Let’s Settle the Debate — Innovation Both Is & Is Not Everyone’s Job
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May 28, 2021
Archive image courtesy of My Starbucks Idea — ideas.starbucks.com.Let’s Settle the Debate — Innovation Both Is & Is Not Everyone’s JobThe DebateThere’s an insidious debate that’s bounced around for probably the better part of twenty years now. It’s the debate of whether or
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
Let’s Settle the Debate – Innovation Both Is & Is Not Everyone’s Job
Legacy Innovation Group, LLC
May 27, 2021
There’s an insidious debate that’s bounced around for probably the better part of twenty years now. It’s the debate of whether or not ‘innovation is everyone’s job’.
We address - and answer - that debate by explaining the the two cases where it is everyone's job - and the one case where it isn't.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Management
The Secret to Building High Energy Innovation Spaces
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May 15, 2019
Innovation Spaces — which can refer to any space intentionally designed to foster and facilitate good innovation work — come in all sorts…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
Wisdom from Above the Clouds
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January 17, 2019
Have you ever been on a plane flight where as you take off all you can see out the window is hazy and overcast weather, only to at some…Continue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
Design Thinking Grows Up — Welcome to Experience Thinking
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July 25, 2018
PrologueContinue reading on Medium »
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
The Twelve Disciplines of Consistently Innovative Organizations
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July 01, 2018
Ever notice that some organizations seem to be far more consistent at delivering new innovation than most? I have. Ever wonder why this is… what they do differently? I certainly have.Indeed, like so many others before me, I’ve spent my entire adult life working in and around organizations that w
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
Meaning Making — How the Innovation-Driven Organization Imparts Purpose & Meaning
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June 27, 2018
Image: Close-up photo of oil painting. Photographer: Grzegorz Wojtasik. www.pexels.com.As I visit and observe what I call the “existential festivals” — events like Burning Man, SXSW, TED, Sundance, Bonnaroo, and ArtPrize, for example — I ask myself, “What are people really trying t
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
The Undeniable Power of the “Garage Experience”
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January 17, 2018
Image courtesy of Nissan Innovation GarageIf you’re like me and a lot of other entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs around the world, then you’ve likely romanticized — at least at some point in time — about what it must have been like in great companies like Apple, HP, Google, and Cisco w
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
The Secret Formula for Achieving Market Leadership
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September 08, 2017
Unless your business strategy is to be a fast-follower (an increasingly risky and dangerous strategy), you invariably have markets or market segments in which your objective is to be the Market Leader. As Jack Welch so skillfully demonstrated while he led GE, Market Leadership is the one real strate
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management
Designing the Human Business: Leveraging Design Thinking to craft powerful and innovative business models
Packt Publishing
October 31, 2024
Globally, 275,000 new business ventures get launched every single day, and ninety percent of them fail. One of the most fundamental reasons for that is that they don’t solve a real market problem that a real market population has, in a way that resonates with that market and sells their solution. Consequently, they struggle to gain traction and attain scale.
In this book, you’ll learn what business models are, plus you’ll find out what business model innovation is and, ultimately, how to use Design Thinking to identify not just a winning value proposition, but how to bring that value proposition to the market in a way that resonates with its customers. In doing this, you’ll unlock maximum value for your venture, allowing it to attain maximum scale through growing waves of adopters.
By the end of this book, you’ll understand what you need to do to uncover your target markets’ ‘reason to buy’, as well as how to wrap a winning business model around that reason so that your business will gain traction and achieve scale.
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Tags: Design Thinking, Innovation, Lean Startup
The Other Side of Growth: An Innovator's Responsibilities In an Emerging World
Global Innovation Institute
December 01, 2020
There is a sea change of perspective taking place in the business world today. It is the Twenty-First Century, and business leaders have finally awoken to the reality that their obligations lie not only to their shareholders, but to every stakeholder they touch… their employees, their customers, the environment, and society at large. It is an awakening of epic proportions – one with profoundly far-reaching implications. We have also awoken to the reality that our actions – and our inactions – have far broader ramifications than we ever could have imagined possible previously.
Enter innovation. Every business organization today – regardless of sector – is pursuing innovation in one form or another. It is the lifeblood of growth and relevance. Innovation delivers tremendous new value for businesses and their customers.
But behind the scenes, innovation can also introduce numerous undesirable consequences and outcomes for the broader set of stakeholders. Even worse, innovation can be used in not only beneficial ways, but also in malicious ways – if the appropriate guidelines and controls are not put into place to prevent this.
Consequently, business leaders today must ask many questions of their actions surrounding innovation-driven growth. Questions like: • Are we benefiting some at the great expense – and possible harm – of others? • Will certain parties use our innovations in ways we that we did not intend or foresee – to do more harm than good? • Are we turning a blind eye to those possibilities – all in the name of maximizing shareholder profits? • And in the full balance of things… are we doing more harm, or more good? It is imperative that we ask – and answer honestly – these and many other questions about the new innovations we are bringing into the world… to ensure we are in fact doing right by all stakeholders, and doing so in a way that will ultimately prove sustainable over the long run – sustainable for us, for our employees, for our customers, for the environment, and for society as a whole – including all future generations. This goes well beyond just environmental sustainability, to include social sustainability (for the entire world), and truly long-term financial sustainability for both our organization and each of the markets it touches anywhere in the world.
This book implores us to consider and ask these types of questions… to think long, deep, and hard about the new innovations we are bringing into the world and how we are doing so…. to ensure that at the end of the day, we are in fact doing more good than harm, and are leaving our world better off for posterity than when we found it – by every measure known to us. After reading this book, and the unique perspectives that each of its nine authors presents, you will come away with a profound new appreciation for this type of questioning, and the incredible value it offers to you and your organization.
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Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Sustainability
Applied Innovation Master Book
Global Innovation Institute
January 04, 2016
The 856-page body-of-knowledge reference book from GInI | Global Innovation Institute.
This book is comprehensive in its coverage of every facet of business innovation, including foundational knowledge, Design Thinking, the different manifestations of design, the work of the Innovation Professional in delivering innovation projects, the work of the Design Thinking Professional as a champion of advanced innovation practices, the work of the Innovation Manager in leading the innovation program, the work of the Innovation Strategist in developing well-researched innovation strategies, and the work of the Chief Innovation Officer in driving a comprehensive and productive program of Corporate Innovation across the enterprise. It also touches on launching and financing new business ventures, and presents a comprehensive glossary of business innovation terminology.
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Tags: Design Thinking, Innovation, Management
Collaborative Engineering and the Internet: Linking Product Development Partners via the Web
SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
August 03, 1998
The first book ever published on the subject of digitally-enabled collaborative product development. This was a comprehensive treatment of both the mediums and best practices known for pursuing this approach.
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Tags: Future of Work, Management, Open Innovation