The path to generative AI value: Setting the flywheel in motion
April 08, 2024
The huge potential for disruption promised by the latest iterations of generative AI (GenAI) has sent shockwaves across industries. In PwC’s 27th Annual Global CEO Survey, published earlier this year, 70% of CEOs said they expected GenAI to significantly change the way their company creates, delivers, and captures value in the next three years. More than two-thirds of the surveyed CEOs who had already implemented some form of GenAI in their organization reported having changed their broader technology strategies as a result.
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Tags: AI, Generative AI, Innovation
An Agent for Everything: Unlocking New Possibilities With LLM Agents
April 05, 2024
LLM agents act as a glue between human workers and software/systems.
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Tags: Generative AI, Agentic AI
Making Emerging Tech Magic: Are We Entering the Technopocene Age?
March 05, 2024
We’ve seen an incredible amount of emerging tech magic this past year. From advancements in AI and incredible progress in quantum computing to live-changing and life-saving medical breakthroughs, it's been one of the most exciting times in my career. But as remarkable a year as it’s been for emerging technologies, we are just scratching the surface of what is possible. There is still much to accomplish – the task before organizations in 2024 is to understand where to invest and how to drive genuine business value in a responsible way.
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Tags: Emerging Technology
From the Internet to the Infinite: A New Strategy for Business Reinvention
October 23, 2023
For the video rental business, the signs were everywhere: from the rise of the World Wide Web in the ‘90s to the backlash against late fees, not to mention challenges from burgeoning streaming companies. And video rental wasn’t alone -- many companies across multiple industries didn’t foresee the Internet’s seismic impact on business and culture.
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Tags: Emerging Technology
Looking back to see our future with Emerging Technologies
February 28, 2023
Today’s tech trend cycle is moving fast—from generative AI to metaverse, there is always new, exciting and emerging technology making headlines. Over 8 years ago, PwC analyzed more than 250 emerging technologies to pinpoint those that would have the greatest business impact across industries. In that research, we saw the rise of eight essential technologies which seemed to have the most potential.
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Tags: Emerging Technology
No classroom? No problem! VR can help.
June 25, 2020
When companies set up training programs for their employees, the usual goal is to teach them hard skills, such as operating machinery or becoming adept at using new software. That’s obviously important, but it’s only part of what’s needed to help employees realize their potential. What may be missing in some of these programs is a focus on soft skills, such as managing people, working with customers, having empathetic discussions on topics like diversity and inclusion (D&I), and learning how to lead during challenging times.
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Tags: Emerging Technology
6 ways emerging tech is humanizing automation
February 06, 2020
Four years ago is practically a lifetime when it comes to emerging tech. That’s when PwC first presented its Essential Eight, the foundational technologies that all businesses need to consider. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, and the rest of the short-list are still very relevant today. But what’s changed is how we’ll see their impact. Instead of singular technologies, it’s how they come together in powerful combinations. Last year, we first began tracking these new waves of innovation.
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Tags: Emerging Technology
Blockchain-plus for Trust
June 05, 2019
How can blockchain plus one or more other essential eight technologies automate trust? That was the subject of a recent talk I gave at an MIT event called the Business of Blockchain. This “blockchain plus” combo (most commonly blockchain + the IoT + AI) replaces manual verification for everything from supply chains to resume & qualification checks. It saves money and time. It produces more and better data for new business opportunities.
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Tags: Blockchain
Conversational interfaces speak volumes for business
April 11, 2019
One of the most significant emerging tech trends this year is around emerging tech convergence. Instead of focusing on one of the essential eight technologies, businesses are combining them to solve problems in powerful new ways.
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Tags: AI, Emerging Technology, IoT
The XR factor: The incredible potential of extended reality
April 09, 2019
Key takeaways
Extended reality covers the spectrum of computer-enhanced reality technology, and together with AI and IoT is set to dramatically enhance both productivity and experience.
The industry is rapidly growing, predicted to be worth more than US$200 billion by 2022.
XR can help businesses identify revenue streams, including building new business models as well as through
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Tags: AI, AR/VR, IoT
Can you prove who you are? Blockchain can
March 18, 2019
By now, pretty much everyone who’s heard of blockchain knows that it’s about more than cryptocurrency. Retailers and pharmaceutical companies, for example, are rolling out blockchains for supply chains.
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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology
Extended reality means business
February 06, 2019
With emerging technology, sometimes it’s hard to make the leap from what’s possible to what’s practical. That’s why I’m looking forward to spending time at PwC’s Emerging Tech Exchange this week, where we’ll have a chance to bring technologies like AI and blockchain to life through hands-on use cases. Only by seeing and experiencing tech solving real-world business problems can execs truly begin to grasp the untapped potential of the essential eight technologies — especially when used in power combinations.
