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Mark Reynolds

Senior Solutions Architect at Evolution Well Services

Spring, United States

Master of Engineering professional experienced as an engineer, architect, developer and team leader. Accomplished Project Manager and Director demonstrating proactive application of digital technologies and agile methodologies balanced between engineering, development, automation, adaptive processing, and distributed systems. Senior Dot NET Developer adept at user engagement and robust feature rich solutions. Solution Evangelist with recognized command of processes, distributed systems, analytics, machine learning, and multiple digital technologies.

“My background integrates unique understanding of operations, knowledge, and analytics. I actively balance engineering, design, architecture, and applications with special consideration toward operations, knowledge, and analytics.”

Ready to bring success and vision to technological challenges, enterprise solutions, real-time processes, analytics, IoT, automation and edge computing. Ready to implement solutions focusing on cross discipline teams, integrated user experiences, and organizational responsibility. Ready to provide a leadership role model through active communication, enhancing team growth and sustainability. Ready on day one.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Houston, Texas

Mark Reynolds Points
Academic 0
Author 15
Influencer 6
Speaker 11
Entrepreneur 0
Total 32

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Software Developer and Data Engineer
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.03
AI 30.05
Analytics 30.41
Big Data
Change Management
Culture 30.02
Customer Experience
Design Thinking 30.08
DevOps 30.57
Digital Disruption 30.05
Digital Transformation 30.32
Emerging Technology 30.28
Innovation 30.27
IoT 30.04
Open Innovation 30.09
Predictive Analytics 30.08
Renewable Energy 30.21

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Financial Services & Banking
Oil & Gas
Professional Services


15 Article/Blogs
The Discipline of IIoT Engineering
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June 17, 2018
[updated June 17, 2018] Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Engineering is a discipline in and of itself - somewhat a macro-discipline. The IIoT engineer is focused on the extension of the organization into a field-level mentality of acquisition, preparation, analysis, reaction, automation, assessm

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, IoT

The Journey into DevOPS as a Mindset, not a Project
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May 28, 2018
DevOps as a project is a failed premise since projects complete, DevOps is ongoing, ever improving. DevOps as a continuous improvement project is a non sequitur since the Agile / DevOps process cannot evolve from a waterfall mindset. DevOps as a journey is inconclusive since a journey...

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Agile, DevOps

The Data Driven Mindset
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May 18, 2018
Just what is Data Driven? Or for that matter, what is a Data Driven Mindset? Why does it matter to identify Data Driven concepts? Starting from the basics, Data Driven "means that progress in an activity is compelled by data, rather than by intuition or by personal experience. Data-driven may refer

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Tags: Analytics

Three Catalysts of Digital Transformation
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May 17, 2018
Digital Transformation is rapidly becoming the new, and overused, buzzword. There are many opinions of what constitutes Digital Transformation and many proposed magic solutions to Digital Transformation. But Digital Transformation is not an action or event, it is a journey. Even more than a journey...

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation

Spring Houston TechFest
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May 07, 2018
Software developers are constantly challenged with staying current and mastering new technologies. Developers who do not continually strive to learn new technologies will soon find themselves no longer relevant. Some technologies radically impact the entire industry while others are more impacting t

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Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation
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May 02, 2018
[updated May 17, 2018] Three terms I’ve seen recently used together, often interchangeably and frequently incorrectly are digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. Given the name of this blog – Digital Transformation Engineer – I have an opinion...

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Tags: Digital Transformation

This Digital Transformation Web Site and Blog
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April 27, 2018
[updated May 17, 2018] DigitalTransformation.Engineer This www.DigitalTransformation.Engineer website and blog site is a personal creation; a personal labor-of-love project. Through this site and these blogs, I hope to shed a little light on the evolving industry – software, analytics, machine

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Tags: Analytics

SPE Digital Energy Conference
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April 24, 2018
Energy Forum: BP keynoter Clint Wood, “Communication continuum goes as follows: chaos – noise – data – information – knowledge – wisdom.” Interesting quotes heard during the conference. Data Mining ==> How to pull the data together, then listen to it. Ar

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Tags: Renewable Energy

The Fourth Paradigm
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April 24, 2018
The fourth paradigm ==> Emperical Theoretical Computational Today: Data intensive data exploitation
The post The Fourth Paradigm appeared first on Mark Reynolds.

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2017-2018 Distance C# Development Classes
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July 24, 2017
Once again Lonestar College will be offering distance-only C# development classes in the Spring of 2016-2017. Classes to be taught this semester are: Programming Fundamentals (COSC1336) Introduces the fundamental concepts of structured programming. Topics include software development methodology, da

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2016-2017 Distance C# Development Classes
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July 01, 2016
Once again Lone Star College will be offering distance-only C# development classes in the Spring of 2016-2017.


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Getting Rid of Excel
Digital Energy Journal
August 01, 2012
Modern technology and development tools, technologies, and organizations permit faster development and increased reliability, but at the cost of a step-change in the skillset resident in the business units. The pain of moving from procedural based programming languages like VBA into object based / team based environments can be difficult but the payoff is tremendous.

