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Jukka Ala-Mutka

Keynote Speaker at

Helsinki, Finland

Jukka Ala-Mutka is a noted thought leader in leadership, agility, and innovation; a keynote speaker, and an author, as well as an appreciated contributor to leadership and organizational culture in social media. He has founded six companies, executed change programs for large enterprises, and given hands-on training for over 200 new business ideas.

He has held the post-doctoral research fellow of Management and Organization at McGill University in Canada, a senior research fellow and lecturer at the Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University in Finland. His new book (in Finnish) – Johtajuuden rakentajat: Edelläkävijöiden kertomuksia itseohjautuvuudesta ja kokeilukulttuurista – is the research of shared leadership, self-organization, and the culture of experimentation from 12 case studies – a much-needed guide for any company that seeks to succeed through a transformation in the age of artificial intelligence. Jukka has written three books in Finnish, and the new one – The Nordic Leadership – is becoming in English in 2021. Jukka working with the critical aspects of shared leadership, growth hacking, and the culture of experimentation.

Available For: Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Helsinki, Finland
Speaking Topics: Shared Leadership, Innovation, Growth Culture and Mindset

Jukka Ala-Mutka Points
Academic 25
Author 190
Influencer 146
Speaker 41
Entrepreneur 80
Total 482

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.17
Business Strategy 36.18
Change Management 36.25
CRM 32.29
Customer Experience 30.05
Customer Loyalty 34.16
Digital Transformation 30.13
Diversity and Inclusion
Entrepreneurship 30.67
Future of Work 31.33
Innovation 32.88
Leadership 35.10
Lean Startup
Startups 30.34

Industry Experience

Engineering & Construction
Financial Services & Banking
Forest Products & Paper
High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research
Industrial Machinery & Components
Oil & Gas
Primary Metal & Steel
Professional Services


1 Academic Certification
Strategic Management of High Growth Ventures - a Venture-to-Capital Framework for Professional Entrepreneurship (2005)
Tampere University of Technology
November 01, 2005

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

3 Books
Johtajuuden rakentajat
Growman Ltd
May 09, 2019

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Future of Work, Leadership

March 01, 2008

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Leadership

Tee asiakassuhteista tuottavia
May 01, 2005

See publication

Tags: CRM, Customer Loyalty, Leadership

1 Book Chapter
Innovaation alkulähteillä
Teknologiateollisuus ry
January 01, 2013
Innovaation alkulähteillä on innovaation kasvutarina. Miten ja miksi ideat syntyvät, minkälaisessa ympäristössä ne kasvavat ja kehittyvät ja miten niistä kypsyy kaupallistettuja innovaatioita.

Se kertoo myös, millaisia ihmisiä ja organisaatioita tarvitaan tähän ketjuun ja miten kansallinen tai kansainvälinen toimintaympäristö vaikuttaa innovaation kehittämiseen ja markkinapaikan löytymiseen.

Kirja kertoo tarinansa kolmentoista yritysesimerkin kautta. Ne edustavat eri toimialoja, erilaisia tuotteita tai palveluita ja katsovat innovaatiota erilaisista kuvakulmista.

Tarkoituksena on välittää parhaita käytäntöjä ja tapoja välttää sudenkuoppia, jotta suomalainen innovaatiotyö saavuttaa täyden potentiaalinsa sekä kääntää pääomavirrata takaisin kohti Suomea.

Kirja on tarkoitettu innovaatioiden edistämisestä kiinnostuneille niin yrityksissä, opetuslaitoksissa kuin valtionhallinnossakin. Se on kirjoitettu Teknologiateollisuus ry:n innovaatiotyöryhmän aloitteesta pääosin yrityksistä kootun talkooväen voimin. "Paljon on saavutettu, kun tiedetään mitä halutaan. Lisäksi tarvitaan into keksiä uutta", sanoi Alastair Pilkington, kirjan lasialan esimerkin innovaattori.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

3 Conference Publications
Virtuaalitiimien johtaminen- oppivat tiimit ja osaamisen rakentaminen Management of virtual teams (the book is only available in finnish)
Häme University of Applied Sciences
December 01, 2018

