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Ronald van Loon

CEO, Principal Analyst at Intelligent World

Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

Ronald van Loon, Founder & CEO of Intelligent World a global tech event educational marketplace of global thought leaders, analysts & influencers, and Advisory Board Member & course advisor for leading professional certification training company Simplilearn, is an influencer & frequent public speaker for major AI, Big Data, IoT, Data Science & Analytics events.

He is a globally recognized thought leader in the industry and has been globally ranked by Onalytica, many other institutions as a Top 10 global influencer in AI, Data & Analytics, Cloud, IoT, Digital Transformation, 5G and more (see LinkedIn profile).

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Ronald van Loon Points
Academic 0
Author 2573
Influencer 658
Speaker 36
Entrepreneur 20
Total 3287

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: 11-50
Company Founded Date: 2024

Areas of Expertise

5G 32.32
Agile 30.10
AI 59.97
Analytics 34.84
AR/VR 31.53
Autonomous Vehicles 30.58
Big Data 100
Business Continuity 32.12
Business Strategy 30.04
Cloud 36.07
COVID19 34.56
Customer Experience 31.15
Cybersecurity 30.79
Data Center 32.51
Design 33.50
DevOps 30.58
Digital Disruption 30.29
Digital Transformation 31.75
Digital Twins 31.03
Emerging Technology 30.49
FinTech 30.34
Future of Work 30.15
Generative AI 30.20
HealthTech 30.10
HR 30.12
Innovation 32.74
IoT 85.13
Leadership 30.12
Management 30.37
Marketing 30.29
Mobility 31.17
Predictive Analytics 30.10
Privacy 30.25
Procurement 30.08
Public Relations
Retail 30.14
Risk Management 30.54
RPA 32.66
Smart Cities 32.77
SportsTech 30.22
Supply Chain 30.37
Sustainability 31.30
Telecom 50.32

Industry Experience


100 Article/Blogs
3 Reasons Why You Should Become A Business Analyst In 2022
Learn, Meet, Succeed with Tech
June 29, 2022
The digital economy is transforming businesses at a rapid pace. In order to remain relevant and thrive in this new environment, companies need to become more agile and adopt new ways of working faster than ever before. This is why the role of the business analyst has become so important. Business analysts bring structure and insight to organizations by analyzing data from qualitative and quantitative sources to provide recommendations for new or revised strategies that reduce risk, increase efficiency, and grow the business. Business analysts are professionals who use their analytical skills to meet the needs of businesses by combining their knowledge of both technical processes and business structures into a strategy that will help companies succeed. In this blog post, you will learn more about what it takes to become a business analyst in 2022.

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Tags: Analytics, AI, Big Data

Improving Complex Processes Using The Right Software Tools
Learn, Meet, Succeed with Tech
June 07, 2022
Organizations struggle to effectively manage their workflows and operations in real-time, relying on manual processes and a multitude of applications and technologies. Business systems and data are disparate, increasing workflow complexities.

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Tags: Analytics, AI, Big Data

Why Data Maturity Matters: Accelerating Innovation, Productivity and Wallet share
Ronald Van Loon
January 10, 2022
Ronald van Loon, Top Global AI & Data Science Influencer, Splunk Partner and CEO at Intelligent World; Prof. Sally Eaves, Award-winning International keynote speaker, author and influencer & Mark Woods, Chief Technical Advisor at Splunk talk about Why Data Maturity matters for Accelerating Innovation, Productivity and Wallet share

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Tags: Big Data, Cloud, IoT

Build a Profitable and Sustainable Business With Technology
Learn, Meet, Succeed with Tech
December 28, 2021
Sustainability is one of the most important issues of our time, linking businesses, regulatory environments, and society together in an effort to make a positive impact on environmental sustainability goals.

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Tags: Big Data, IoT, Sustainability

Why You Should Become A Business Analyst in 2022
December 23, 2021
If you don’t know by now, data is empowering businesses, including the amazing technological innovations that we see around us everyday.

As the world becomes more digital, and organizations become more technology-driven, business and technology teams need to work together to create new products and services.

