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Veronica Lysaght

Founder and Director at Leading with Humanity

LONDON, United Kingdom

Veronica Lysaght is the founder of Leading with Humanity. She believes that courageous, compassionate and inspiring leadership is needed to deal with the crises we face in the world at the moment and that this style of leading is something we can all achieve. Her mission is to play her part in making leading with humanity an everyday reality.
She has a background in business, journalism, counselling and association management. She is an ICF certified Integral coach and has more than 20 years’ experience coaching.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: London, United Kingdom
Speaking Topics: Leading with Humanity, Women Leaders, What really makes a difference in leadership

Veronica Lysaght Points
Academic 0
Author 61
Influencer 23
Speaker 6
Entrepreneur 0
Total 90

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Change Management
Culture 30.06
Diversity and Inclusion
Future of Work
Health and Wellness 35.15
Leadership 30.09

Industry Experience

Higher Education & Research
Professional Services


1 Article/Blog
Coaching at Work
December 01, 2020
Review of the Coaching at Work Annual conference for 2020. Write up of the day's masterclasses.

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, Coaching

1 Book
The Sun Will Shine again, Stories of survival and optimism in the face of Mental Illness
Schizophrenia Fellowship
May 24, 1999
Stories of people with mental illness and their carers.

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness

1 Media Interview
Use the 'great pause' to capture life stories
Psychologies Magazine
April 24, 2020
Interview with Psychologies magazine about capturing the stories of those we love. Or how to start a biography service.

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness

1 Speaking Engagement
Leading with Humanity
The Justice Conference
April 05, 2021
It’s not policies on climate change, pandemics or inequality that will make the difference to our societies, but having those in authority lead and make decisions based on how those decisions impact people.

In this presentation, Veronica Lysaght advocates for leading with humanity, arguing that we all have a responsibility to act with compassion, kindness and courage in whatever work we do.
This topic is essential for the Social Justice conference; as our political and social systems face challenges, it is up to each of us to be stewards for the future, to be advocates for leading with humanity and to be aware of how we lead and the impact this has on other people and the planet.
Veronica’s presentation is based on her original research interviewing those who are leading for social good. She presents the results of the research and what we can do to implement these behaviours in our lives.
Participants will be challenged to think about how a crisis of leadership is actually the biggest challenge facing humanity and to recognise their role in addressing this.

See publication

Tags: Culture, Leadership

1 Webinar
Leading with Humanity
Be Choose Cause conference
September 09, 2020
Presentation of original research with participants from all around the world who're doing good about how they lead.

See publication

Tags: Leadership

Thinkers360 Credentials

1 Badge



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