College of Cyber Security 305 - 1470 Don Mills Rd Toronto, Ontario M3B 2X0
Our centre will offer industry certification courses by: ISC2, ADOBE, AWS, ITIL4, PRINCE2, CIW, CISCO, CompTIA, IIBA, ISACA, LINUX, MICROSOFT, ORACLE, PMI, PEOPLECERT, REDHAT, VMWARE and others.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Innovation, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance, Welcomes Our Newest Board of Director Members
January 23, 2023
Dear Friends, Colleagues, Followers, and Viewers:
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance, CSGA Cyber Accelerator and CSGA Cyber Defense Academy, I would like to welcome you to our Board of Directors, our Newest Board Members, and we all look forward to working with each of you and having you as a part of the CSGA Global family.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Announces our New National Supply Chain Security Program (NSCSP) designed for International Countries.
January 16, 2023
Governments around the world have serious decisions to make as to how to best protect their citizens, economies, and territorial integrity. The rise of cybercrime has complicated decision-making in all these areas. Modern adversaries are intentionally attacking the weakest link in every country’s defense. Typically, their focus is the country’s supply chain. All industries are impacted by cybercrimes, but many adversaries primarily focus on research and development, defense, and financial sectors. These industries, and all others, need to raise their cybersecurity efforts to better align with the criticality they represent to the overall security of their host country.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance, Announces the Official Launch of our New Regional Office in Dusseldorf, Germany
November 17, 2022
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance, I am pleased to announce the opening of our newest Regional Office has officially opened today (November 17, 2022) in Dusseldorf, Germany.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance, Welcomes Our Newest Board of Director Members
November 07, 2022
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance, I would like to welcome you to our Board of Directors, our Newest Board Members, and we all look forward to working with each of you and having you as a part of the CSGA Global family.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Recognizes Educational Partner "CYBER RANGES"​ as One of Our Cybersecurity Program Providers
October 04, 2022
CYBER RANGES is an advanced cybersecurity workforce development and capability validation platform supporting standardized and customized Cyberspace Operations, individual sustainment training, team certification, and mission rehearsal. CYBER RANGES provides a simulation-based environment for collective experiential skills development, CTF challenges, TTX, and LiveFIRE training exercises. CYBER RANGES leverages "TOAR” Training Orchestration Automation Response to perform high-fidelity training with near real-time CTI providing real-world conditions to increase the readiness of Cyber Operations (Blue & Red Teams) while standardizing, automating, and measuring exercise performance and assessment management processes.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security, Education

Kenrick Bagnall: Appointed to Vice President, Cyber Crime Task Force for Cyber Security Global Alliance, in Toronto, Canada
October 03, 2022
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), and the CSGA Cyber Accelerator and Cyber Hub, I am very pleased to announce, on behalf of our CSGA Board of Directors, Detective Constable Kenrick Bagnall, Toronto Police Service, Coordinated Cyber Centre (C3) who as of September 22nd, was Appointed as our new Vice President for the CSGA Cyber Crime Task Force.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Thaadsha Manivasagan, Promoted to Vice President and Chief Strategic Planning Officer for Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA)
September 01, 2022
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), and the CSGA Cyber Accelerator and Cyber Defense Academy, I am very pleased to announce, on behalf of our CSGA Board of Directors, the promotion of Thaadsha Manivasagan who as of August 20th, 2022, who is based in Toronto, Canada, was elected and promoted to become our new Vice President and Chief Strategic Planning Officer.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Human Trafficking on Ukraine’s Border Traffickers specialize in spotting the traumatized and vulnerable ~ Article by Mitzi Perdue
September 01, 2022
As if Ukraine does not have enough going on, human traffickers are omnipresent on the borders between Ukraine and the West. The traffickers specialize in exploiting individuals traumatized by war.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

Julie Hruska, Promoted to Vice President and Chief Communications Officer for Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA)
August 22, 2022
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), and the CSGA Cyber Accelerator and Cyber Defense Academy, I am very pleased to announce, on behalf of our CSGA Board of Directors, the promotion of Julie Hruska who as of August 20th, 2022, who is based in United States, was elected and promoted to become our new Vice President and Chief Communications Officer.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security

I wanted to share an article with about "What Happens Without Taiwan's Chips?" forwarded to me by my C-Suite team this morning
August 22, 2022
I wanted to bring this to your attention as Terranova Defense Solutions is a developer of a new chipset technology that has a TRL 4 rating in our development for the technology. Terranova Defense is actively designing this technology to be manufactured in Texas, USA.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security

