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Carsten Dr. Linz

Frankfurt, Germany

Dr. Linz is an entrepreneurial leader with more than twenty years of experience in driving innovation, growth, and transformation. As Business Development Officer at SAP SE he repeatably leads the build-up and scale-out of new businesses; he started and developed more than 20 ventures and launched several...

Carsten Dr. Linz Points
Academic 0
Author 71
Influencer 18
Speaker 10
Entrepreneur 60
Total 159

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Areas of Expertise

AI 30.27
Digital Disruption 32.86
Digital Transformation 30.85
Entrepreneurship 30.67
Future of Work 30.05
Innovation 32.86
Leadership 31.13
Management 31.06
Startups 34.96
Sustainability 32.99

Industry Experience


3 Advisory Board Memberships
Advisory Board Member – Social Impact
Social Impact
January 01, 2019
With the support of the non-profit organization Social Impact, several thousand social start-ups have been set up, which all use their ideas to solve social challenges in an entrepreneurial way. Social Impact provides grants that fund up to eight months of professional consultancy, coaching, workshops and co-working workplaces. Carsten Linz serves as advisory board member and brings in his vast knowledge regarding overall program governance, business models, and leading the evolution of the program companies against all entrepreneurial odds.

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Tags: Startups, Sustainability, Leadership

Advisory Board – Beemgee
January 01, 2019
Beemgee is a fast-growing company based in Berlin dedicated to helping authors and storytellers develop narratives digitally. Beemgee’s software helps outline the plot and work out the dramatic function of the characters in a completely novel way. Carsten Linz is member of the company’s advisory board. He advises on strategic path and focus, helps to overcome typical crisis in the company development, identifies short-cuts to gain time and save budgets and systematically develops the venture towards scale-out.

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Tags: Startups, Management, Leadership

Advisory Board Member – PANTROS IP
January 01, 2011
Pantros IP is the premier provider of artificial intelligence-based patent portfolio management solutions for enterprises. As advisory board member since 2011, Carsten Linz brought in his expertise regarding business model innovation, revenue growth options and helped strengthen the overall company set-up and governance. Additionally he served as leadership coach to the second CEO. In a successful exit on Oct 2013, Pantros IP was sold to in form of a trade-sale.

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Tags: AI, Startups, Leadership

11 Article/Blogs
#NewLeadership: Thriving in the Intelligent Age
January 18, 2019
To find meaning, you need to connect the dots. It’s the perfect moment to build bridges between two flagship events: the recent Global Peter Drucker Forum and the World Economic Forum’s Annual Forum kicking-off next week in Davos...

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership

#NewGrowth requires #NewLeadership
October 18, 2018
We need more leaders, who break the rules of conventional management thinking and can seaminglessly integrate the best of the human, the physical, the digital/machine world. That's what #NewLeadership is all about.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership

Three Leadership Lessons from CES 2018 - User-Centricity, Radical Innovation, Authenticity
January 10, 2018
CES in Las Vegas is world's gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies with more than 4,000 exhibiting companies and 180,000 industry professionals. Apart from the black-out at day 2 of the show, what is noteworthy for digital leaders?

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership

How to Drive Innovation and New Digital Revenue Streams - Digital Leader Talk
August 31, 2017
Welcome to our next edition of Digital Leader Talks, the series which brings together CxOs and top thought leaders from around the world to inspire a dialogue on a specific leadership aspect of digital transformation in a “salon gathering” setting.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership

Top Secret: How to Transform the IT-Department to Succeed in the Digital Economy?
August 07, 2017
Welcome to Digital Leader Talks, the series which brings together CxOs and top thought leaders from around the world to inspire a dialogue on a specific leadership aspect of digital transformation in a “salon gathering” setting.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership

Sharing Secrets of CxO Success – Learning Culture as Key Enabler for Digital Transformation
June 27, 2017
Welcome to Digital Leader Talks, the series which brings together CxOs and top thought leaders from around the world to inspire a dialogue on a specific leadership aspect of digital transformation in a “salon gathering” setting.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Leadership

In the Digital Age, we need more Analog Conversations - CxO Digital Leader Talks
June 21, 2017
It sounds counterintuitive. The more digital our world and businesses get, the more it requires analog conversations. Physical conferences and panel discussions are booming. At the SAP Center for Digital Leadership we host every year more than 150 digital transformation discussions with CxOs from around the world – 99% of them explicitly request a face-to-face dialogue. How can we explain this?

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Leadership

Berlin Calling - Global Digital Leaders Summit
June 09, 2017
Time is flying and the Global Digital Leaders Summit is already around the corner. I truly look forward to speaking the opening keynote of this year's summit in Berlin - Europe's start-up capital and one of the most progressive cities in the world.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Leadership

Digital Disruption accelerates New Space Paradigms and Alters Stakeholder Map
May 10, 2017
Paradigm shifts include that start-ups prove that they can launch many small and relatively cheap satellites with medium-resolution craft, which stands in sharp contrast to the traditional approach of national space agencies building a single satellite worth tens of millions of dollars over the course of years before it is ready for ignition. At the same time, today millions of users and thousands of businesses have started to pull smart data micro services for their purposes instead of centers pushing big and raw earth observation data to mostly scientific experts at a very modest user experience-level.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation

Leadership Key-Take-Aways for CxOs from CeBIT
March 26, 2017
No chance to attend the world’s biggest IT fair? I have filtered-out some key take-aways from the noise of CeBIT with its attached Global Conference and Scale 11 Start-up gathering. Here comes my summary for CxOs and everyone in charge for leading digital transformation and innovation.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Three – Two – One – Ignition: The Third Space App Camp at Mobile World Congress
February 24, 2017
At the forthcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, you have the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs who want to be the next Elon Musk and strive for upstarting the next SpaceX. Welcome to the digital economy and welcome to Space 4.0, the forth revolution of the space sector which is unfolding through interaction between governments, private sector, society and politics.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Leadership

1 Book
Radical Business Model Transformation: Gaining the Competitive Edge in a Disruptive World
Kogan Page
January 28, 2017
Many companies are relying on a business model that is fundamentally suited to a different era. Now, organizations are under pressure from new trends such as digitization and servitization. Trying to adapt to a new environment, they risk relying on improvements that only scratch the surface of developing a radically different value proposition. Based on rigorous research into companies that have successfully and radically redesigned their business models, Radical Business Model Transformation shows why they made the leap, what they had to do to achieve it and how it has transformed the potential for their organizations.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Innovation

1 Keynote
Carsten Linz On Innovation: Digital_Radical_Exponential
University of Mannheim
January 29, 2018
"Q-Summit 2017: Where Entrepreneurship meets Innovation" - University of Mannheim

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Tags: Innovation, Startups, Entrepreneurship

3 Media Interviews
Carsten Linz at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
February 01, 2018
Carsten Linz at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

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Tags: Innovation, Startups, Leadership

#NewLeadership Talks: Carsten Linz meets Don Tapscott
January 22, 2018
In this interviews Carsten Linz discusses with Don Tapscott, (Wikipedia), the future of Leadership in horizontal Networks instead of vertical hierarchies.

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Tags: Management, Leadership, Future of Work

Innovation Adoption with Carsten Linz and Frank Klees
June 07, 2013
Watch Carsten and Frank discuss innovation adoption

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Tags: Innovation

Thinkers360 Credentials

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