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Gab Ciminelli

Founder at Global Human Wellbeing Academy

Tokyo, Japan

Author, "Nothing Changes the World", "The Healing Power of Silence", "Aura of Enlightenment" | Founder Global Human Wellbeing Academy | Speaker on Growth Mindset | Host of the Happy as Hell Podcast and Mind is Myth Podcast

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Tokyo
Speaking Topics: Mental Health; Relationships, Well-being; Workplace Happiness; Innovation

Gab Ciminelli Points
Academic 0
Author 194
Influencer 9
Speaker 30
Entrepreneur 0
Total 233

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: N/A
Company Founded Date: 2018
Last Media Interview: 09/16/2024

Areas of Expertise

Change Management
Coaching 30.82
Culture 31.30
Diversity and Inclusion 38.14
Future of Work 30.06
Health and Wellness 43.36
HR 30.60
Innovation 30.10
Leadership 30.18
Management 30.05
Mental Health 39.52
Social 42.39

Industry Experience

Federal & Public Sector
High Tech & Electronics
Professional Services


8 Article/Blogs
Is Labelling Emotions Affecting Mental Health?
Silent Leadership Institute
October 25, 2023
What if one day you woke up, and forgot the meanings to certain words. In fact, certain words no longer even appear in the dictionary. In fact, the whole world forgot their meanings.

Words such as frustration, anger, sadness, worry, stress, hurt...

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health

A Dialogue on “The Importance of Sleep” with Company Directors, HR Staff (Yokohama Japan, 2023)
Silent Leadership Institute
August 13, 2023
On the topic of sleep importance (from the third dialogue: Workplace and Individual Wellbeing)

This is a dialogue (printed with permission) with company directors on the importance of sleep in the subject of well-being. It's a deep discussion on consciousness, what does it mean to be awake, what meditation means, what it means to really listen to people.

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health

The Nothing Blog
Silent Leadership Institute
March 04, 2022
The world needs a revolutionary radical change in consciousness - one that would help us understand what compassion really is. Is it possible to break completely free of conditioning to discover life as you will never be able to imagine?

The end of war and suffering and prejudice that everyone seeks is not to be sought, bought, nor fought! The blog that "ends it"!

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

It's when everyone is telling you NO that you have to say YES!
Gab Ciminealli
April 20, 2021
Life happens on the other side of no. At least it has in my experience. Every single time I’ve shared my dream with someone, or an aspiration that I had, they’ve always given me an excuse to say “no”. It’s especially alarming when it comes from someone I love. That’s when I know I have to say YES! I have the history to prove it!

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Culture

To Hug or Not to Hug? There is a more important question.
Gab Ciminelli
February 22, 2021
If you know me, you’ll know just how much I talk about the importance of hugging. Now, in this era of what people call, “the new normal”, hugging is fast becoming a taboo. Something that is forbidden out of fear you will spread the disease or catch something nasty. What is a year of practicing distancing really doing to our human nature as people and why do I insanely insist on continuing to hug?

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Tags: Culture, Leadership, Social

Grow Your Hair For Love and Health
January 09, 2021
The events around the world must be frightening for many. For me, it's time to start raising consciousness in the world that the answers are NOT about bickering, fighting, war, arguing about who is right and who is wrong, blame and apathy. We always seem to be proving to each other who is right and wrong. When will we realize that it's not important. What is important instead, is to learn how to rise above it.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Culture

10 Ways to Build Stronger Relationships Whilst Working Remotely
Gab Ciminealli
December 20, 2020
Compliment someone for work they have done - it’s a tough time and it sometimes takes a lot of extra energy to do things. Never take anything anyone does for granted. Make them feel appreciated.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Culture

How to Reduce Fear of Disease
March 27, 2020
Recent events have fueled anxiety and fear, particularly in public places. We are told to wear masks, reduce physical contact, disinfect hands, gargle, stay home, avoid public places, etc. This is on top of all the existing illnesses we were already faced with before all of this happened.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, Culture

4 Author Newsletters
Online Retreat Area, The Healing Power of Silence, Human Magic
December 04, 2024
Come as you are! Greetings from my heart to yours. Here we are free to be without expectations, judgements, or biases. The newsletter where there is absolutely “Nothing” to change.