Elle Nelhams: Promoted to Vice President, Cyber Security Global Alliance, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
August 01, 2022
On behalf of the Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA), and the CSGA Cyber Accelerator, I am very pleased to announce, on behalf of our CSGA Board of Directors, the promotion of Elle Nehams who as of July 23rd, is based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and was promoted to our new Vice President for AU & NZ.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security

Dr. Chris Golden Ph.D., CISSP, CISA, HCIPP, CTPRP: Promoted to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for Cyber Security Global Alliance
July 24, 2022
Dr. Chris Golden, Ph.D. is a retired Colonel from the United States Air Force. He spent over two decades in various command, flying, and staff assignments. Upon his retirement from active duty, he took an executive role in cybersecurity on Wall Street (New York City).

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Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance Starts Their CyberSecure Certification with Cyber Security Canada
June 09, 2022
Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) is now a Canadian Cyber Accelerator and global leader in cybersecurity, awareness, education, certification, and communications and in a variety of other business services, operating with 40 board members from 18 countries globally.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance and CyberRanges Announce the "Event of the Century"​ Online Global Cyber Drill
May 31, 2022
Digital transformation is the main driver of the increased vulnerability of the energy sector to cyberattacks. Together with replacing traditional generation with renewables, like solar and wind, the development and integration of smart grids have made the reliance on communication systems inevitable for information exchange in both control and protection architectures to enhance the overall system reliability and resiliency, and sustainability.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Security

Cyber Security Global Alliance’s Space Warfare Think Tank introduced by Paul Szymanski, Space Strategies Center ~ Looking for Founders, Now!!
May 02, 2022
Cyber Security Global Alliance’s Space Warfare Think Tank introduced by Paul Szymanski, Space Strategies Center (USA) ~ Goes Live! Looking for Founders and Members, Now!!

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Tags: Cybersecurity, HealthTech, Security

Advanced Space Warfare Think Tank by Paul Szymanski, Cyber Security Global Alliance ~ Goes Live!
April 26, 2022
It is with great pleasure to announce the Cyber Security Global Alliance under the direction of Mr. Paul S. Szymanski, Space Strategies Center; Dr. Chris Golden, CEO, 3rd Party Risk, and James Castle, CEO/CISO/CSO, Terranova Defense Group has opened the Advanced Space Warfare Think Tank.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Security

February 20, 2022
It is with great pleasure to announce that the Cyber Security Global Alliance and GEMS-ERT has just entered Space through our partners SpaceKids Global’s CEO, Sharon Hagle. It is our mandate in this initiative to assist SpaceKids Global in their global expansion of the Blue Origin’s “Club for the Future” campaign globally.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology

Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) Now Offers Canadian Immigration Services for New Students and Employees in Cyber Security and in Global Defense
November 11, 2021
It is with great pleasure to introduce you to Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA)’s newest corporate partners who will be providing CSGA with Immigration for employment, education and residency under Altec Global Inc, a Canadian based immigration service that will help people find jobs and funding in Canada through proper legal channels and services.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Education

1 Founder
Terranova Defense Solutions
Terranova Defense Solutions
February 01, 2014
James Castle President & Director of Smart Cities and Strategic Partnerships, Terranova Defense Solutions. Terranova Defense Solutions provides Innovative, Unmanned Vehicle Technologies for Search & Rescue and Lifesaving Defensive Operations. With Our Network of Advanced Technology Partners, We Create Unmanned Vehicle Solutions for Government, Military and Private Organizations Globally.

Terranova Defense Solutions (est: 2019), starting as Terranova International Public Safety Canada, operating as Terranova Aerospace in 2014. Starting as a government contractor in public safety planning and strategic consulting, Terranova eventually became a UAV-assisted public safety operations service in 2018, then moving to become a UAV-assisted defense company in early 2020.

Terranova Defense Solutions now specialize in building Canadian-based technologies with involvement of Canadian universities and community-based companies, as well as with our neighbors in the United States for commercial and defence industries for manned and unmanned vehicles.

Terranova Defense Solutions was elected by the Canadian Defence Review Magazine as one of Canada's Top 75 Defence Companies of 2020.