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Tags: Analytics, Emerging Technology, Innovation

14 Things You Need to Know to Become a Machine Learning or AI Engineer
December 20, 2021
Becoming a machine learning or AI engineer can be a complex field of study to navigate.

Typical responsibilities of a machine learning or AI engineer include:

Building AI models from the ground up and understanding model results.
Developing a data ingestion and data transformation infrastructure.
Automating infrastructure.
Converting machine learning models into application program interfaces (APIs).

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Tags: AI, Innovation

SupplyChain Disruptions: How AI Can Help
Ronald Van Loon
December 20, 2021
SupplyChain Disruptions: How AI Can Help

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Tags: Customer Experience, Supply Chain

Become a Data Scientist: 8 Things You Need to Know
Learn, Meet, Succeed with Tech
December 17, 2021
Data science careers are very lucrative and present numerous opportunities for people who are interested in data and artificial intelligence. Data science is a field of study with a high annual salary ($95K - $165K) that will bring people job security for years to come due to its high demand across numerous industries.

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, IoT

Navigating Supply Chain Challenges with Industry 4.0
November 16, 2021
Supply chain and manufacturing environments are evolving rapidly in the face of industry 4.0 advancements and the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Organizations across industries are trying to navigate this challenging landscape and implement technologies, processes, and operations that help them connect all the different components that make up their business.

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Tags: Supply Chain, Leadership, Business Strategy

What is R-Score & Why Your Organization Needs to Understand It
September 22, 2021
Former head of U.S. Cybersecurity, Chris Krebs, recently cautioned that digital experts are fighting a “pandemic of a different variety” as ransomware attacks across the country increase. Ransomware attacks were up 150% in 2020 versus the previous year, with the amount paid by victims up 300%.

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Tags: Big Data, Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation

Managing the Transformation to Optimize Operations with Digital Processes
September 09, 2021
There’s increasing momentum to optimize operations with digital processes and meet customers where they are digitally. But how can enterprises manage this change in a secure way?

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Digital Transformation, IoT

Reimagine Contact Centers with AI and Cloud
August 25, 2021
In the travel industry, for example, airlines are currently facing record-breaking call volumes and their service agents are struggling to deal with a surge of inquiries. Delta reports call wait times of two to three hours and other major U.S. airlines have call wait times as long as 8 hours and 30 minutes.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Disruption is Here to Stay: Continuing Digital Transformation Post-Pandemic
July 05, 2021
Organizations have drastically accelerated their digital transformation efforts by almost 2.5 years as a result of the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, adopting technologies like the cloud to help them to innovate and become more agile during disruption.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation, COVID19

The Future of Work: Confronting One of the Biggest Challenges of the Next Decade
Ronald Van Loon
June 29, 2021
Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and automation in all of its forms can augment human workers and enable them to pivot to more valuable work, and perform their jobs with more efficiency, safety, and ease.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Future of Work

Getting Future Ready with a Modernized Hybrid Cloud Environment
June 10, 2021
Hybrid cloud is the foundation in which modernized organizations are built, and organizations need a modern platform and infrastructure to get the most out of their hybrid cloud environments.

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Tags: Cloud, Innovation, IoT, Leadership

Cloud for Healthcare: Streamline, Transform & Innovate
Ronald Van Loon
April 21, 2021
Ronald van Loon and Greg Pavlik, Senior Vice President Data & AI at Oracle talk about Streamline, Transform and Innovate Cloud for Healthcare

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Tags: Big Data, Cloud, HealthTech

Cognitive Science + Data Science: Next-Gen Data Driven Marketing
April 06, 2021
What are the psychological motivators driving customer purchasing decisions?

The era of ubiquitous digitalization, advanced analytics, and big data is here. Yet marketers frequently grapple with obtaining information that answers critical questions surrounding the purchasing behaviors of consumers.