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Tags: Analytics, Design Thinking, Digital Transformation

Managing Real Time Data - A Tutorial
Digital Energy Journal
June 01, 2012
Real-time physical data represents a unique challenge for the data engineer. Unlike financial and accounting data, which must be 1200 per cent accurate and can be audited back to the source, real-time data in the physical world suffers from sampling errors, missing data, and diminishing temporal significance.

Real-time data management grows more complex every day. The data collected and data sampling rates are creating data repository issues unimagined a few years ago. And the operational functionality and utilization is still evolving. Data and real-time operations require a systematic and visionary understanding of the challenges. Real-time data management encompasses knowledge in electrical and mechanical apparatus, communications protocols and systems, and streaming data technologies.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, IoT

Service Company IT and Corporate IT
Digital Energy Journal
April 01, 2012
Who is responsible for fitting together IT from service companies and the corporate IT department? The business unit managers. Are they the best people to do it?

When expectation for business unit teams to respond to ever tight tolerances to time, production, and HSE, the case for the business unit, operations-focused, development team becomes more readily apparent.

Business unit software and data systems development teams can, and will, make money for the organization through improved and faster drilling, improved production, and reduced HSE, NPT, and asset downtime.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Open Innovation, Culture

Extension Methods
Code Magazine
April 01, 2012
Extension methods represent a simple method to incorporate features and functions into basic C# types without complexities or code rewrite. Through extension methods, the developer “adds” methods to existing types without creating new derived classes. The original base class remains intact, but new methods are now merged with the base class.

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Tags: Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, Innovation

2 Media Interviews
Interview with Mark Reynolds of Southwestern
Oil IT Journal
June 01, 2016
Interview covering Southwestern Energy, Innovation, and Digital Transformation

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Predictive Analytics

Machine Learning in O&G
Pittsburg Post-Gazette
June 01, 2016
Interview covering the state of Machine Learning in Oil and Gas

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Predictive Analytics

2 Panels
Production Operations and the Digital Transformation process
Data Driven Drilling & Production Conference
May 30, 2018
* How digital technology can enable operators to leverage subject matter experts to deliver data driven insights across multiple projects
* Discover how you can use a data driven operating model to allocate personnel and resources into business-critical operations, maximising production and revenue per employee
* Hear how you can get stakeholder buy-in across the business to deliver digital transformation projects

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Tags: Analytics, Digital Disruption, Digital Transformation

Keys to Developing an Optimal Data Science and Analytics Driven Operation
2018 Machine Learning in Oil and Gas Conference
April 18, 2018
Panel Discussion

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Tags: AI, Analytics, Digital Transformation

3 Speaking Engagements
Why do we want C# 7
Houston Techfest
May 05, 2018
Technical talk presented at Houston .NET User Group, North Houston .NET User Group, Houston Spring Techfest.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Defensive Programming
Houston Techfest
May 05, 2018
Technical talk presented at Houston Spring Techfest.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

The New IT Paradigm in a Data Driven Energy
2018 Machine Learning in Oil and Gas Conference
April 18, 2018
Three years ago, Machine Learning, 4th Scientific Paradigm, and eScience were seldom discussed in O&G. Today, these topics and the role of data, data knowledge, and artificial intelligence are topics found in planning, engineering, and improvement. The New IT Paradigm and the pragmatic realities of Data Driven Energy are explored in this presentation.

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Tags: AI, Analytics, Digital Transformation

Thinkers360 Credentials

3 Badges



1 IT Consulting
Principal Consultant

Location: North Houston    Fees: negotiable

Service Type: Service Offered

With multiple degrees in Engineering, I have focused on Digital Transformation and Systems Engineering. I draw from 40+ years of experience addressing challenges in Operations Technology, Information Technology, and Knowledge Engineering. My solutions include Real-Time Applications and Analytics through automation, adaptive processing, components, and distributed systems.

I am an engineer, innovator, team builder, and shepherd. My life-long learning philosophy is anticipation; my project approach philosophy is innovation; my team leadership philosophy is collaboration.

Projects which I lead are based on robust, reliable, resilient, and reproducible solutions. I approach knowledge engineering as data engineering – real-time tactical analytics, after-the-fact forensic analytics, and predictive analytics.

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1 Keynote
Digital Transformation Engineer

Location: North Houston    Fees: negotiable

Service Type: Service Offered

I am available for O&G and DevOPS keynote opportunities.

With multiple degrees in Engineering, I have focused on Digital Transformation and Systems Engineering. I draw from 40+ years of experience addressing challenges in Operations Technology, Information Technology, and Knowledge Engineering. My solutions include Real-Time Applications and Analytics through automation, adaptive processing, components, and distributed systems.

I am an engineer, innovator, team builder, and shepherd. My life-long learning philosophy is anticipation; my project approach philosophy is innovation; my team leadership philosophy is collaboration.

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Mark Reynolds

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