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Tags: Innovation, IoT, Autonomous Vehicles, Climate Change

1 Influencer Award
CYBERJUTSU CON 3.0 and the 9th Annual Cyberjutsu Awards
June 18, 2022
Terranova Defense Solutions (TDS) and Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA) is pleased to work with the many men and women in cybersecurity globally. People like Bishakha Jain, CSGA Indian Ambassador and Director was also appointed as a Cyber Advocate for the same event and it is a true honour to be recognized with others from our cybersecurity family abroad. Our organization is a proud supporter of Women in Cybersecurity; Women in Defense; Women in Technology; and Women in Space

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Tags: Cybersecurity

1 Keynote
UKCSA One Day Summit Event
July 06, 2002
The UK Cyber Security Association is proud to present its first one-day summit event on Tuesday 6 July 2021. The theme for the summit is "stronger and better together", and “The Scourge of Ransomware”, and will have a focus on combatting the growing cyber security threat from a global perspective.

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Tags: Cybersecurity

1 Media Interview
Connecting Stories: Interview with James Castle
September 21, 2020
President and director, Smart Cities and Strategic Partnerships of Terranova Defense Solutions, James Castle works in the area of defense, search and rescue, UAV and C-UAS security, urban and environmental growth, technologies for Smart Cities, Aerospace and Defense.

Canadian ambassador of Drone Think Do International and executive director of Drone Think Do Canada, James Castle also works with land, sea and air unmanned systems.

Interested in artificial intelligence and cyber defense systems, James Castle is the guest of the Connecting Stories series by PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS, who will tell us about his career and the technological industry he is in.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Cities

2 Panels
Cyber Security Defense In-Depth
March 08, 2021
With Casey Fleming CEO of BlackOps and Jesse Griensven from Tauria.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership

Cyber Security Defense In-Depth
December 07, 2020
It is with great pleasure to announce our next Cyber Security Meetup scheduled for December 7th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT

Our 1st Speaker 7:05 PM to 8:00 PM:
Kenrick Bagnall, Constable E3 Cyber Security Divison
Toronto Police Service

Our 2nd Speaker 8:05 PM to 9:00 PM:
Chad Wanless, CEO & Dave Palachik, VP & CTO
CEW Systems Canada

This event is a No-Commercial and No-Interruption Virtual Event. To attend this event, register online. This event is free of change for all attendees.

Constable Bagnall, E3, TPS will be delivering a Christmas Special Notification on what to be aware of and there will be a Q&A period at the end to ask what concerns you with hackers and scammers and what to do if you are the victim of any of these. Don't miss out!!

We are looking forward in having you join us. Remember to stay safe and covid-free and remember we are all in this together.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Management, Leadership

1 Speaking Engagement
Cyber Security Global Meetup
December 29, 2020
On January 11th, 2021, starting at 7:00 PM (1900 hours) we are hosting our next monthly presentation on four key topics and a "do not" want to miss speakers and topics ;

Our first speakers are John Weiler and Bob Dix, IT-AAC:

Topic 1: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC): Who Needs CMMC and Why?

Topic 2: What is the Role of the IT-AAC Advisory within the CCMC Accreditation Board and what the Advisory Board handles?

Our second speakers are James Castle, Jamie Stirling and Chad Wanless:

Topic 1: Smart Technology and Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles - The Need for Search and Rescue Technology for Environmental and Climate Change Disasters

Topic 2: Post-Quantum Communications and Data Protection for Unmanned Vehicles

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Innovation

2 Whitepapers
Quantum Resilient Encryption Technology versus Ransomware
Global Foundation for Cyber Studies and Research
December 19, 2022
This whitepaper discusses and reviews the positive effects of quantum resilient encryption and how these work with one another and against the threat actors. Prepared in 2021 by James Castle and Flavia Kenyon, this gives the reader a clear understanding of the post-quantum technology and its overall impact in the world once released.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, Quantum Computing

Quantum Resilient Encryption Technology vs. Ransomware
Global Fundation For Cyber Studies and Research
July 13, 2021
n the digital era of increasing cyber-attacks, the Cyber Security Global Alliance has investigated real solutions. A super-cluster company in Canada has created possibly the first true answer to countermeasure ransomware. This countermeasure (which has been proven by a leading Canadian Polytechnic University in Saskatchewan) was designed and manufactured to be the world’s first superior commercial-grade quantum resilient encryption software. Originally designed for the military and commercial drone communications, this technology was reconfigured into a Windows-based Enterprise technology that is compatible with Linux, Android, and Apple technologies.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, Drones

