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Sally Eaves

Digital Decentralization, Democracy and Security Advisor at Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

London | Oxford | New York, United Kingdom

Recognised as a thought leader in emergent technology (Blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, VR/AR), intrapreneurship, online media and navigating digital disruption and by working with authenticity, purpose and drive, I deliver sustainable business success, educational development and social impact outcomes.

I hold a number of directorships, undertake bespoke consultancy projects and engage in innovative research and educational activity. I am also an international events speaker, an established author and have cultivated a highly engaged and cross-sector network both in person and across all leading social media channels.

Specialties: Business Consulting, Technology Consulting, FinTech, Online Media Strategy, Individual, Team and Executive Coaching and Mentoring, Leadership Development, Intrapreneurship, Attitude, Behaviour and Cultural Change, Employee Engagement, Business, Technology and Education Research

Key Skills & Qualifications: MSc IT & Management, FHEA, PGCert HE, MIET, PRINCE2, ITIL

I believe strongly in the value of building mutually supporting professional relationships and a genuine business community, connecting people to one another to help make a difference. I live the ethos of paying it forward and additionally am committed to leading and promoting initiatives working with underrepresented groups to enhance employability, access to education and IT careers in order to build empowerment, create new life chances and foster a legacy of technology for good.

I would love the opportunity to start a conversation with you or your company to introduce myself personally and my wider trusted team who share these values, and to explore the possibilities of helping you to achieve your goals and optimise performance.

Email | Call +44 07973492361 | Follow @sallyeaves

Sally Eaves Points
Academic 85
Author 327
Influencer 1407
Speaker 0
Entrepreneur 40
Total 1859

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Company Information

Company Type: Company
Minimum Project Size: Undisclosed
Average Hourly Rate: Undisclosed
Number of Employees: Undisclosed
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

5G 30.70
AI 31.26
Analytics 30.29
AR/VR 30.44
Big Data 30.48
Blockchain 39.19
Business Strategy 30.38
Change Management 30.04
Climate Change 30.63
Cloud 32.00
CSR 30.91
Culture 30.21
Customer Experience 30.03
Cybersecurity 34.21
Design 31.17
DevOps 31.75
Digital Transformation 34.23
Digital Twins 30.34
Diversity and Inclusion 30.44
Ecosystems 30.12
EdTech 30.09
Emerging Technology 38.85
FinTech 39.15
Future of Work 30.16
Generative AI 30.20
HealthTech 31.77
Innovation 31.84
IoT 31.75
Leadership 30.20
Management 33.50
Mobility 30.39
Privacy 30.08
Retail 30.07
Risk Management 30.09
RPA 30.53
Security 30.29
Social 32.88
Startups 30.07
Sustainability 32.59
Telecom 36.77

Industry Experience


72 Article/Blogs
AT&T and Cisco Collaborate for Mobile-First Unified Communications
Tomorrow's Tech Today
January 04, 2024

In an era where our mobile phones have become extensions of ourselves, seamlessly integrated into every facet of our personal and professional lives, it can seem surprising that the corporate world has been slow to fully embrace mobile-centric work models (and that the communications experience can remain siloed).

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Tags: FinTech, Future of Work, Mobility

AI Centre Stage! - Highlights and Reflections, Intel Innovation 2023
Tomorrow's Tech Today
November 13, 2023
At the third annual Intel Innovation event, it was AI that took the attention spotlight! - with Intel demonstrating significant strides in integrating artificial intelligence with hardware and software development – from demonstrating 3 x faster model training on Gaudi-2, right through to Intel’s Large Language Model (LLM) -as-a-service.

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Tags: Cloud, DevOps, Generative AI

The Future of Work as AI Shapes Productivity and Learning
Tomorrow's Tech Today
September 21, 2023
Constant change is at the heart of the technology industry. And, because technology now underpins so much of what most of us do in the workplace, we see that technological evolution is continuously changing our workplace and indeed the very future of work itself.

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Tags: AI, Future of Work, Generative AI

The API Economy and Accelerating the API Security Disconnect A Cybersecurity API Special with Noname Security
August 03, 2023
It may surprise you to learn that API calls now represent over 80% of internet traffic today! This is reflective of our globally growing API economy which facilitates digital services and data exchange through APIs to generate value for business and increasingly society too. APIs apply everywhere - from microservices and cloud-native architectures to command-line tools and enterprise code.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, FinTech

RSA 2023 & Beyond with AT&T Business – A New Standard for Networking: Security is the Network!
Tomorrow's Tech Today
June 28, 2023
The RSA Conference is long established as the world’s leading cybersecurity event and for 2023 - its 32nd annual event - this reached a whole new level with 4 days of bleeding edge innovation, expert perspectives and best practice sharing attracting over 40,000 attendees. Indeed, this year’s positive theme of ‘Stronger Together’ has never resonated more with the imperative to better navigate the ever escalating scope, scale and sophistication of cyber threats in a dynamic context of multiple vectors of risk and change. This includes new forms of malware and ransomware, alongside the juxtaposition of opportunity and challenge presented by open source and ‘the topic’ of recent times - Generative AI including ChatGPT.

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Tags: Cloud, Cybersecurity, 5G

The CIO Reimagined Data Centricity, Human-Centered Leadership and Skills-Based Organization The Catalysts for Shared Value Innovation - Part 2
Tomorrow's Tech Today
March 27, 2023
In part one of this two-part special available here we explored the vectors of change effecting the evolution of the CIO, and key issues and opportunities including addressing the data paradox, moving from data management to data centricity and value and democratizing the capacity to create and build. Concluding this series, we now move onto exploring the criticality of Human Centred Leadership and Power of the Ecosystem, Skills Based Organisation and share final thoughts and reflections for application across business and societal outcomes.

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Tags: Big Data, Cloud, Leadership

The CIO Reimagined! Data Centricity, Human-Centered Leadership and Skills-Based Organization The Catalysts for Shared Value Innovation
Tomorrow's Tech Today
March 20, 2023
The role of CIO is fast becoming the ‘chameleon’ of the C-Suite, necessitating the capacity to constantly evolve and take on additional responsibilities - moving beyond driving efficiency, to driving innovation and growth - shaping and creating digital transformation.

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Tags: Big Data, Cloud, Leadership

Security in the Energy Industry with Microsoft
Tomorrow's Tech Today
March 20, 2023
With greater digitalisation comes expanded opportunities but also the need for superior cyber security protection – never has that imperative been more apparent than in the energy sector today. And we are seeing an acceleration in the convergence of IT, IoT and OT too, with traditional energy technologies increasingly now connecting to intelligent digital technologies, applications and networks

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Tags: Cybersecurity, IoT, Security

Sustainability by Design for Shared Value that Scales – An ESG Impact Special with IBM
Tomorrow's Tech Today
March 09, 2023
We can make the fastest progress addressing the world’s most urgent sustainability issues when ESG value and business value are aligned - with technology leadership and impact measurement both critical enablers to accelerate everyone's journeys, tailored to organizations of any size. Reflecting back to 1987, when the UN’s Brundtland Commission established the definition of sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” the time is now to reflect on the vectors of change impacting this aspiration, consider how far we have come and the leading challenges that remain, especially key ‘intention-action’ gaps, something I recently discussed with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg in parliament.

