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Dr-Manuel Serrano-Gil MD, PhD, MPH

M.D, Ph.D, MPH at Murcia Salud

Murcia, Spain

I am Dr. Manuel Serrano-Gil, a medical doctor from Spain with 20 years of experience in clinical research, and I have a diverse background in both clinical medicine and business. I am trained in internal medicine and clinical lab specialization and have received further education in health innovation from the UK.

I have a strong focus on increasing consulting engagements, and I present myself as an ideal T-shaped expert for companies such as GLG, Alphasights, Atheneum, and Guidepoint. These companies are looking for experts with a clinical background, knowledge of market access, and updated information on new diagnosis and treatment for diseases such as diabetes, rare diseases, infectious diseases, vaccines, Alzheimer's, and other neurological disorders.

I have a proven track record of participating in collaborative projects funded by the World Health Organization, PAHO, and the European Union. Currently, I am a Senior Medical Advisor at Murcia Salud, where I have led a scientific team during the pandemic responsible for checking guidelines for COVID vaccination, analyzing the deployment of the program, and working on specific indications for at-risk populations.

As an Honorary Professor at the School of Medicine at Universidad de Murcia, I provide mentorship and lectures on clinical laboratory medicine and internal medicine. I have also contributed to patient empowerment through my work at Arrixaca University Hospital, leading workshops and collaborating with healthcare professionals to create a patient-centered care model.

I have been a pioneer in the Expert Patient Movement, coining the term "Expert Patient" in Spanish and pioneering the Chronic Disease Self-Management Support Program in Spain. In 2007, I established the Global Alliance for Self-Management Support.

My expertise is highly regarded in the healthcare industry, and I am always seeking new opportunities to share my knowledge and experience.

Available For: Advising, Authoring, Consulting, Influencing, Speaking
Travels From: Spain
Speaking Topics: Expert Patients as Providers of Health: role of AI and IT

Speaking Fee $2,000 (In-Person), $600 (Virtual)

Dr-Manuel Serrano-Gil MD, PhD, MPH Points
Academic 105
Author 170
Influencer 65
Speaker 35
Entrepreneur 100
Total 475

Points based upon Thinkers360 patent-pending algorithm.

Thought Leader Profile

Portfolio Mix

Featured Videos

Advisory Board World Health Congress
April 19, 2023
Chair Patient Empowerment Diabetes DRBarometer International Project
April 19, 2023
Keynote Speaker World Health Congress
April 19, 2023

Featured Topics

The Role of Wearable Technology in Empowering Patients with Diabetes and Obesity

Overview of the impact of diabetes and obesity on patients' health and quality of life
Discussion of the potential benefits of wearable technology in supporting self-care and patient empowerment
Examination of the ways in which wearable technology, such as sensors for monitoring heart rate variability and brain waves, can be used to improve patient outcomes and promote healthy behaviors
Description: This presentation will explore the role of wearable technology in empowering patients with diabetes and obesity to take control of their health. We will discuss the potential benefits of wearable technology in supporting self-care and patient empowerment, and examine the ways in which sensors for monitoring heart rate variability and brain waves can be used to improve patient outcomes and promote healthy behaviors. This talk will be of interest to healthcare professionals, patient advocates, and anyone interested in the intersection of healthcare and technology

Optimizing Performance: Personalizing Elite Athletes' Training with AI and Wearable Technology"

Overview of the challenges and complexities of training elite athletes, and the limitations of traditional approaches
Discussion of the potential benefits of using AI and wearable technology to personalize training and support athlete performance
Examination of the ways in which sensors for monitoring heart rate variability, brain waves, and other physiological measures can be used to inform personalized training plans and optimize athlete performance
Description: This presentation will explore the use of AI and wearable technology in personalizing training for elite athletes. We will discuss the challenges and complexities of training at an elite level, and the potential benefits of using technology to support athlete performance. We will also examine the ways in which sensors for monitoring heart rate variability, brain waves, and other physiological measures can be used to inform personalized training plans and optimize athlete performance. This talk will be of interest to sports coaches, trainers, and anyone interested in the application of AI and wearable technology in sports performance

Promoting Behavioral Change: Using Wearable Technology and Self-Monitoring to Support Mental Health

