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Carina Peixoto

Gerente de Gente e Gestão at LIZIE

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Elected HR Influencer LATAM 2019, Elected among the "100 Women Thought Leaders in 2020", Profile manager @oportunidadesrj1 on Instagram with over 24 million followers, Psychology, HeadHunter, Specialist in Recruitment and Selection of People with 12 years of experience . Postgraduate in People Management, Coach and leadership, with Human Guide certification, experience in multinational and national companies. Expertise in the oil and gas, energy, biotechnology, finance, telecommunications, industry, retail, health, services and other sectors.

I am currently administrator of the @oportunidadesrj1 profile on instagram, as a volunteer. Disclose vacancies daily free of charge, with the objective of boosting professional relocation in the Rio de Janeiro market. Guidance for relocation of professionals.

Available For: Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Rio de Janeiro

Carina Peixoto Points
Academic 0
Author 10
Influencer 141
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 0
Total 151

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: N / D
Average Hourly Rate: N / D
Number of Employees: 251-500
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 12 anos
Last Media Interview: 09/08/2019

Areas of Expertise

COVID19 31.88
Future of Work 30.16
HR 31.16
Innovation 30.20
Leadership 30.11
Management 30.05
Social 31.55

Industry Experience

Professional Services


10 Article/Blogs
July 17, 2020
Trabalho há mais de 12 anos com #recursoshumanos e confesso: sempre senti uma lacuna interior, quando pensava no que a minha profissão poderia fazer de #positivo na vida de tantas pessoas que já cruzei ao longo desse tempo. Sentia que ainda faltava sabe? Tinha a sensação eu ainda não correspondia, socialmente falando, à tudo que o #RH me trouxe de conhecimento. Parecia que pouco ou nada fazia para contribuir na vida delas.

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Tags: HR

Eu escolhi o RH!
June 03, 2020
Quando eu entrei na faculdade de Psicologia, a última possibilidade que eu pensava em pautar a minha carreira era na área de RH. Sonhava e me planejava para ser Psicóloga Clínica e para mim, o psicólogo que atuava em RH era aquele que não "tinha dado certo" e tentaria ao menos ganhar dinheiro com a profissão.

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Tags: Management, HR

O "Novo Normal"​ é agora.
May 31, 2020
É natural do ser humano querer prever o #futuro. Vivemos um tempo onde a pergunta “Como será o nosso futuro?” tomou um grande espaço na nossa sociedade. Saber o que vai acontecer tem a ver com a nossa #segurança. A resposta? Sabe quando #Darwin falou que os indivíduos que fossem mais bem adaptados teriam maiores chances de sobreviver do que os menos adaptados? Acho que ele não imaginou que séculos depois o #COVID19 viria atualizar a sua teoria, de forma tão incisiva.

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Tags: HR, COVID19

E o currículo?
May 24, 2020
Eu tenho certeza que você já deve ter visto muitas pessoas falando sobre a importância de ter um currículo bem elaborado, o que é importante destacar nas suas experiências, layout, formatação... sempre me questionei por quê esse assunto é sempre tão “batido” quando o assunto é recolocação profissional.

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Tags: HR

Adaptar-se em não se adaptar!
May 08, 2020
As paredes dos escritórios se tornaram virtuais. Os processos estão sendo reconstruídos, as reuniões são por vídeo-chamada, os e-mails viraram áudios no whatsapp, a casa virou home office. O quê era uma norma, agora é repensado por uma necessidade urgente de readaptação. Quem sobreviverá? A empresa e o profissional que melhor se adaptarem.

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Tags: HR

RH na Crise
April 13, 2020
“Empresa Multinacional demite x pessoas em meio à Pandemia”

“Colaboradores podem ter carga horária e salário reduzidos durante a crise”

“Crise no mercado e contratações caem”

Essas são apenas algumas das frases mais vistas nos meios de #comunicação no último mês. Alarmantes? Preocupantes? Sim. Caso você que está lendo esse artigo conheça alguém que em momento nenhum sentiu alguma preocupação diante do cenário mundial que se estabelece, por favor me apresente!

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Tags: HR, COVID19

Se importe HOJE
April 03, 2020
Ô semana desafiadora, viu?!

Hoje acordei pensando em tudo que vivi durante essa semana. Eu não sei como foi a de vocês, mas a minha foi bem #desafiadora... Percebi meus #limites emocionais colocados em teste por vários momentos.

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Tags: Leadership

"Não sei como será o cenário #econômico mundial após a #COVID19 !"​
March 19, 2020
Essa foi a justificativa que recebi de um #candidato ( de uma forma muito educada) ontem, após abordá-lo para uma #vaga que estou trabalhando e ele informar que não possui interesse em participar de processos seletivos nesse momento.