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Tags: Analytics, IoT, Sustainability, Design

ESG Measurement Matters – From the Network Up! Driving Sustainability Outcomes with BT Group - A 2 Part Special
The Agile Brand
February 20, 2023
In Part 1 of this ESG special feature available now here we explored the changes, challenges, opportunities and gaps, especially around measurement, impacting the state of ESG today. Now in Part 2, we move on to evaluate the role of ICT and the telecoms industry in particular, explore ESG measurement advances with the BT Group and take a close look at the Carbon Network Dashboard and Digital Carbon Calculator launches. Let’s dive straight in to explore more of ‘the how’ in enabling optimal Sustainability outcomes that scale!

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Tags: Sustainability, Telecom

Empowering the Information Advantage! For Shared Value Business & Social Innovation Success With Muhi Majzoub - EVP, Chief Product Officer at OpenText
Tomorrow's Tech Today
January 17, 2023
At the heart of everything is information! But did you know that 8 in 10 employees today typically experience information overload? Impacting areas as diverse yet critical as decision-making, wellbeing, employee retention and customer churn, this effect is catalyzed by the always-on constant information flow heralding from multiple apps and other often disparate data sources. This impact can be heightened further still by the influence of our own personal filters and echo chambers, something that can constrain the level of new information that we will ultimately remain open to accessing, evaluating and applying.

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Tags: AI, Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation

Power of Ecosystem! Why Partnership is Pivotal to Innovation and Growth Exploring the Expansion of the IBM Partner Program
Tomorrow's Tech Today
January 03, 2023
Are you a reseller of products and services? Do you build innovative products? With more than 55,000 partners worldwide and the number of channel-facing sellers recently doubling to over 2,000, the IBM Partner Program creates business, social and community value. Indeed, IBM is clearly doubling down on its long standing commitment to partner..

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Innovation, Ecosystems

Generative Design in Manufacturing – Unleashing the Capacity to Create
Tomorrow's Tech Today
December 05, 2022
From Automotive to Aerospace, and from Consumer Goods to Industrial Machinery, design and production in manufacturing is being transformed! This involves a move beyond traditional approaches such as injection and casting, to new tools and AI and Cloud powered techniques including 3D printing and especially Generative Design (GD), the core focus of this piece. And yet with the imperative for faster design cycles and a global GD market projected to reach US$ 526 Million by 2027 (IMARC Group), it is also true, especially in more risk-averse verticals, that many older design tools have not yet been optimized to take advantage of the advance in printing materials, manufacturing processes and industry developments. So what is Generative Design, how can it be applied, and from efficiency, collaboration and productivity, to sustainability, creativity and innovation, what holistic benefits does it bring?

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Innovation

Accelerating Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction With Lessons from Apollo 13 and Autodesk – It’s A Digital Twin Imperative!
Tomorrow's Tech Today
November 24, 2022
Today we have smart phones, smart cars and smart homes – so why do we not always have truly smart enterprises with real time situational awareness and rapid responsiveness to change – and is this a context poised to evolve? In this piece I focus on innovation in digital twin capabilities that can support this evolution of ‘smart’ to enterprise level, with particular reference to Architecture, Engineering and Construction verticals (AEC), and enriched by a recent deep dive discussion with Autodesk - a global leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, with a depth of expertise in Building Information Modelling (BIM).

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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, Digital Twins

Cyber Security Awareness Month & Beyond with 11:11 Systems
October 31, 2022
Organizations from SME to Enterprise are reviewing and modernizing their security strategies in a threat landscape that continues to dynamically evolve in scope, scale and sophistication, especially with the rapid advance of digital transformation from hybrid working, to Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) adoption and Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) diffusion. Resilience to vulnerabilities is an imperative and in this piece for Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM) and very much looking beyond too, the focus is on exactly this – raising awareness to build resiliency – with the aim to help support organizations of any size in proactively enhancing their security posture. With the CSAM theme this year being: ‘It's Easy to Stay Safe Online - See Yourself in Cyber’ we will explore the key vectors of change impacting on Cyber Security today, with resources and tips on actions everyone can take to better negate the risk.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Social, Management

Create Today, Enrich Tomorrow! A Holistic Approach to Sustainability and Wellbeing with Panasonic
October 05, 2022
The time is now to move beyond increasing transparency around sustainability outcomes, and indeed those of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) more broadly, to ensure this is underpinned by true commitment and accountability too. Such an ethos has come to the fore as embedded by design within Panasonic’s GREEN IMPACT initiative to deliver innovative solutions to fight climate change - with a specific focus on massive carbon reductions and circular economy principals that are ingrained from conceptualisation, through to end of life. This is something I have been privileged to speak to Panasonic Corporation President and CEO Masahiro Shinada with directly, inspiring the development of this piece.

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Tags: Blockchain, Cloud, FinTech

Time to Act! How Extended Reality Technologies can mitigate Natural Disasters from Flood to Food - HackZurich SDGs Challenge with Swiss Re & Microsoft
Tomorrow's Tech Today
September 13, 2022
Climate change is one of the most pervasive global challenges we face today, from the rising sea levels which raise the risk of catastrophic flooding, through to shifting weather patterns that threaten critical food production - the impacts are unprecedented in scope and scale. Indeed, as powerfully described by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, climate change is a “crisis multiplier” with profound implications for human wellbeing, international peace and stability, and of course, the very health of our planet. And beyond this are the vast asset and activity losses incurred too. We are in a defining moment where awareness and action is key to mitigate these natural disasters, and Extended Reality Technologies (XR) can help enable exactly this.

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Tags: AR/VR, Climate Change, CSR

Speeding-Up AI Training with Large Language Models (LLM) Innovation Exploring the Latest Updates to NeMo Megatron by NVIDIA
August 04, 2022
We live in an Age of Actualisation for Natural Language Programming (NLP) and especially transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs). Firstly, NLP models are on the rise, advancing a fascinating field of AI with applications to shape the very future of human lives, tackling an array of tasks including conversation, text completion, and even coding. This has been fuelled by advances in accuracy, scalability and production readiness. Indeed, research conducted by John Snow Labs last year revealed that 60% of tech leaders indicated their NLP budgets grew by at least 10% compared to 2020, with a third (33%) reflecting a rise of at least 30%.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Emerging Technology

Accelerating AI Everywhere with SW Solutions and Federated Learning – The AI Summit London with Intel
Tomorrow's Tech Today
August 01, 2022
The AI Summit London showcased the leading global innovators pushing the boundaries in Artificial Intelligence for both business and societal outcomes, transforming our lives and organizations alike. A centre piece event in London Tech Week, huge advances in technology across Artificial Intelligence were brought centre stage, underpinned by a celebration of knowledge sharing, networking, and breaking insights into technology trends.

