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Simon Haigh

Founder at

Greater Dublin, Ireland

The Growth Strategist- I help you achieve personal & professional success; Thinkers 360 nominated; LeaderHum Top#100 Series- Mindful Negotiation

-Helping you become the leader you want to be by increasing your confidence, business, brand & leadership presence’. 5 star author, former lawyer, global CEO, successful entrepreneur, sat on 5 boards & currently advisor to 3 in US and Ireland; featured on BBC. Recognized global expert: negotiation, deals, business, leadership, mindset, brand growth

"Simon has amazing capacity for innovation " Dr Margot Wood, Australia

-CONTACT Dublin, London, UK/I & Perth, Australia

-I help unlock, build & sustain growth. Driven through trauma with a strong awareness of resilience, purpose & high performance mindset capabilities (contributing writer ISME business advisor

-Endorsed by world no. 1 leadership thinker M Goldsmith, Brand Finance, high performing leaders, companies, business schools, organizations, Gvt bodies for my work in unlocking potential, creating transformational change & growth

-Certified leadership coach & mediator, consultant, trainer, lecturer, mentor, author, speaker, media host, 6 sigma green, yellow belt & certified project manager

-Tri-qualified (UK/I, Oz) lawyer & entrepreneur - built & sold out of tech, luxury (Haigh & Hastings watches and others), travel. Been a C-suite (NANA, Dell, BHP, Xilinx, Eneabba Gas) exec - 4 continents, 27 years

-3 Amazon Books
How to be a better Dealcloser
Dealmaking for Corporate Growth-both with foreword by M Goldsmith
Contract Law in an E-commerce Age

-Keynote Speaker: Aus, US, UK/I, Canada, China: World Forums; UK Law Soc; Ireland TechConnect 2019; NI Small Business Conference 2019; Brand Forum 2019; Start Up, Scale-up Summit - UK 2020; Bogu Investment Summit - China, 2021; ABC TV, BBC, Radio-Dublin City, Co-host South Dublin FM Business Eye & UK Serenity Radio

-Clients: Aviation Skillnet; ICBE; IES; Trinity-Dublin; PWC; M Goldsmith; WA Health Services; Downer; Aust SW Tourism; Taste4Success Skillnet; Southampton Uni; Manchester Uni Bus School; ATCO; ELFC; Brand Finance; Queens Uni; Kenneally Steel; Newry Chamber; The Spinery; MCS Solutions; ISME; Ulster Uni; Irish Times Training; AIESEC; Genesis Aero; Dubai Aerospace; WA Dpt Housing; TUD; Accipiter; MOQOM; WAITOC; SMBC; AMCK Aviation; UCD Smurfit Bus. School; IM3; IIEA; Culture Coworking; Fagan Office Supplies; Dublin Business School; Law Soc E&W; Royal College Surgeons Ireland; SMHHA; TrainedIn; Inspire Coaching; SteerUs; Applegreen; AIA Miami

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Dublin, Ireland
Speaking Topics: Dealmaking/Negotiation, Mindful Leadership, Resilience

Simon Haigh Points
Academic 20
Author 135
Influencer 20
Speaker 36
Entrepreneur 20
Total 231

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Coaching, Consulting, Training, Mentoring & Advisory
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 10 years
Last Media Interview: 12/29/2020

Areas of Expertise

Business Strategy 30.40
Change Management
Digital Transformation 30.13
Diversity and Inclusion 30.10
Emerging Technology 33.30
Entrepreneurship 39.29
Future of Work 30.32
Health and Wellness 31.61
Innovation 32.02
Leadership 30.74
Legal and IP 42.57
Management 35.20
Marketing 30.07
Mental Health 30.14
Sales 40.22
Social 30.11
Startups 30.20

Industry Experience

Aerospace & Defense
Consumer Products
Financial Services & Banking
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Oil & Gas
Professional Services


1 Adjunct Instructor
Various Business Schools
January 01, 2020
IES Abroad US, Trinity Ireland, Queens UK, Manchester University Dubai

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Future of Work, Management

2 Article/Blogs
Being Assertive In Business Is Critical For Success
Brainz Magazine
July 29, 2021
Engaging employees to ensure the attributes to build a cohesive & inclusive growth culture are nurtured and embedded in behaviors in a real and tangible way requires real focus and intentional action to maximize success. So, let’s go ahead and explore some practical strategies to help you embed a growth mindset and foster a cohesive and inclusive growth culture.

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Tags: Social, Marketing, Business Strategy

How to create a more gender balanced business
June 19, 2020
Simon Haigh argues that organisations need to create and maintain an environment that allows for a balance of masculine and feminine top directors and employees in an open, authentic, collaborative and inclusive way. Here’s how …

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

2 Books
How To Be A Better Dealcloser
December 04, 2018
This book provides valuable and accessible insight into the key elements required to ensure successful deal-closing.
Deals are pivotal to business growth and are being struck all the time. You won’t succeed in business without striking deals. Deal-closing is not limited to CEOs. To varying degrees and at different times, we all strike deals in business. Every person or organization engages in deal-closing at some point.

This book provides valuable and accessible insight into the key elements required to ensure successful deal-closing. It is written in an easy to read, no-nonsense style, and is easily accessible to those who are not proficient with deal closing. The chapters include real-life stories and insights from a wide spectrum of the author’s connections and experiences.