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Innovation, Leadership

The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)
October 01, 2009
This paper’s aim is to explore the patterns of growth and internationalization
strategies of rapidly-growing and internationalizing enterprises. After a review
of conventional strategic management and internationalization theories, this
paper proposes a new research perspective in terms of a well-practiced
conceptual framework anchored in the concepts of business model- and
strategic-logic-centered approaches. An in-depth and longitudinal study of 11
high-growth and rapidly-internationalizing case firms identifies five distinct
patterns of internationalization and growth: i) Concept Builders; ii) Business
Platform Builders with two variants; iia) Resource Breakthrough-based
platforms and iib) Product Breakthrough-based platforms; and iii) Open
Innovation Network Platform for Global sales. The paper examines the patterns
of strategies in the context of market situation and product-market evolution.
The discussion and conclusion further explore the findings and implications of
this paper.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Leadership, Startups

The strategies of global gazelles: a theoretical framework and evidence from rapidly growing and internationalizing enterprises from Canada
The 9th Uddevalla Symposium
May 01, 2006

See publication

Tags: Agile, Business Strategy, Leadership

2 Entrepreneur in Residences
Lead Scientists
September 01, 2020 combines the suggestion box with Kickstarter so that you can crowd­source improvement initiatives then focus in on the things your people back.


To achieve the full potential of employees and the quality of working life is based chiefly on combining technology, leadership, engagement, and motivation of staff to yield new products, services, and working practices.

We have a novel solution, which helps you to quickly and easily answer these questions:
- Can we get new ideas?
- How can everyone take ownership of new initiatives?
- Do employees want to drive these initiatives forward?

We have developed with Futurice to address these questions.

With our tool, clients reach a participation level of 71%, and every leader has been surprised by how their people take ownership of new initiatives when given a chance.

Book a meeting and discuss it with us.


I’m working with the critical aspects of shared leadership and the culture of experimentation. How to start the change towards self-organization and what are the fundamental problems during the journey. The research includes aspects such as inclusive decision making, teamwork, flat organizational structures, and it is associated with motivated employees and an inclination toward innovation and competitiveness.


The culture of experimentation is a prerequisite for innovation to happen. If you do not dare to experiment, try out things that no one has tried before, and allow for people in your organization to admit when they have failed, you will never evolve and find new solutions to problems. Leadership is straightforward. The leadership style can be described as a “no bullshit” style, meaning that people care about results, and will often go directly to the point when a problem needs to be solved.

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Innovation, Leadership

Chief Transformation Designer
Fingertip ltd
September 01, 2019

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Leadership

2 Founders
Insight Spaces Ltd
January 01, 2015

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

CEO and Founder
Cone Advisor Network Ltd
September 01, 2006

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Innovation, Leadership

3 Keynotes
Controller, kuinka saat aikaan loistavan asiakaskokemuksen ja kehität ketterästi?
Alma Talent
November 25, 2020
Controller, kuinka saat aikaan loistavan asiakaskokemuksen ja kehität ketterästi?

Asiakaskokemuksen kehittämisen uudet vaatimukset ja taidot ketterässä organisaatiossa
Kuinka edistän parempaa yhteistyötä sisäisen asiakkaan kanssa?
Controller aktiivisena liiketoiminnan ja asiakkaan sparraajana

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Customer Loyalty, Leadership

Miten johdan yritystä ja sen kehittämistä digitaalisessa liiketoiminnassa
Lapland University of Applied Science
June 05, 2020
Miten johdan yritystä ja sen kehittämistä digitaalisessa liiketoiminnassa ja miten valitsen sopivan strategian? Myy verkossa tehokkaasti -webinaarisarjan ensimmäisessä osassa lauteilla Jukka Ala-Mutka!

Webinaarisarjan tavoitteena on edistää Lappilaisten pk-yritysten verkkomyynnin osaamista, jotta mahdollisimman moni yritys kykenisi tuottamaan uutta liiketoimintaa verkkomyynnin avulla erityisesti poikkeusaikana mutta myös tulevaisuuden kilpailukykyä ajatellen.

TEQU Talk webinaarit ovat osa Hehku -hanketta, jonka rahoituksesta vastaa ELY-keskus ESR -rahoitusinstrumentillaan sekä Lapin AMK.

Webinaari on toteutettu yhteistyössä MySpeaker Oy:n kanssa.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Digital Transformation, Leadership

Osaamisen johtaminen kohti tulevaisuuden service deskiä
Alma Talent
March 25, 2020
Johtamisen muutos kohti tulevaisuuden Service Deskiä
Minkälaista osaamista ja johtamista tarvitaan?
Miten valmistaudutaan tulevaisuuteen?
Miten osaamista kehitetään?
Henkilöstön ja asiakkaiden osaamisen hyödyntäminen.

