
Tech Mishaps: Just Like Dirty Dishes in a Dishwasher!


A little light heartedness for a Friday. After speaking at a wonderful event yesterday in Manchester, I thought more about how we use technology, and it reminded me of some of the things that we all do at home.

Tech Mishaps: Just Like Dirty Dishes in a Dishwasher!

Ever had one of those moments where you throw your hands up and think, "Why isn't this tech working the way I want it to?" Well, join the club!

Let's draw a parallel: Imagine loading your dishwasher with dishes that are caked with last week's lasagne. You hit 'Start,' expecting a miracle, and voila – they come out still crusty and gross. The dishwasher can’t perform magic without a little prep from you!

Now, think about technology. You can't just dump raw data, half-baked ideas, or poorly designed inputs into your software and expect pristine results. Whether it's machine learning, project management tools, or even your trusty email filters, sometimes they need a bit of help:

1. Machine Learning Models: They’re like the dishwasher. Without clean, preprocessed data, you'll get...well, rubbish predictions.

2. Project Management Tools: Just setting up tasks and deadlines isn’t enough. They need your input to prioritise and adjust. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a chaotic mess.

3. Email Filters: Ever wonder why your boss’s important email landed in the spam folder? Yeah, those filters aren’t flawless. You might need to do a bit of manual sorting.

4. Using Excel as a Database: Trying to use Excel to manage large datasets and wondering why it’s slower than a dial-up connection. Newsflash: Excel is not a database!

So next time your tech doesn't seem to be pulling its weight, remember: a little elbow grease goes a long way. Scrape off that lasagne, give your tech some TLC, and you'll see a world of difference.

Keep it clean and tech-savvy!

By Dara Kiernan

Keywords: Coaching, IT Leadership, Leadership

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