An Uncompromising Talent-First Strategy
May 21, 2021
We've heard it a lot from thought leaders, CEOs and CHROs and even more since the pandemic has taken over: "We put our people first", "Talent-first strategy", "employee-centric organisation" and our old acquaintance: "our people are our most valuable asset".
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Tags: Business Strategy, HR, Recruiting
COVID-Status-Erfassung in SAP SuccessFactors
May 06, 2021
Ob Dienstreisen, Meetings oder die Organisation der täglichen Arbeit in Büro, Werkshallen und Außendienst: Informationen zum Corona Impf- und Teststatus von Mitarbeiter*innen wird für Unternehmen noch einige Zeit relevant sein. Zu wissen, wer wann wie geimpft ist oder sein wird und den Teststatus zu kennen ist dabei ebenso wichtig wie die Arbeitssituation (Home Office vs. Büro) und Reiseplanung.
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Tags: HR, COVID19
SAP Teams up with Microsoft - Great news for SuccessFactors Customers
February 02, 2021
The recent announcement of a closer collaboration between SAP and Microsoft to integrate MS Teams with SAP solutions like SuccessFactors or S4 HANA was certainly welcomed by most customers:
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Tags: Cloud, HR
SAP to partially sell Qualtrics in IPO, but remain majority owner
July 27, 2020
In this official statement from yesterday (Sunday, 26th July), SAP and Qualtrics anounce that SAP will sell a minority share of Qualtrics through an IPO. This is probably unexpected for most people and it remains to be seen, what it means.
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Tags: CRM, HR
Turboboost digital HR: Webinars from Cloud Payroll to Candidate Experience
May 25, 2020
Adessa celebrates the fact that a solid foundation for your digital HR strategy and Human Experience Management can actually be fun and engaging with a real fireworks of webinars. The spotlight is on the basics that most of us have in our minds in the box labelled "not very exciting, but must work". I agree with the second part, but beg to differ on the first one, because the foundation of your digital HR strategy can also be engaging and provide a great user experience. Indeed, it has to do so, because for digital transformation to succeed, user adoption and buy-in are paramount. Yes, we are talking about
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Tags: Management, HR, Payroll
Listen to Your Employees, on Your Journey to “Re-Launch”: Qualtrics “Return to Work” Pulse
May 19, 2020
SAP Qualtrics is offering several free XM (Experience Management) solutions to help organisations manage the changes enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest addition is the “Return to Work Pulse” meant to provide data and insights for business leaders and HR to prepare and execute the journey to the new normal whilst taking employee feedback and sentiment on board. Supporting, what I call the “Re-Launch” phase with a positive employee experience.
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Tags: HR
Working from Home: an Opportunity at Risk of Being Reduced to a Cost Cutting Exercise
May 02, 2020
Working from home will and should become more common even when the Corona pandemic is over - I have very little doubt about this. But organisations using it as a convenient cost cutting exercise without looking at the big picture, will do so at their own peril.
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Tags: HR
Remote Working Experience: Putting People First
March 20, 2020
Some guidance and tips on the free Remote Working Survey from Qualtrics
SAP Qualtrics is offering a number of free XM (Experience Management) solutions to help organisations manage the changes enforced by the COVID-19 epidemic. You find an overview of the rapidly changing and expanding offering on this link: heretohelp initiative.
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Tags: HR, COVID19
Watch out! Critical Gaps in Your Retention and Succession Program!
March 02, 2020
According to Harvard Business Review most retention (and succession) programs focus on current and future leaders, but ignore 3 roles, which are imo often even more important, because their skills are less generic than leadership skills...
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Tags: HR
Candidate&Onboarding Experience: Sneak Preview Video
February 27, 2020
Leverage Qualtrics and SAP SuccessFactors to maximise use of X-Data and O-Data to drive improvement
The Human Experience journey along the talent life cycle starts with Recruiting and Onboarding. This experience not only needs to be positive, but also consistent. It’s no good creating expectations during the candidate journey that clash with reality later on.