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Tags: HR, COVID19

"​Posso te enviar meu currículo?"​ @oportunidadesrj1
November 01, 2019
Um sábado de sol! Dia 19/01/2019 foi um dia de sol lindo no Rio de Janeiro! Eu estava investindo tempo em fazer uma das coisas que eu mais gosto: cuidar dos meus cabelos. Enquanto era cuidada pelo André Witthymman (Hairstylist) e pelo meu amigo de fé, irmão camarada Carlos Rocha (vale a pena conferir o trabalho deles!), conversava sobre o alto índice de faltas que tenho em muitos processos seletivos que conduzo. Eles ficaram surpresos em saber que existem pessoas que faltam em entrevistas de emprego e sequer dão retorno.

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Tags: HR

RH Desempregado
September 25, 2019
Você já esteve #desempregado? Já enviou seu #currículo para diversos contatos e vagas e não obteve resposta? Já passou o dia inteiro ao lado do telefone aguardando uma ligação? Eu sim.

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Tags: HR

10 Influencer Awards
To adapt in not to adapt
Carina Peixoto
May 08, 2020
Office walls have become virtual. The processes are being rebuilt, the meetings are by video call, the e-mails became audios on whatsapp, the house became a home office. What was a norm, is now rethought by an urgent need for readaptation. Who will survive? The company and the professional that best adapt.

Adapt? Yes! Adapt not to adapt! Suddenly the way of working has changed, and the need for results has tripled: we need not only to maintain, but to increase our results within a new layout, moving towards an unknown future.

"But Carina, I was not prepared to work that way!"

The whole world was not. The year 2020 is teaching us that daily doses of resilience in the vein will differentiate us from other professionals going forward. Create, renew, restructure, rethink! We are realizing in the midst of this world scenario, that we can YES live in a way never thought for us, that we had no idea of ​​what is essential until the need to live only with him arrives.

This profound transformation in soft skills will come mainly in the process of selecting people. It will be increasingly important for companies to evaluate professionals who are adaptable, more and more the selection processes will be defined in detail: a differential that a candidate has, a specific experience in a certain segment, a behavioral profile aligned with the soft skills of a company ... the criteria for choosing a professional for a given function in a company will be increasingly defined in these details, in view of a range of excellent professionals currently available.

Is that you? How do you perceive yourself in the face of this new market demand?

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Tags: Innovation, HR, Future of Work

I chose to work with HR!
March 06, 2020
I chose to work with HR!

When I entered the faculty of Psychology, the last possibility that I thought about guiding my career was in the HR area. I dreamed and planned to become a Clinical Psychologist and for me, the psychologist who worked in HR was one who had not "worked" and would at least try to earn money from the profession.

Do you know when I first met HR? When I needed to fulfill the workload of the organizational internship. I was passing through the college corridor, I was in the second period of Psychology. I saw an advertisement on the corridor wall for an unpaid internship position to work with recruitment and selection. I, who had never worked or participated in an interview, thought: “Since I have to comply with the mandatory hours, I will sign up for this process because if it is approved, I have already solved the“ problem ”right at the beginning of graduation”.

I went to the interview, my grandmother accompanied me to the entrance of the building where the company was located, in downtown Rio de Janeiro (and remained there until the end of the interview!). I participated in the interview and to my surprise I was approved!

At that time I didn't have a computer at home, I didn't know how to use it, much less how to access the internet. Every day I arrived an hour earlier at the company (with the pretext of the subway being calmer) to observe how the analysts did to start their machines, wrote down every movement they made with the mouse, each click ... to memorize when I arrived at home and the next day put into practice.

Time passed and I discovered that I was wrong: HR was where I wanted to be! I was identifying myself and falling in love more and more.

I've been doing what I love for 12 years! It is not easy, I have experienced moments of pain, disappointment, frustration ... but I have grown a lot with all of them. I chose HR because impacting people's lives is my mission.

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Tags: Social, Leadership, HR

Unemployed HR
September 25, 2019
Have you been #employed? Have you submitted your # resume to multiple contacts and jobs and got no response? Have you spent the whole day by the phone waiting for a call? I do.
I was already part of the statistic of unemployed in Brazil. Years of experience, many colleagues in Human Resources ... and a long wait. During my time out of the market, I experienced “being a candidate”: anxiety about answering an interview, tension waiting for the recruiter at the reception desk, fear of not being able to answer a question, frustration of negative feedback, distress at seeing the bills coming in and the strength needed to restart the search for the long-awaited job every day.
Being on the other side made me realize that I cannot, as a Human Resources professional, look at each other "in a hurry." Many times we recruiters forget that on the other side there is a life, not just a sequence of professional experiences that we need to align with a job profile.
Today, when I leave home I think: "May I never forget everything I wanted when I was unemployed!" I'm sure I didn't live unemployment for nothing! It needed to review concepts, values, beliefs and especially: attitudes. My unemployment has changed my life!

