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Terence Jackson, Ph.D.

Chief Effectiveness Office/COO at JCG Consulting Group LLC

Wilmington , United States

CEO/Managing Partner/Thinkers50 Top 50 World Leader in Coaching/Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coach

Jackson Consulting Group partners with Executives and Organizations to align Strategy, People, and Processes to optimize and sustain Peak Business Performance. Our proprietary methodologies increase Profit and Productivity, help manage change and reduce organizational cost.

We also do the following:

Exploration and Organizational Learning

• Help leaders of organizations examine and understand themselves and their organizations more thoroughly through surveys, team development, interviews, assessments, and other interventions

• Teach organizations to learn from their experiences (successes and failures), as well as the experiences of others

• Identify and train members of the organization to perform every facet of the consultative role so that the organization becomes increasingly more productive and self-sustaining.

Challenge Organizational Paradigms and Sharing

• Help organizations create an environment suitable for exploration and mutual sharing through open and honest disclosure and managed feedback

• Challenge the organizations to examine their decisions, as well as, the fundamental basis for those decisions, in an effort to understand the culture that supports the organization’s behaviors and decision processes

• Foster cultural intelligence through celebrated diversity, inspired engagement and rewarded accountability

• Lead organizations in a strategic planning process that clarifies their business direction and develops actions needed to achieve that direction

Production and Sustainability

• Help organizations identify process inefficiencies, redundancies, process gaps, and structural frameworks that negatively affect productivity and business performance

Evaluate and Act

• Establish measures and methodologies for determining goals, status against those goals, and corrective action required

• Assist organizations in uncovering, evaluating, refining, and fulfilling their mission, vision, and values

Available For: Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Wilmington NC United States
Speaking Topics: Transformation in the Age of Disruption and Innovation, The Future of Work in the Age of Innovation and Disruption, Diversity and Inclusion in the Age

Terence Jackson, Ph.D. Points
Academic 0
Author 126
Influencer 19
Speaker 3
Entrepreneur 0
Total 148

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Business Unit: Organizational Effectiveness
Theatre: Global
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed
Media Experience: 15
Last Media Training: 05/16/2013
Last Media Interview: 01/10/2019

Areas of Expertise

Change Management 32.22
COVID19 30.80
Culture 31.26
Customer Experience
Design Thinking 30.04
Future of Work 30.96
Innovation 30.07
Leadership 32.00
Lean Startup
Management 32.99
Predictive Analytics
Supply Chain

Industry Experience

Higher Education & Research
Oil & Gas
Professional Services


6 Article/Blogs
How does an Executive Reach Their True Potential? They Hire an Executive Coach!
December 28, 2017
Now that's a big question! The answer is simple: they hire a coach and they 100% engage as well as embrace their development.

The best executives reach their true potential by facing their fears and moving to a new threshold. They find empowering ways rather than move in disempowering directions. Empowering ways create an empowered self. Creating an empowered self, is a very loving thing to do and it takes courage! Self love is an act of self worth. Self worth is the basis of your Self Esteem, or who you consider yourself to be in the world.

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Tags: Management, Leadership

Designing your Future: How Transformational and Backward Thinking can Help Organizations Succeed
November 27, 2017
"Begin with the end in mind" Stephen Covey

Many years ago Dr. Covey wrote his masterpiece "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." In this masterpiece Dr. Covey's most important habit may have been "begin with the end in mind." This habit teaches people to see the future they want for themselves. Basically the habits indicates that one should paint the picture of the desired result/success in their mind prior to pursuing the goal. What we know as "design thinking" is a product of both systems thinking and Dr. Covey's habit "begin with the end in mind."

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Tags: Design Thinking, Innovation

11 Traits of the Disruptive Leader
October 22, 2017
Great leadership is a need in our society today and being a Great leader should be the objective of everyone in a leadership position. Given that Disruption and Innovation are the norms in every aspect of our lives, it is great leadership that makes the difference by providing the inspiration to navigate through seemingly chaotic times.

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Tags: Innovation, Leadership

10 Actions to Become a Highly Effective Person
October 20, 2017
ENERGY How are you going to achieve your personal goals when you are dog-tired all the time, constantly burned out, stressed out and running on empty? What's the chance that this year's career goal will be achieved on time... when you don't have the energy and physical stamina required to see it through to completion?

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Tags: Leadership

A Simple Step to Improve Personal Productivity in the Workplace
April 03, 2017
I remember attending an event where the presenter handed out a little card to participants. It had his contact information on one side but the true value is the list of ‘Eight Top Time Tips’ on the reverse side.

