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Donald Allen

Founder, CEO at

United States, Vietnam

Do you want to make the world a safer place ...or simply become a little bit famous? Why not both?

My name is Donald Allen. I am multiple times bestselling author and cybersecurity evangelist.

Here goes…

I am working on a new cybersecurity book at the moment, and I am looking to interview the battle-tested, most erudite, and fascinating experts here:

If you agree, you will be in the good company of contributors that work(ed) at Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, StealthMail, Gartner, HBO, Bank of America, PepsiCo, United Nations, Xerox, Nokia, UNICEF, Walmart, AIG, BearingPoint, Netscape, DHL, Verizon, Capital One, Morgan Stanley, WebMD, Airbus Group, KPMG, Ernst & Young, PwC, Deloitte ...the list goes on.

My target audience for this book is the average Joe and Jane. So this book even might make your life a little bit easier, especially if you have colleagues still clicking on nasty phishing links or using flash drives found on the street...

My unique approach is to create interesting and fun to read guide for mature minds that seek good advice and not to be lectured.

Let's make this world a safer place together! *You know you want to.*

Just choose your timezone and schedule our call today:

It's quick and easy. Thanks!

Donald Allen
#1 Bestselling Author, Cybersecurity Evangelist, Consultant

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Da Nang, Vietnam
Speaking Topics: Cybersecurity, Marketing, Sales, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Donald Allen Points
Academic 0
Author 183
Influencer 176
Speaker 10
Entrepreneur 40
Total 409

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

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Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: N/A
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Business Continuity 30.12
Business Strategy 30.54
Cybersecurity 37.89
Digital Transformation 30.28
EdTech 30.96
Emerging Technology 30.05
Entrepreneurship 31.33
Leadership 32.38
Marketing 33.79
Public Relations
Risk Management 30.91
Sales 30.10
Startups 31.36

Industry Experience

Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


27 Article/Blogs
Not A Day Without A Deed
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
October 28, 2020

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing

Why do we usually understand the importance of things when it's too late?
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
August 11, 2020

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Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing

How My Friend Bob Became A Boob
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
July 23, 2020
My friend Bob isn’t exactly America's Next Bob Model...

But one time he misspelled his own name and became the most popular guy in the office.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

How My Friend Bob Almost Got Fired For Sending Private Data Over Email
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
June 17, 2020
"Hey Donald, yesterday I went to buy some camouflage trousers, but I couldn’t find any. Ha-ha, get it? I couldn’t because...

...they're camouflage."

This is exactly the kind of thing you hear every morning if you are working with a guy like my friend Bob.

I still can’t fathom how can one man generate all these cringy puns?

There was one time when Bob seriously screwed up at work.

He has sent some client’s personal information, including social security number, over email.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

SMTP Should Really Stand For "Simple Method To Peek"​
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
June 09, 2020
"SMTP Should Really Stand For "Simple Method To Peek" by Donald Allen, FREE Cybersecurity Tips -

To peek at our email correspondence... Here is why.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

How The Big Bad Wolf Bypassed 2FA
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
May 25, 2020
Now even your kid can understand why #MultiFactorAuthentication is so important. It turns out this classic fairy tale teaches about it. But don't take my word for it. Just read this short story right now.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

This Is Where I Get My Motivation
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
May 20, 2020
During my interviews with senior #cybersecurity leaders that protect(ed) the companies like Amazon, Microsoft, United Nations, UNICEF, HBO, and many others... I asked:

What keeps you motivated?

9 out of 10 told me these three things...

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Email Is Like A Cockroach - It Is Tough To Kill
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
May 13, 2020
Whether someone should kill it or not is a matter for another discussion.

But not many people would argue that something has to be changed about it.

What makes me so sure?

91% of successful cyberattacks start with email.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Bad Times Don't Last But The Bad Guys Do
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
April 28, 2020
Would it be such a bad idea to share some Friday reflections about life?