This month’s newsletter is about our NEW ONLINE RETREAT AREA where you can attend a monthly online webinar, plus what you can gain from the new book, "The Healing Power of Silence".

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Social

The Shadows of War, The Art of Nothing at Work (6 Realizations), Free eBook Gift on Freedom
November 18, 2024
Come as you are! Greetings from my heart to yours. Here we are free to be without expectations, judgements, or biases. The newsletter about “Nothing”- the unpathed path of freedom, meditation, love.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Social

Exciting Book News (The Healing Power of Silence), Mind is Myth Podcast, Insights.
October 08, 2024
Come as you are! Greetings from my heart to yours. Welcome to the newsletter about “Nothing”- the unpathed path of freedom, meditation, love. Here we are free of expectations, judgements, biases - free to explore the “Nothing”.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Social

Nothing Changes the World, Workplace Dialogues, "The Illusion of AI"
September 06, 2024
Come as you are! Greetings from my heart to yours. Here we are free to be without expectations, judgements, or biases. This month, I share some news on my latest book, "Nothing Changes the World", workplace discovery dialogues, and the final installment of workplace happiness. I've also added a little bonus discussion on AI.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Social

2 Books
The Healing Power of Silence
Silent Leadership Institute
October 25, 2024
What is the essence of silence and why is it so important to be the rebel of your own mind at a time when humanity is facing its own extinction? This book will have you take your foot off the pedal and allow life to express whatever it needs to instead of pedaling endlessly against it. A no-nonsense look at what’s preventing the body's natural intelligence to thrive and survive without the intervention of any action based on our conditioning thinking.

See publication

Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Nothing Changes the World: Excerpts and Insights on the Art of Nothing
Silent Leadership Institute
July 29, 2023
Are you interested in exploring the Art of Nothing? What is it? Are you willing to question it honestly? Perhaps this book is written to speak to you.

Between you and me, there is a space that exists that is untouched by human thought; undisturbed; as beautiful as the delicacy of a butterfly's wings; and as free as the wings themselves. Accessible to all, yet prevented by the struggles of human consciousness. Is there an art of “nothing” that can bring about a complete transformation in human consciousness that would see the end of all suffering? To discover this, one must start at the root to ask: what is life. This book contains a collection of Gabriele Ciminelli’s works on love, freedom, and compassion that will have you exploring if there is an intelligence that can access the unnamable space of “nothing” and bring about a completely different consciousness and as such, a completely different world.

This book comes with a warning: I know nothing. I can’t give you, “nothing”. Nothing will not be found in this book. It is not found in any words. I am not the expert you seek. But, let’s approach it this way: let’s read together as long-acquainted friends concerned, out of love if I may put it that way, for the wellbeing of the world, and everyone in it. In love, we are not here to convince or persuade each other about anything. We are not here to argue with each other’s point of view, or passionately defend our own values and beliefs. Let’s approach this as being together, using the power but also limitation of words, and see if we can look at the world as it is, inside and outside of us, with the entirety of our heart and soul. Perhaps out of the understanding of nothing, will come a very different form of energy; a very different understanding of compassion and an incredible energy for life!

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Tags: Social, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

3 Keynotes
The Magic of Human-ness
GK Talks
December 06, 2024
Sharing insights into breaking free from societal expectations, embracing simplicity, and rediscovering the joy of human connection. From laughter to spontaneity, I share some stories to inspire you to see life the way it was meant to be - light and easy.

I deliver similar talks to corporate and private events - please DM me! Let's light up a room, together :)

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Empathy is Not Something You Practice
Silent Leadership Institute
December 13, 2023
In a recent talk, I unraveled the topic of human relationships and asked if we have a relationship at all?

[This is from Dialogue 1: Relationships - book here]

GC: The experts and famous psychologist are going to disagree with me here. That’s okay. Now you come to me, show me all these wonderful training programs and statistics of how you’ve created empathy at work. Now I turn around and tell you, if empathy and compassion truly existed, your company wouldn’t.