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Tags: Management, Leadership

DNA of Exceptional Leaders: The Focus of Executive Advisors
March 09, 2017
Great leaders earn trust and respect as they emerge from the “refiner’s fire” with competence, character, and a pattern of success. The culture, values, and quality of an organization are always a reflection of its leaders.

Top ten qualities that have been observed in exceptional business leaders.

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Tags: Culture, Leadership, Management

2 Books
Transformational Thinking: The First Step Toward Individual and Organizational Greatness
Self Published
September 29, 2017
Transformational Thinking is a philosophy that teaches one to challenging all assumptions. The concept of Transformational Thinking is a collection of tools that have been used in a variety of different roles by some of the world’s most respected thinkers. Alongside these and into the framework of the concept, I have humbly placed my own. By bringing together some very useful skills and harnessing the power that has been scattered across the thinking spectrum, Transformational Thinking has emerged.

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Tags: Culture, Future of Work, Leadership

Transformation Thinking: The First Step Toward Individual and Organizational Greatness
Self Published
August 29, 2017
This is a call to arms. It is about finding and implementing solutions, not placing blame and shame for the problems. It is a movement that must begin deep within each of us. We must transform our own beliefs and thinking in order to solve the problems that we, not “they”, have created. It is time to expand the parameters of our own perception, to tap into the personal power we all possess and only then, individually and collectively, can we successfully increase the quality of our reality, creating an environment that is conducive for sustainable personal and collective growth.
I believe we can do it. I believe the problem is not as vast and complicated as we would like to believe. I maintain that we can and must solve the problems within our own homes, neighborhoods and society as a whole, starting with that which is the product of our very lives. We can change the world, provided we are willing to change ourselves.

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Tags: Change Management, Leadership, Management

1 Influencer Award
Transformational Thinking: The First Step Toward Individual and Organizational Greatness
Self Publish
August 29, 2017
This is a call to arms. It is about finding and implementing solutions, not placing blame and shame for the problems. It is a movement that must begin deep within each of us. We must transform our own beliefs and thinking in order to solve the problems that we, not “they”, have created. It is time to expand the parameters of our own perception, to tap into the personal power we all possess and only then, individually and collectively, can we successfully
increase the quality of our reality, creating an environment that is
conducive for sustainable personal and collective growth.

See publication

Tags: Culture, Leadership, Management

1 Media Interview
Disruption Mindset: Challenging the Status Quo Everyday
Self Published
June 03, 2020
A cordial conversation about how leaders are obligated to challenge the Status Quo daily.

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Tags: Leadership, Culture, Change Management

1 Speaking Engagement
Booster Shot Coaching System: Navigating the Covid 19 Healthcare Crisis for Healthcare Professionals
Self Published
March 16, 2020
• Crises like COVID-19 remind us that survival hinges on high levels of collaboration and alignment. For leaders at the helm of their organizations, a top priority is having a high-performing team that can serve as a beacon of inspiration, direction, and motivation. Working with leaders and their teams, we know that high performance invariably starts with a razor-sharp purpose, team members who are in sync, enabled and empowered, and processes, tools, and norms that drive fast and effective decisions that infuse the whole organization.· As physicians, nurses and other front line employees, you’re putting your lives on the line even more than usual during the COVID-19 health crisis, adding stress to an already stressful job. Fear of bringing the virus home to loved ones and the additional strain of supporting significant others who may be isolated at home find us all in uncharted waters. And for many, there is the added stress associated with family members who are no longer bringing home paychecks.

·Booster Shot Coaching is designed to give you a “booster shot” - practical strategies you can use to help you decompress from the stress of the day and cope with the anxiety and uncertainly of the world we’re currently living in.

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Tags: Change Management, COVID19, Leadership

Thinkers360 Credentials

2 Badges



1 Business Consulting
Leadership Performance Coach/Organizational Effectiveness Coach

Location: Global and Virtual    Fees: $2500 per day plus expenses

Service Type: Service Offered

I am a Certified Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching Coach. I was chosen by Marshall Goldsmith as a Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coach. That designation ranks me as one of the top Leadership Development Professionals in the world. I lead a $500 million dollar division of a firm for 5 years and never missed a number. I have prior corporate experience with ExxonMobil, Norfolk Southern, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Monsanto. I have served as a consultant for such companies as McDonald's, Norfolk Southern, ExxonMobil, Google, Intel, DellEMC, New York Life and Coastal MD's.

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Terence Jackson, Ph.D.

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