See publication

Tags: Future of Work, Innovation, Leadership

1 Media Interview
On kokeilevan johtamiseen aika
August 19, 2010

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Leadership

1 Speaker Bureau Listing
Jukka Ala-Mutka Innovator, speaker, scientist and consultant
Cool'n Talk United Kindom
September 01, 2019
Jukka Ala-Mutka is passionate about finding new ways to lead in the era of artificial intelligence, platforms, and social media. He has founded six companies, executed large change programs for large enterprises, and given hands-on training for over 200 new business ideas, e.g., in

Aalto University Startup Center,
Aalto University Executive Education, and
XAMK Small Business Center.

His core competencies are a business in the digital era, agile culture, growth hacking, change management, and shared leadership. He worked as a business development manager at Siemens and as a strategy consultant for large enterprises, SMEs, and technology startups.

Alongside his work, he has done academic research at

McGill University in Canada, and
in Finland at Aalto University,
Helsinki School of Economics, and
Tampere University of Technology.

His work focuses on shared leadership, growth hacking, and growth culture in the era of artificial intelligence. He often builds on counter-intuitive analyses of core assumptions within leadership thinking.

Jukka has written three books about strategic agility, customer experience, and shared leadership & the culture of experimentation. Jukka taught innovation and strategy for nine years (2006-2015) at Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University, Finland.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Future of Work, Leadership

1 Speaker Bureau Membership
Jukka Ala-Mutka - Keynote Speaker, Innovator, speaker, scientist, and consultant
September 01, 2019
Jukka Ala-Mutka is a noted thought leader in nordic leadership, agility, organizational culture, innovation, and a keynote speaker and an appreciated contributor in social media. He speaks at various events, ranging from keynoting conferences or events for companies to giving interactive sessions and workshops for smaller groups and startups. Jukka has gotten top marks and rave reviews at conferences and Executive MBA programs.

Jukka speaks on several topics, including but not limited to, nordic leadership, innovation, communication, and artificial intelligence.

Jukka Ala-Mutka is passionate about finding new ways to lead in the era of artificial intelligence, platforms, and social media. He has founded six companies, executed large change programs for large enterprises, and given hands-on training for over 200 new business ideas, e.g., in

Aalto University Startup Center,
Aalto University Executive Education, and
XAMK Small Business Center.

His core competencies are a business in the digital era, agile culture, growth hacking, change management, and shared leadership. He worked as a business development manager at Siemens and as a strategy consultant for large enterprises, SMEs, and technology startups.

Alongside his work, he has done academic research at

McGill University in Canada, and
in Finland at Aalto University,
Helsinki School of Economics, and
Tampere University of Technology.

Jukka Ala-Mutka focuses on shared leadership, growth hacking, and growth culture in the era of artificial intelligence, and often he builds on counter-intuitive analyses of core assumptions within leadership thinking.

Jukka has written three books about strategic agility, customer experience, and shared leadership & the culture of experimentation. Jukka Ala-Mutka taught innovation and strategy for nine years (2006-2015) at Helsinki School of Economics and Aalto University, Finland.

See publication

Tags: Change Management, Future of Work, Leadership

1 Speaking Engagement
Controller, kuinka saat aikaan loistavan asiakaskokemuksen ja kehität ketterästi?
Alma Talent
November 25, 2020
Controller, kuinka saat aikaan loistavan asiakaskokemuksen ja kehität ketterästi?
Asiakaskokemuksen kehittämisen uudet vaatimukset ja taidot ketterässä organisaatiossa
Kuinka edistän parempaa yhteistyötä sisäisen asiakkaan kanssa?
Controller aktiivisena liiketoiminnan ja asiakkaan sparraajana
Jukka Ala-Mutka, puhuja, tietokirjailija

See publication

Tags: Customer Experience, Future of Work, Leadership

1 Training
Strategic management and Leadership
University of Jyväskylä
October 22, 2020
Lecturer in Executive MBA program since 2007.

See publication

Tags: Business Strategy, Change Management, Leadership

Thinkers360 Credentials

6 Badges



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Jukka Ala-Mutka

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