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Tags: AI, Cloud, Digital Transformation

Cloudreach, an Atos Company and Microsoft Azure: The Power Of Partnership to Optimize ‘Return on Cloud’
July 26, 2022
We are living in an increasingly data driven and multi-cloud world with around 100 zettabytes – or half of the world’s data – anticipated to be processed, stored and managed in the cloud by 2025. And when we consider corporate data, the rate of change moves faster still, with 50% of data already in the cloud, an increase from 30% in 2015 (Sifted 2022). Putting this into context, Gartner predicts Global Cloud Revenue of $474 Billion this year, an increase from $408 Billion in 2021 with more information on evolving cloud trends, notably the rise of the Cloud Native Enterprise available here.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

The Talent Academy – Cloudreach & AWS - Bridging the Diversity Gap in Cloud Computing and Technology
July 15, 2022
Bridging the diversity gap within tech is a modern day imperative. Not only is it the right thing to do, it benefits all we do, from creativity and problem solving, to reducing the risk of bias and catalysing agility and innovation! Taking gender as just one example, organisations that are close to parity for highest level positions earn up to 50% higher profits than those with fewer female executives. But today, although talent can be found everywhere, unfortunately it remains true that democratization of opportunity for all talent is not - with some of the diversity gaps in the sector highlighted in this latest State of DEI in Tech Report.

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Tags: Cloud, Emerging Technology, Innovation

Wimbledon 2022: It’s Game, Set & Match for Tech Innovation with IBM!
Tomorrow's Tech Today
July 08, 2022
Welcome to the 135th Wimbledon Championships – the smartest, most data-driven and sustainable ever! In this piece I explore the latest technology, people and purpose inspired innovations following a behind the scenes visit with IBM, the official Information Technology partner for the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) and The Championships for the past 33 years. I also reflect on the changes I have seen first-hand over the last 12 months, especially regarding explainable AI, the quality and interactivity of the fan experience and sustainable development. This is clearly based on the power of trusted partnership with workshopping, testing and developing AI and analytics-based solutions in an all-year shared commitment. Let’s dive into the key advances!

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Changing The Narrative – Cyber Security as an Inclusive Career & Winning The Cyber Wars!
June 08, 2022
I strongly believe that education is the foundation for empowerment and this special feature brings together two examples of exactly that within the cybersecurity space, covering both a fantastic initiative to improve literacy and insights from a Tomorrow’s Tech Today podcast special bringing to the fore the latest tips, trends and technology support with Lisa Washburn, Senior Director of Product Management at Secureworks, and all underpinned by investment in culture, process and skills too.

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Diversity and Inclusion

The Digital Trust Imperative – Bridging The Gap with Swiss Re
May 23, 2022
Digital trust has increasingly been described as the core currency of our time, a critical business and social enabler that can foster long lasting loyalty and shared value impact, making it a highly appropriate focus for brand new research by the Swiss Re Institute entitled "Decoding Digital Trust". In 2021, the number of people making purchases online jumped from 1.66 billion 5 years ago to 2.14 billion – and these are purchasing decisions that are both increasingly and directly correlated to digital trust, with additional benefits across lifetime customer value, brand love and broader economic growth.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, FinTech

Security, Sustainability & Scalability – Conquering All Clouds
April 29, 2022
It is a truism that strategy without execution becomes meaningless and today enterprises are trying to embed more dimensions into their strategic prioritisations, and at a speed and scale we have not seen before, especially around the 3 Pillars of Security, Sustainability and Scalability of change. And this all underpinned by the imperative to build enhanced capacity to be more agile and better measure ‘return on impact’ rather than just return on investment. This is key to enabling the actualisation of shared value business, one that consumers, employees and ecosystem partners alike are increasingly not just expecting, but demanding!

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Tags: Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Sustainability

24 Author Newsletters
Embracing Innovation in the Era of AI: Redefining the Possible
July 19, 2024
When it comes to GenAI and innovation, this technology has the capacity to be ‘the accelerator of the decade’ and expectations are high, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution— what works for one organisation may not work for others. Each business should match its GenAI solution to its objectives, which could mean a small solution, a large one, or indeed one that grows as goals and capacities change.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

AI, Trust, and Collaboration: Inside IBM's Partner Plus Service Transformation
July 08, 2024
IBM has again demonstrated its continual commitment to scaling innovation through the recent launch of its new service track within the Partner Plus program. In the latest Tomorrow's Tech Today podcast, I talked to Steve Smith GM for Service Partners at IBM about the company’s experience over the last year, as it launched Partner Plus – and expanded its reach from top-level vendors down.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

Broadcasting, Experience and Performance Transformation! A SailGP Innovation ‘Foil Cam’ Special with T-Mobile for Business
July 01, 2024
Picture the scene! The dynamic SailGP championship comprises 50-foot foiling F50 catamarans reaching speeds of over 60 mph with high technology meeting high athleticism across 10 national teams of up to six crew, and broadcast to over 200 markets across the globe.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

From Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to Belonging – A Women in Data Special with Qlik
June 19, 2024
Words matter! They help us to frame our understanding of the world and shape our perceptions, actions and interactions. DEI or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are words which are increasingly used but often done so interchangeably - and can hold varying meanings for different issues and groups of people.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

Adapting Enterprise Infrastructure in the Age of AI: Why and How - with NVIDIA
June 17, 2024
As AI is steadily delivering on the promise to boost efficiency, productivity and increasingly - sustainability - businesses are seeking to seize the 'AI Advantage' – from improved decision-making to automating tasks and rapidly heralding new business models, revenue streams and impact outcomes onto the horizon.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

UK Cybersecurity – AI Risk Meets AI Opportunity
April 05, 2024
With cyberattacks already costing UK organizations more than £87 billion each year, cybersecurity is front of mind for many. And so is the juxtaposed position of AI – in terms of opportunities, and threats. Most eye-watering perhaps, the research finds that ‘in the age of AI’ some 87% of UK organisations are vulnerable to cyberattacks - with only 13% considered as resilient to cybercrime.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

5G Revolution! Efficient, Next-Gen Edge AI Meets Service Orchestration and Assurance
March 24, 2024
As the 5G revolution continues to deliver new, cutting-edge solutions and use cases, it’s no surprise that the fusion of next-gen Edge AI and advanced service orchestration will deliver a ‘quantum leap’ in 5G connectivity and efficiency.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

IBM watsonx.governance - Bridging the AI Transparency-to-Accountability Gap
March 19, 2024
At Davos a new report identified ‘AI-powered misinformation’ as the ‘world's biggest short-term threat’ raising the prominence of AI Governance fully centre stage.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

The Network Effect! Enabling the Full Value of 5G to Catalyse Innovation
March 15, 2024
Connecting everything to transform people's lives! Each and every ‘G’, and technology advancements within telecoms directly, contributes to people’s lives and affords the catalyst and conduit to shape shared value business and societal innovation that scales. It was therefore a pleasure to attend Ericsson’s annual pre-MWC London analyst and press briefing in the countdown to MWC24, and with the annual Barcelona event just concluded and attracting over 110,000 attendees, it now feels an optimal moment to reflect on key trends and areas of transformation.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

How To Drive and Authenticate ESG Initiatives: Insights from Dell Technologies
February 25, 2024
Sustainability and corporate responsibility objectives are not optional - they are imperative - and today organisations across the world are navigating how best to advance beyond transparency to accountability around their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments and credentials. And it’s a complex and multi-faceted journey that can be riddled with challenges.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

AI and Automation in Telecoms – The 5G Enabler
Tomorrow's Tech Today
January 22, 2024
The complexity tipping point: when does something become so complex that human teams can no longer make the most of it, or operate it without taking risks? In the telecoms industry, the sheer power and performance of 5G arguably takes us to that tipping point. The scope and scale of 5G is transformational but the resulting networks are too complex for people to operate cost-effectively without the use of AI, automation tools and cognitive technologies.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, FinTech, Telecom

AI and Automation in Telecoms – The 5G Enabler
Tomorrow's Tech Today
January 22, 2024
The complexity tipping point: when does something become so complex that human teams can no longer make the most of it, or operate it without taking risks? In the telecoms industry, the sheer power and performance of 5G arguably takes us to that tipping point. The scope and scale of 5G is transformational but the resulting networks are too complex for people to operate cost-effectively without the use of AI, automation tools and cognitive technologies.

