
The 7 Sins of Innovation


Innovation is the lifeblood of any forward-thinking industry or business. From the lightbulb to the smartphone, innovations have reshaped our world and how we experience it. However, as with all things, innovation is not immune to missteps. For organizations and individuals striving to break new ground, being mindful of the potential pitfalls is crucial. Here, we present the seven sins of innovation – common mistakes to avoid when navigating the tricky waters of groundbreaking change.

1. Pride: Believing Your Idea Is Flawless

Every innovator is proud of their brainchild. However, there's a thin line between confidence and arrogance. Believing that your idea is perfect and cannot be improved often blinds you to potential weaknesses. Remember, even the most groundbreaking innovations underwent numerous iterations.

Solution: Seek feedback and be prepared to pivot. Surround yourself with a diverse group of thinkers and be receptive to criticism.

2. Envy: Imitating Rather Than Innovating

While it's tempting to replicate the success of others, true innovation comes from unique insights. Simply copying a competitor's product or model lacks the genuine spirit of innovation.

Solution: Find your unique value proposition. Study the market, understand the gaps, and strive for originality.

3. Wrath: Resisting Change and Feedback

In the world of innovation, flexibility is paramount. Stubbornly sticking to your initial idea, even in the face of contradictory data or feedback, can lead to stagnation.

Solution: Be adaptable. Embrace change and view every piece of feedback as a stepping stone to perfection.

4. Sloth: Failing to Act or Execute

Having a brilliant idea is just the start. Failing to act on it due to fear, complacency, or laziness is a grave mistake.

Solution: Implementation is key. Dedicate resources, time, and effort to turn your innovative ideas into reality.

5. Greed: Over-Monetizing and Losing Sight of Value

While profitability is essential, focusing solely on financial gains can lead you to overlook the real value your innovation offers.

Solution: Balance profit motives with genuine value delivery. Understand that long-term success often comes from prioritizing user needs and experiences.

6. Gluttony: Over-Complicating Solutions

There's a tendency to add unnecessary features or components to an innovative solution to stand out. This can make products cumbersome and alienate potential users.

Solution: Simplify. Strive for elegant solutions that address the core issue without overwhelming complexity.

7. Lust: Chasing Every Shiny Object

The allure of the next big thing can be intoxicating. However, jumping from one idea to the next without focus can derail your innovative endeavours.

Solution: Stay committed. While it's essential to be aware of emerging trends, maintain a clear focus on your primary innovation until it reaches its potential.


Innovation is a journey fraught with challenges, but understanding these seven sins can guide innovators toward a more effective and successful path. You can make a lasting impact in your chosen field by remaining vigilant against these pitfalls and continually striving for genuine, value-driven change.

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By Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

Keywords: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

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