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John Hagel

Founder at Beyond Our Edge, LLC

San Francisco, United States

John Hagel III has more than 40 years’ experience as a management consultant, author, speaker and entrepreneur. After recently retiring as a partner from Deloitte, McGraw Hill published his new book, The Journey Beyond Fear, that addresses the psychology of change and he is developing a series of programs to help people navigate through change at many levels. John has founded a new company, Beyond Our Edge, LLC, that works with companies and people who are seeking to anticipate the future and achieve much greater impact, focusing on business transformation.

While at Deloitte, John was the founder and chairman of the Silicon Valley-based Deloitte Center for the Edge, focusing on identifying emerging business opportunities that are not yet on the CEO’s agenda. Before joining Deloitte, John was an independent consultant and writer and prior to that was a principal at McKinsey & Company and a leader of their Strategy Practice as well as the founder of their E-Commerce Practice. John has served as senior vice president of strategy at Atari, Inc., and is the founder of two Silicon Valley startups.

John has published 8 books, drawing on his research and experience as a management consultant and entrepreneur.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: San Francisco, California
Speaking Topics: New approaches to business strategy, The challenge and imperative of transformation, Motivating people to address opportunities

Speaking Fee $10,000 (In-Person), $4,000 (Virtual)

John Hagel Points
Academic 0
Author 438
Influencer 2157
Speaker 20
Entrepreneur 20
Total 2635

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: N/A
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 50 years

Areas of Expertise

Digital Transformation 35.48
Future of Work 30.58
Innovation 44.99
Leadership 30.53
Management 51.09

Industry Experience


18 Article/Blogs
Gratitude Within
John Hagel
November 28, 2024
Gratitude is nourishing.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

From Curiosity to Exploration
John Hagel
August 06, 2024
Curiosity has many different dimensions, but it essentially involves asking a lot of questions as we become intrigued by what we do not know.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

Exploring Curiosity
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June 02, 2024
How many questions do you have? A few questions are OK, but if you have too many, you will start to encounter resistance and rejection. Too many questions are suspect. Don’t you know what you’re supposed to be doing? Curiosity is an incredibly powerful capability, yet fewer and fewer people have

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

Diving Deeper Into Digital Transformation
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March 17, 2024
Digital transformation has become a business buzzword. Everyone is talking about it, but there is a significant missed opportunity. To understand the missed opportunity, we first need to understand the context of the world we live in. The Big Shift Long-term forces are re-shaping our global economy

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

Where to Look
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February 03, 2024
We live in a world of accelerating change. There’s so much going on around us that we are understandably becoming overwhelmed. And the advice we get can be very confusing. Many are saying to stay focused on the present. Others tell us to look ahead and focus on the future. And then there are those

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

The Paradox of Progress
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January 12, 2024
Progress can be elusive, even though we have experienced progress on so many dimensions for centuries. One of the reasons progress is so elusive is it requires us to embrace paradox. If we embrace paradox, we have the potential to accelerate and expand progress in unforeseen ways. What do I mean by

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

Expanding Our Horizons
John Hagel
December 07, 2023
First, it was the oceans.

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Tags: Management, Future of Work

What’s Missing in Artificial Intelligence?
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November 27, 2023
Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence, but we’re missing some key changes that it will unleash. As an optimist, I believe it will be a catalyst for changes that will help all of us to learn faster and achieve more of our potential. Focus on the data Where do I start? Let me start by

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

From Expert to Explorer
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August 10, 2023
We are in a Big Shift from experts to explorers. What do I mean by this? We live in societies around the world where “experts” run the show. Given the profound changes that are unfolding in our global economies and societies, we need to shift to explorers who can help us craft new pathways that

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Strategy As A Catalyst for Change
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July 23, 2023
What is strategy? In my blog post “What Does Strategy Really Mean?” from a few months ago, I focused on the need to shift from 5 year “strategic” plans that focus on short-term operations. Instead, we need to embrace approaches to strategy that look into the future and anticipate opportuniti