Overview of the challenges and complexities of promoting behavioral change and improving mental health outcomes
Discussion of the potential benefits of using wearable technology and self-monitoring to support mental health and promote behavioral change
Examination of the ways in which sensors for monitoring heart rate variability, brain waves, and other physiological measures can be used to support self-monitoring and promote healthy behaviors
Description: This presentation will explore the potential of wearable technology and self-monitoring in supporting mental health and promoting behavioral change. We will discuss the challenges and complexities of improving mental health outcomes, and the potential benefits of using technology to support self-monitoring and promote healthy behaviors. We will also examine the ways in which sensors for monitoring heart rate variability, brain waves, and other physiological measures can be used to inform personalized interventions and support mental health. This talk will be of interest to mental health professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in the application of wearable technology in mental health

Company Information

Company Type: Individual
Minimum Project Size: N/A
Average Hourly Rate: N/A
Number of Employees: 11-50
Company Founded Date: Undisclosed

Areas of Expertise

COVID19 33.75
Digital Transformation
Future of Work
Generative AI
Health and Safety
Health and Wellness 64.28
HealthTech 38.01
Mental Health 49.36
Open Innovation
Predictive Analytics
Project Management

Industry Experience

High Tech & Electronics
Higher Education & Research


1 Academic Certification
University of Murcia
April 01, 1995

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

19 Article/Blogs
"Revolutionizing Public Health: The Power of Vaccines and Artificial Intelligence"​
February 03, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize population health vaccination programs, and many researchers and organizations are exploring its role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs. In recent years, there has been a growing body of evidence to suggest that AI can help to streamline vaccination campaigns, target high-risk populations, and improve vaccine uptake [1].

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Tags: HealthTech, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Maximizing AI Potential: "The Importance of Writing the Right Prompt
February 01, 2023

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Revolutionizing Public Health: The Power of Vaccines and Artificial Intelligence
February 01, 2023

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Jacinta visits Mothers and their newborns
Import from
July 09, 2020

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

WhatsApp Video 2020 07 06 at 11 12 02 AM
Import from
July 06, 2020

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Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Reunion Movimiento Paciente Experto 15/6/2020
Import from
June 16, 2020

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Movimiento Paciente Experto Obesidad/Diabetes
Import from
May 02, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Movimiento del paziente esperto Obesita/Diabete
Import from
April 14, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Germogli e cavita
Import from
April 11, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Movimento Paziente Esperto: in poche parole
Import from
April 11, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

II magico effetto del supporto
Import from
April 11, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Expert Patient Programme Obesity/Diabetes II
Import from
March 15, 2019

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Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Expert Patient Program Obesity/Diabetes I
Import from
March 15, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Patients interviews
Import from
March 15, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

World Health Congress partnership
Import from
March 15, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Obesity and diabetes
Import from
March 11, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

Expert Patient Movement. In few words
Import from
March 11, 2019

See publication

Tags: COVID19, Health and Wellness, HealthTech

El paciente experto como tratamiento de la obesidad
La Verdad Newspaper
April 16, 2010

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Del paciente a la persona: Programa Paciente Experto
Blog Fluvium
April 16, 2008

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Board Membership
National Advisory Board Membership Health Literacy
World Health Congress
April 09, 2009

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

2 Books
Rediseño global de los cuidados de salud en enfermedades crónicas: Diabetes tipo 2
World Health Organization
April 01, 2007

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Rediseño global de los cuidados de salud en enfermedades crónicas: enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
World Health Organization
April 01, 2004

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Book Chapter
Patient Education and Self Management Support
Escuela Andaluza de Salud Publica
April 05, 2017

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Citation
Recognition Pioneer term Paciente Experto
April 05, 2017

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 eBook
Expert Patient Movement Obesity/Diabetes
April 05, 2017

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

2 Executives
Empowering patients to become expert patients
September 29, 2011

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Consultant Cleverx
December 31, 1969

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Founder
July 07, 2007
President Education, Health and Society Foundation

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Industry Council Chair
Consultant Veritux Company
September 29, 2021

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Influencer Newsletter
Radio Interview
La Verdad Newspaper
April 07, 2010