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Tags: AI, AR/VR, Emerging Technology
What is Embodied AI?
December 17, 2018
Business investments in all types of artificial intelligence (AI) are rising rapidly, and the value grows exponentially when AI is tied to the Internet of Things (IoT) and other essential eight technologies. This type of tech convergence is a top priority for many companies. In fact, in our just released 2019 AI Predictions report, 36 percent of the executives surveyed told us that managing the convergence of AI with other technologies is a top AI challenge for 2019. And the same number say that integrating IoT data so it can be used by AI systems is a priority for their organization in the coming year.
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Tags: AI, IoT
The power combo: Emerging tech configurations to drive value and innovation
October 17, 2018
As the Essential Eight technologies identified by PwC begin to change the business landscape, many companies will be examining which of those they should implement or invest in for the future. This, in and of itself, is an excellent response to the ever-increasing digital change.
But a trend is also arising in how those technologies are being adopted which businesses should keep in mind as they begin, or continue their approach. It is through the combining of these individual technologies that powerful applications are being discovered.
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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Innovation, IoT
Retailers are advancing with blockchain—here’s why
October 15, 2018
When I spoke at the National Retail Federation’s conference a few weeks ago, I was impressed by the audience’s thirst for information about emerging technologies. That made me feel at home, as I was there to tell them all about blockchain and how it could rewire their companies.
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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology, Retail
The essential eight technologies revolutionising business
October 04, 2018
Business as we know it is being disrupted by emerging technologies. But which ones should organisations be paying attention to in order to unlock value? PwC’s Essential Eight examines the core technology that we think will have the most impact in the next few years.
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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Emerging Technology, IoT
#Blockchain in China. Lessons from my five years working with #EmergingTech in Asia
September 12, 2018
I just moved back to the US after five rewarding years in Hong Kong and China. Many of those rewards were personal, but I was in Asia to do a job: help local and multinational organizations deploy emerging technologies to meet their business needs.
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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology
Farewell HK, It has been...
June 13, 2018
After 5 years in Hong Kong, China my tour has come to an end (signed up for 3, stayed for 5). What a strange and wonderful trip it was. Landing in mid-summer in HK 5 years ago I instantly wondered what I had gotten myself into…
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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology
Eight ways AI will change your business in 2018
February 08, 2018
We’ve all seen the headlines time and again: technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the internet of things (IoT) will change our lives and work over the next decade. Such long-term forecasts are important, but business leaders must make decisions right now. They don’t want sci-fi visions. They want to know how and when AI will affect their organizations—and what they should do about it today.
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Tags: AI, Future of Work
AI, IoT and the future Smart City
November 08, 2017
On Tuesday, November 7th, I had the pleasure of speaking at an industry summit, organised by GSMA & Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute at the Photonics Centre in Hong Kong. The focus of the summit was the development of Smart Cities in the Internet of Things Era. The event was attended by a varied selection of companies and speakers, all of whom are excited about the prospect that smart city infrastructure could have in Hong Kong, and indeed the world.
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Tags: AI, IoT, Smart Cities
Hong Kong Analytics Community Event
March 19, 2015
Join us for an opportunity to meet and network with the growing Hong Kong Analytics Community. We will have a series of short presentations from industry practitioners and plenty of time for lively debate.
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Tags: Analytics, Emerging Technology
Insights from PwC’s Blockchain Survey: An Interview with Scott Likens, New Services and Emerging Technology Leader, PwC US
June 12, 2019
Some organizations are forging ahead with blockchain, finding in the technology new sources of efficiency and revenue, but many others have gotten stuck along the way or haven’t gotten past the research stage.
To better understand the current scenario and future outlook for blockchain in business, management consultancy PwC recently ran a Global Blockchain survey which polled over 600 business executives with technology responsibilities in 15 territories.
We caught up with PwC’s top blockchain expert, Scott Likens, New Services and Emerging Technology Leader, PwC US, to discuss some of the key findings and his recommendations.
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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
What Enterprises Have to Learn About Emerging Tech, Again
Information Week
January 04, 2019
Enterprises often make the same mistakes when adopting technology, generation after generation. A PwC tech leader outlines seven considerations to keep in mind.
New technology is always emerging. Yet, enterprises don’t always learn from past mistakes. As new generations of technology replace their predecessors and completely new technologies hit the scene, enterprises must adapt, though old habits die hard. Heading into 2019, following are a few things business and IT leaders should keep in mind.
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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology
Scott Likens at Asian Financial Forum 2017
January 15, 2017
Scott Likens, PwC Emerging Technologies Leader, speaks about the impact of emerging technologies live from the Asian Financial Forum.
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Tags: Blockchain, Emerging Technology