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Tags: 5G, AI, Telecom

Cyber Resiliency in the Era of (Gen)AI - An AWS:reInvent23 Cyber Security Special with Veritas Technologies
December 21, 2023
As 2023 draws to a close, it’s a timely moment to look at the developing trends, transformation advancements and innovative strategies shaping cybersecurity and in particular - cyber resiliency - especially as the scope, scale and sophistication of risks continues to rise in today’s ‘Era of (Gen)AI’ – and with vulnerabilities in other emerging and increasingly convergent technologies too! This presents both opportunities and threats, a topic I have had the pleasure to deep dive on with the team at Veritas Technologies LLC Technologies, including speaking on the panel ‘The How of Enabling 360-Degree Defense in the Age of AI’ at reinvent23 recently with Chris Wiborg, VP, Product & Solutions Marketing and Demetrius M.

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, FinTech

BT's Sustainability Festival Highlights, Insights & Ecosystem Call to Action – COP28 & Beyond
December 20, 2023
Action over words! Adastral Park near Ipswich, UK recently became the epicentre of dialogue AND actions on sustainability as the BT Group hosted its inaugural ‘Sustainability Festival’. And now as we reflect on COP28 the UN’s Climate Change Conference, fresh from the research news that 20 of 35 of the earths vital signs are now at extremes in 2023, this heralds a timely moment to consider key insights and how we can best harness this momentum to accelerate a contagion of positive change

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech, IoT

Identifying, Assessing and Addressing Risks: Compliance, Accountability and the NIS2 Directive
December 08, 2023
We are navigating a cyber threat landscape of evolving complexity, diversity and sophistication in approach including the rise of cybercrime as an economy and "Ransomware as a Service" (RaaS), alongside an escalation in scope, scale and severity of impact - and one where concern around risk and accountability is understandably rising too.

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Tags: Blockchain, IoT, FinTech

Sustainability in the Energy Sector: Transformation, AI and Participation! With Microsoft
November 20, 2023
We are in the midst of a rapid momentum shift towards decentralised power generation: from rooftop solar panels right through to local wind farms and small hydroelectric plants with battery energy storage. But while decentralization can boost efficiency and sustainability, it also poses challenges including adapting to bi-directional power flow, making the most of available data, and of course, cybersecurity.

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Tags: Blockchain, FinTech

A New Dawn in Processor Technology – The Enablement of Sustainable Computing
November 06, 2023
Computing factors such as better performance, greater efficiency, and improved management are naturally linked to an organisation’s bottom line. Manage to do more with less and you also spend less, after all.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, FinTech

Security at Any Size! Cloud-Based Security for Small & Medium-Sized Organizations – An AWS Cyber Security Awareness Month Special
Tomorrow's Tech Today
October 23, 2023
In today's digital age, the threats and risks associated with cybersecurity are continuously evolving. For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the challenges can be greater still due to limits on resources and expertise, alongside issues as diverse as outdated software and patching, speed and complexity of change, talent and skills gaps, compliance requirements, lack of IT infrastructure visibility and disconnected data sources – the list goes on!

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Tags: Cloud, Cybersecurity, Security

Accessible Future: IBM's Approach to Generative AI Developer Advocacy
Tomorrow's Tech Today
October 10, 2023
Large long-established tech companies such as IBM hold the transformative power to democratize technology access through the creation of ecosystems. Ecosystems where access to knowledge, resources, and opportunities is equitable, thus paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse technological future.

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Tags: AI, Sustainability, DevOps

Unlocking the Power of Generative AI with Qlik’s OpenAI Connectors
Tomorrow's Tech Today
October 09, 2023
Generative AI tools have been publicly available for a couple of years, but this class of AI received huge fanfare towards the end of 2022 as OpenAI launched a chatbot called ChatGPT, based on a large language model (LLM).

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Tags: Analytics, Cybersecurity, Generative AI

Leading the Technology Renaissance! - The 'How' of Enabling Agility and Innovation #MWC23
September 28, 2023
To lead the technology renaissance necessitates enablement - in particular that of enabling agility and innovation through the intersection between 5G and IoT. With the combination of 5G’s faster speeds, lower latency, and higher bandwidth alongside advances in the Internet of Things, AI, Automation and Edge Computing, this convergence is enabling the development and scaling of next generation tools and platforms, plus a range of exciting new use cases too!

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Innovation

Cracking AI Contract Management Challenges
September 14, 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing contract lifecycle management (CLM) by streamlining every stage of the contract lifecycle, from contract creation and negotiations to contract analysis. AI-powered contract management solutions address the limitations of traditional methods by automating tasks, reducing human errors and providing AI-driven intelligence.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, FinTech

Making Financial Services Work for Customers and Employees
February 06, 2023
Microsoft recently hosted a private roundtable discussion in partnership with The Financial Times. The event: ‘A Case for Change: Making Financial Services Work for the Customer and the Employee,’ brought together customer experience and operation leaders from financial institutions across the UK.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, FinTech

The Global Banking Summit and 2023 Financial Services Trends In association with Microsoft, The Financial Times and The Banker
Tomorrow's Tech Today
January 31, 2023
The Global Banking Summit, hosted by @The Financial Times and @The Banker is the standout annual international conference for industry leaders. This event shapes the conversations that drive banking forward, sharing knowledge on building business in a tough economic climate - especially as recession anxieties, evolving competition, compliance pressures and geopolitical tensions all rise. This forum is an enriching opportunity to be a part of the debate to inspire innovation in local and international markets in the year ahead. I was delighted to be invited to participate by @Microsoft and the Financial Times.

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Tags: Cloud, Digital Transformation, FinTech

1 Book
The Edge of Disruption
August 13, 2020
A wave of technological disruption is coming: The Edge of Disruption gives you the power to ride this wave. The book is filled with fascinating insights into critical innovations including blockchain, FinTech, the internet of things, sensors, the smart society, artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, driverless vehicles, drones and autonomous robotics. These are fully explained and illustrated through global case studies, hands-on exercises, charts and visuals, giving you everything you need to develop a practical, real-world understanding of technology to make yourself future proof.

Exclusive interviews give you insights from innovative companies including the Tour de France, Huawei, MIT, IBM Watson, Waymo, 9Spokes, Farillio and Humaniq. The Edge of Disruption asks provocative questions surrounding privacy, data ownership and security and the increasing convergence between human and machine. Look past the hype and the fear mongering to develop a true understanding of these technologies and work out how to stay ahead.