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Tags: Management, HR, Recruiting
2 Systems, 3 Experiences, 8 Moments for World Class Recruiting
February 25, 2020
Driving Candidate and Onboarding Experience with SAP SuccessFactors and Qualtrics
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Tags: Management, HR, Recruiting
Driving Candidate and Onboarding Experience with SAP SuccessFactors and Qualtrics
Adessa Group
February 19, 2020
Candidate and Onboarding experience drives Employer Brand as well as Product/Service Brand
Most organisations are aware of the need for a positive candidate experience in their recruiting process to drive a positive employer brand and make sure they keep getting the best candidates. Some organisations are also seeing the impact of candidate experience on their overall brand image (“If we reject little Peter as an apprentice, the whole family stops buying our cars”). So, there certainly is a return on investment into a good experience for all candidates to:
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Tags: Culture, HR, Recruiting
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central: Echter Mehrwert statt technischer Pflichtübung
February 08, 2020
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central (EC) wird oft reduziert auf seine Rolle als Fundament für die anderen, “aufregenden” Module. Das ist natürlich ein wichtiges Element, aber bei weitem nicht alles.
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Tags: Cloud, HR
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central: Get Business Value, not just a Tech Platform
February 08, 2020
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central (EC) is often reduced to the foundation needed to make best use of the other, more "exciting" SuccessFactors modules. Whilst this is an important aspect, it's far from being the full picture.
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Tags: Cloud, HR
Candidate Experience and Beyond
December 23, 2019
Improving Candidate Experience is high up on the agenda of many organisations as they are struggling to find the right candidates. Our recent webinar on using Qualtrics and SAP SuccessFactors to improve Candidate Experience attracted a record number of registrations, confirming this trend.
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Tags: HR, Recruiting
360 Feedback: using Qualtrics EX or SAP SuccessFactors PMGM
November 06, 2019
Apparently, Qualtrics Employee Experience and SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals have a competing offering for 360 Feedback. So, given the choice, which one is better? From an isolated perspective, there is very little going for the SuccessFactors 360 in this context. The Qualtrics solutions beats it hands-down on User Experience, flexibility and analytics.
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Tags: Cloud, HR
Qualtrics Integration with SAP SuccessFactors: State of the Union
Adessa Group
September 18, 2019
The Union between SAP and Qualtrics is now 8 months old, so where does it stand from a SuccessFactors Integration point of view? And what can we do to combine Qualtrics with SuccessFactors data and events.
In a nutshell: even now, it’s early days, but there is a credible and comprehensive plan for integrations in place starting 2020. This leaves short and midterm solutions to be deployed by SAP Qualtrics Partners, such as Adessa Group.
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Tags: Cloud, HR
Musings on Performance Management (1)
August 17, 2019
It takes our planet roughly 365 days to circumvent the sun once. But why are we using this as a benchmark for all tasks our employees are meant to perform, when setting their objectives?
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Tags: HR
SuccessFactors Cloud Transformation: Who's Directing Your Journey?
July 04, 2019
SAP SuccessFactors and Qualtrics Employee Experience should go hand in hand
What to prioritise as a SAP HCM customer: Upgrade2Success or Qualtrics?
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, HR
Video: HR Analytics with Qualtrics and SuccessFactors X+O Data
June 03, 2019
Whilst everybody is talking about combining operational HR Data (O-Data) from SAP SuccessFactors and SAP HCM with Employee Experience Data (X-Data) from Qualtrics, most people still wait (aka: do nothing) for a big hairy analytics tool to do everything or analyse (aka: do nothing) the integration options.
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Tags: Analytics, HR
Combine X-Data & O-Data Today with SAP SuccessFactors & Qualtrics EX
May 27, 2019
Ever since Qualtrics joined the SAP Universe we are hearing that combining “X-Data” (Experience Data) and “O-Data” (Operational Data) is the way forward. From an HR point of view, X-Data would be Employee Experience data (or Candidate Experience data) from Qualtrics EX and O-Data would come from SAP SuccessFactors or SAP HCM.
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Tags: Analytics, Cloud, HR
SuccessFactors Implementation Partners: Not that Bad After All?
