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Jeremy Scrivens

Director at The Emotional Economy at Work

Melbourne,, Australia

Jeremy is a Work Futurist & Collaboration & Innovation Catalyst. He is a Director of The Emotional Economy at Work and a global thought leader and consultant on building collaboration in a digital world for innovation and social good at scale. Jeremy deploys the principles and methods of positive transformation, including Appreciative Inquiry, to engage workforce and ecosystem members to imagine and co-create the future of work in their world.

Jeremy is particularly known for his work with enterprises to coach innovation, collaboration and engagement at scale in the Summit ( physical) Room and the Social (virtual) Room.

Jeremy’s work helps enterprises and teams to find and elevate their these strengths, and extend them across the whole system to become the normal culture or experience.

The extent to which the full potential of digital and social technologies is realised depends on building a global community or ‘ecosystem’ of people who are collaborating through Social (Media) Platforms as authentic players – as individuals #Me and as a group #We. As Jeremy is a global player on social media, he now works with individual leaders and their business teams to help them Become Authentic on Social.

Jeremy has a track record for growing global influence around thought leadership on the future of work. He is a sought after speaker, transformation facilitator, culture catalyst and future of leadership coach.

Jeremy has been recognised for

No 1 global influencer on the #futureofwork by @Atos
In the Top 10 tweeters on Economic Transformation by the UK Guardian Newspaper
In the top 20 business thinkers in Australia for 2018 by Smart Company.
In the top 20 Global Thought Leaders in the HR Space by Vignette
In the top 10 Social Business Twitter Accounts by Visible Banking

Jeremy Scrivens Points
Academic 0
Author 1
Influencer 209
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 210

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Service Provider
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

Diversity and Inclusion 30.10
Future of Work
HR 30.04
Payroll 30.18

Industry Experience


1 Article/Blog
The day Mary was lifted up above the talent poverty line
January 07, 2020
Roger and Mary were bother and sister. In fact there were three brothers and one sister. All were directors of a business started by their father. Mary was the youngest sibling and her father was disappointed when she was born because she wan't a boy. He wanted another son in the business. Mary carried this with her all her life and in her work. The three boys all had front end roles in the business but Mary was relegated to a payroll admin role and she was dying inside.

See publication

Tags: HR, Diversity and Inclusion, Payroll

Thinkers360 Credentials

1 Badge



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Jeremy Scrivens

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