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Tags: Innovation, Marketing, Predictive Analytics

Operationalizing AI at Scale with ModelOps
December 21, 2020
Putting artificial intelligence (AI) into production can be a frustrating experience for organizations, one often destined for failure. In fact, only 53% of AI projects actually move past POC and into production. Since AI solutions are a determining factor in long-term and continuous success, organizations must meet this issue head-on in order to establish a consistent AI lifecycle.

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Tags: AI, Cloud

How VDI and DaaS are Powering Hybrid Cloud Digital Workspace Environments
November 24, 2020
}Businesses are at a turning point where they need to reconsider and reimagine their business infrastructure. This involves creating an environment that improves workforce capabilities, facilitates the use of modern applications and virtual solutions, and enhances security, all while remaining simplified in a way that reduces the complexities of using modern technologies, the costs of resources, and helps to remove the challenges that stand in the way of progress and innovation.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Innovation

How Carriers Can Enable a Golden Decade of 5G
November 19, 2020
What does it take to facilitate a golden decade of 5G?

In many industries and applications, the promise of 5G is already being realized. In the healthcare industry, 5G helped healthcare institutions respond to the immediate needs surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and ease overwhelming pressures on healthcare facilities by enabling robotics, and remote diagnostics and ultrasounds.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, 5G

AI-Enabled Business Processes Advance Resilience and Agility
November 02, 2020
By now most organizations understand that the AI gap is widening; those who had already begun to use intelligent technologies to advance digitization initiatives, such as new business model development and strategic automation, have been able to meet and rise above many of the more urgent challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, these resilient companies were able to withstand the challenges presented by the pandemic, while others who are still on the threshold of digital transformation are at even greater risk of falling behind their competitors.

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Tags: AI, Innovation, RPA

IT Transformation: Becoming a Data-Driven Digital Businesses in the New Normal
October 29, 2020
Though DevOps and IT Ops are critical cogs in the organizational machine, they’re very often the unsung heroes that drive business advancement, innovation, growth, and resilience. At Splunk’s .conf20 event, DevOps and IT Ops were front and center in the topics surrounding our changing world and the corresponding new normals that businesses must attend to in order to thrive in a data-driven, digital era marked by rapid disruption.

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Tags: Digital Disruption, Future of Work, DevOps

The Role of Virtualization in the New Remote Work Era
October 19, 2020
What happens when a transient business state becomes the new normal?

Many organizations are considering this as the reality of remote work unfolds into a more permanent state due to the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s now an increasingly urgent business agenda to develop iron-clad strategies for enabling the best possible remote work scenarios, and equip employees with tools that minimize disruption to workflows and optimize their ability to work to their utmost potential.

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Tags: IoT, Future of Work, COVID19

Ubiquitous Cloud and Intelligence for All Scenarios
October 15, 2020
One of a business leader’s chief imperatives as they transition their organization into the post-COVID era is accelerating their cloud strategy. As the need to spawn next-generations of innovation and growth continues to be a main driver for technological adoption, businesses are looking to cloud services that are increasingly affordable, constant, dependable, and secure.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Innovation

AI vs Data Science: Mapping Your Career Path
September 01, 2020
When it comes to data science and artificial intelligence (AI), you’ll often find a lot of intersection between the two skill paths. AI has numerous subsets, like machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), and data science utilizes these technologies to interpret and analyze data, discover patterns, make predictions, and generate insights. So, deciding between AI vs data science can be tricky.

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Tags: AI, Data Center

1 Author Newsletter
5.5G: Accelerating the Path to a Smarter, Connected World
Learn, Meet, Succed With Tech
February 29, 2024
As we've witnessed the transformative impact of 5G technology reshaping our global landscape, we now stand on the brink of its next evolutionary milestone: 5.5G. Recently, I had the honor of moderating a panel discussion at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona entitled "5.5G Is Now, Building an Intelligent World Together," where I facilitated a dialogue with industry pioneers on the forthcoming revolution in telecommunications. This pioneering leap forward is set to transform our understanding of connectivity, speed, latency, and efficiency, establishing unprecedented standards for digital innovation across diverse industries.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

1 Founder
Principal Analyst, CEO of the Intelligent World
Intelligent World
May 01, 2020
Intelligent World is a thought leader, analyst and influencer network that connects businesses, experts and influencers to new audiences, and empowers them to collaborate, create and share exciting new content.