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Tags: Management, Entrepreneurship, Sales

Contract Law in an E-Commerce Age
September 01, 2001
Book on the impact of E-commerce on contract law

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Tags: Emerging Technology, Innovation, Legal and IP

1 eBook
Dealmaking for Corporate Growth
August 31, 2016
Different cultures and nationalities use different methods, processes and communication styles in dealmaking, but from the beginning of time humans have been striking deals to facilitate family, trade, community and national best interests. Although cultural differences make the deal landscape even more interesting and sometimes challenging, the key elements that facilitate a deal – selling, persuading, negotiating and signing a contract – are the same the world over. Companies around the world will continue to grow, refocus, merge – and, sometimes, retrench – through making deals. As a result, given the increasing interconnectivity – technological and otherwise – of the world’s businesses, the risks of not having a good dealmaker at the helm will increase.

The need for business leaders and decision-makers to be able to effectively identify a deal’s strategic, financial and operational value and then to execute and manage it efficiently will only accelerate in this ever-competitive world. But dealmaking is not limited to CEOs. To varying degrees and at different times, we all strike deals in business. Every person or organization engages in dealmaking at some point. Dealmaking is an active and deeply practical skill. It requires flexible and adaptable listening, reading, absorbing and summarizing skills. Given that selling and negotiating are innate human abilities, the premise of this book is that these, and other related, dealmaking skills can be significantly enhanced by following some proven steps.

This book explains the dealmaking process in a logical, step-by step way, and will help the reader to successfully execute business deals. The 7 P approach to successful business deal execution involves: Principles: Some dealmaking fundamentals; Planning: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail; Power: The power balance is pivotal to the deal; Players: Who is who on both sides of the deal; Performance: Deal performance is all; Putting it all to Bed: The deal close is critical; Pay-out or Post-mortem: Win or lose, learn for the next time. DEALMAKING FOR CORPORATE GROWTH also includes a Foreword by Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of Triggers and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, two of’s ‘100 Best Leadership and Success Books to Read in a Lifetime’.

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Sales, Business Strategy

2 Executives
Simon Haigh
January 01, 2020
The Growth Strategist

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellness, Management

January 01, 2020
GCM Advisory Global Strategy Business

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Tags: Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellness, Leadership

3 Keynotes
Bogu Investment Forum China
December 31, 2020
Simon Discusses Successfully Identifying & Closing Investment Deals Globally

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Management

Impact of Tech on Dealmaking
January 01, 2020
Impact of Tech on Dealmaking at Tech Connect Ireland 2019

See publication

Tags: Emerging Technology, Entrepreneurship, Sales

A number of keynotes globally
January 01, 2020
Simon is an inspiring and authentic keynote speaker. In addition to telling his own story of resilience and transformation, he will inspire through storytelling his unique business experiences and observations over 27 years.

Recent engagements include:

Keynote at the Start Up, Scale-Up Summit, London, 2020

Keynote at White Bear Brand Forum, London, 2019

Keynote at the Northern Ireland Small Business Conference, 2019

Tech Connect Ireland, 2019

Law Society England & Wales, 2018

Keynote at World Tourism and Economic Development Conferences in Canada and Australia, 2011-2015

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Sales

4 Media Interviews
Simon's radio and podcasts
January 01, 2020
Simon has his own show on UK Serenity Radio and co-hosts Business Eye on Dublin South F.M. He also has 4 podcast programs

See publication

Tags: Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

Future of Collaboration
January 01, 2020
Collaboration & COVID-19 – Striking the right collaboration and collaborative technology balance

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Sales

40 Interviews with 40 Global Thought Leaders
January 01, 2020
40 Interviews with 40 Global Thought Leaders

See publication

Tags: Leadership

Mindful Negotiation
January 01, 2020
Simon Haigh talks to Sumitha Mariyam about the concept of virtual deal making in this age of digitization. If you like the video, please subscribe to the channel, so we could keep producing more content like this.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Sales

4 Miscellaneouss
Driving Growth E-Learning Program
December 31, 2020
Would you like to increase your personal and business confidence?

Whether you are an SME or a multi-national, would you like to grow your business

Do you struggle with navigating the deal landscape or how to leverage the current deal flow?

Learn from us how to:

Execute your deals most effectively and ethically, cross-border or otherwise.
Improve your deal team collaboration and communication.
Enhance your deal management systems and intelligence gathering.
Design advanced deal-closing architecture and risk management.
We help organisations and key decision makers overcome deal blockages and optimise on local, regional and global outcomes.

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Sales

Simon's Blog
January 01, 2020
Simon's Blog

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Management, Sales

Mindset & Mindfulness
January 01, 2020
Contributing Writer

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Generation Entrepreni and the Emergence of New Business and Deal-Making
February 22, 2019

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Sales

1 Podcast
Stephen Kelly - Resilience in Difficult Times - Inspire 2020 Visionary Chats
May 07, 2020
“As a leader it’s our responsibility to be that beacon of light and optimism, particularly in times like now”

I am very grateful to Stephen Kelly to take the time to sit down with me and discuss how people can keep going through difficult times.

Stephen is the Ex-CEO of Sage, Micro Focus, Chordiant & Chief Operating Officer UK Government. No 1 of UK’s Most Influential Tech500 Power List, Mentor of the Year & Evening Standard Top 3 Businesspeople 2018. Stephen is a successful serial CEO with unique experience in FTSE100 & Nasdaq companies.

See publication

Tags: Management, Leadership, Mental Health

1 Speaking Engagement
Northern Ireland Small Business Conference
January 01, 2020
Simon Haigh Keynote 2019

See publication

Tags: Entrepreneurship, Sales, Startups

1 Webinar
Simon's podcasts
January 01, 2020
Simon's podcasts

See publication

Tags: Leadership, Management, Marketing

Thinkers360 Credentials

6 Badges



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Simon Haigh

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