April 23, 2019
Verfied customer feedback from Raven Intel: SuccessFactors customers more satisifed with implementation partners than Workday customers
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Tags: Cloud, HR
What the Armed Forces Taught me About SAP HCM Migration to the Cloud
April 03, 2019
As with any journey, transformational or otherwise, knowing your starting point is crucial for your Cloud HR migration journey. It seems this holds particularly true for organisations starting with an SAP HCM solution, mainly because the typical(!) SAP HCM customer is very different from a typical(!) first generation cloud customer (SuccessFactors or others). Being used to a very comprehensive system like SAP HCM that allows customers huge flexibility (often more than is good for them) creates a peculiar starting position regarding the level of automation, process variation, tolerance for exceptions, data complexity as well as expectations and mindsets.
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Tags: Cloud, HR, Change Management
Do we Even Know, What Really Tough Change Feels Like?
December 07, 2018
Maybe the headline is slightly provocative. It's meant to be - for "us": employees and line managers working in Europe, North America, Japan and other rich coutries. Of course I'm fully aware that managing change in large organisations can be very hard. The pace of change makes it challenging for many individuals to adopt and there is huge pressure contributing to the increasing number of mental illness cases (although, as often as not, the pressure comes from resistance against change even more than from the change itsself). In any case: I'm the first person to acknowledge that the ongoing change inside as well as outside the workplace is very challenging for many of us, even in the "rich world". However, last month, I met some people, who've mastered positive change on a completely different scale.
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Tags: Change Management, Culture
There is a Workforce Side to Digital Transformation and You Ignore it a Your Peril
SAP Community Network
May 25, 2016
There is huge change ahead and it’s just as well that your business strategy is recognising that and finds ways to exploit rather than suffer from it. However, the old truism “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is still just that: true.
If Digital Transformation is at the heart of your business strategy, but not at the heart of your culture – or, worse: opposed by your culture, then you’ll be in troubled waters soon – or in the doldrums.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, HR
Concur: Travel & Expense Management with SAP
SAP Press
March 31, 2017
New York. Tokyo. Dubai. Berlin. If your business is on the go, learn how to get the most out of Concur Travel, Concur Expense, and Concur Request! Set up this cloud solution to reflect your travel policies, and then learn how to plan trips, settle expenses, and manage critical approvals. Analyze your T&E spending with standard and custom reports and then integrate Concur with SAP solutions and third-party apps. With this guide, you’ll make your T&E processes quick and effective!
Set up and use Concur Travel, Concur Expense, and Concur Request
Find out how to optimize your T&E policies with Concur
Integrate Concur with SAP solutions and third-party apps and services
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, HR
Mastering HR Management with SAP ERP HCM
January 01, 2009
This new updated and enhanced edition of the definitive guide to SAP ERP HCM, is written to teach HR managers, functional users, project managers, and others working with HCM about how to use and customize it throughout the entire HR process from recruiting personnel to transferring HR data to accounting – all based on the current release SAP ERP 6.0. This is the one resource the HR team needs to get the most out of their HCM implementation.
Each chapter covers one HCM component and deals with the respective steps in the HR process from recruiting to personnel controlling. For each component related business principles, case studies, best practices, customizing steps, integration aspects, and role concepts are presented. And many new important and timely additions have been added to this third edition, including e-Recruiting, internal monitoring systems (think of Sarbanes-Oxley-Act), and the continuous integration of SAP NetWeaver Portal.
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Tags: HR, Payroll, Recruiting
SAP Personalwirtschaft für Anwender
SAP PRESS / Galileo Press
July 28, 2004
Alle für Sie wichtigen Themengebiete des SAP-Systems werden Ihnen schrittweise, detailliert und leicht verständlich erläutert. Viele Screenshots, anschauliche Beispiele sowie zusätzliche Tipps und Tricks versetzen Sie in die Lage, Ihre Arbeit im HR-Bereich einfach und effizient zu gestalten.
Neben den Grundlagen und der Navigation in SAP R/3 vermittelt Ihnen das Buch so beispielsweise das notwendige Wissen für die Personaladministration, für Reports und Queries, die Zeitwirtschaft, die Entgeltabrechnung und auch das Reisekostenmanagement.