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Tags: Analytics, AI, Big Data

2 Keynotes
The Edge to Cloud Future: Driving New Innovations, Customer Strategy & Security
Ronald Van Loon
July 12, 2021
Ronald van Loon and Antonio Neri, President & Chief Executive Officer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise talk about The Edge to Cloud Future and Driving New Innovations, Customer Strategy and Security

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Tags: Big Data, Cloud, Digital Transformation

MBBF 2020 Review: A New Age of 5G Innovation
November 23, 2020
#5G will usher in a golden age of progress & innovation for business & society. How can carriers & telecoms seize opportunities in the new digital era? Watch Intelligent World CEO Ronald van Loon’s review of #HWMBBF to find out. #HuaweiNow #TrustInTech

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Cloud, IoT, 5G

10 Media Interviews
A Chat About The Intelligent Twins
September 25, 2020
A Chat About The Intelligent Twins
by Ronald van Loon & Jacqueline Shi |

#HuaweiPartner #HuaweiConnect Huawei Huawei Cloud & AI #Cloud #MachineLearning #ML #ArtificialIntelligence #AI

Cc: Craig Brown, PhD | Will Townsend | Dr Mark van Rijmenam |

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Cloud, IoT

Public Sector: Three Main Reasons To Embrace #Digitization Today
September 24, 2020
Public Sector: Three Main Reasons To Embrace #Digitization Today
by Ronald van Loon & Hong-Eng Koh (高宏荣) |

#HuaweiPartner #HuaweiConnect Huawei #DigitalTransformation #ArtificialIntelligence #AI

Cc: Alain Regnier | Jose Carlos Garcia Rico | Toby Shapshak |

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, IoT

How Can #Software Teams Benefit From #EmbeddedAnalytics?
September 24, 2020
How Can #Software Teams Benefit From #EmbeddedAnalytics?
by Ronald van Loon & Steven Schneider |

#LogiAnalyticsPartner Logi Analytics #BusinessIntelligence #Developer #UserExperience #Analytics #DataAnalytics #BigData

Cc: Data Science Central | Yves Mulkers | Jim Harris | Andrew Ng |

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Customer Experience

Future-Oriented Target #Network: Key to Achieve Business Success for Carriers in the #5G Era
September 23, 2020
Future-Oriented Target #Network: Key to Achieve Business Success for Carriers in the #5G Era
by Ronald van Loon & Bill (风雨) Qin |

#HuaweiPartner #HuaweiConnect Huawei Carrier Business Huawei #CloudComputing #Future #Telecom #AritificialIntelligence #AI

Cc: Craig Brown, PhD | Jose Carlos Garcia Rico | Toby Shapshak |

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT, 5G

Putting Workloads in the #Cloud: Expectations Vs Reality
September 22, 2020
Putting Workloads in the #Cloud: Expectations Vs Reality
by Ronald van Loon & Regis Louis |

#OracleAmbassador Oracle #CloudComputing #Data #Productivity #Security #Digital #Technology #Innovation #ArtificialIntelligence #AI

Cc: Ibrahim Evsan | Rimah Harb | Dr Mark van Rijmenam | Wilhelm 'Wil' Bielert, PhD | Bernard Marr | Neil Cattermull |

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Innovation

#RemoteWorking: How to Overcome #Security and #Compliance Pitfalls
September 21, 2020
#RemoteWorking: How to Overcome #Security and #Compliance Pitfalls
by Ronald van Loon, Philip Sailer & Molly Bausher |

#HPEPartner Hewlett Packard Enterprise Citrix #Data #Productivity #UserExperience #WorkFromHome #WFH #ArtificialIntelligence #AI

Keith Townsend | Kirk Borne | Gary Mintchell | IIoT-World | Bart Heungens | Evan Kirstel | Shira Rubinoff | Craig Brown, PhD | Yves Mulkers | TechNative | Ian Gertler |