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, IoT, FinTech

1 Conference Publication
Education, Experience and Community: Dewey in 2018
12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2018
March 07, 2018
Harwood S, Eaves S. Education, Experience and Community: Dewey in 2018. 2018. Paper presented at 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED2018, Valencia, Spain.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Culture

2 Founders
Project Shivom
November 01, 2017
Shivom is spearheading The Next Era of Genomics and powering the transition to value-based precision healthcare. Our focus is on the transformational convergence of OMICS technologies with blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cryptography to enable secure and personalised medicine with global scalability.

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation, HealthTech

Sally Eaves Consultancy
May 01, 2016
Personalised consultancy specialising in optimising the opportunities of disruptive technologies and innovative approaches to change, to accelerate and sustain business growth.

An experienced CTO and international keynote speaker, author and researcher, Sally offers a depth and breadth of insight that powerfully bridge contemporary business practice, cutting-edge research and foresight strategy to help you get and stay ahead.

Number 11 Globally - The Most Influential People in #blockchain

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Tags: AI, Blockchain, Digital Transformation, FinTech

16 Journal Publications
Conceptualising technology, its development and future: The six genres of technology
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
November 01, 2020
One approach to developing futuristic views of technology is to draw upon experience and expertise. However, this becomes increasingly speculative as one moves to more distant timelines and visionary technological forms. This raises the question of whether it is possible to rationally predict how a technology development trajectory might unfold into the future, perhaps to some ‘ultimate form’, that is accessible, surfaces the necessary technological features for development as well as considers the implications for human–artefact relationships.

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Tags: AI, Digital Transformation, Management

Mind the gap: But Does the gap Matter in Social Science Research?
European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies
July 01, 2018
This paper explores the issue of the ‘gap’between research and practice in the social sciences with specific focus upon business and management domains. This is important and timely given the current interest by funding bodies in the impactful nature of research. However, it is also problematic since such research is frequently viewed as irrelevant by the practitioners it is intended to impact. On the one hand, there is a need to advance knowledge which is abstract and conceptual, though, not uncommonly, whilst empirically grounded, this is construed as being that which is interesting by the scholarly community, where the emphasis is upon developing the field. This is compounded by the need to consistently publish in ‘quality’journals. On the other hand, are the requirements of practitioners which are driven by a solution provision and immediate relevance orientation, with scant regard for rigour. This emphasis upon results is to the detriment of theory and the needs of researchers for quality empirical data. This invites the question of how to bridge this gap in terms of what is construed by both academics and practitioner as relevant. In response, attention is dawn to such approaches that attempt to bridge this gap, such as Pragmatism, Action Research, Constructive Research and Interventionist Research. Each claims to have their own orientation, with associated advantages-disadvantages. However, these, questionably fail to resolve complex situations characterised by multiple views as to what the problem is. This invites attention to Problem Structuring Methodologies (PSMs), in particular, the Cybernetic Methodology, which offer an approach to …

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Social, Management

The Emergence of Makerspaces, Hackerspaces and Fab Labs: Dewey’s Democratic Communities of the Twenty-first Century?
Dewey and Education in the 21st Century- Emerald Publishing Limited
June 05, 2018
Whatever has transpired between the publication of Dewey’s D&E (1916) and the present, his vision of the empowered individual clearly manifests in the makerspace. It allows individuals to break free from the limitations of the formal educational system and, as part of a social learning community, discover their potential in new, natural, non-linear and often unexpected ways. Further, and perhaps only just beginning to be understood, is its wider potential to ignite alternative approaches on how to contribute to society and catalysing new directions for the future of work. With increasing research insights alongside broadened awareness of the possibilities, individuals can gain the capability to design and build for their future – that is only limited by their capacity to imagine it.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Culture

Making it happen: The pivotal role of knowledge sharing for information technology deployment success during joint venture change
Strategic Change
May 29, 2018
Tacit and explicit knowledge sharing must be continually cultivated to enable information technology implementation success. Effective information technology deployment necessitates a holistic focus beyond technical and legacy factors to include social, organizational, political, and interpersonal dimensions. Attention to cultural integration is a critical component of managing joint venture change and building employee engagement, perception of legitimacy and knowledge sharing norms. Individual employees occupy a key role in determining intended strategic impacts by committing to and enacting change efforts, particularly though making discretionary decisions to share their knowledge or alternatively to hoard, hide or disengage from sharing; an outcome which may be influenced by perceptions on knowledge ownership and value.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Business Strategy

Towards digital transformation: Lessons learned from traditional organizations
Strategic Change
March 26, 2018
Digitally enabled organizations are supported by new information and communication technologies, referred to as digital technologies, which increasingly promise enormous opportunities for growth. The study reviews 10 case studies from the literature and analysis the approaches these organizations have taken to successfully implement digital technologies. The findings reveal a conceptual framework that seeks to support management in understanding the actions required to implement digital transformation.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

In search of an autoethnographic method
European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies
June 01, 2017
This paper examines two research situations using the method of autoethnography. This is a contentious yet valid approach to research which can reveal that which is hidden from conventional approaches. The aim is to examine how an autoethnographic account of two unrelated studies elucidates shared issues relating to research practice, and to argue for its legitimacy. This results in a collaborative autoethnography as the authors share their respective experiences to create a shared domain of experience. The first study relates to a two year collaborative research project which failed to create the conditions for one of the researchers to conduct the study expected. The second relates to the practices of learning and unlearning in organic community spaces such as found in makerspaces. Both accounts are contextually embedded personal critical reflections that provide more than the primarily descriptive accounts that characterise an autobiography. They reveal the tensions and frustrations of research as a personal and messy process, with expectations from stakeholders which can be contentious. The value of this paper is that it firstly supports arguments about the messiness of research. More critically, it presents an argument as to why an autoethnographic approach is a valid method to address this topic. It uses the empirical evidence of experience to examine the scholastic debate and present a contribution to the debate about the appropriateness of personal experience as a research method. It is concluded that an autoethnographic approach is valid within the qualitative toolkit of methods.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Social, Management

Employing a Mixed Methods Approach to Benefit Business‑IT Alignment and Levels of Maturity
Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods
November 01, 2015
This paper examines the design, implementation, benefits and challenges of employing a mixed methods research approach with the aim to provide an emergent, integrative and multi‑layered perspective on Business‑IT alignment influences and maturity measurement. The application of mixed methods is underutilised in this domain and it is opined that it can serve to elucidate this perennial, but often elusive, core objective of senior management. It also begins to redress the predominance of quantitative studies and the frequent application of tools and techniques in isolation, not combination. The case of a leading UK Communications Service Provider in a two year period of joint venture integration provides a transformational context for examination, with a methodological focus. It is argued that mixed methods can achieve a mutually supporting depth and breadth of coverage that is appropriate to complex and multifaceted phenomena such as Business‑IT alignment and facilitates consideration of both process and outcomes. A transparently presented two phased, sequential exploratory and emergent design is adopted, with embedded integration. This is underpinned by a reflexive and intelligent‑action orientated pragmatic lens. Innovative use of observation, photography, interviews, focus groups and survey data are synthesised to unfold the Business‑IT alignment relationship, whilst the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model supports incremental maturity evaluation. The approach facilitates a responsive, integrative, pluralistic and holistic evaluation of alignment and maturity measurement, moving beyond traditional snapshot techniques. It …