Thinkers360 Credentials

13 Badges


2 Article/Blogs
My Cybersecurity Prediction 2023
December 19, 2022

Cybersecurity attacks will be at an all-time high by 2023. Organizations, Education Centers, Hospitals, Manufacturing Centers, will all fall to the ongoing onslaught of cyber-attacks by threat actors globally. These organizations that fall victim to threat actors will turn to these post-quantum technology solution providers that have been built and designed throughout North America today. This post-quantum technology will be released in the first quarter of 2023 by a small yet more strategic non-profit corporation and the impact will be massive. Cybersecurity product manufacturers will include Canadian and US companies that have worked closely with NATO and Western Allies and their agencies globally, who bring advancing technologies together through collaboration and partnerships.

Organizations and Companies will quickly realize that post-quantum technology does not require the standard procedure required by the United States as a Framework for advancing technologies. These new types of technologies will increase data protection and digital privacy through post-quantum encryption, post-quantum communications, post-quantum mirroring and post-quantum cryptography that are able to accomplish great tasks, when working together as one.

Western governments will attempt to secure this technology for themselves. These groups will state that only the military should have this technology for the protection of the West from being used as a weapon through electronic warfare or for controlling Western defense assets against themselves. Various defense brokers will attempt to control these products through industrial espionage if these technologies are not sold or are transferred to select defense organizations. The aim will be to secure these assets for themselves, while trying to secure ongoing cashflow and technology superiority among the West. It will be through this technology that our western defenses can withstand a direct cyber assault by our enemies. It will be through these pending threats of cyber warfare and major domestic and international cyber incidents where we will see the most damage to our assets and personal freedoms.

Our unfriendly neighbors and those who seek harm against the West, who seek the destruction of our technological defenses, will combat this technology through the creation of a new line of viruses and global attack programs to try to eliminate and terminate these technologies from advancement.

Cyber Security Global Alliance’s Executive Director and Chairperson, James Castle, believes that it will be through this product’s post-quantum superiority that will prevent cyber warfare from happening worldwide. This is why post-quantum technology is so important in protecting our digital footprint and personal privacy’s. This is a global want! A major need for people everywhere! A priority for all nations of the West! This select group of four post-quantum technologies and one single non-profit cybersecurity defense organization will be the only Answer that the world needs, allowing for our digital freedoms to move forward. The solution is ready! This solution will End Ransomware and Deathware globally, and for many years to come.

It’s about time! 

See blog

Tags: Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology, Security

2021: Look Where We Are At
May 07, 2021

Due to Covid-19; 88% of business organizations all over the world mandated or encouraged their employees to work from home as the virus started to spread at exponential rates. With our beautiful computers, and state-of-the-art technology that can do our bidding, as well as making us happy and rich. We are tied to our screens. Our reliance on technology has an obvious downside. The same technology that empowers, in the hands of wrong doers can be highly destructive. Crashed computer systems, data hacks, ransomware and phishing, identity theft, fraud and even indirect death are but a few of the results that can happen.  

In a world of uncertainty, cybersecurity is one of the major concerns that we see in the world today. In business globally, (surrounded by the effects of COVID-19, the lockdowns and quarantines we have all have lived through, moving from personal input to digital world) the result has created tension, frustration and irritation all over the world.

Today, people are forced to attend events online, watching and listening to an endless sea of discussions, presentations and conferences, that show us a truly bleak and dark future in cybersecurity. People collectively feel the threat of cyber risk is one that can affect any one of us at any time.  

Some people who are stuck in lockdown have the time to be evil, using the internet and dark web to attack people and companies alike knowing that they can make money through things like ransomware and feeding on people's anguish and loss. Phone scams, phishing attacks, online personal attacks, commercial brand attacks and more are a result leading to increased suicides and random violent attacks against people and targets. These victims are not aware of the trap that waits for them if they act against an online attack and all that they could lose in the process. 

Cyber-attacks today are looked at something we would expect to hear about in films of the US  Wild West with no laws, no controls and no protection from those that want to hurt the vulnerable.  No matter who you are, rich, poor, or those who enforce laws; no one is safe. No-one is immune.  These attackers who simply do not care who you are, you are an unaware pay cheque waiting to happen. 

Our governments, military, cyber experts and global influencers have no real idea how to create sustainable solutions that will help people to protect themselves.  