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Tags: AI, Big Data, Cybersecurity, IoT

Your Future In Data Science: Career Outlook for 2020 | Data Science Career | Simplilearn
December 13, 2019
Join Ronald Van Loon, now the world's top influencer in Data and Analytics, for a live webinar on the Data Science Career Outlook for 2020 -- and how you can go about landing a job as a Data Scientist. In addition to answering your questions, Ronald will cover:

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, IoT, 5G

Breaking Into Data Science | A Fireside Chat With Ronald Van Loon And Anand Narayanan | Simplilearn
October 29, 2019
Anand Narayanan, Chief Product Officer of Simplilearn, and Ronald Van Loon, author, blogger, and an influential voice in the Big Data industry, sat down to record a fireside chat, discussing the current state of the data science job industry, different career path options, and how to find the right entry-level job in data science at the right organization.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Data Center, 5G

Ronald Van Loon Talks About Technologies Of The '20s || NTLF 2019
Nasscom Events
February 26, 2019
"Main Capability Of AI Is To Improve The Customer Experience," Says Ronald Van Loon, Top10 Big Data, Data Science, IoT, AI Influencer, Director, Adversitement In Conversation With Govindraj Ethiraj, BOOM.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Ronald van Loon on how to apply Machine Learning everywhere - Part 1
IBM Data and AI
August 22, 2018
Machine Learning can help any and every aspect of an organization, from sales and marketing to finance. Listen to Director of Adversitement Ronald van Loon speak to how machine learning helps data driven companies generate value.

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Tags: AI, Big Data, RPA

1 Panel
Why You Should Care About Data Literacy
Intelligent World
May 12, 2021
Premier Live Clubhouse Broadcast:
Why You Should Care About Data Literacy

Learn how the role of data is shifting from an exclusive data science tool to a standard competency & driver of success in today’s world:

-Take a deep dive into the growing trend & value of data literacy
-Learn why consuming, interpreting & understanding data is becoming a new standard business language & competency
-Explore the distinction between data literacy & technical literacy
-Learn which resources are available to improve data knowledge, including reskilling & upskillin

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Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Digital Transformation, Data Center

2 Speaking Engagements
Ronald van Loon Live @ Mobile World Congress 2019
Ronald Van Loon
February 24, 2019
Explore the potential of intelligent connectivity. Join Ronald van Loon Live @ Mobile World Congress 2019 at Barcelona, Spain on Feb. 25-28 2019. Live reporting, videos, and more with HPE, Comcast MachineQ, Ericsson, Microsoft, & Huawei. There will also be Live Event Updates on Twitter and Instagram, Interviews and Live Presentations on Youtube and In Depth Coverage on Linkedin Pulse

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Tags: Big Data, IoT, Mobility, 5G

IoT and Telecom: The New Golden Era
Ronald Van Loon
February 20, 2018
IoT and Telecom: The New Golden Era

See publication

Tags: AI, Big Data, Digital Transformation, IoT

823 Videos
Create Music With A Prompt
Import from
July 23, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Top 3 AI Impacts on Business
Import from
July 22, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Convert Image To Video
Import from
July 22, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Photo To Hyper-Realistic Talking Face
Import from
July 20, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Ultimate Household Helper
Import from
July 19, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

AI-Driven Predictive Churn
Import from
July 18, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Automated Strawberry Picking
Import from
July 18, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Developers Productivity Redefined: Code Less, Create More
Import from
July 17, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

3D Personalized Prosthetic
Import from
July 17, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Wave Power
Import from
July 16, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

App Testing: Minutes, Not Hours
Import from
July 15, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

3D In Seconds
Import from
July 15, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Say Goodbye To Boring Work
Import from
July 13, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Pro Videos In Minutes
Import from
July 12, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

App Development: Hours, Not Days
Import from
July 11, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

No More Sleep Problems
Import from
July 11, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

High-Speed Sailing With 5G!
Import from
July 10, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Relighting Photos in 15 Sec
Import from
July 10, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Tired Of Network Disruptions?
Import from
July 09, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Import from
July 09, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Inside SailGP's Data-Driven Sailing Success
Import from
July 08, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