Audience: [Silence]

See publication

Tags: Culture, HR

There is no "way" to happiness... But there is this!
Silent Leadership Institute
October 20, 2022
Is happiness really a choice?
Why are we always seeking happiness?
Does happiness live in the realm of time?

A compelling unbiased talk to help you self-inquire into what happiness really is, why is cannot live or be driven by anything the mind creates, and that there is nothing to seek.

This talk will leave you refreshed, with a renewed look at life, and the joyous energy to act on a passion that comes from being in alignment with what is.

See publication

Tags: Coaching, Diversity and Inclusion, Mental Health

3 Media Interviews
The workplace will never be a happy place
Event by Jessica Breitenfe
September 16, 2024
Is Happiness at Work the Ultimate Workplace Illusion? We work with companies who were looking to discuss better ways to work, improving employee engagement, keeping employees happy, and well-being. The bottom line is this: although they tried, none of them were interested in what Gab Ciminelli had to say. Here's what he says and why.

Workplaces have goals, business directives, partners and customers who rely on their products and/or services. They set expectations, ask for investments, and report back. So naturally, they deal with trying to guarantee a certain level of business success. In order to do so, they invent systems and ways of working. They introduce values and train employees to adjust to those values. They ask employees to set goals and expectations based on those values. They implement rules to mitigate risks and also control. Along with those, comes the separation between employee and employer and that introduces authority.

Why exactly are we battling with this???

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Tags: Future of Work, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

What is a Good Life? Exploring Our Conditioning
January 23, 2024
In this illuminating discussion, we explore our capacity not to learn from our mistakes and how we get swept away by our conditioning - be it our upbringing, education, culture, etc.

We share our experiences of re-sensitising ourselves to the human beings we naturally are, through silence, space, reflection, and nature, and the experiences of suffering that prompted a departure from the status quo.

We delve into navigating our wider sense of disconnection and separation, transcending our ideas of identity and our fixation on measurement and labels, to an awareness of what is, and how we could step into the unknown.

This whole conversation with Gab is a breath of fresh air. His open-heartedness and willingness to explore embody much of what he is pointing towards in this conversation. If you are in need of looking at your life and world with a fresh set of eyes, this conversation will give you multiple pointers as to how you can start.

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Tags: Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

The Not Average Audio Experience - Purpose, Life, and Space with Gab Ciminelli
The Not Average Podcast
March 06, 2019
The Not Average Podcast, hosted by Koehler Slagel and Mike Gililland. On this podcast you'll find a mix of short motivation segments, conversations with industry leaders, keynotes, and some specific content for this station.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

2 Miscellaneouss
AI is Dead - Forbidden Mind Episode 15
Silent Leadership Institute
May 15, 2024
Today, I answer a question about AI; it's impact on accelerating self destruction; and that I have nothing against it.

This podcast STREAMS WEEKLY so if you are you a seeker of truth, looking for a better way to live life, or interested in duality and beyond, this is the podcast for you.

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Tags: AI, Health and Wellness

Education Continues to Fail as Wars Persist
Silent Leadership Institute
May 01, 2024
A paper on Education and its continued failed impact on wars and humanity. By Gab Ciminelli.

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Tags: Education, Mental Health

1 Miscellaneous
APAC Golden-Key June Spotlight
Golden Key
June 04, 2021
Yet, there was one thing that constantly disappointed me in all my career positions: how people were being managed (or mismanaged). I repeatedly saw signs of micromanagement, employees being burned out, yelled at, mistreated and ultimately isolated. I experienced all of them to the point where I too became depressed and needed to consider turning things around, Mahatma Gandhi-style: “Be the change you wish to see”!

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Tags: Change Management, Culture, Management

5 Podcasts
Forbidden Mind
Silent Leadership Institute
January 06, 2024
What is being hidden from you in your conditioning? Gab is an author, speaker, education consultant opening windows into people’s minds to discover if one’s own mind can transcend fear. Is there a certain quality of mind that is not afraid to look at the immeasurable, because we live life almost entirely in the measurable and it’s causing us misery. There are many podcasts that share practices and teaching into non-duality, but this podcast has you looking at the world of duality, the reality of the world to see what you are. From that comes an understanding of the "nothing".