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

11 Journal Publications
Negotiating diet in networks: a cross-European study of the experiences of managing type 2 diabetes
Sage Publications
February 01, 2017
Food and diet are central aspects of diabetes self-management but the relevance of social networks for the way people are supported in their management of type 2 diabetes is often under-acknowledged. In this article, we aimed to explore the coalescences between these two phenomena among people with type 2 diabetes to increase knowledge of interactions within social network related to daily diet. The article is based on 125 qualitative interviews with individuals with type 2 diabetes from five European countries. Based on assumptions that people with chronic illnesses reshape relationships through negotiation, we analyzed negotiations of food at different levels of network. The respondents’ reflections indicate that there are complex negotiations that influence self-management and food, including support, knowledge, and relationships within families; attention and openness in social situations; and the …

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Stakeholders in support systems for self‐care for chronic illness: the gap between expectations and reality regarding their identity, roles and relationships
Wiley Online Library
May 27, 2016
The spread of self‐care holds the promise of containing chronic illness burden. Falling within the framework of a FP7 collaborative research project, this paper reports the views of key informants from six countries regarding who the main stakeholders are at different levels in the support system for self‐care for patients with chronic illness (SSSC) and how they accomplish their role and collaborate.
90 Interviews with purposefully selected key informants from Bulgaria, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and United Kingdom were conducted. Interviews involved government and local authorities, politicians, academics, health professionals and private sector representatives. Interviewers followed an expert opinion‐based guide. Analysis involved a cross‐country examination with thematic analysis and framework method techniques.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Meso level influences on long term condition self-management: stakeholder accounts of commonalities and differences across six European countries
BMC Public Health
December 01, 2015
European countries are increasingly adopting systems of self –care support (SMS) for long term conditions which focus on enhancing individual, competencies, skills, behaviour and lifestyle changes. To date the focus of policy for engendering greater self- management in the population has been focused in the main on the actions and motivations of individuals. Less attention has been paid to how the broader influences relevant to SMS policy and practice such as those related to food production, distribution and consumption and the structural aspects and economics relating to physical exercise and governance of health care delivery systems might be implicated in the populations ability to self- manage. This study aimed to identify key informants operating with knowledge of both policy and practice related to SMS in order to explore how these influences are seen to impact …

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Connectivity, contest and the ties of self‐management support for type 2 diabetes: A meta‐synthesis of qualitative literature
Wiley Online Library
October 01, 2015
This paper presents a meta‐synthesis of the literature on community‐based self‐management to support experiences of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The aim was to synthesise findings on both formal and informal self‐management support with particular reference to the relevance and influence of the social context operating at different levels. The review forms part of EU‐WISE, a project financed through EU's 7th Framework Programme. The review was performed by systematically searching MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Web of Science for English language publications between 2005 and 2014 presenting research conducted in Europe on the experiences and perspectives of self‐management concerns of patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The search yielded 587 abstracts, which were reduced through search strategy refinement and eligibility and quality criteria to 29 …

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Voluntary organizations and community groups as new partners in diabetes self-management and education: a critical interpretative synthesis
SAGE Publications
October 01, 2015
The purpose of this study is to critically review the literature on the role and work of voluntary organizations and community groups and volunteers in diabetes self-management programs. It seeks to explain how these organizations are located and could be integrated further within a broader system of support.
A critical interpretative synthesis of the literature was undertaken as part of the conceptual development of a European research project. Evidence (2000-November 2014) was searched in databases, with the use of key terms, and limited to the languages of the participating countries. This was supplemented by an additional hand search and snowballing technique. A total of 21 articles were included in the review.
Evidence regarding the involvement of voluntary organizations in diabetes self-management programs mainly related to: the nature and remit of their work, responsibilities, and …

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Voluntary and community groups and health professionals contribution to selfmanagement and wellbeing
Oxford University Press
October 01, 2015
The burden of ageing societies, increasing prevalence of long term conditions and the accompanying challenge to the sustainability of health systems require the adoption of new strategies. In response to this, patients with chronic diseases are increasingly being made responsible for the management of their condition. Social support seems to play a significant role both in terms of the patient and the system, especially among people from deprived backgrounds.
We conducted personal interviews with representatives of Spanish voluntary and community groups (VOCGs) in the context of a European project involving six countries. Participants were purposefully selected.
VOCGs were a significant source of support for people’s wellbeing. This contribution was often considered significant in terms of the context and type of encounters they enabled in other terms than the ones provided by …

