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Marco Romano

Vice President - Source to Pay transformation at Kyndryl

Portsmouth, United Kingdom

I remove the bureaucracy, complexity and friction out of source to pay and asset management to ensure that they are enablers to business growth and profitability. Traditionally these organisations are seen as back-office or shared services that are a necessary evil rather than the contributors they should be to business success. I deliver transformation that brings speed to market, realises improved profitability and opens up avenues for revenue growth, delivers improved customer focus and satisfaction while managing risk at the appropriate levels for the organisation.

I design and deliver effective transformation strategies with improved and intelligent workflows, policies that are fit for purpose, scalable and comprehensive data and technology strategies, organisational change management, effective communications and learning and development.

Leading global teams is my passion, it is through this diversity of skills and cultures that you capture the needs of customers and deliver innovation that matters.

I am actively engaged in various thought leadership councils and committees sharing best practices and actively working with these organisations to shape the future of the procurement practice and attract and retain new talent.

Marco Romano Points
Academic 10
Author 3
Influencer 9
Speaker 21
Entrepreneur 25
Total 68

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Enterprise
Business Unit: Procurement
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 22+

Areas of Expertise

Agile 30.34
Analytics 31.78
Big Data 30.47
Change Management
Design Thinking
Digital Disruption 30.14
Digital Transformation 30.44
Emerging Technology 30.14
Leadership 30.05
Predictive Analytics 30.04
Procurement 32.07
Project Management 31.98
RPA 30.80

Industry Experience


1 Academic Certification
Project Management Institute
January 04, 2018
Project Management Institute certification for agile practitioners.

See publication

Tags: Agile, Project Management

1 Industry Council Chair
Institute for Supply Management - Data and Analytics Committee Chair
Institute for Supply Management - ISM
October 06, 2020
The ISM Data and Analytics Committee will be comprised of a diverse group of individuals who are recognized as informed thought leaders and transformational innovators within the Supply Management data and analytics domain.
The Committee -- whose mission is to identify and share innovative and leading practices in the delivery and execution of supply management data and analytics -- will serve as a trusted resource to assist ISM and other Committees in their mission to advance and inspire the profession.
Committee objectives include providing advice and council to ISM to inform the Institute’s efforts to lead the profession by establishing best practices and supporting content to enable practitioners to realize maximum value from their data and analytic programs.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Procurement

1 Industry Council Member
Institute fir Supply Management Thought Leadership Council
December 05, 2018
The ISM Thought Leadership Council is comprised of a diverse group of individuals
who are recognized as informed thought leaders and transformational innovators
within their distinct areas of Supply Management expertise. The council, whose
mission is to identify how best to prepare for the future of Supply Management, will
serve as a trusted resource to assist ISM in its mission to advance and inspire the
profession. This will be accomplished through visionary discussion, leading-edge
ideas, and the commitment to transform ideas into reality, resulting in sustainable
change across the entire Supply Management ecosystem.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Procurement, Project Management

3 Media Interviews
How IBM realised the rewards of cognitive procurement
December 11, 2020
Explored how data, re-imagined processes, exponential technologies and intelligent workflows are used to deliver exponential value to procurement stakeholders.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Procurement

RPA Ready to remodel Supply Chains
Institute for Supply Management
October 01, 2019
Article in Inside Supply Management authored by Sue Doerfler which looks at RPA use in supply chains currently and future outlook.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, RPA

Inside Supply Management - Going beyond code
Institute for Supply Management
September 02, 2019
Article published in Inside Supply Management by Sue Doerfler. The article looks at the role of the data scientist in supply chain and how the role is evolving. Procurement are now needing data scientists and the role of those data scientist being hired into procurement organisations is also needing to evolve to meet the increasing demands placed on the business. Article on pages 20, 21 and 22 of this issue.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement

6 Speaking Engagements
Reimagining Intelligent Workflows:
Procurecon Europe
October 13, 2020
CASE STUDY: Reimagining Intelligent Workflows: How to use advances in data and cognitive technologies to gain greater insights that improve your procurement processes

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Procurement

The Cognitive Procurement Enterprise
May 14, 2020
The cognitive procurement enterprise.
The next big shift in business architectures is happening now: the pervasive application of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), automation, blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT) to core processes and workflows.

Organizations need to re-engineer workflows to enable the use of these exponential technologies to enable instant insights and to fundamentally change the user experience both internal and external to the organization. Integration across organizational boundaries will exponentially increase value and enhance performance and curating high quality data will deliver actionable insights and outcomes.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, Procurement

How can you influence your stakeholders to see procurement as a "value generator" that makes the right new investments to achieve business excellence whist driving cost savings?
ProcureCon Indirect
April 02, 2019
How can you influence your stakeholders to see procurement as a ‘value generator’ that makes the right new investments to achieve business excellence whilst driving cost savings. How you can enable productivity through technology and data, and how you can show your business the value of procurement and be the facilitator of achieving business-excellence.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Procurement

How can you influence your stakeholders to see procurement as a ‘value generator’ that makes the right new investments to achieve business- excellence whilst driving cost savings?
April 02, 2019
How can you influence your stakeholders to see procurement as a ‘value generator’ that makes the right new investments to achieve business- excellence whilst driving cost savings?
· How to enable practioners productivity and engagement
· How can you enable productivity through technology, and data?
· How can you show your business the value of procurement?
· How can you be the facilitator to achieve business-excellence?
· How you can deliver value to the business outside of just savings?

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Procurement

How Is Technology Transforming Procurement For IBM
April 09, 2018
A look at how technology and data is being used to augment the procurement practitioner and enhance the value add to the business, changing roles from pure execution to consultant to the business.

See publication

Tags: Digital Transformation, Procurement, Predictive Analytics

How To Conduct a Cognitive Symphony
Procurious News
February 13, 2018
There are many factors that require careful consideration to bring about effective, scalable and sustainable analytics and cognitive solutions.
Intelligence is the conversion and enrichment of data into meaningful business insights.
It’s akin to conducting a group of musicians – it might be easy to get a pleasant sound from a solo instrument but, if expertly managed, you can avoid falling flat and accomplish a symphony from the entire orchestra!

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Big Data, Procurement

1 Webinar
ProcureCon Virtual Connect
July 01, 2020
Hosted an exclusive, invitation only, online forum for up to 50 CPOs and procurement executives of SVP/VP/Global Head Seniority only addressing lessons-learnt following the Covid-19 crisis

See publication

Tags: Digital Disruption, Procurement, Leadership

1 Whitepaper
What are the success factors in cognitive and analytics strategies and adoption?
IBM Global Business Services
October 02, 2017
There are many factors that require careful consideration to bring about effective, scalable and sustainable analytics and cognitive solutions. This paper highlights the key areas of consideration.

See publication

Tags: Analytics, Digital Transformation, Procurement

Thinkers360 Credentials

7 Badges



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