AI Marketing Expert!
Import from
July 08, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

OpenAI's Sora Vs KLING AI
Import from
July 06, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

Glasses With Real-Time Subtitles
Import from
July 05, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

How To Become A Millionaire With AI
Import from
July 04, 2024

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Tags: AI, Big Data, IoT

1 Webinar
Chatbots: Disruptor of Human-Machine Relationships
April 09, 2020
With voice assistants and chatbots changing the face of communication, they are set to have a significant impact on brands and their audiences. In fact, the Global Chatbot Market is predicted to reach $4.02 billion by 2025, a staggering increase from $858.1 million in 2017.

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Tags: AI, Big Data

3 Webinars
Adapt, Innovate, Excel: Bouwen aan een intelligente en flexibele cloud architectuur voor bedrijfskritische applicaties
Intelligent World
November 26, 2020
Is uw organisatie klaar voor AI en een versnelde digitale transformatie? Vijf Experts bespreken drie cloudmigratie success cases
Leer hoe toonaangevende organisaties zoals verzekeraar de Som, Boortmalt en softwareleverancier Intris zich snel en efficiënt aanpassen aan de nieuwe marktomstandigheden m.b.v. bedrijfskritische applicaties in de cloud. Hoe uw database-infrastructuur voor bedrijfskritische zelfontwikkelde, vendor en ISV applicaties naar de cloud te migreren om de flexibiliteit en innovatie te verbeteren en beheerskosten met 20% te verlagen. Best practices voor database consolidatie, databeheer en geautomatiseerd onderhoud.

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Tags: Cloud, Innovation, IoT, Leadership

On-demand webinar: Cellular technology for industry digital transformation with Grundfos and Telenor Connexion
October 30, 2020
Join me as I discuss how #cellular technology is enabling enterprises to digitally transform their operations with leaders from Ericsson IoT, GRUNDFOS and Telenor Connexion during this on-demand #webinar

Ronald van Loon leads Intelligent World, a consultancy and research network of global thought leaders, analysts and influencers, and is an Advisory Board Member and course advisor for leading professional certification training company Simplilearn. Ronald is a top-rated influencer frequent public speaker for significant AI, big data, IoT, and data science events. He’s helping and coaching companies to implement successful data and analytics strategies to meet and surpass their goals in this digital age..

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, IoT, 5G

AI or Data Science? Mapping Your Career Path
October 29, 2020
Why is there often confusion surrounding where to start when it comes to approaching a career in AI or data science? There are many intersections and overlaps between AI and data science. AI has numerous subsets, like Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). With many career opportunities in both fields, there are lots of conflicting perspectives on educational paths for starting a career in one of these fields.

Join Simplilearn on Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 9 PM IST (8:30 AM PDT) for a talk with Ronald van Loon, CEO of Intelligent World and a Simplilearn Advisory Board member. Ronald will give you insights into:

-The main differences between AI and Data Science
-The industries and types of companies hiring Data Science and AI professionals
-The most popular and in-demand types of careers in both fields
-Fundamental learning and educational paths that can help people choose which career path is best for them
-Specific examples of educational paths for a career in data science and for a career in AI

The live webinar will include a Q&A with Ronald. (If you register and can’t make the live webinar, we will send you a link to the recording after the event.)

See publication

Tags: AI, Big Data, Digital Transformation

Thinkers360 Credentials

27 Badges



1 Speaker
Everything Data Scientists Should Know About Organizing Data Lakes

Location: Virtual/Webinar    Fees: Free

Service Type: Service Offered

Learn how to turn data lakes into organized & manageable data because businesses need the means to obtain real value from their data lakes. And discover how data lakes fit into the ecosystem of your organization as well as establish end to end data management practices supporting data & analytics innovation. Join Ronald van Loon and Anand Narayanan with SimpliLearn for a Fireside Chat on June 14th, 8:00 AM PDT or 17.00 CET.

Register for the webinar here:

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