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Authors Shaping My Journey
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June 25, 2023
I’ve often been asked what authors have most influenced me. There are so many that I find that question overwhelming. However, I’m going to focus in this post on four authors who, when woven together, form a tapestry that has shaped my thinking for decades. Carlota Perez – A unique period of h

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Cultivating and Connecting Capabilities
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May 10, 2023
I’ve long been a contrarian regarding our current view of learning in our work environments. I’ve come to believe that it is a growing barrier to progress. If we’re going to prosper and flourish, we need to embrace a very different approach to learning, one that is much more consistent with ou

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Tags: Management, Leadership

What Does Strategy Really Mean?
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April 28, 2023
Strategy is a commonly used word, but it’s rarely defined. I’ve become concerned that we are using the term “strategy” much too loosely in our business world. We can gain considerable insight by making an effort to define the term and reflecting on what makes it so valuable in a rapidly chan

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Escalating Return on Attention
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March 19, 2023
Last week, I gave a talk at the South By Southwest conference in Austin where I focused on the increasing importance of return on attention. I believe this is becoming more and more central to success, but that business people are viewing this much too narrowly. There’s a significant untapped oppo

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Evolving Boards Into Springboards
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February 26, 2023
In a rapidly changing world, Boards of Directors (or Trustees) can play a significant role in becoming a catalyst for change within large, traditional companies and other institutions. Unfortunately, this role is still an untapped opportunity in most institutions. What’s the need? As I’ve writte

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Tags: Management, Leadership

The Untapped Opportunity of Institutional Narratives
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January 18, 2023
Everything I do is connected, even when the connections aren’t immediately apparent, even to me. Almost 15 years ago, I started writing about shaping strategies as a powerful way to unleash enormous value for companies – including here and here. Much more recently, I published The Journey Beyond

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Tags: Management, Leadership

The Old Becomes the New
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January 01, 2023
As we enter the New Year, Let’s not become consumed By the newness. It’s an opportunity To look within And to see What’s always been there, Waiting to be discovered And drawn out. It’s not new. It’s been there From the beginning. What’s new Is our willingness to see more of it And pursue

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Tags: Management, Leadership

The Present Is a Present
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December 23, 2022
During this holiday season, We are showered with gifts. But gifts are things. Gifts can distract us From a present that really matters. Let’s never forget That our present That matters the most Is the present. We are so lucky to be in the present. Without the present, Nothing matters. The present

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Tags: Management, Leadership

7 Books
The Journey Beyond Fear: Leverage the Three Pillars of Positivity to Build Your Success
May 19, 2021
Whether you’re running a business, building a career, raising a family, or attending school, uncertainty has been the name of the game for years―and the feeling reached an all-time high when COVID-19 hit. Even the savviest, smartest, toughest people are understandably feeling enormous pressure and often feeling paralyzed by fear.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

Institutional Innovation: How to Help Your Organization Learn Faster and Thrive
Idea Bite Press
January 01, 2014
The world is changing faster--how can leaders solve big problems faster? How can our institutions tap into the wealth of skills and resources around them to reinvent themselves before they are disrupted?

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion
Basic Books; Illustrated edition
December 04, 2012
In this revolutionary book, three doyens of the Internet age, whose path-breaking work has made headlines around the world, reveal the adjustments we must make if we take these changes seriously. In a world of increasing risk and opportunity, we must understand the importance of pull. Understood and used properly, the power of pull can draw out the best in people and institutions by connecting them in ways that increase understanding and effectiveness. Pull can turn uncertainty into opportunity, and enable small moves to achieve outsized impact.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

The Only Sustainable Edge: Why Business Strategy Depends On Productive Friction And Dynamic Specialization
Harvard Business Review Press;
May 02, 2005
Outlines a different approach to strategy development. Written in non technical language and focuses on the implications new technologies will have on how organizations of all kinds design strategy and deliver value.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