Aus dem Inhalt:
Personaladministration: Stammdatenpflege, relevante Infotypen, Maßnahmen u.v.m.
Reports und Queries
Zeitwirtschaft: Erfassung und Auswertung von Zeitdaten, Zeitabrechnung, TMW u.v.m.
Organisationsmanagement: Erfassung und Auswertung der Unternehmensstrukturen u.v.m.
Reisemanagement: Reisekostenabrechnung u.v.m.
Employee Self Service (ESS)
Manager’s Desktop (MDT)
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Tags: HR, IT Operations, Recruiting
Drive Talent Growth and Internal Mobility with SAP SuccessFactors Opportunity Marketplace
Eventful People
March 19, 2023
The Vision: SAP SuccessFactors Supporting The Whole Self Model
Opportunity Marketplace: The Idea
Opportunity Marketplace: The Scope Today
Opportunity Marketplace: System Demo
Opportunity Marketplace: Prerequisites and Setup
Your Road to Added Value by September 2023
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, HR
Modernise Time & Attendance Management with SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking
Eventful People
March 19, 2023
Time and Attendance (T&A) is a critical application for most organisations as it’s not only directly impacting payroll, but also shaping employees’ experience on day to day basis with more touch points than most other HR solutions. T&A has also been considered a weak spot in the SAP SuccessFactors Suite until recently. With the new Time Tracking module, this gap is closing fast. It’s not only user friendly with a modern look&feel compared to the SAP HCM on-premise solution, but also comes with a broad and growing set of features.
In the first part of this session, we’ll have a brief look at the big picture of Time&Attendance in the SAP HXM architecture.
In the second part, we’ll explain the full scope of the Time & Attendance solution in SAP SuccessFactors looking at processes, user experience, typical calculations and flexibility. This part includes a live demo showing absence and attendance recording, calculations in the time sheet and time admin view as well as a brief glimpse into configuration. In this part we’ll touch upon these points:
• Work schedules
• Absence recording and leave requests
• Time recording incl. clock-in clock-out and mobile recording
• Time accounts and flextime cycles
• Weekly and monthly time collectors
• Calculation of overtime, pay types, time accounts
• Input-Validations and alerts
• Approval processes incl. single record approval
• Time administrator view
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Tags: Cloud, HR, Payroll
ORBIS People GmbH
March 01, 2023
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Tags: Cloud, HR, Recruiting
Determine your HR Technology Strategy with SAP Solutions
Eventful People
April 11, 2022
During the last few years, we’ve seen lots of changes in SAP’s HR related product roadmap. New solutions, new versions, new names, new delivery options and new timelines have left some customers confused. And yet, at the end of the day what feels overwhelming or confusing at first sight is actually something positive; a wide set of choices for customers to pick from to match their own business needs, timelines and resource constraints. In this session, we’ll cut through the sometimes confusing marketing speak and complex options and help you to identify the best option and roadmap for your organisation.
This session if for you, if you are facing one or some of these questions:
• Can we still use SAP ECC HCM, if finance and logistics move to S/4HANA?
• Should we migrate to Employee Central Payroll or Sap Next Generation Payroll?
• Can I still use SAP HCM Time Management in the cloud?
• How’s SAP HCM for S/4 HANA different from SAP ECC HCM and do we have to upgrade this year?
• Should we use Hybrid Scenarios with SAP SuccessFactors and on-premise HCM?
• What is the benefit of the private cloud edition?
• Why move to the cloud at all?
• We are unhappy with our outsourced payroll provider. Can Sap technology help?
• What is HXM?
• We’ve implemented the SuccessFactors Suite. What now?
We’ll explain all the building blocks in SAP’s HCM/HXM universe and then walk you through the various scenarios with SAP ECC HCM, SAP HCM for S/4HANA, SAP SuccessFactors and other solutions.
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Tags: Cloud, HR, IT Strategy
Tips for Migrating from the SAP ERP Human Capital Management to SuccessFactors HXM
SuccessConnect EMEA & APAC by SAP SE
October 13, 2021
Learn about the SAP Human Experience Management Movement program, which focuses on helping customers using the SAP ERP Human Capital Management solution move to the cloud to successfully adapt to the changing needs in digital HR
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Tags: Cloud, HR
Dear HR, what's your role in Digital Transformation?