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Tags: Innovation, Social, HR

"Can I send you my resume?" @ Oportunidadesrj1
January 11, 2019
Um sábado de sol! Dia 19/01/2019 foi um dia de sol lindo no Rio de Janeiro! Eu estava investindo tempo em fazer uma das coisas que eu mais gosto: cuidar dos meus cabelos. Enquanto era cuidada pelo André Witthymman (Hairstylist) e pelo meu amigo de fé, irmão camarada Carlos Rocha (vale a pena conferir o trabalho deles!), conversava sobre o alto índice de faltas que tenho em muitos processos seletivos que conduzo. Eles ficaram surpresos em saber que existem pessoas que faltam em entrevistas de emprego e sequer dão retorno.

Embora muitos faltem, existem também aqueles que se interessam em buscar os recrutadores, saber quais vagas estão disponíveis e principalmente: candidatos que pedem para nos enviar seus currículos. Confesso que sempre me senti um pouco incomodada quando era abordada com frases do tipo: “Posso te enviar meu currículo?”. Sabe por quê? Porque no fundo eu sabia que, por receber muitos currículos ao longo dia, a minha memória não daria conta de lembrar de candidato x ou y para cada vaga que tenho acesso ao longo diariamente( que também são muitas). Eu sempre pensava: “Mais um currículo que ficará em minha caixa de entrada...” Quando você está incomodado com algo tem duas opções: se movimenta para mudar ou se adapta. Até então a minha escolha era me adaptar...

“Meu bem, por quê você não cria um perfil no instagram para divulgar todas as vagas que você vê durante o dia?” Essa frase do André Witthymman fez meus onze anos de experiência com recrutamento e seleção passarem como um vídeo de cinco segundos na minha mente! Era isso! Essa era a forma de corresponder, socialmente falando, à tudo aquilo que o RH me deu. Assim eu conseguiria alcançar a um alto número de pessoas e elas mesmas gerenciariam os processos dos quais participariam. Eu conseguiria, de verdade, ajudar as pessoas a se recolocarem no mercado de trabalho.

E foi assim que nasceu o @oportunidadesrj1, como um trabalho 100% voluntário. Hoje somos uma família com mais de 16.000 pessoas que recebem diariamente: vagas de emprego (apenas repasso as vagas), dicas de como elaborar currículos, como se comportar em entrevistas, eventos e cursos gratuitos.

O @oportunidadesrj1 trouxe um novo sentido à minha profissão. Me sinto devolvendo melhor o que aprendi e conquistei ao longo da minha carreira. É lindo e gratificante saber que um pai de família resgatou a dignidade do seu lar ao conseguir se recolocar através de alguma das vagas que divulgo por lá.

Ah! Aproveita e segue lá: @oportunidadesrj1

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Tags: HR, Innovation, Social

January 01, 1970

Challenging week, see ?!

Today I woke up thinking about everything I experienced during that week. I don't know how yours was, but mine was very #desafiant ... I noticed my # emotional limits put to the test for several moments.

I realized that this week, most of the people I love and are close to me, came to me to share very serious difficulties. This made me reflect that we are living in a moment of chaos as #humanity and especially as #individuals.

We have a great opportunity to care more about people. "Do you mind? I'm full of worries due to our scenario, don't I have time to worry about other people besides me?" YES. It is not easy for anyone (regardless of social status).

I discovered this week, that when we get out of our problems and go to the other, to know if he is well, we can make a difference. In many moments, we are concerned only with what to do with free time, to spend hours choosing a new series or movie, that is able to satisfy what NO entertainment can bring us: the joy of freedom. And in that thirst, we get lost, and stop caring about people.

If advice were good, it would not be given for free (we have heard it for years). But today I want to give you some advice: SPEND YOUR TIME CARING FOR SOMEONE TODAY. Send a message, call someone to see if everything is okay, make a video call. I'm sure you will find that there are people with much bigger challenges than yours.

#empatia #ser #human #limit # individuals #society

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Tags: HR, Social

And the curriculum?
January 01, 1970
I am sure you have seen many people talking about the importance of having a well-designed curriculum, which is important to highlight in your experiences, layout, formatting ... I always wondered why this subject is always so "beaten" when it comes to professional replacement.
Do you know why HR professionals always talk about this topic?
Because he is ALWAYS current!
Unfortunately, we still see MANY professionals missing from the curriculum: executives, technicians, operational ...
Resumes with little information about the activities performed, with no entry and exit dates in each company, with a number of documents (lots of attention, guys, don't do this!), With the wrong contact number, without e-mail. It is desperate for a recruiter to find a resume that appears to be a potential, but that contains little information.
One of the most frequent causes of disqualification of candidates in selection processes is a poorly designed curriculum. Did you know that you may have been the ideal candidate for a vacancy, but that you were not contacted because your resume may not have described the potential and knowledge you have? The recruiter knows you, at first only by your resume. When you choose a profile picture for a social network, don't you take a long time looking at your entire photo gallery on your phone? Choosing carefully the angle that best suits you, light, hair, expression, etc? So it should be with your resume! He has to show his best, he has to show you!
Always review your resume, keep it updated!