Every Wednesday starting January 24th!

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Tags: Health and Wellness, Innovation, Mental Health

Episode 28 - Resiliency is an Escape from Fear
Silent Leadership Institute
June 01, 2023
Can we live without resilience? That is, it seems we all need to work so hard to build this thing called resiliency in our lives, but do we really take the time to examine WHY we need it to begin with? Isn’t it a necessity that arises out of structure?

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Tags: Culture, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Is the pursuit of happiness at work an illusion?
Silent Leadership Institute
November 08, 2022
For those interested in workplace happiness, this episode will make you re-think all the current efforts which barely scratch the surface. Are you able to question the difference between happiness and pleasure? Are you able to understand how structure implies authority and control? Can one truly be free in the workplace if structure exists? Can you be free from self interest? Let’s look into it, together!

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Tags: Culture, Health and Wellness, HR

Meditation is not what you think
Silent Leadership Institute
May 09, 2022
The real beauty of meditation is known by so few. You’ll need to be courageous if you really want to know what joy is because I’ll reveal in this episode why real meditation has nothing to do with focusing on breathing. As a former (yes former) practitioner and teacher of meditation, I’ll explain why I won’t practice any more, nor teach it.

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Tags: Culture, Health and Wellness, Social

Happy as Hell
Gab Ciminelli
March 04, 2022
Is there any reason to "chase" happiness? Is it even possible on earth or do we live in an illusion and this is actually hell? The secret to living an extraordinary life is within you - that's why it's called a secret. I'll be sharing what you can do to tap-into that secret and be an incredible human.

Join me as we attempt to go beyond identity, beyond fear and find out if happiness does really exist, is it sustainable, and can we ever really be happy on earth...or wait, is this really hell?

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Tags: Culture, Health and Wellness, Leadership

14 Videos
You are what you seek | G.Ciminelli #shorts
Import from
September 28, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

You are the light you seek
Import from
September 28, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

You Can Change Your Life!
Import from
September 08, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Don't build cages around love| G.Ciminelli #shorts
Import from
June 06, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Japanese (#gaijin) Train Announcement Tokyo: Approaching (mamonaku) Train #shorts
Import from
June 05, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Spirituality is not a journey | G Ciminelli #shorts
Import from
June 05, 2023

See publication

Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Are you aware of what you are?
Import from
June 04, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Japanese (#gaijin) Train Announcement Tokyo: Approaching (mamonaku) Train
Import from
April 07, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Spirituality is not a journey | G Ciminelli
Import from
March 27, 2023

See publication

Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Fear blocks you of what you are | G.Ciminelli #shorts
Import from
March 27, 2023

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

Love is not control | G.Ciminelli
Import from
March 27, 2023

See publication

Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

The power of skepticism
Import from
July 25, 2022

See publication

Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

The Beauty of Stillness
Import from
July 21, 2022

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Tags: Culture, Mental Health, Social

The End of War, Conflict, Violence
Silent Leadership Institute
May 17, 2022
Is it possible to end war, conflict, violence? I say it is. There are just a few things we need to understand about ourselves, first.

Love and peace everyone,

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Thinkers360 Credentials

5 Badges


3 Article/Blogs
Managing Emotions Creates Further Stress
September 18, 2024

Yes it is true -> we have learned that emotions can drive people, change, engagement, relationships.

They also come with pain, suffering, worry, anxiety...

But the key statement above is this:

"We have LEARNED".

Emotions are a learned phenomena and live in the field of knowledge. Therefore, they are actually irrelevant in the sense that we don't have to act on them at all. There is actually no need for emotions to be acted upon - it's just that someone has taught you to do so.

Whatever you feel, you are. The moment you label it is the moment you get in trouble.

And this is quite a relieving revelation to many because it means ALL EMOTIONS are irrelevant. It's just that we have learned to want the so-called positive emotions, and do away with the so-called negative emotions. But they are all members of the same source and that source is worth questioning.