Out of The Box: Strategies for Achieving Profits Today and Growth Tomorrow Through Web Services
Harvard Business Review Press
March 01, 2005
Hagel examines how a company's information technology can help or hinder its ability to manage short-term costs and achieve long-term growth.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

Net Worth: Shaping Markets When Customers Make the Rules
Harvard Business Review Press; 1st edition
January 08, 1999
Net Worth explains how businesses can benefit by forming new partnerships with customers in matters of information capture and privacy. Consumers are losing patience with companies that use personal data about buying habits, income levels, and credit card usage for corporate gain. What consumers need is a new kind of business--an information intermediary or infomediary--to protect customers' privacy while maximizing their information assets. Companies playing the infomediary role will become agents of customer information, marketing such data to businesses on consumers' behalf and protecting consumer privacy. John Hagel, co-author of the bestselling Net Gain, teams with Marc Singer to lay out the underlying economic and competitive dynamics that will foster the emerging business of the infomediary. Net Worth identifies the convergence of commerce, technology, and consumer frustration as the incubator for the infomediary business, as consumers seek to release their personal information only when they can receive value in exchange for their data.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities
Harvard Business Review Press; 6th Printing edition
January 23, 1997
Net Gain identifies where the next level of value lies on the Internet and lays out the first economic model to quantify the revenue potential and the investment required to build a successful virtual community. From the offerings of commercial online services such as the Motley Fool Investment group to Internet communities of book lovers, Net Gain offers a multitude of real-world scenarios and lessons for building value and creating competitive edge. The authors clearly show that in order to compete in the online economy, you must establish an entirely new approach to product development, marketing, customer service, and distribution, and rethink your company's relationships to customers, suppliers, and competitors. And they show you how to do it.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

1 Founder
Beyond Our Edge, LLC
August 01, 2020
ago. 2020 - actualidad · 3 años 5 meses
The goal of Beyond Our Edge, LLC is to motivate institutions and individuals to come together and move beyond our edge, overcome obstacles, and address significant emerging opportunities to create real impact.

A widely published thought leader and futurist, my 2010 book, “The Power of Pull,” defined the far-reaching potential for disruption by moving from push models to pull models. My latest work, “The Journey Beyond Fear: Leverage the Three Pillars of Positivity to Build Your Success,” focuses on cultivating the passion of the explorer that helps people and companies move beyond fear (of intensifying competition, accelerating pace of change, and more), developing opportunity-based narratives that create enormous value and participating on learning platforms.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

2 Keynotes
John Hagel | A Future of More Human Work | Global Summit 2018 | Singularity University
September 21, 2018
John Hagel, Co-Chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge
Too often, the “future of work” conversation is framed as “win-lose” with companies and workers pitted against each other. In this session, we will explore some real examples of where the routine work of frontline workers has been redefined to be more fluid and creative, and what approaches others might take based on these experiences.

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Tags: Innovation, Future of Work

Inviting serendipity to your life | John Hagel
July 26, 2018
In this short talk, management consultant and author John Hagel tells us the story of how Chris Anderson, the former editor of Wired magazine, found the CTO of his drone aircraft technology startup in the most unlikely place: an internet forum. How can we be open to that sort of serendipity in our own lives?

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Tags: Innovation, Drones

1 Media Interview
John Hagel III - How To Take Action Instead of Fear
July 11, 2022
My guest on this week's Best You Podcast episode is John Hagel III. John has more than 40 years experience as a management consultant, author, speaker and entrepreneur.

After recently retiring as a partner from Deloitte, McGraw Hill published his new book, The Journey Beyond Fear, that addresses the psychology of change and he is developing a series of programs to help people navigate through change at many levels. John has founded a new company, Beyond Our Edge, LLC, that works with companies and people who are seeking to anticipate the future and achieve much greater impact, focusing on business transformation.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

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