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Business Strategy

From Art for Arts Sake to Art as Means of Knowing: A Rationale for Advancing Arts‑Based Methods in Research, Practice and Pedagogy
The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods
November 01, 2014
This paper advances a philosophically informed rationale for the broader, reflexive and practical application of arts‑based methods to benefit research, practice and pedagogy. It addresses the complexity and diversity of learning and knowing, foregrounding a cohabitative position and recognition of a plurality of research approaches, tailored and responsive to context. Appreciation of art and aesthetic experience is situated in the everyday, underpinned by multi‑layered exemplars of pragmatic visual‑arts narrative inquiry undertaken in the third, creative and communications sectors. Discussion considers semi‑guided use of arts‑based methods as a conduit for topic engagement, reflection and intersubjective agreement; alongside observation and interpretation of organically employed approaches used by participants within daily norms.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Leadership

The art of knowing in research, practice and pedagogy: advancing arts-based and arts-informed methods
Proceedings of the European Conference on Search Methodology for Business and Management
June 01, 2014
This paper foregrounds an appreciation of aesthetic experience and a broadening, cross‐disciplinary application of Arts‐Based and Arts‐Informed methods to benefit the complexity of knowing. Emergent nomenclature and domain understanding is expounded with theory, perspectives, dilemmas, opportunities and practical implications drawn across the pedagogical, research and praxis continuum. Visual‐narrative inquiry employing Dewey’s intelligent‐action orientated pragmatism alongside reflexive and purposeful theoretical and methodological bricolage underpins the discussion. Primary exemplars transverse third sector, creative‐digital social enterprise and high‐technology settings, with phenomena including sensitive issues, empowerment, identity, transition and the human impact of transformational change. Approaches are employed from the perspective of providing visual arts media and technique support as a conduit for participant engagement and collaborative reflection, and further, by observing the organic methods used by participants within their daily norms. The emergent capability for the researcher to explore personal experience through an aesthetic lens is robustly examined. Techniques within scope span handcrafted (drawing), digital (photography), hybrid (cartooning) and performance dimensions (improvised artistic installations). Both the process of creation and the artefact or outcome ultimately produced attains significance as each affords a specific reflexivity benefit. Exploring issues of methodology and epistemology, both the “doing” and its interpretation are expansively considered to support replication, utility and …

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Management

Foregrounding Mixed Methods to Elucidate, Measure and Optimise Business-IT Alignment
European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies
June 01, 2014
This paper foregrounds an emergent and panoptic perspective on Business‐IT alignment influences and maturity measurement achieved through an integrated mixed methods approach, elucidating a perennial, but often elusive core objective of senior management. It begins to redress the predominance of quantitative studies and the frequent application of tools and techniques in isolation, not combination. The transformational context of a UK Communications Service Provider during two years post joint venture benefits novel, multi‐layered and longitudinal examination. It is opined that mixed methods can achieve a mutually supporting depth and breadth of coverage that aligns with relationship complexity and facilitates consideration of both process and outcomes. A transparent two phased, sequential exploratory and emergent construction design is adopted, with embedded integration. This is underpinned by reflexive and intelligent‐-action orientated pragmatism. Innovative use of STRIKE observation, photography, interviews, focus groups and employee survey data are synthesised to unfold the Business‐IT alignment relationship, whilst the Strategic Alignment Maturity Model is selected to support emergent maturity evaluation. The approach facilitates a responsive, synthesised, pluralistic and holistic evaluation of alignment and maturity measurement, moving beyond traditional snapshots. It encourages reflexive, in situ surfacing of core themes and the impact of events, interventions and culture. The design benefits data richness, elaboration, validation, illustration and the identification of situated knowledge regarding enablers, inhibitors and …

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Tags: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Management

Innovative approaches to knowledge transfer, experiential learning and SME application within business education
Novel Approaches in Business Education
February 12, 2014
The levels, breath and currency of graduate skills and competencies, continual curricula progression and provision for effective life-long learning are foregrounded as a core focus in business education, within a European context. This is essential to achieve the competitive growth and digital literacy aims of the Europe 2020 Strategy, alongside other flagship initiatives including Innovation Union, the Agenda for New Skills for New Jobs, the IPR Strategy'A Single Market for Intellectual Property Rights', a Digital Agenda for Europe and the Creative Europe programme (OECD 2010; European Commission 2014a, 2014b). Business education must also address specific market needs such as fulfilling the 900,000 ICT job vacancies forecast for Europe by 2015 (European Commission 2014b). This is impacted by uneven digital skill levels, a need for enhanced training support for educators and demands for an integrative ICT investment infrastructure (European Commission 2013a)

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Management

Middle Management Knowledge by Possession and Position: A Panoptic Examination of Individual Knowledge Sharing Influences
The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
January 01, 2014
This paper elucidates the spectra of influences that impact the intra‑organisational tacit and explicit knowledge sharing behaviour of the middle line, a boundary spanning layer highly capable to influence, inform and transform. The approach addresses a deficiency in research that affords an eclectic perspective across both knowledge types simultaneously and at an individual level of analysis. Advancing Ipe’s (2003) conceptual work, the Multidimensional Model of Individual Knowledge Sharing Influences integrates robust and multi‑disciplinary theoretical exposition with empirical validation in four leading UK Communication Sector operators. The model encapsulates the direct influence factors of Motivation to Share, Nature of Knowledge, Opportunity to Share, Culture and the Nature of the Individual. Organisational Velocity provides an original conceptualisation of the continual, episodic and ambiguous change that reflects reality in many post‑industrial settings and is expressed as the tension between centrifugal and centripetal forces acting on the other factors. All six dimensions are shown to impact individual knowledge sharing practice, with underexplored constructs such as personality traits and aspects of demography emerging as significant. Organisational Velocity can operate in a moderating and primarily centrifugal capacity on Motivation to Share, Opportunities to Share and the Nature of the Individual. The study demonstrates that a panoptic, pluralistic and interdisciplinary perspective combining human, social, technological and contextual factors must be considered to understand sharing behaviour and optimise knowledge management interventions. A particular element may not be evaluated in isolation. Further, when factor dynamics are sub‑optimum, the middle line may pragmatically orientate towards personal knowledge management mechanisms. Evidence of hoarding, hiding or disengagement from sharing is identified with some managers electing to utilise their knowledge in possession and network positional opportunity to generate rent in alignment with individual and affiliated group interests, negating its aggregation for wider organisational benefit. Implications for research and practice are fully explored.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management, Leadership