Our body is equipped to handle emotions as they arise - you just never allow it to because as thought rises, it intervenes with theories and ideas learned in the past to act upon them. The liver, for example, can handle anger, frustration, etc. on its own. The moment we intervene 'what is' with thought, we strain the body's innate intelligence to deal with it in it's own way.

See blog

Tags: Health and Wellness, Leadership, Mental Health

Why the Art of Nothing is a Workplace Dream for Employees
November 13, 2023

Last month, I had the incredible opportunity to talk to a number of workplaces about the Art of Nothing. Why workplaces - you might be asking? I come from a corporate background. I started as an engineer, became a manager, moved into training, won employee of the year awards, etc. etc. It means nothing. In that time, I experienced some of the most miserable forms of workplace engagement, people interaction, what would now-a-days be classified as “harassment”, brutal competition, ambition and so forth. Given that many people spend much of their time in companies, why do workplaces insist on creating cultures where control, competition, authority, tension, and anxiety. What emerges are fear-based workplaces where motivating forces restrict and constrict employee’s truth talent and freedom to thrive.

One incredible experience I had was in Hawaii. When I joined the local telephone company which was in bankruptcy, the company’s employee satisfaction was hovering around 55%. The company’s customer satisfaction was hovering around 55%. It doesn’t take a genius to see that the two are related. We invested 2 years in training managers, creating a corporate culture team, where leaders promoted listening with humility, where there was a real involvement in empathizing with employee and customer concerns. These basic skills of opening-up conversations, allowing people to express themselves without the intention of seeing them as complaints, addressing needs one by one, rotating employees, sparked a renewed action and vibe. People were relating to each other and changes were being made. Two years later, employee satisfaction was 84%, customer satisfaction was 84% and the company rose to be a top workplace in Hawaii. I was gratefully part of that transition.

Fast forward to today, and problems in workplaces still exist - and they are getting more and more complicated!

What does the Art of Nothing do for Workplaces?

Creating the ideal workplace is not about offering employees every little perk you can think of. If that’s what you do to attract talent, you have already lost. Giving employees everything essentially is a very conditional way to approach the situation, and anything that is conditional, comes with pitfalls. Conditions given are conditions received. What you want to do is nurture the environment - the atmosphere. And that comes with self realization.

Here are other realizations that have come-out of the workplace dialogues so far:

Realization #1: Workplaces can’t keep employees happy. Happiness is not something you give me. I need to have it within myself. But it is tied to the next point.

Realization #2: Give employees the autonomy and tools they need to be to able to express themselves.

Realization #3: Do away with employee evaluations. Evaluations are nothing but a comparison for a false growth mindset that saps employee’s energy to do what you really need them to do.

Realization #4: Employee Satisfaction and customer satisfaction go hand-in-hand. If there is an imbalance, question integrity in leadership.

Realization #5: Stop any forcing energy. Forcing deadlines, systems (not including legal systems here), where to work, how to work, etc.

Realization #6: You be happy and watch the workplace thrive. You’ll know when to step-in to provide support and when not to.

Throughout the workplace dialogues, what we are really doing is how a sense of “self” interferes with the natural state of being. Why it thrives on authority and control, why it tries to make others happy, why it wants to compare, why relationships are a reflection of one’s self, why it’s preventing life instead of allowing it to flow.

Feedback from the dialogues:

“Wow, I thought we had employee engagement covered, but the dialogues took us to a new level of disrupting workplaces. We will be making a new strategy in 2024! I can’t recommend these dialogues enough - they will change your life!”

“Inspiring - these dialogues will change the way you look at yourself and everyone else. There is no more problem!”

If you’d like me to help, either through an honest dialogue with your employees, or through entrusting me to train your leaders and managers, feel free to reach out!


Gab Ciminelli

Founder, SIlent Leadership Institute, Japan

See blog

Tags: Culture, Future of Work, HR

Workplace Dialogue: Is there any Value Aligning Personal and Company Values?
October 02, 2023

The questioner asked: "How can one find alignment between personal values, the work of the organization, and employee wellbeing?"

GC: I wonder if you can.