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Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

" I don't know what the world economic scenario will be like after COVID19!"
January 01, 1970
"I don't know what the # world economic scenario will be after # COVID19!"

That was the justification I received from a #candidate (in a very polite way) yesterday, after approaching him for a vacancy I am working on and informing him that he has no interest in participating in selection processes at the moment.

Although the # predictions that all sectors of the market will be affected, it seems that the "plug falls" when it impacts directly on our work (at least it was that way with me yesterday). In 12 years of work with #Recruitment and #Selection of People I confess that I never imagined that this scenario would live: professionals with # fear of getting back.

We are enveloped in an atmosphere so chaotic that it often does not allow us to make the necessary assessment, because "outside noises" sometimes cause us to "deafness inside". Staring at a global pandemic, with recurring updates to the statistics of fatal victims, is a challenge to be faced and managed in that time.

Do you feel #insecure in your #career right now? Do you believe that this scenario can directly impact your #future professional?

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Tags: Future of Work, HR, Social

"I don't know what the # world economic scenario will be after # COVID19!"
January 01, 1970
That was the justification I received from a #candidate (in a very polite way) yesterday, after approaching him for a vacancy I am working on and informing him that he has no interest in participating in selection processes at the moment.

Although the # predictions that all sectors of the market will be affected, it seems that the "plug falls" when it impacts directly on our work (at least it was that way with me yesterday). In 12 years of work with #Recruitment and #Selection of People I confess that I never imagined that this scenario would live: professionals with # fear of #replacement.

We are enveloped in an atmosphere so chaotic, that it often does not allow us to make the proper assessment, because "outside noises" sometimes cause us "inner deafness". Staring at a global pandemic, with recurring updates to the statistics of fatal victims, is a challenge to be faced and managed in that time.

Do you feel #insecure in your #career right now? Do you believe that this scenario can directly impact your #future professional?

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Tags: Leadership, HR, Future of Work, COVID19

The normal New is today.
December 31, 1969
It is natural for human beings to want to foresee the future. We live in a time where the question "What will our future look like?" has taken up a large space in our society. Knowing what will happen has to do with our # security. The answer? Do you know when #Darwin said that individuals who were better adapted would have a better chance of surviving than those less adapted? I don't think he imagined that centuries later, # COVID19 would come to update his theory, so incisively.

It is a fact that many companies were already experiencing the movement of readaptation and greater insertion of #technology in work and relationships (many were already adopting the home office at least once a week, for example). COVID 19 arrived, accelerated and in many cases, imposed a new way of working. There was no time for adaptation, there was no training. There was #NECESSITY, and that was enough.

How many processes do you do today, remotely, that until three months ago your company would never allow? Remote admissions, newboard onboardings, #online meetings ... consolidation of #remote work! What was not a possibility became the only solution.

I think that in the “New Normal” the # management by #results will come to replace management by control. We will experience changes in the way we do things, changes in organizational structures, I believe that we will revisit the structures to have more agile models, structures that do not exist today can arise. The internal provocations about the #career itself to make decisions for the future will still grow a lot, and people will reflect more on professional and personal choices: to #reinvent us we will have to have more knowledge, read more, study more.

We found that we can do almost anything online. Social networks are getting stronger and stronger, telemedicine is taking more and more space, art shows are being made available on free platforms ... We are finally understanding that we are all #INTERLIGATED. We need to feel in our skin that what happens on the other side of the planet can not only reach me, but impact all of existence.

The # world changes, behaviors change. We are relearning ourselves, learning from each other, with new standards of professional development and with the #natural conflicts of # change.

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Tags: COVID19, Future of Work, HR

December 31, 1969

I have been working with human resources for more than 12 years and I confess: I have always felt an inner gap, when I thought about what my profession could do to the positive in the lives of so many people that I have crossed over that time. I felt it was still missing, you know? I had the feeling I still didn't correspond, socially speaking, to everything that HR brought me with knowledge. It seemed that he did little or nothing to contribute to their lives.

Inserting people in the market has always been part of the flow of my work. In fact this is a demand
always present for those working in the HR area: seek the candidate with the right profile for the right job.

Do you know when I felt that the gap was filled? When I created @oportunidadesrj1. The profile is a social work that has as its sole objective: to promote professional relocation in the Rio de Janeiro market. Today we are a network of more than 23 thousand people, which connects people to opportunities.

Today I feel happier, more human, more HR! Social work has an immeasurable value and if you still don't do it I suggest: do it!

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Tags: HR, Leadership, Social

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