Advancing Polyphonic, Multi‑layered and Authentic Narrative Inquiry: Actor Sensemaking during Transformational Change
The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods
December 01, 2013
This paper foregrounds multi‑layered and polyphonic narrative inquiry to elucidate an authentic representation of the intersectional sensemaking processes of organisational actors. This can afford particular value during the complex and dynamic circumstances of transformational change, as exemplified within the narrative tension of the joint venture Communications Sector Provider case examined in this study. The approach is panoptic and deeply situated within the context of understanding meaning‑making. This is achieved by adopting a multiplicity of embedded, creative and integrative approaches to narrative elucidation, evaluation and articulation, supported by robust triangulation and process transparency. The original framework STRIKE ‑ STructured Interpretation of the Knowledge Environment is demonstrated to afford particular value as a diagnostic and prescriptive observational tool, based on Wittgenstein's (2001) picture theory of meaning. With notable attention to non‑somatic artefacts, STRIKE surfaces actor sensemaking and emergent narratives in situ. In addition, creative art and visualisation techniques optimise the conduits for direct participant expression, augmenting the traditional focus group method to enhance the capacity for all voices to be heard. The collocation of narrative data within context benefits authenticity and advances the production of coherent and cohesive findings. A holistic, multi‑dimensional, multi‑textured and representational understanding of the problem situation emerges. This brings the criticality of human interaction with the physical as well as the social environment in order to create meaning to sharp focus. It is through an intersection of human‑material, social‑technical dialogue, across physical, textual, linguistic and visual dimensions, that organisational actors maintain, recreate and reinterpret their individual and collective identity as a means to navigate and make sense of, the complex self and group challenges catalysed by transformational change.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Social, Management

An introduction to STRIKE : STRuctured Interpretation of the Knowledge Environment
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management
September 05, 2013
Knowledge forms a critical part of the income generation of the system and the complex environment in which actors participate in the creation of knowledge assets merits robust, eclectic consideration. STRIKE - STRuctured Interpretation of the Knowledge Environment affords an unobtrusive and systematic framework to observe, record, evaluate and articulate concrete and abstract elements of a setting, across internal and external dimensions. Inter-relationships between actor and environment are preserved. STRIKE is supported by underlying techniques to enrich data and enhance the authenticity of its representation. Adoption of photography and videography tools provides illustrative and interpretive benefits and facilitates researcher reflexivity. This structured approach to data analysis and evaluation mitigates criticisms of methodological rigour in observational research and affords standardisation potential, germane for application in a verification or longitudinal capacity. Advancing exploratory validation studies, the method is employed to evaluate the knowledge environments of two enterprises in the UK creative sector. These occupy a critical role in fostering entrepreneurial innovation alongside participant self-efficacy. Access Space in Sheffield and the Bristol Hackspace are committed to open software, open knowledge and open participation; sharing peer learning, creativity and socio-technical aims to address broadly similar community needs. Drawing on Wittgenstein’s Picture Theory of Meaning, the knowledge management perspective is abstracted from the STRIKE assessment. It is argued that the tiered analytical approach which considers a breadth of dimensions enhances representation and interpretation of the knowledge environment and presents a diagnostic and prescriptive capability to actualise change. The paper concludes by evaluating framework effectiveness, findings application and future direction.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Management

Mixed methods research: creating fusion from the QUAL and QUAN Data Mosaic
Proceedings of The 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, UK, Academic Conferences and Publish
July 04, 2013
There is no single recommended means of discourse for presenting and discussing mixed methods research, with lack of data synthesis and process transparency a frequently cited criticism. This paper addresses the deficiency and explores inventive means of data collection alongside innovative approaches to integrating, analysing and articulating qualitative and quantitative sources. A pragmatic philosophy, supported by theoretical and methodological bricolage is advocated and justified. A panoptic empirical study to elucidate the knowledge sharing influences of middle management in leading UK communication sector operators provides context. A sequential‐exploratory and equally weighted QUAL QUAN design was selected, incorporating emergent evaluation and integration. Innovative qualitative techniques were adopted, namely STRIKE‐STRuctured Interpretation of the Knowledge Environment, photographic analysis and word cloud visualisation, alongside cultural‐web focus groups. This facilitated rich, nuanced and multi‐textured data capture to aid the instrument fidelity of a quantitative cross‐operator survey. Triangulation was undertaken across all sources to assess areas of corroboration, elaboration or dissonance. It is demonstrated that this approach enables a multiplicity of perspectives to build successive deepening of understanding; supports transparency, traceability and synthesis; benefits credibility and validation and provides evidence of methodological robustness. This dynamic approach towards the design, conduct, fusion and presentation of mixed methods research therefore addresses a challenging lacuna: to …

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Innovation, Social

A multi-layered approach to surfacing and analysing organisational narratives: increasing representational authenticity
In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies
July 04, 2013
This paper presents an integrated, multi‐layered approach to narrative inquiry, elucidating the evolving story of organisational culture through its members and their physical, textual, linguistic and visual dialogue. A dynamic joint venture scenario within the UK hi‐technology sector was explored to advance understanding of the impact of transformation level change, specifically its influence on shared belief systems, values and behavioural norms. STRIKE–STructured Interpretation of the Knowledge Environment is introduced as an innovative technique to support narrative inquiry, providing a structured, unobtrusive framework to observe, record, evaluate and articulate the organisational setting. A manifestation of narrative in physical dialogue is elucidated from which the underlying emotional narrative can be surfaced. Focus groups were conducted alongside STRIKE to acquire a first order retrospective and contemporaneous narrative of culture and enable cross‐method triangulation. Attention was given to non‐verbal signals such as Chronemic, Paralinguistic, Kinesic and Proxemic communication and participants were also afforded opportunities to develop creative output in order to optimise engagement. Photography was employed to enrich STRIKE observation and document focus group output, affording high evidential value whilst providing a frame of reference for reflection. These tools enable a multiplicity of perspectives on narrative as part of methological bricolage. Rich, nuanced and multi‐textured understanding is developed, as well as the identification of connections, timbre and subjugated knowledge. A highly emotional and …

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Social, Management

57 Podcasts
State of Cloud, AI and GenAI Special ! With Jesse
Tomorrows Tech
May 28, 2024
As 'change' sits center stage across the world impacting the future of work and society, in this special ahead of SAP Sapphire we focus on all things future landscape of Cloud, AI and Generative AI. To explore this in depth I am delighted to be joined by Jesse Rothermel, Principal, Consulting Service at EY.

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

Achieving Cyber Resilience with Zero Doubt!
Tomorrows Tech
April 24, 2024
In today’s cyber special with Veritas Technologies our focus is on the need to move beyond Zero Trust to Zero Doubt – enabling holistic, embedded and experience-centric cyber-resilience by design! In particular, we discuss some breaking news announcements benefiting capacities within a multi-cloud landscape, expanded Security Partner Ecosystem and cyber recovery and AI-powered data management and simplification too!