The Eventful Group
March 13, 2017
Session at the "Mastering HR and Payroll with SAP" conference in Johannesburg, South Africa
This session explores the major elements of Digital Transformation and how the HR function can benefit as well as drive (or inhibit) the necessary change.
The session has a particular focus, but is not limited to the role of HR Technology using SAP SuccessFactors as an example in line with the main theme of the conference.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, HR
SAP HCM in the context of end-of-maintenance, SAP S/4HANA and SuccessFactors HXM
September 26, 2023
For many customers using SAP HCM, the announced end of maintenance raises various questions about the optimal roadmap:
When should the switch to HCM for S/4HANA take place?
Can the switch be completely bypassed with the help of the SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite?
What are the dependencies on S/4HANA planning with SAP ERP?
What does this mean for the medium and long-term planning of your HR systems?
We answer these questions, as well as the following topics, in our webcast.
Contents of the webcast
What are the maintenance deadlines for SAP HCM: 2027, 2030 or even 2025?
What does the changeover to SAP HCM mean for S/4HANA and how quickly should it take place?
How can an optimal roadmap be planned in a hybrid approach with SAP SuccessFactors?
What role do the cloud solutions for payroll accounting (EC Payroll, Next Generation Payroll), time management and workforce planning/personnel cost planning play?
When might the SAP Private Cloud Edition (PCE) be worthwhile?
Are there scenarios in which the switch to HCM for S/4HANA is superfluous?
What are typical roadmaps depending on the company-specific context and strategy?
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Tags: Digital Transformation, HR, IT Strategy
SAP HXM Mornings 13: SAP SuccessFactors Analytics & Story Reporting
ORBIS People GmbH
January 17, 2022
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Tags: Analytics, Cloud, HR
SAP HXM Mornings 12: What is Rise with SAP for HXM?
ORBIS People GmbH
January 05, 2022
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, HR
ORBIS People GmbH
November 11, 2021
Ganz gleich, ob Sie
bisher SAP ERP HCM nutzen und eine vollständige oder teilweise Cloud-Migration erwägen
bereits SAP SuccessFactors einsetzen und die Reise für die kommenden Jahre planen
die Möglichkeiten in der on-premise-Lösung im Kontext S/4HANA prüfen
oder bzgl. Ihrer digitalen HR Strategie noch ganz offen sind
Dieser Webcast wird Ihnen bei Entscheidungsfindung und Planung helfen.
Wir betrachten insbesondere folgende Themen:
SAP Produktportfolio im HCM/HXM
Roadmap und Wartungsstrategie für on-premise Lösungen
Überblick SAP SuccessFactors
Hybridszenarien (SuccessFactors und SAP ERM HCM) sowie Integration
die Rolle von SAP Analytics Cloud, Business Technology Platform, Workzone und weiteren Lösungen
spezielle Optionen für Entgeltabrechnung und Zeitwirtschaft
Einfluss von S/4HANA, „Rise with SAP“ und „HXM Move“.
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Tags: Cloud, Digital Disruption, HR
SAP HXM Mornings 11: Why is SuccessFactors Integration so complicated?
ORBIS People GmbH
September 23, 2021
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Tags: Cloud, ERP, HR
Reinventing Candidate Experience with Qualtrics & SuccessFactors
Adessa Group
December 19, 2019
Improving Candidate Experience is a top priority for many organizations, and there is no wonder why: the recruiting process offers a glimpse of the company culture.
A great Candidate Experience is key for a positive employer brand and future recruiting success. And feedback from candidates, whether they were successful or not, is what drives excellence.
Sven Ringling, from Adessa Group, presented a webinar on Reinventing Candidate Experience with Qualtrics & SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting, with the purpose of understanding how organizations can achieve a world class recruiting process.
Qualtrics, together with SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting, gives the opportunity to have an end-to-end process, feedback based, where candidates can directly help you improve your talent acquisition process.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, HR, Future of Work