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Analytic Hierarchy Process for Determining the Most Important Factors to Empower Elderly People in Taking an Active Role in Their Health: Study Design
Springer International Publishing
April 01, 2014
Adherence to treatment in elderly citizens is influenced by multiple factors. In order to achieve effective results, a patient-centred approach is needed, focused on empowering citizens to take an active role in their care. Despite the information available in literature, gathering the experience of relevant healthcare stakeholders that are active in this field could be useful for understanding which are the most important factors to take into account for having an activated patient that adheres to a treatment agreed and produced together with a proactive and prepared care team. This paper presents the preliminary results of a study aiming to use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to elicit user needs and to identify these factors

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Social support systems as determinants of self-management and quality of life of people with diabetes across Europe: study protocol for an observational study
March 04, 2014
Long-term conditions pose major challenges for healthcare systems. Optimizing self-management of people with long-term conditions is an important strategy to improve quality of life, health outcomes, patient experiences in healthcare, and the sustainability of healthcare systems. Much research on self-management focuses on individual competencies, while the social systems of support that facilitate self-management are underexplored. The presented study aims to explore the role of social systems of support for self-management and quality of life, focusing on the social networks of people with diabetes and community organisations that serve them.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Diabetes self-management arrangements in Europe: a realist review to facilitate a project implemented in six countries
BioMed Central
March 04, 2014
Self-management of long term conditions can promote quality of life whilst delivering benefits to the financing of health care systems. However, rarely are the meso-level influences, likely to be of direct relevance to these desired outcomes, systematically explored. No specific international guidelines exist suggesting the features of the most appropriate structure and organisation of health care systems within which to situate self-management approaches and practices. This review aimed to identify the quantitative literature with regard to diabetes self-management arrangements currently in place within the health care systems of six countries (The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Bulgaria, and Greece) and explore how these are integrated into the broader health care and welfare systems in each country. The methodology for a realist review was followed. Publications of interest dating from 2000 to 2013 were identified through appropriate MeSH terms by a systematic search in six bibliographic databases. A search diary was maintained and the studies were assessed for their quality and risk of bias. Following the multi-step search strategy, 56 studies were included in the final review (the majority from the UK) reporting design methods and findings on 21 interventions and programmes for diabetes and chronic disease self-management. Most (11/21, 52%) of the interventions were designed to fit within the context of primary care. The majority (11/21, 52%) highlighted behavioural change as an important goal. Finally, some (5/21, 24%) referred explicitly to Internet-based tools. This review is based on results which are derived from a …

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Engaging and empowering patients to manage their type 2 diabetes, Part II: Initiatives for success
Springer Healthcare Communications
October 01, 2010
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) has reached pandemic proportions. The impact of it and its long-term sequelae represent a significant burden for many healthcare systems around the world, and a significant number of patients struggle to achieve the internationally recommended targets for the modifiable risk factors that optimize healthy outcomes. In the first part of this two-part review, the scene was set showing that there seems to be a knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) gap hindering successful management of T2D. Although theoretical knowledge about how T2D should be managed exists, the attitude of patients and healthcare professionals seems to influence the practicalities of implementing life-enhancing changes for patients living with diabetes. Following the chronic care model, macro-level initiatives such as Finland’s national diabetes program, “The Development Programme for the Prevention and

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Manuel Serrano-Gil [PDF] from Engaging and empowering patients to manage their type 2 diabetes, Part I: a knowledge, attitude, and practice gap?
Springer Healthcare Communications
June 01, 2010

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Keynote
Using telehealth and m-health to better enable the self-management of long term conditions
World Health Congress
April 09, 2009

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

8 Media Interviews
Programa Paciente Experto radio
Onda Cero
June 06, 2019

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Radio Interview
Onda Regional Murcia
November 02, 2011

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Radio Interview
Onda Regional Murcia
July 10, 2011

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Radio Interview
Onda Regional Murcia
December 03, 2010

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Radio Interview
Onda Regional Murcia
May 03, 2010

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

El 'doctor internet' amplía su consulta
Periodico La Vanguardia
October 04, 2008

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Los médicos murcianos recibirán formación específica para fomentar el autocuidado de los pacientes
July 03, 2008

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Radio Interview
Onda Regional Murcia
December 31, 1969