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Tags: Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology, FinTech

Enabling a secure, reliable, collaborative and mobile working future - everywhere! With Doug Jones, AVP, Product Management Collaboration at AT&T
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January 04, 2024

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

An ESG Transparency to Accountability Special! From BT’s Sustainability Festival to COP28!
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December 21, 2023

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Excelling 'in the G' of ESG! With Courtney Kauzens Head of Governance & Reporting, Corporate Sustainability & ESG, Dell Technologies
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December 18, 2023

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Cyber Resiliency! Enabling 360-degree Defence in the Age of AI - With Chris Wiborg VP, Product and Solutions Marketing, Veritas Technologies
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November 22, 2023

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

'Modern Work' meets Sustainable Computing! An Intel vPro Special with Sarah Wieskus, Intel GM of Commercial Client Sales
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November 02, 2023

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Defining Your Personal Generative AI Journey! A 'Burning GenAI Q's' Live Special with Jaynene Hapanowicz, CTO & SVP, Technology Transformation & Cloud Services, at Dell Digital
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October 31, 2023

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Shared, Secure, Sustainable! The 3 S's of AI Safety Regulation, GenAI & Future of Human-machine partnership with John Roese, Global CTO, Dell Technologies
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October 30, 2023
Human-machine partnership has long been the crux of transformation and the recent rise of Generative AI has sparked entirely new sets of possibilities! But what are the lessons we can learn from the ‘sudden’ impact on the way we do business, and from a societal perspective too. Something center

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Identity Management - The New Frontier of Transformation! With Rajat Bhargava, CEO, JumpCloud
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September 29, 2023
With identity management fast becoming the new frontier of digital transformation, it could not be more timely to discuss 'the how' of reinventing just how modern IT teams get work done! Joined by Rajat Bhargava, CEO of JumpCloud we discuss his founder's journey, the IAM imperative and share ad

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Monitor, Detect, Defend! Elevating Threat Intelligence with MDR and AI - A Cyber Security Special with Keiron Holyome, Vice President, UKI & Emerging Markets at Blackberry
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September 11, 2023
Did you know that from March 2023 to May 2023, threat actors deployed 11.5 attacks per minute! Clearly, as cybersecurity threats continue to escalate in scope, scope and sophistication, so the imperative to evolve and strengthen our defenses must escalate too! With Monitor, Detect and Defend our man

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

The Future of Work! An AI Activation Special - With Karen Plotkin, SVP, Client Solutions Strategy at Dell Technologies
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September 07, 2023
We are already living through a fundamental shift in the way we work - so what will the future look like? Focusing in on the role of Artificial Intelligence, particularly Generative AI, this special feature is a deep dive right across the most impactful technology, tools and human factors including

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

DDoS Weapons Intelligence meets Intelligent AI & Automation Protection! A Cyber Security Special with Paul Nicholson, Sr. Director of Product Marketing at A10
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August 14, 2023
DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service attacks are growing in frequency, intensity and sophistication, from DDoS malware infected hosts such as drones right through to a range of different server protocol exploitations! The list goes on - but critically DDoS delivery methods are actually largely

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Beyond Digital & Cloud! - An Identity Transformation Special with Rajat Bhargava, CEO of JumpCloud & Totality Services
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August 02, 2023
Did you know that 42% of data breaches were due to stolen credentials in 2022 alone? No wonder perhaps, that the market for 'Identity as a Service' is poised to reach 16.38 Billion USD by 2028, with identity transformation now overtaking its Digital and Cloud cousins in terms of business prioritisat

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

The State of Smart Manufacturing 2023 with Becky Kelderman, Digital Transformation Executive of Rockwell Automation
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July 19, 2023
The world has changed and Manufacturing has changed with it, but there is more to do! As Manufacturers continue to seek opportunities for profitable growth, they are finding that uncertainty in workforce availability is impacting quality, along with their ability to meet their customers’ needs and

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Field Cyber Security 101 and Diversity in Security Special, with Joye Purser CISSP PhD, Global Lead, Field Cybersecurity at Veritas Technologies
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July 05, 2023
A live special in the field! From social engineering to ransomware and evolving trends like exploitation and IT/OT convergence, cyber threats continue to accelerate in risk scope, scale and sophistication. In this on the ground special, we explore ways to address the challenges right across technolo

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Digital Transformation in the Energy sector - A Sustainability Special with Bilal Khursheed - Director, Energy & Sustainability, Americas at Microsoft
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June 27, 2023
Energy affects us all! Indeed the energy sector has fast become one of the most dynamic industries of our time with vectors of change ranging from the cost crisis and supply chain fragility, through to cyber-attacks and excluded populations, and the advance of both sectoral and technological converg

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Roadmap to the Future! Autonomous Enterprise, AI, ChatGPT, Automation & People! 40 Years of Innovation - With Don Schuerman CTO of Pegasystems
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May 18, 2023
Building a Roadmap to the Future! In ever more ambiguous and rapidly changing times, navigating this is our episode focus covering areas such as building the autonomous enterprise and how it’s affecting the future of tech, alongside the latest AI, ChatGPT and automation innovations, covering impli

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Data for Good Special! With Qlik, C40 Cities & Direct Relief Ahead of QlikWorld
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March 29, 2023
In this Data and Technology for Good special, packed with real-world examples, we explore just how Data Analytics and Integration can enable scalable impact with meaning, focusing in on the critical non-profit sector. And ahead of QlikWorld 2023, where all of our guests are presenting, I am delighte

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Sustainability From the Network Up - ESG Special with Sarwar Khan, Global Head of Digital Sustainability at BT Group
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March 28, 2023
Embedding ESG considerations by design is an imperative - and this must be from the network up! In this special we explore the vectors of ESG change, especially around Sustainability, from opportunities to challenges, notably the intention-action gap regards awareness and actualisation, alongside co

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

The API Disconnect! A Noname Security Special with Karl Mattson CISO & Filip Verloy Field CTO EMEA
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February 25, 2023
As possibly today's most misunderstood cybersecurity threat factor, this special shines a light on a growing API Economy - but equally a growing API Security disconnect too. Issues range from API drift, sprawl and lack of visibility, through to misconfiguration, monitoring gaps and challenges applyi

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Sustainability by Design for Shared Value Impact that Scales - ESG Special with IBM's Christina Shim, VP/Global Head of Product IBM Sustainability Software and Nada Gemayel Santiago, Principal Product Manager, LinuxONE Hardware Solutions
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February 13, 2023
We can make the fastest progress addressing the world’s most urgent sustainability issues when ESG value and business value are aligned - with technology leadership and impact measurement both critical enablers. In this special we explore exactly this with IBM and two superb guests, Christina Shim

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

Cyber Security in the Energy Industry - With Jose Razo, Senior Tech Specialist at Microsoft
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February 13, 2023
With greater digitalisation and the dissolving separation between physical and cyber comes expanded opportunities - but also the need for superior cyber security protection. Never has that imperative been more apparent than in the energy sector today. In this special we dive into the various ve

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

From Escalating Cyber Risks to Recovery At Scale – Security Special With Doward Wilkinson, Sr. Product Manager, Veritas
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January 31, 2023
In this episode we explore the state, scope, scale and sophistication of today’s heightened and expanded cybersecurity threats, especially regards ransomware and malware. We unpack the technology that can make a difference, from network segmentation, virus scanning and the application of AI for ac

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

What's Normal Now?!' 2023 Tech, Network & Application Trends for CIO, CTO and CISO with Tony Webb, Vice President of EMEA & APAC at A10 Networks
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January 25, 2023
CIOs, CTOs and CISOs today are concerned about three key themes: how will they help drive growth and revenue; how will they ensure the best customer (and employee) experience and how will they drive further operational efficiencies. In this special feature, we explore ‘what’s normal now!' This i

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Tags: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Emerging Technology

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