A lot of organizations spend a significant amount of money and time investing in training employees to find a balance between these three areas, but is it really aligned?

1/ Company/organizational values. Most companies work a "values check" into their hiring process when they are trying to determine whether you are a good fit for their culture or not. They'll have a mission, vision, and values. If you hire someone who is not going to really fit these to some degree, you set them up for failure. Worst still, if your process is good but your leaders are not exemplifying the behaviors the values represent, then you've got an integrity problem.

2/ Personal Values. Personal values are a very important part of engagement and workplace fulfilment for both the employee and company. Many of them change over time based on experiences, changes of perception, beliefs, etc. So trying to align a moving target takes a long of energy and focus.

3/ Individual Employee Wellbeing. Many companies are encouraging their leaders to proactively talk to their staff about how to foster their inner wellbeing.

But, I'd like to question whether inner and outer are truly separate? Your personal wellbeing - is your stress caused as a result of the environment you work in, with leadership behaviors, or stressful management, or lack of clear direction? Or, is it reflective of your own mindset?

Is it me, and you, and everyone else in the room looking after their own wellbeing in order to handle the stressful environment, or do I change the stressful environment through leadership behavior change, training, policies, etc?

Or is it that the environment is a reflection of my own mindset, in which case, I am the environment? In other words, my consciousness reflects back what I am within myself, it is not separate. Which is why I get very confused when people focus only on managing their own inner wellbeing. Then it becomes a very self-centered activity because I'm only concerned with my own wellbeing, managing stress, meditating, breath focus, eating well - that's all got to do with me. And the next person does the same - working on their own wellbeing. But the environment is still very stressful, but I manage that through various techniques.

As long as you consider the environment separate from you, you will always have tension, stress, conflict, putting-out fires, etc.

Does it make sense?

Questioner: But isn't it wonderful if everyone's personal wellbeing needs are being met, then the environment is going to be less stressful, people are happier, engagement is higher, etc?

GC: Can you, with 2500 employees as company HR ensure the personal wellbeing of every single employee?

Questioner: We can try!

GC: Which means you are willing to guarantee no-one leaves your company, or takes stress, or sick leave?

Questioner: Well maybe not everyone but a majority.

GC: Which means what? Means that you never really reach the root of the problem. You might invent systems and bring-in tools to help employees manage their wellbeing, but you haven't solved the problem - you are just covering-up the problem which is why are employees getting stressed?

Questioner: But that’s why we are offering support!

GC: It’s not working (audience laughs). What is wellbeing?

Questioner: Well it is related to better and healthier relationships with your self and your social environment and your purpose. It’s about interconnectedness and the experience of wholeness.

GC: Okay. You see, you have divided… How can I have wholeness if I divide the inner and the outer - my own wellbeing and then the company environment? You see, in dividing my self from the environment, I am really pushing myself through a day, a week, a month of work with then dealing with things as they come-up? What does your consciousness reflect to you - what does it mirror for you?

Questioner: What do you mean?

GC: Does it mirror stress, sometimes? Anxiety, sometimes? Conflict with colleagues, sometimes? Evaluation pressure?

Questioner: Yes it still may do that but because I understand myself better, I am better equipped to deal with those situations.

GC: Which means what? The environment still has stress, and therefore, you have stress, and therefore, you have not understood the root issue because your environment still reflects it back.

Questioner: I see. Then what do we do?

GC: What will you do? I am not the authority here! What will you do when you admit that you still have an issue? Go and train leadership to change? That’s once again separating action on the outer and inner. First understand what you are not and then you will have an insight to what you are. You will need to look at it - in yourself, what is the root of stress; conflict; anxiety; etc. Having an understanding of that - an insight, will transform everything.

See blog

Tags: Culture, Social


1 Business Consulting
Best Workplaces Consultant

Location: Global    Fees: $150/hour depending on service.

Service Type: Service Offered

If you are looking to attract the best talent or are aiming to become a best workplace, Gab can provide advice, strategy and consultation services. Gab has helped a number of companies in APAC and US to win workplace of the year awards, fostering training, dialogues, developing culture champions and coaching.

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