
Leveraging the De Bono 6 Hats Method for Strategic Thinking


In the complex and fast-paced business world, making decisions, solving problems, and generating new ideas are daily challenges that organizations face. To navigate these challenges effectively, businesses often seek innovative approaches that can enhance the quality of their decision-making processes and foster a culture of creative thinking. One such approach that has stood the test of time is the De Bono 6 Hats Method, developed by Edward de Bono in the early 1980s.

This method offers a structured way to think more effectively and is particularly useful in group discussion and individual thinking. By adopting this method, businesses can improve their strategy formulation, decision-making processes, and problem-solving capabilities.

The Essence of the De Bono 6 Hats Method

The De Bono 6 Hats Method is a thinking framework that categorizes thought processes into six distinct modes, represented by six coloured hats. Each hat symbolizes a different perspective or approach to thinking, encouraging individuals and teams to look at problems and decisions from multiple angles. This method facilitates a more rounded view of a situation and promotes a deliberate switch in thinking, avoiding the common pitfalls of adversarial thinking.

The Six Hats and Their Functions

  • White Hat: This approach focuses on data and information. Wearing the white hat, individuals concentrate on the available data, examine the facts, and identify missing information.

  • Red Hat: This hat represents feelings, hunches, and intuition. Under the red hat, the focus shifts to emotions and feelings without the need for justification.

  • Black Hat: This hat embodies caution and critical judgment. It is crucial for assessing risks, pointing out problems, and evaluating the feasibility of ideas.

  • Yellow Hat: The yellow hat symbolizes optimism and the exploration of benefits. By wearing it, individuals explore the positives and the value that can be derived from an idea.

  • Green Hat: This hat stands for creativity and new ideas. It is the hat under which brainstorming occurs, fostering the generation of new solutions and alternatives.

  • Blue Hat: Controls and organizes the thinking process. The blue hat is concerned with managing the thinking process, setting objectives for thinking, and summarizing outcomes.

Implementing the De Bono 6 Hats Method in Business Strategy

Applying the De Bono 6 Hats Method can significantly enhance strategic planning. Businesses can uncover innovative solutions and make well-rounded strategic decisions by systematically exploring different perspectives.

Here’s how:

  • Strategy Formulation: Utilize the green hat to generate creative, strategic options and the yellow hat to explore their potential benefits. The black hat can help assess the risks and challenges associated with each strategy.

  • Decision Making: Apply the white hat to gather all relevant data and information. Use the red hat to understand the gut feelings of stakeholders towards different options, ensuring that decisions are not just data-driven but also align with the organizational culture and values.

  • Problem Solving: The green hat encourages out-of-the-box thinking to find novel solutions when faced with challenges. The blue hat helps organise the problem-solving process, ensuring all aspects of the problem are considered.

  • Enhancing Collaboration: The method promotes respectful and constructive dialogue. Clearly defining the mode of thinking (hat) used at any time prevents conversations from becoming confrontational, fostering a more collaborative environment.


The De Bono 6 Hats Method is more than just a tool for improving individual and group thinking; it’s a strategic asset that can enhance how organizations approach problems, make decisions, and plan for the future.

By integrating this method into their strategic planning and decision-making processes, businesses can foster a culture of creativity, improve collaboration, and make more informed, balanced decisions. In an era where innovation and agility are paramount, the De Bono 6 Hats Method offers a timeless framework for thinking differently and achieving strategic success.

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By Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

Keywords: Business Strategy, Leadership, Management

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