On the first thought, you may think you don’t need any of that stuff on Friday of all days.

You suffered enough through a week and you can see yourself stepping past that finishing line and dropping on a couch.

I feel you.


I want only one thing from weekends…

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Can You Name The Biggest Weakness Of The Largest Companies?
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
April 22, 2020

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

That Smelly Smell of Bob’s Cyber-Hygiene
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
April 15, 2020
My friend Bob always asks me if everyone's information is exposed to the Illuminati group.

If everyone is on the radar of higher-ups when online.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Unbearable Bob And His Hatred Towards Russian Hackers
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
March 18, 2020
"Unbearable Bob And His Hatred Towards Russian Hackers" by Donald Allen, FREE Cybersecurity Tips -

Once upon a time, my friend Bob shocked me with his political correctness.

Just out of the blue, he said:

- You know, I hate those damn Russians, Donald. I heard they can hack anyone in five minutes, is that true?

- They would only need five seconds to hack you, my friend.
Bob is one passive-aggressive bloke when it comes to outsiders.

He thinks hashtag#cybersecurity threats come only from the lands far away and from countries he doesn’t like.

The fact is, insider threats are more likely to happen.

75% of hashtag#cyberattacks are inside jobs and they are often harder to detect. Those are your disgruntled workers and know-nothing authorities.

And as much as a know-nothing part applies to Bob, his working position doesn’t fall down into that category.

It doesn’t mean he will get off easy this time though...

Discover what happened to Bob this time in my new LinkedIn article.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

H.U.L.K. SMASH! How One Warrior Can Help You To Defeat An Army of Cyber Threats
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
March 17, 2020
H.U.L.K. SMASH! How One Warrior Can Help You To Defeat An Army of Cyber Threats

hashtag#Cybercriminals are ready to release the trigger and strike right when you least expect it. ️

But don’t worry, my hashtag#cyber-friend...

While they have an army,
You have a H.U.L.K.!

H.U.L.K. is based on Chuck Brooks' four guiding pillars for Chief Information Security Officers.

Learn more in my latest article via the link below.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

How I Got Into Cybersecurity (true story)
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
March 15, 2020
7:32 AM.

I woke up after a long night of typing and brainstorming.

One yawn later I already had a mobile phone in my hand.

I was waiting for an important email from my business partner.

But what I found in my inbox was far more important than some update on my book.

I received an email with my password in the subject line.

Read the rest in the LinkedIn article below...

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Patch Hard
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
March 10, 2020

A bunch of hackers can bring havoc and terror to the entire country. And now it turns out that the US government operates using computers and software that has not been updated for years.

Donald Allen
FREE Cybersecurity Tips:

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Tags: Business Strategy, Cybersecurity, Risk Management

All Hacks Lead To EMAIL. Here Is Why.
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
February 25, 2020

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Chuck Brooks Shares His Numero Uno Cybersecurity Secret
February 14, 2020
“What is the number one secret about cybersecurity you wish people would know, especially in the corporate world?”

I asked Chuck Brooks, named Top Tech person to follow by LinkedIn and Forbes contributor, during our interview for my new book.

What was his answer?

You’ll discover in a second. Just continue reading.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, EdTech, Risk Management

How Many Hackers Does It Take To Turn Google Maps Into A Weapon?
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
February 08, 2020
Dear Friend,

Imagine, a hacker could change your travel route and thus lure you into a trap.

It sounds scary, isn't it?

But here's the kicker, you don't even have to be a world-class hacker to do this.

Here's why...

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Cryptography Secrets That Still Hold Up Despite Being 136 Years Old
February 02, 2020
“A cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system (except the key) is public knowledge.”

Well said.

But what’s really interesting is WHEN it was said.

The author of these words is Auguste Kerckhoffs.

He is the Netherlands born cryptographer from the 19th century.

Auguste Kerckhoffs wrote two articles for the “La Cryptographie Militaire” journal in 1883. What amazes me, his principles for military-grade ciphers are relevant to this day.