For example, we have heard on local news, and on occasion, stories found online of teenagers being harassed by someone or a group of kids at their school. These people are known as bullies. This kind of attack is abusive, insulting and demoralizing to everyone they stalk, harass and damage the reputations or their branding. People who use the internet to attack another person are labelled as smart kids, profiled as over achievers, loners and understand the deeper use of computers. In many cases, this can be done by cell phone and the attacks are equally as vicious.  

These attackers, hiding behind a computer screen, create fake news, posts obscene pictures, have little or no empathy and are potentially psychotic, enjoying seeing others in pain and suffering mentally from their attacks. Today, these stalkers and attackers will never serve time in jail and never be punished or anything that will prevent them from doing it again.  

These bullies do not stop at kids. Adults, governments, leaders, athletes, musicians, police officers and military personnel often go through cyber-attacks. There is no safety net and no self help book that teach us awareness and how to avoid these issues. 

Companies are known to pay for ransomware, thinking that their data will be returned safely.  Those that do, have no idea just how wrong that truly is. Most times, their returned data has been copied and sold to the highest bidder on the Dark Web. 

Who defines success in the world of cyber security? Is it the cyber professional that works diligently at cyber threat intelligence and prevention from the cyber horrors we see daily; or is it the cyber student, who is learning about new pathways on how to develop new ideas that will one day lead to the potential preventions? 

What will it take to create change and allow people to see a brighter future that will not threaten companies or individuals just trying to get by? 

Over the last couple of years, we have heard about advancing technologies that have helped us in areas of space exploration, potential planetary expansion and the manufacturing and uses of unmanned and autonomous vehicles. Many fail to realize that when hacked, the same great technology can lead to war or an act of terrorism.  

On the bright side, we have seen artificial intelligence and other technological advancements bring us together during this pandemic. Vaccines were researched and developed at warp speed.  Scientists have been able to show how we can now change the human genome making us smarter, faster and stronger than ever, to weed out and suppress our imperfections allowing us to fix this world around us. Another bright side, there are companies working to find solutions to control cyber-attacks, creating attack prevention on the computers we all use. One such company is Cyber Security Global Alliance (CSGA).  

Cyber Security Global Alliance (#CyberSecurityGlobalAlliance) is a federally incorporated membership-based not-for-profit operating under Terranova Defense NFP in Canada. This organization has brought together subject-matter experts from cyber security, government,  defense, software development, law enforcement and legal representatives, to create its first board of directors. This board is made up of twenty directors with representatives from companies and organizations spanning throughout Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Israel and Spain. Cyber Security Global Alliances mandate is to work with members across the world to create global Cyber Security Defense In-depth programs for Governments, Military and Corporations to protect themselves from malicious threat actors no matter where they are in the world.

CSGA members are leaders in the Cyber Security industry who are focused on cross  collaboration and global cyber security initiatives that are constantly evolving.  

The CGSA’s goals are to: 

  • Build global relationships to participate in law development for the cyber security industry.
  • Lobby to the government the necessity of such laws and implementation. 
  • Establish oversight and taskforce groups to regulate and monitor the cyber security industry. 
  • To develop standardization and compliance for consideration in preparation for cyber law and review in a legal system for multi-jurisdictional enforcement. 
  • Work with the US Department of Defense in Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification hygiene priorities for global government cross-border legislation.  
  • Establish a global think tank working with people, organizations and global governments to find the problems that need solutions. 

The CSGA works with other not-for-profits like the UK Cyber Security Association (#USCSA) and the Cyber Security Valley UK (#CSVUK).  

It is time to allow people to start living without fear or intimidation and building a legal system that works, that will bring cyber attackers and internet service providers before the worlds’ courts and to be held accountable for allowing these atrocities to happen against people globally. 

For more information: or by email to

See blog

Tags: Cybersecurity, Business Strategy, COVID19


1 Product
Managed Security Services Provider

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada    Fees: 500+

Service Type: Service Offered

CSGA's Exclusive MSSP is a 100% indigenous owned cyber security firm which offers Cyber Security, Auditing and Assessment Services to test and identify risks that may lead to cyber-attacks, Pentesting and much more. CSGA Nivee offers services throughout North America and we are headquartered in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

CSGA's MSSP Nivee are a proud Aboriginally owned and operated business. Our ownership consists of individuals from the Vuntut Gwitchin Nation in Old Crow, Yukon.

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