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Mentor
Sanytol desinfectante eficaz para eliminar el virus de la gripe A de las superficies en el hogar
July 03, 2008

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

6 Miscellaneouss
Term Expert Patient at Wikipedia
April 20, 2023
Recognition as pioneer in using term "paciente experto" in Spain in 2006 at Wikipedia, with the Program Chronic Disease Self Management Program from Stanford Universty (USA)

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Tags: HealthTech, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

Training Group Meeting Expert Patient (2)
May 01, 2010

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Training Group Meeting Expert Patient (3)
May 01, 2010

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Training Group Meeting Expert Patient (4)
May 01, 2010

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Training Group Meeting Expert Patient (5)
May 01, 2010

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Training Group Meeting Expert Patient
April 01, 2010

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Panel
Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo
July 05, 2017

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Podcast
Smoking Law in Spain
Spanish Television
January 31, 2011

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Professor
Puesta en marcha de un proyecto de paciente experto
University of Murcia
December 12, 2019

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Profile
April 20, 2023

See publication

Tags: HealthTech, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

2 Speaking Engagements
Radio interview
self production
April 19, 2023

See publication

Tags: HealthTech, Mental Health

The Expert Patient
Los pacientes aprenden sobre su enfermedad
April 05, 2017

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Steering Committee Membership
EU-WISE International European Project
Los pacientes aprenden sobre su enfermedad
April 05, 2017
The project aimed to address the growing burden of long-term conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, by developing a whole system approach to self-care support. The project was designed to bring together various stakeholders, including patients, healthcare professionals, and policymakers, to develop and implement innovative solutions to improve the self-management of long-term conditions.

One of the key objectives of the project was to develop a European-wide network of stakeholders and experts to share knowledge, best practices, and resources related to self-care support. The project also aimed to develop a toolkit to support the implementation of self-care interventions, as well as to conduct pilot studies to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions.

Throughout the project, the team conducted a range of activities, including literature reviews, stakeholder consultations, and pilot studies. The project also produced a range of outputs, including academic publications, policy briefs, and a toolkit for self-care support.

Overall, the EU-WISE project represents an important effort to improve the self-management of long-term conditions through a whole system approach to self-care support. By bringing together various stakeholders and developing innovative solutions to support self-management, the project has the potential to make a real difference for people living with long-term conditions in Europe and beyond.

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Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Training
Summer Course University of Miami Evidence Based Chronic Illness Care
Panamerican Health Association
April 09, 2009

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

2 Videos
Movimiento Paciente Experto
Import from
June 12, 2020

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Movimiento Paciente Experto: Brotes y Huecos (II)
December 31, 1969

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

1 Video
February 04, 2010

See publication

Tags: HealthTech, Health and Wellness, Mental Health

4 Workshops
Global Alliance Self Management Support Meeting
self production
April 19, 2023

See publication

Tags: HealthTech, Mental Health

Reunión Grupo Apoyo al Autocuidado Reino Unido
self production
April 19, 2023

See publication

Tags: HealthTech, Mental Health

8th European Patients' Rights Day, Brussels May 12th 2014
European Union
May 08, 2014

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Best practice 5th European Patients' Rights Day, Brussels May 15th 2012
European Union
May 08, 2014

See publication

Tags: Health and Wellness, HealthTech, Mental Health

Thinkers360 Credentials

4 Badges




1 IT Consulting
One hour calls

Location: Virtual    Fees: 150-350 US$ based on number of hour

Service Type: Service Offered

As a consultant subject matter expert with over 15 years of experience working with top firms such as GLG, Atheneum, and AlphaSights, I am excited to offer my services to clients on Thinkers360.

Through one hour calls, I can provide clients with valuable insights and recommendations in my areas of specialization. With my deep understanding of specific industries, markets, or functions, I can help clients solve complex business challenges or make strategic decisions.

To get started, clients can view my profile on Thinkers360, where I highlight my expertise and experience. I also provide a brief description of my services and pricing model. Whether a client needs a one-time call or ongoing consulting, I am happy to work with them to achieve their business goals.

Overall, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others and helping clients succeed. By leveraging my expertise as a consultant subject matter expert, I can provide valuable insights and advice that can make a real difference for businesses and organizations

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Dr-Manuel Serrano-Gil MD, PhD, MPH

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