See for yourself.

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Tags: Business Continuity, Cybersecurity, Risk Management

Books vs. Movies Debate Highlights Who Is More Likely To Get HACKED
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
December 02, 2019
I like the saying "don’t judge a book by its movie."

It’s ridiculous, yet it highlights that many of us make this mistake.

I’m not trying to say that books break movies over the knee just like that, no. I totally understand the vocal part that would rather watch something in the cinema. Heck, it’s not even appropriate to compare the two, because as Stephen King once said, they are like apples and oranges.

While I enjoy both, I consider myself a book guy, and you’ll find out why by the end of this post.

But let me play the role of the movie’s advocate for a moment.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Honest Advice About Cybersecurity Awareness Courses With No “Mr. Robot” Spoilers
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
November 26, 2019
I am not a fan of undermining the works of others, or saying that all our work is in vain because I bump into such objections all the time, but…

"Cybersecurity awareness courses as we know them today should relieve a complete makeover."
- Donald Allen

It’s not even about the tone we talk to our users, but the format we cater the actual content in.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Cybersecurity, Marketing

"The Mythbusters"​ Approach I Apply For Cybersecurity Education
November 25, 2019
By now everyone and their grandma have seen or at least heard about a TV show called "The Mythbusters."

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Tags: Cybersecurity, EdTech, Risk Management

The Soapy Nature of Email: How To Make Cyber Hygiene Somewhat Interesting
November 22, 2019
Statistics about people not washing their hands is almost as disturbing as statistics about the scope of email threats.
1 in 5 people don’t wash their hands, and 3 of them are liars.

Ok, I’m kidding, but every joke has a little joke in it, the rest is true.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Sales

What’s Wrong With Simulated Phishing And Why You Need To Try Something New
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
November 21, 2019
Cybersecurity awareness training.


Three words that work better than a pack of sleeping pills.

Pills and cybersecurity awareness training actually have a lot in common. Lots of long words, hiding symptoms for a little bit, and in some cases even causing side effects.

Yet there’s one thing that they don’t have in common...

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Tags: Business Strategy, Cybersecurity, Emerging Technology

Cyber Monsters That Live All Year Long
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
November 01, 2019
I would like to run with an idea I got during one watercooler conversation:

How To Explain Popular Email Threats Using Images Of Halloween Monsters

It’s not that serious, but it’s good for establishing an association for an average user.

I searched the Internet for some ideas, and here’s what I got in the end. I used some of the Most Overused Attacks on Email and combined them with their monster counterparts.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

2 Books
Cyber Conditioning: The Complete Self-Defense Guide Against Hackers And All Kinds Of Cybercriminals
Donald Allen
January 01, 2021

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Chuck Brooks’ Top 10 Cybersecurity Secrets
Donald Allen
January 01, 2021

See publication

Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

3 eBooks
Email Pennywise: What Horror Movie “IT” Can Teach Us About Cybersecurity
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
January 15, 2021
Email Pennywise:
What Horror Movie “IT” Can Teach Us About Cybersecurity

IT is scary. Both the movie and information technology.

I can see a lot of similarities between both things, actually, and I thought I would share something with you on the eve of Halloween. Here’s a quasi movie scene review, with a pinch of security advice and some uncanny parallel drawing...

Donald Allen

#it #cybersecurity #informationsecurity #cisos #ciso #dataprivacy #datasecurity #emailsecurity #freebies #infosec #humanerror

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials
Donald Allen
March 05, 2020

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Marketing, Risk Management

The Secret Way Of Rubbing The Magic Lamp: How To Make All Your Dreams Come True
Donald Allen via LinkedIn
February 12, 2020
Today I want to share with you a story about how I found the Aladdin Lamp (for real.) The best part?

I will share with you a secret of how you can find it too.

Check out the document below and let me know what you think in the comments.

#Love. #Gratitude. #Inspiration.

Donald Allen

FREE #Cybersecurity Tips

#motivationoftheday #motivationalquote #motivationalwords #inspirationoftheday #motivationquote #motivationalspeakers #quotesoftheday #leadershipspeaker #leadershipspeaker #inspirationalquote #motivation

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Tags: Cybersecurity, EdTech, Marketing

2 Founders
Donald Allen Cybersecurity,
Donald Allen
December 01, 2019
Donald Allen is a humble #1 bestselling author on (24 March 2016), cybersecurity evangelist, and cyber marketing phenom.

It is his mission to help people realize how awful things can get if they don’t respect the power of the digital world. And that’s why he works hard every day to help people master the art of cyber-hygiene, so they can stay out of the hacker’s reach.

Donald's areas of expertise:
- Writing
- Marketing
- Copywriting
- Communication
- Personal Branding
- Content Marketing
- Sales & Negotiation
- Teaching, Consulting, Coaching
- Cybersecurity Awareness Training

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Marketing, Entrepreneurship

Intellekt - IT Training Center
November 14, 2008
From 2008 to 2012 built one of the best IT educational centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. In 2012 sold my shares to my business partner and co-founder of the Intellekt.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Marketing, Startups

1 Keynote
“The Art of Email Security”, Donald Allen, Senior Cybersecurity Evangelist
CIS Events Group
October 17, 2019
BIT-2019, October 17, 2020, Rivne, Ukraine. BIT-2019 is one of the major events in the domestic ICT market. International Grand Forum «Around the Data Center. Around the Clouds. Around IoT. Around IP. Around Security. Around the Cable. FTTx Academy». A unique industry event featuring a comprehensive approach, content quality and unique atmosphere will bring together the best representatives of the ICT community and the business environment of the region.

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Tags: Business Strategy, Cybersecurity, Marketing

1 Media Interview
Why email security? Why? - Cyber Synapse Podcast
Cyber Synapse Podcast by Catherine Knibbs
November 12, 2020
In this episode, Donald helps you understand how to create passwords that you can remember, why you need to keep your webcam covered when not in use and why you need to protect your emails as a priority. How criminals socially engineer their emails to phish you and why these are getting much more sophisticated. Why public wifi is an issue and what you need to know about these hotspots!

Why if you won or run a business you need to ensure your staff are aware of these issues, How emails work, why you need to know about servers,

Here is Donald's website in case you didn't catch it the show so you can get his book:

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

1 Podcast
How To Become A Cybersecurity Genius: Interview with Dennis Di Toro
Donald Allen
July 14, 2020
Here's the origin story of Dennis Di Toro, creator of the Comprehensive Governance Model (CGM).

Basically, Dennis invented CGM as an evolution of the Zero Trust.

That's why it's so impressive. ️

In case you forgot, #ZeroTrust is an #inforsec framework, which states that organizations should not trust any entity inside or outside of their perimeter at any time. And it's a very hot topic right now.

In this video, you will discover:

- How Dennis Di Toro started his career
- What was prior HTTP and the advent of WWW
- How to make fun while learning
- What devices Dennis installed for the Federal Reserve
- How Cisco ethically stole customers from the startup Dennis worked with
- How Dennis got to manage DHL's network in 172 countries
- What should you focus on to win in cybersecurity
- And more...

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

1 Webinar
Cybersecurity Round-Table: "The Dangers Of A Remote Work Revolution"
Donald Allen
April 02, 2020
April 2, 8 PM (ET) / 5 PM (PT), I invite you to join a discussion with Mark Lynd, Terry Cutler, Alexandre BLANC, Douglas Concepcion, Alex Sharpe, Joe Leonard, Dennis Leber, and other industry leaders.

Cybersecurity Round-Table:
"The Dangers Of A Remote Work Revolution"

Register for FREE today:

Your host: Donald Allen

Even though it's an online event, the number of seats is limited. Save your spot today:

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Leadership, Marketing

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